安妮日记英文版 - SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1944
  SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1944Dearest Kitty,Mr. Broks was in Beverwijk and managed to get hold of strawberries at the produce auction. They arrived here dusty and full of sand, but in large quantities. No less than twenty-four crates for the office and us. That very same evening we canned the first six jars and made eight jars of jam. The next morning Miep started making jam for the office.At twelve-thirty the outside door was locked, crates were lugged into the kitchen, with Peter, Father and Mr. van Daan stumbling up the stairs. Anne got hot water from the water heater, Margot"",went for a bucket, all hands on deck! With a funny feeling in my stomach, I entered the overcrowded office kitchen. Miep, Bep, Mr. Kleiman, Jan, Father, Peter: the Annex contingent and the Supply Corps all mixed up together, and that in the middle of the day! Curtains and windows open, loud voices, banging doors -- I was trembling with excitement. I kept thinking, "Are we really in hiding?" This must be how it feels when you can finally go out into the world again. The pan was full, so I dashed upstairs, where the rest of the family was hulling strawberries around the kitchen table. At least that's what they were supposed to be doing, but more was going into their mouths than into the buckets. They were bound to need another bucket soon. Peter went back downstairs, but then the doorbell rang twice. Leaving the bucket where it was, Peter raced upstairs and shut the bookcase behind him. We sat kicking our heels impatiently; the strawberries were waiting to be rinsed, but we stuck to the house rule: "No running water when strangers are downstairs -- they might hear the drains."Jan came up at one to tell us it had been the mail- man. Peter hurried downstairs again. Ding-dong. . . the doorbell, about-face. I listened to hear if anyone was coming, standing first at the bookcase, then at the top of the stairs. Finally Peter and I leaned over the banister, straining our ears like a couple of burglars to hear the sounds from downstairs. No unfamthar voices. Peter tip- toed halfway down the stairs and called out, "Bep!"Once more: "Bep!" His voice was drowned out by the racket in the kitchen. So he ran down to the kitchen while I nervously kept watch from above. "Go upstairs at once, Peter, the accountant's here, you've got to leave!" It was Mr. Kugler's voice. Sighing, Peter came upstairs and closed the bookcase.Mr. Kugler finally came up at one-thirty. "My gosh, the whole world's turned to strawberries. I had strawber- ries for breakfast, Jan's having diem for lunch, Kleiman's eating them as a snack, Miep's bothng them, Bep's hulling them, and I can smell them everywhere I go. I come upstairs to get away from all that red and what do I see? People washing strawberries!"The rest of the strawberries were canned. That evening: two jars came unsealed. Father quickly turned them into jam. The next morning: two more lids popped up; and that afternoon: four lids. Mr. van Daan hadn't gotten the jars hot enough when he was sterthzing them, so Father ended up making jam every evening. We ate hot cereal with strawberries, buttermilk with strawberries, bread with strawberries, strawberries for dessert, straw- berries with sugar, strawberries with sand. For two days there was nothing but strawberries, strawberries, strawberries, and then our supply was either exhausted or in jars, safely under lock and key."Hey, Anne," Margot called out one day, "Mrs. van Hoeven has let us have some peas, twenty pounds!""That's nice of her," I replied. And it certainly was, but it's so much work. . . ugh!"On Saturday, you've aJI got to shell peas," Mother announced at the table.And sure enough, this morning after breakfast our biggest enamel pan appeared on the table, filled to the brim with peas. If you think shelling peas is boring work, you ought to try removing the inner linings. I don't think many people realize that once you've pulled out the linings, the pods are soft, delicious and rich in vitamins. But an even greater advantage is that you get nearly three times as much as when you eat just the peas.Stripping pods is a precise and meticulous job that might be suited to pedantic dentists or finicky spice experts, but it's a horror for an impatient teenager like me. We started work at nine-thirty; I sat down at ten-thirty, got Up again at eleven, sat down again at eleven-thirty. My ears were humming with the following refrain: snap the end, strip the pod, pull the string, pod in the pan, snap the end, strip the pod, pull the string, pod in the pan, etc., etc. My eyes were swimming: green, green, worm, string, rotten pod, green, green. To fight the boredom and have something to do, I chattered all morn- ing, saying whatever came into my head and making everyone laugh. The monotony was killing me. Every string I pulled made me more certain that I never, ever, want to be just a housewife!At twelve we finally ate breakfast, but from twelve-thirty to one-fifteen we had to strip pods again. When I stopped, I felt a bit seasick, and so did the others. I napped until four, still in a daze because of those wretched peas.Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:与圣迪奥家族的那场决战过了一年之后,就在棕榈主日①那一天,唐-多米尼科-克莱里库齐奥为自家的两个婴儿举行洗礼仪式,并做出了他一生中最重要的一项决定。他邀请了美国最显赫的家族头目,还有拉斯维加斯华厦大酒店的业主艾尔弗雷德-格罗内韦尔特,以及在美国开创了庞大的毒品企业的戴维-雷德费洛。这些人在一定程度上都是他的合伙人。①棕榈主日:指复活节前的礼拜日。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:因为坊间出现了好几种《查太莱夫人的情人》的偷印版,所以我现在决意在法国印行这种六十法郎的廉价的大众版,我希望这一来定可满足欧洲大陆读者的要求了。但是,偷印家们——至少在美国——是猖厥的。真版的第一版书从佛罗伦斯寄到美国不到一月,在纽约业已有第一版的偷印版出卖了。这种偷印版与原版第一版,拿来卖给不存疑心的读者。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:正文第一幕火车站一阵报时钟声后,幕徐徐升起。接着就看到“居仑”两字。显然,这是北京处隐约可见的小城的名称,一片破烂、败落的景象。车站大楼同样破败不堪,墙上标出有的州通车,有的州不通;还贴着一张破烂不堪的列车时刻表,车站还包括一间发黑的信号室,一扇门上写着:禁止入内。在北京中间是一条通往车站的马路,样子可怜得很,它也只是用笔勾勒出来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:考琳·麦卡洛,生于澳大利亚新南威尔士州的惠灵顿。她曾从事过多种工作——旅游业、图书馆、教书;后来终于成了一名神经病理学家,曾就学于美国耶鲁大学。她的第一部小说是《蒂姆》,而《荆棘鸟》则构思了四年,作了大量的调查工作,方始动笔。此书一发表,作者便一举成名。作者是位多才多艺的人,喜欢摄影、音乐、绘画、服装裁剪等。她现定居于美国。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:导读这就是东野圭吾的本事东野圭吾小说普及性之所以这么高,几乎等于畅销书保证,一个不能不提的因素,即他的作品并非只有谜团,只是卖弄诡计;一个更重要的元素,即他过人的说故事能力,以及很有温度的文字书写;身为作家,强项一堆,难怪东野的创作总是多元又量产。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:记不得哪位哲人曾经这样说过:对艺术而言,人类的两种基本欲望只需极小的代价便可以挑动起来,那就是恐惧与性欲。对后者,非本文所涉及的话题,姑且略去。但是把恐惧带进我们的生活,却真的不难。最简单的方法:你可以躲在暗处,出奇不意地向某个路过此地的人大吼一声,你的目的就能达到。当然,前提是他不知道你要玩这个游戏。换句话说,就是对他要保证两个字——悬念。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:郑克鲁莫里斯·梅特林克(MauriceMaeterlinck,1862—1949),比利时象征派戏剧家。出生于公证人家庭,早年学习法律,毕业后随即到巴黎小住,结识了一些崇尚象征派诗歌的朋友,从此决定了他的文学生涯和创作倾向。他的第一部作品《温室》(1889)是象征派诗歌集。同年发表的剧本《玛莱娜公主》得到了法国评论界的重视,这个剧本第一次把象征主义手法运用到戏剧创作中。 [点击阅读]
1Q84 BOOK2
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摘要:&nbs;《1Q84BOOK2(7月-9月)》写一对十岁时相遇后便各奔东西的三十岁男女,相互寻觅对方的故事,并将这个简单故事变成复杂的长篇。我想将这个时代所有世态立体地写出,成为我独有的“综合小说”。超越纯文学这一类型,采取多种尝试。在当今时代的空气中嵌入人类的生命。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:外面一片漆黑,我恍恍忽忽地不知自己昏迷了多长时间。慢慢地我听到一阵微弱而富有节奏的声音,这是只有轮子才能发出的嘎吱嘎吱声。丧失意识的人在黑暗中是听不到这么细微的声响的。因此我判断自己已经恢复了知觉,而且我从头到脚都能感受到外界的存在。我还闻到了一种气味——不是橡胶就是塑料薄膜。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:同学们在学校里议论日俄战争的时候,松枝清显询问他的最要好的朋友本多繁邦是否还记得当年的事情。繁邦也是往事依稀,只是模模糊糊还记得被人带到门外看过庆祝胜利的提灯游行。战争结束那一年,他们都已经十一岁,清显觉得理应有更加鲜明的记忆。同学们津津乐道当年的情景,大抵都是从大人那里听来的,再添加一些自己隐约含糊的记忆罢了。松枝家族中,清显的两个叔叔就是在那场战争中阵亡的。祖母因此至今还享受遗属抚恤金。 [点击阅读]