五十度灰英文版 - Part II 2
  “I’ve missed you . . . really missed you, Christian. The
  past few days have been . . . difficult.” I swallow, and a
  lump in my throat swells as I recall my desperate anguish
  since I left him.
  This last week has been the worst in my life, the pain
  almost indescribable. Nothing has come close. But reality
  hits home, winding me.
  hits home, winding me.
  “Nothing’s changed. I can’t be what you want me to
  be.” I squeeze the words out past the lump in my throat.
  “You are what I want you to be,” he says, his soft
  voice emphatic.
  “No, Christian, I’m not.”
  “You’re upset because of what happened last time. I
  behaved stupidly, and you . . . So did you. Why didn’t you
  safe word, Anastasia?” His tone changes, becoming
  What? Whoa—change of direction. I flush, blinking
  at him.
  “Answer me.”
  “I don’t know. I was overwhelmed. I was trying to be
  what you wanted me to be, trying to deal with the pain,
  and it went out of my mind. You know . . . I forgot,” I
  whisper ashamed, and I shrug apologetically.
  Jeez, perhaps we could have avoided all this
  “You forgot!” he gasps with horror, grabbing the sides
  of the table and glaring at me. I wither under his stare.
  Shit! He’s furious again. My inner goddess glares at
  me, too. See, you brought all this on yourself!
  “How can I trust you?” he says, his voice low. “Ever?”
  The waiter arrives with our wine as we sit staring at
  each other, blue eyes to gray. Both of us filled with
  unspoken recriminations, while the waiter removes the
  cork with an unnecessary flourish and pours a little wine
  into Christian’s glass. Automatically Christian reaches out
  and takes a sip.
  and takes a sip.
  “That’s fine.” His voice is curt.
  Gingerly the waiter fills our glasses, placing the bottle
  on the table before beating a hasty retreat. Christian has
  not taken his eyes off me the whole time. I am the first to
  crack, breaking eye contact, picking up my glass and
  taking a large gulp. I barely taste it.
  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, suddenly feeling stupid. I left
  because I thought we were incompatible, but he’s saying I
  could have stopped him?
  “Sorry for what?” he says alarmed.
  “Not using the safe word.”
  He closes his eyes, as if in relief.
  “We might have avoided all this suffering,” he mutters.
  “You look fine.” More than fine. You look like you.
  “Appearances can be deceptive,” he says quietly. “I’m
  anything but fine. I feel like the sun has set and not risen for
  five days, Ana. I’m in perpetual night here.”
  I’m winded by his admission. Oh my, like me.
  “You said you’d never leave, yet the going gets tough
  and you’re out the door.”
  “When did I say I’d never leave?”
  “In your sleep. It was the most comforting thing I’d
  heard in so long, Anastasia. It made me relax.”
  My heart constricts and I reach for my wine.
  “You said you loved me,” he whispers. “Is that now in
  the past tense?” His voice is low, laced with anxiety.
  “No, Christian, it’s not.”
  He gazes at me, and he looks so vulnerable as he
  exhales. “Good,” he murmurs.
  exhales. “Good,” he murmurs.
  I’m shocked by his admission. He’s had a change of
  heart. When I told him I loved him before, he was
  horrified. The waiter is back. Briskly he places our plates
  in front of us and scuttles away.
  Holy hell. Food.
  “Eat,” Christian commands.
  Deep down I know I’m hungry, but right now, my
  stomach is in knots. Sitting across from the only man I
  have ever loved and debating our uncertain future does not
  promote a healthy appetite. I look dubiously at my food.
  “So help me God, Anastasia, if you don’t eat, I will
  take you across my knee here in this restaurant, and it will
  have nothing to do with my sexual gratification. Eat!”
  Jeez, keep your hair on, Grey. My subconscious
  stares at me over her half-moon specs. She is
  wholeheartedly in agreement with Fifty Shades.
  “Okay, I’ll eat. Stow your twitching palm, please.”
  He doesn’t smile but continues to glare at me.
  Reluctantly I lift my knife and fork and slice into my steak.
  Oh, it’s mouthwateringly good. I am hungry, really hungry.
  I chew and he visibly relaxes.
  We eat our supper in silence. The music’s changed. A
  soft-voiced woman sings in the background, her words
  echoing my thoughts.
  I glance at Fifty. He’s eating and watching me. Hunger,
  longing, anxiety combined in one hot look.
  “Do you know who’s singing?” I try for some normal
  Christian pauses and listens. “No . . . but she’s good,
  Christian pauses and listens. “No . . . but she’s good,
  whoever she is.”
  “I like her, too.”
  Finally he smiles his private enigmatic smile. What’s he
  “What?” I ask.
  He shakes his head. “Eat up,” he says mildly.
  I have eaten half the food on my plate. I cannot eat any
  more. How can I negotiate this?
  “I can’t manage any more. Have I eaten enough for
  He stares at me impassively, not answering, then
  glances at his watch.
  “I am really full,” I add, taking a sip of the delicious
  “We have to go shortly. Taylor’s here, and you have to
  be up for work in the morning.”
  “So do you.”
  “I function on a lot less sleep than you do, Anastasia.
  At least you’ve eaten something.”
  “Aren’t we going back via Charlie Tango?”
  “No, I thought I might have a drink. Taylor will collect
  us. Besides, this way I have you in the car all to myself for
  a few hours, at least. What can we do but talk?”
  Oh, that’s his plan.
  Christian summons the waiter to ask for the check,
  then picks up his Blackberry and makes a call.
  “We’re at Le Picotin, South West Third Avenue.” He
  hangs up.
  Jeez, he’s curt over the phone.
  Jeez, he’s curt over the phone.
  “You’re very brusque with Taylor, in fact, with most
  “I just get to the point quickly, Anastasia.”
  “You haven’t gotten to the point this evening.
  Nothing’s changed, Christian.”
  “I have a proposition for you.”
  “This started with a proposition.”
  “A different proposition.”
  The waiter returns, and Christian hands over his credit
  card without checking the bill. He gazes at me
  speculatively while the waiter swipes his card. Christian’s
  phone buzzes once, and he peers at it.
  He has a proposition? What now? A couple of
  scenarios run through my mind: kidnap, working for him.
  No, nothing makes sense. Christian finishes paying.
  “Come. Taylor’s outside.”
  We stand and he takes my hand.
  “I don’t want to lose you, Anastasia.” He kisses my
  knuckles tenderly, and the touch of his lips on my skin
  resonates throughout my body.
  Outside the Audi is waiting. Christian opens my door.
  Climbing in, I sink into the plush leather. He heads to the
  driver’s side, Taylor steps out of the car and they talk
  briefly. This isn’t their usual protocol. I’m curious. What
  are they talking about? Moments later, they both climb in,
  and I glance at Christian who’s wearing his impassive face
  as he stares ahead.
  I allow myself a brief moment to examine his godlike
  profile: straight nose, sculptured full lips, hair falling
  deliciously over his forehead. This divine man is surely not
  meant for me.
  Soft music suddenly fills the rear of the car, an
  orchestral piece that I don’t know, and Taylor pulls into
  the light traffic, heading for the I-5 and Seattle.
  Christian shifts to face me. “As I was saying,
  Anastasia, I have a proposition for you.”
  I glance nervously at Taylor.
  “Taylor can’t hear you,” Christian reassures me.
  “Taylor,” Christian calls. Taylor doesn’t respond. He
  calls again, still no response. Christian leans over and taps
  his shoulder. Taylor removes an ear bud I hadn’t noticed.
  “Yes, sir?”
  “Thank you, Taylor. It’s okay; resume your listening.”
  “Happy now? He’s listening to his iPod. Puccini.
  Forget he’s here. I do.”
  “Did you deliberately ask him to do that?”
  Oh. “Okay, your proposition?”
  Christian looks suddenly determined and businesslike.
  Holy shit. We’re negotiating a deal. I listen attentively.
  “Let me ask you something first. Do you want a regular
  vanilla relationship with no kinky fuckery at all?”
  My mouth drops open. “Kinky fuckery?” I squeak.
  “Kinky fuckery.”
  “I can’t believe you said that.” I glance nervously at
  “Well, I did. Answer me,” he says calmly.
  I flush. My inner goddess is down on bended knee
  with her hands clasped in supplication begging me.
  “I like your kinky fuckery,” I whisper.
  “That’s what I thought. So what don’t you like?”
  Not being able to touch you. You enjoying my pain,
  the bite of the belt . . .
  “The threat of cruel and unusual punishment.”
  “What does that mean?”
  “Well, you have all those canes and whips and stuff in
  your playroom, and they frighten the living daylights out of
  me. I don’t want you to use them on me.”
  “Okay, so no whips or canes—or belts, for that
  matter,” he says sardonically.
  I gaze at him puzzled. “Are you attempting to redefine
  the hard limits?”
  “Not as such, I’m just trying to understand you, get a
  clearer picture of what you do and don’t like.”
  “Fundamentally, Christian, it’s your joy in inflicting pain
  on me that’s difficult for me to handle. And the idea that
  you’ll do it because I have crossed some arbitrary line.”
  “But it’s not arbitrary; the rules are written down.”
  “I don’t want a set of rules.”
  “None at all?”
  “No rules.” I shake my head, but my heart is in my
  mouth. Where is he going with this?
  “But you don’t mind if I spank you?”
  “Spank me with what?”
  “This.” He holds up his hand.
  I squirm uncomfortably. “No, not really. Especially
  with those silver balls . . .” Thank heavens it’s dark, my
  face is flaming and my voice trails off as I recall that night.
  Yeah . . . I’d do that again.
  He smirks at me. “Yes, that was fun.”
  “More than fun,” I mutter.
  “So you can deal with some pain.”
  I shrug. “Yes, I suppose.” Oh, where is he going with
  this? My anxiety level has shot up several magnitudes on
  the Richter scale.
  He strokes his chin, deep in thought. “Anastasia, I
  want to start again. Do the vanilla thing and then maybe,
  once you trust me more and I trust you to be honest and to
  communicate with me, we could move on and do some of
  the things that I like to do.”
  I stare at him, stunned, with no thoughts in my head at
  all—like a computer crash. He gazes at me anxiously, but I

  can’t see him clearly, as we’re shrouded in the Oregon
  darkness. It occurs to me, finally, this is it.
  He wants the light, but can I ask him to do this for me?
  And don’t I like the dark? Some dark, sometimes.
  Memories of the Thomas Tallis night drift invitingly through
  my mind.
  “But what about punishments?”
  “No punishments.” He shakes his head. “None.”
  “And the rules?”
  “No rules.”
  “None at all? But you have needs.”
  “None at all? But you have needs.”
  “I need you more, Anastasia. These last few days have
  been purgatory. All my instincts tell me to let you go, tell
  me I don’t deserve you.
  “Those photos the boy took . . . I can see how he sees
  you. You look so untroubled and beautiful, not that you’re
  not beautiful now, but here you sit. I see your pain. It’s
  hard knowing that I’m the one who has made you feel this
  “But I’m a selfish man. I’ve wanted you since you fell
  into my office. You are exquisite, honest, warm, strong,
  witty, beguilingly innocent; the list is endless. I am in awe
  of you. I want you, and the thought of anyone else having
  you is like a knife twisting in my dark soul.”
  My mouth goes dry. Holy shit. My subconscious nods
  with satisfaction. If that isn’t a declaration of love, I don’t
  know what is. And the words tumble out of me—a dam
  “Christian, why do you think you have a dark soul? I
  would never say that. Sad maybe, but you’re a good man.
  I can see that . . . you’re generous, you’re kind, and
  you’ve never lied to me. And I haven’t tried very hard.
  “Last Saturday was such a shock to my system. It was
  my wake-up call. I realized that you’d been easy on me
  and that I couldn’t be the person you wanted me to be.
  Then, after I left, it dawned on me that the physical pain
  you inflicted was not as bad as the pain of losing you. I do
  want to please you, but it’s hard.”
  “You please me all the time,” he whispers. “How often
  do I have to tell you that?”
  do I have to tell you that?”
  “I never know what you’re thinking. Sometimes you’re
  so closed off . . . like an island state. You intimidate me.
  That’s why I keep quiet. I don’t know which way your
  mood is going to go. It swings from north to south and
  back again in a nanosecond. It’s confusing and you won’t
  let me touch you, and I want to so much to show you how
  much I love you.”
  He blinks at me in the darkness, warily I think, and I
  can resist him no longer. I unbuckle my seatbelt and
  scramble into his lap, taking him by surprise, and take his
  head in my hands.
  “I love you, Christian Grey. And you’re prepared to
  do all this for me. I’m the one who is undeserving, and I’m
  just sorry that I can’t do all those things for you. Maybe
  with time . . . I don’t know . . . but yes, I accept your
  proposition. Where do I sign?”
  He snakes his arms around me and crushes me to him.
  “Oh, Ana,” he breathes as he buries his nose in my
  We sit, our arms wrapped around each other, listening
  to the music—a soothing piano piece—mirroring the
  emotions in the car, the sweet tranquil calm after the storm.
  I snuggle into his arms, resting my head in the crook of his
  neck. He gently strokes my back.
  “Touching is a hard limit for me, Anastasia,” he
  “I know. I wish I understood why.”
  After a while, he sighs, and in a soft voice he says, “I
  had a horrific childhood. One of the crack whore’s
  had a horrific childhood. One of the crack whore’s
  pimps . . .” His voice trails off, and his body tenses as he
  recalls some unimaginable horror. “I can remember that,”
  he whispers, shuddering.
  Abruptly, my heart constricts as I remember the burn
  scars marring his skin. Oh, Christian. I tighten my arms
  around his neck.
  “Was she abusive? Your mother?” My voice is low
  and soft with unshed tears.
  “Not that I remember. She was neglectful. She didn’t
  protect me from her pimp.”
  He snorts. “I think it was me who looked after her.
  When she finally killed herself, it took four days for
  someone to raise the alarm and find us . . . I remember
  I cannot contain my gasp of horror. Holy mother fuck.
  Bile rises in my throat.
  “That’s pretty fucked-up,” I whisper.
  “Fifty shades,” he murmurs.
  I turn my head and press my lips against his neck,
  seeking and offering solace as I imagine a small, dirty,
  gray-eyed boy lost and lonely beside the body of his dead
  Oh, Christian. I breathe in his scent. He smells
  heavenly, my favorite fragrance in the entire world. He
  tightens his arms around me and kisses my hair, and I sit
  wrapped in his embrace as Taylor speeds into the night.
  When I wake, we’re driving through Seattle.
  When I wake, we’re driving through Seattle.
  “Hey,” Christian says softly.
  “Sorry,” I murmur as I sit up, blinking and stretching. I
  am still in his arms, on his lap.
  “I could watch you sleep forever, Ana.”
  “Did I say anything?”
  “No. We’re nearly at your place.”
  Oh? “We’re not going to yours?”
  I sit up and gaze at him. “Why not?”
  “Because you have work tomorrow.”
  “Oh.” I pout.
  He smirks at me. “Why, did you have something in
  I flush. “Well, maybe.”
  He chuckles. “Anastasia, I am not going to touch you
  again, not until you beg me to.”
  “So that you’ll start communicating with me. Next time
  we make love, you’re going to have to tell me exactly what
  you want in fine detail.”
  “Oh.” He shifts me off his lap as Taylor pulls up
  outside my apartment. Christian climbs out and holds the
  car door open for me.
  “I have something for you.” He moves to the back of
  the car, opens the trunk, and pulls out a large gift-wrapped
  box. What the hell is this?
  “Open it when you get inside.”
  “You’re not coming in?”
  “No, Anastasia.”
  “No, Anastasia.”
  “So when will I see you?”
  “My boss wants me to go for a drink with him
  Christian’s face hardens. “Does he, now?” His voice is
  laced with latent menace.
  “To celebrate my first week,” I add quickly.
  “I don’t know.”
  “I could pick you up from there.”
  “Okay . . . I’ll e-mail or text you.”
  He walks me to the lobby door and waits while I dig
  my keys out of my purse. As I unlock the door, he leans
  forward and cups my chin, tilting my head back. His mouth
  hovers over mine, and closing his eyes, he runs a trail of
  kisses from the corner of my eye to the corner of my
  A small moan escapes my mouth as my insides melt
  and unfurl.
  “Until tomorrow,” he breathes.
  “Goodnight, Christian,” I whisper, and I hear the need
  in my voice.
  He smiles.
  “In you go,” he orders, and I walk through the lobby
  carrying my mysterious parcel.
  “Laters, baby,” he calls, then turns and with his easy
  grace, heads back to the car.
  Once in the apartment, I open the gift box and find my
  MacBook Pro laptop, the Blackberry, and another
  rectangular box. What is this? I unwrap the silver paper.
  Inside is a black, slim, leather case.
  Opening the case, I find an iPad. Holy shit . . . an
  iPad. A white card is resting on the screen with a message
  written in Christian’s handwriting:
  Holy cow. I have a Christian Grey mix-tape in the
  guise of a high-end iPad. I shake my head in disapproval
  because of the expense, but deep down I love it. Jack at
  the office has one, so I know how they work.
  I switch it on and gasp as the wallpaper image appears:
  a small model glider. Oh my. It’s the Blanik L23 I gave
  him, mounted on a glass stand and sitting on what I think is
  Christian’s desk at his office. I gape at it.
  He built it! He really did build it. I remember now he
  mentioned it in the note with the flowers. I’m reeling, and I
  know in that instant that he’s put a great deal of thought
  into this gift.
  I slide the arrow at the bottom of the screen to unlock
  I slide the arrow at the bottom of the screen to unlock
  it and gasp again. The background photograph is of
  Christian and me at my graduation in the marquee. It’s the
  one that appeared in the Seattle Times. Christian looks so
  handsome and I can’t help my face-splitting grin, as my
  inner goddess curls up hugging herself on her chaise longue
  —Yes, and he’s mine!
  With a swipe of my finger, the icons shift, and several
  new ones appear on the next screen. A Kindle app,
  iBooks, Words—whatever that is.
  Holy shit! The British Library? I touch the icon and a
  menu appears: HISTORICAL COLLECTION. Scrolling down,
  Another menu. I tap on a title: THE AMERICAN BY HENRY
  JAMES. A new window opens, offering me a scanned
  copy of the book to read. Holy crap—it’s an early edition,
  published in 1879, and it’s on my iPad! He’s bought me
  the British Library at a touch of a button.
  I exit quickly, knowing that I could be lost in this app
  for an eternity. I notice a “good food” app that makes me
  roll my eyes and smile at the same time, a news app, a
  weather app, but his note mentioned music. I go back to
  the main screen, hit the iPod icon and a playlist appears. I
  scroll through the songs, and the list makes me smile.
  Thomas Tallis—I’m not going to forget that in a hurry. I
  heard it twice, after all, while he flogged and fucked me.
  “Witchcraft.” My grin gets wider—dancing round the
  great room. The Bach Marcello piece—oh no, that’s way
  too sad for my mood right now. Hmm. Jeff Buckley
  —yeah, I’ve heard of him. Snow Patrol—my favorite
  —yeah, I’ve heard of him. Snow Patrol—my favorite
  band—and a song called “Principles of Lust” by Enigma.
  How Christian. I smirk. Another called “Possession” . . .
  oh yes, very Fifty Shades. And a few more I have never
  Selecting a song that catches my eye, I press play. It’s
  called “Try” by Nellie Furtado. She starts to sing, and her
  voice is a silken scarf wrapping around me, enveloping me.
  I lie down on my bed.
  Does this mean Christian’s going to try? Try this new
  relationship? I drink in the lyrics, staring at the ceiling,
  trying to understand his turnaround. He missed me. I
  missed him. He must have some feelings for me. He must.
  This iPad, these songs, these apps—he cares. He really
  cares. My heart swells with hope.
  The song ends and tears spring to my eyes. I quickly
  scroll to another—“The Scientist” by Coldplay—one of
  Kate’s favorite bands. I know the track, but I’ve never
  really listened to the lyrics before. I close my eyes and let
  the words wash over and through me.
  My tears start to flow. I can’t stem them. If this isn’t an
  apology, what is it? Oh, Christian.

  Or is this an invitation? Will he answer my questions?
  Am I reading too much into this? I am probably
  reading too much into this. My subconscious nods at
  me, trying to hide her pity.
  I dash my tears away. I have to e-mail him to thank
  him. I leap off my bed to fetch the mean machine.
  Coldplay continues as I sit cross-legged on my bed.
  The Mac powers up and I log in.
  The Mac powers up and I log in.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: IPAD
  Date: June 9, 2011 23:56
  To: Christian Grey
  You’ve made me cry again.
  I love the iPad.
  I love the songs.
  I love the British Library App.
  I love you.
  Thank you.
  Ana xx
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: iPad
  Date: June 10, 2011 00:03
  To: Anastasia Steele
  I’m glad you like it. I bought one for myself.
  Now, if I were there, I would kiss away your tears.
  But I’m not—so go to sleep.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  His response makes me smile, still so bossy, still so
  Christian. Will that change, too? And I realize in that
  moment that I hope not. I like him like this—commanding
  —as long as I can stand up to him without fear of
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Mr. Grumpy
  Date: June 10, 2011 00:07
  To: Christian Grey
  You sound your usual bossy and possibly tense, possibly
  grumpy self, Mr. Grey.
  I know something that could ease that. But then, you’re not here
  —you wouldn’t let me stay, and you expect me to beg . . .
  Dream on, Sir.
  Ana xx
  PS: I also note that you included the Stalker’s Anthem, “Every
  Breath You Take.” I do enjoy your sense of humor, but does Dr.
  Flynn know?
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Zen-Like Calm
  Date: June 10, 2011 00.10
  To: Anastasia Steele
  My Dearest Miss Steele
  Spanking occurs in vanilla relationships, too, you know. Usually
  consensually and in a sexual context . . . but I am more than happy
  to make an exception.
  You’ll be relieved to know that Dr. Flynn also enjoys my sense of
  Now, please go to sleep as you won’t get much tomorrow.
  Incidentally—you will beg, trust me. And I look forward to it.
  Christian Grey
  Tense CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Goodnight, Sweet Dreams
  Date: June 10, 2011 00:12
  To: Christian Grey
  Well, since you ask so nicely, and I like your delicious threat, I
  shall curl up with the iPad that you have so kindly given me and
  fall asleep browsing in the British Library, listening to the music
  fall asleep browsing in the British Library, listening to the music
  that says it for you.
  A xxx
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: One more request
  Date: June 10, 2011 00:15
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Dream of me.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  Dream of you, Christian Grey? Always.
  I change quickly into my pajamas, brush my teeth, and
  slip into bed. Putting my ear buds in, I pull the flattened
  Charlie Tango balloon from underneath my pillow and hug
  it to me.
  I am brimming with joy, a stupid, widemouthed grin on
  my face. What a difference a day can make. How am I
  ever going to sleep?
  José Gonzalez starts to sing a soothing melody with a
  hypnotic guitar riff, and I drift slowly into sleep, marveling
  how the world has righted itself in one evening and
  wondering idly if I should make a playlist for Christian.
  wondering idly if I should make a playlist for Christian.
  The one good thing about being car-less is that on the bus
  on my way to work, I can plug my headphones into my
  iPad while it’s safely in my purse and listen to all the
  wonderful tunes Christian has given me. By the time I
  arrive at the office, I have the most ludicrous grin on my
  Jack glances up at me and does a double take.
  “Good morning, Ana. You look . . . radiant.” His
  remark flusters me. How inappropriate!
  “I slept well, thank you, Jack. Good morning.”
  His brow crinkles.
  “Can you read these for me and have reports on them
  by lunchtime, please?” He hands me four manuscripts. At
  my horrified expression, he adds, “Just first chapters.”
  “Sure,” I smile with relief, and he gives me a broad
  smile in return.
  I switch on the computer to start work, finishing my
  latte and eating a banana. There’s an e-mail from
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: So Help Me . . .
  Date: June 10, 2011 08:05
  To: Anastasia Steele
  I do hope you’ve had breakfast.
  I missed you last night.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Old books . . .
  Date: June 10, 2011 08:33
  To: Christian Grey
  I am eating a banana as I type. I have not had breakfast for several
  days, so it is a step forward. I love the British Library App—I
  started rereading Robinson Crusoe . . . and of course, I love you.
  Now leave me alone—I am trying to work.
  Anastasia Steele
  Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Is that all you’ve eaten?
  Date: June 10, 2011 08:36
  To: Anastasia Steele
  You can do better than that. You’re going to need your energy for
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Pest
  Date: June 10, 2011 08:39
  To: Christian Grey
  Mr. Grey—I am trying to work for a living—and it’s you that will
  be begging.
  Anastasia Steele
  Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Bring it On!
  Subject: Bring it On!
  Date: June 10, 2011 08:36
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Why Miss Steele, I love a challenge . . .
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I sit grinning at the screen like an idiot. But I need to read
  these chapters for Jack and write reports on all of them.
  Placing the manuscripts on my desk, I begin.
  At lunchtime I head to the deli for a pastrami sandwich
  and listen to the playlist on my iPad. First up there’s Nitin
  Sawhney, some world music called “Homelands”—it’s
  good. Mr. Grey has an eclectic taste in music. I wander
  back, listening to a classical piece, Fantasia on a Theme
  of Thomas Tallis by Vaughn Williams. Oh, Fifty has a
  sense of humor, and I love him for it. Will this stupid grin
  ever leave my face?
  The afternoon drags. I decide, in an unguarded
  moment, to e-mail Christian.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Bored . . .
  Date: June 10, 2011 16:05
  To: Christian Grey
  To: Christian Grey
  Twiddling my thumbs.
  How are you?
  What are you doing?
  Anastasia Steele
  Assistant to Jack Hyde, Commissioning Editor, SIP
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Your thumbs
  Date: June 10, 2011 16:15
  To: Anastasia Steele
  You should have come to work for me.
  You wouldn’t be twiddling your thumbs.
  I am sure I could put them to better use.
  In fact I can think of a number of options . . .
  I am doing the usual humdrum mergers and acquisitions.
  It’s all very dry.
  Your e-mails at SIP are monitored.
  Christian Grey
  Distracted CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  Oh shit. I had no idea. How the hell does he know? I
  scowl at the screen and quickly check the e-mails we’ve
  scowl at the screen and quickly check the e-mails we’ve
  sent, deleting them as I do.
  Promptly at five thirty, Jack is at my desk. It is Dressdown
  Friday so he’s wearing jeans and a black shirt. He
  looks very casual.
  “Drink, Ana? We usually like to go for a quick one at
  the bar across the street.”
  “We?” I ask, hopeful.
  “Yeah, most of us go . . . you coming?”
  For some unknown reason, which I don’t want to
  examine too closely, relief floods through me.
  “I’d love to. What’s the bar called?”
  “You’re kidding.”
  He looks at me oddly. “No. Some significance for
  “No, sorry. I’ll join you over there.”
  “What would you like to drink?”
  “A beer please.”
  I make my way to the powder room and e-mail
  Christian from the Blackberry.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: You’ll Fit Right In
  Date: June 10, 2011 17:36
  To: Christian Grey
  We are going to a bar called Fifty’s.
  The rich seam of humor that I could mine from this is endless.
  I look forward to seeing you there, Mr. Grey.
  A x
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Hazards
  Date: June 10, 2011 17:38
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Mining is a very, very dangerous occupation.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  From: Anastasia Steele
  Subject: Hazards?
  Date: June 10, 2011 17:40
  To: Christian Grey
  And your point is?
  From: Christian Grey
  Subject: Merely . . .
  Date: June 10, 2011 17:42
  To: Anastasia Steele
  Making an observation, Miss Steele.
  I’ll see you shortly.
  Sooners rather than laters, baby.
  Christian Grey
  CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
  I check myself in the mirror. What a difference a day can
  make. I have more color in my cheeks, and my eyes are
  shining. It’s the Christian Grey effect. A little e-mail
  sparring with him will do that to a girl. I grin at the mirror
  and straighten my pale blue shirt—the one Taylor bought
  me. I am wearing my favorite jeans today, too. Most of
  the women in the office wear either jeans or floaty skirts. I
  will need to invest in a floaty skirt or two. Perhaps I’ll do
  that this weekend and bank the check Christian gave me
  for Wanda, my Beetle.
  As I head out of the building, I hear my name called.
  “Miss Steele?”
  I turn expectantly, and an ashen young woman
  approaches me cautiously. She looks like a ghost—so
  pale and strangely blank.
  “Miss Anastasia Steele?” she repeats, and her features
  “Miss Anastasia Steele?” she repeats, and her features
  stay static even though she’s speaking.
  She stops, staring at me from about three feet away on
  the sidewalk, and I stare back, immobilized. Who is she?
  What does she want?
  “Can I help you?” I ask. How does she know my
  “No . . . I just wanted to look at you.” Her voice is
  eerily soft. Like me, she has dark hair that starkly contrasts
  with her fair skin. Her eyes are brown, like bourbon, but
  flat. There’s no life in them at all. Her beautiful face is pale,
  and etched with sorrow.
  “Sorry—you have me at a disadvantage,” I say
  politely, trying to ignore the warning tingle up my spine. On
  closer inspection, she looks odd, disheveled and uncared
  for. Her clothes are two sizes too big, including her
  designer trench coat.
  She laughs, a strange, discordant sound that only feeds
  my anxiety.
  “What do you have that I don’t?” she asks sadly.
  My anxiety turns to fear. “I’m sorry—who are you?”
  “Me? I’m nobody.” She lifts her arm to drag her hand
  through her shoulder length hair, and as she does, the
  sleeve of her trench coat rides up, revealing a soiled
  bandage around her wrist.
  Holy fuck.
  “Good day, Miss Steele.” Turning, she walks up the
  street as I stand rooted to the spot. I watch as her slight
  frame disappears from view, lost amongst the workers
  frame disappears from view, lost amongst the workers
  pouring out of their various offices.

  What was that about?
  Confused, I cross the street to the bar, trying to
  assimilate what has just happened, while my subconscious
  rears her ugly head and hisses at me—She has something
  to do with Christian.
  Fifty’s is a cavernous, impersonal bar with baseball
  pennants and posters hanging on the wall. Jack is at the
  bar with Elizabeth, Courtney the other commissioning
  editor, two guys from finance, and Claire from reception.
  She is wearing her trademark silver hooped earrings.
  “Hi, Ana!” Jack hands me a bottle of Bud.
  “Cheers . . . thank you,” I murmur, still shaken by my
  encounter with Ghost Girl.
  “Cheers.” We clink bottles, and he continues his
  conversation with Elizabeth. Claire smiles sweetly at me.
  “So, how has your first week been?” she asks.
  “Good, thank you. Everyone seems very friendly.”
  “You seem much happier today.”
  I flush. “It’s Friday,” I mutter quickly. “So—have you
  any plans this weekend?”
  My patented distraction technique works and I’m saved.
  Claire turns out to be one of seven kids, and she’s going to
  a big family get-together in Tacoma. She becomes quite
  animated, and I realize I haven’t spoken to any women my
  own age since Kate left for Barbados.
  Absently I wonder how Kate is . . . and Elliot. I must
  Absently I wonder how Kate is . . . and Elliot. I must
  remember to ask Christian if he’s heard from him. Oh, and
  Ethan her brother will be back next Tuesday, and he’ll be
  staying in our apartment. I can’t imagine Christian is going
  to be happy about that. My earlier encounter with strange
  Ghost Girl slips further from my mind.
  During my conversation with Claire, Elizabeth hands
  me another beer.
  “Thanks,” I smile at her.
  Claire is very easy to talk to—she likes to talk—and
  before I know it, I am on my third beer, courtesy of one of
  the guys from finance.
  When Elizabeth and Courtney leave, Jack joins Claire
  and me. Where is Christian? One of the finance guys
  engages Claire in conversation.
  “Ana, think you made the right decision coming here?”
  Jack’s voice is soft, and he’s standing a bit too close. But
  I’ve noticed that he has a tendency to do this with
  everyone, even at the office. My subconscious narrows
  her eyes. You’re reading too much into this , she
  admonishes me.
  “I’ve enjoyed myself this week, thank you, Jack. Yes,
  I think I made the right decision.”
  “You’re a very bright girl, Ana. You’ll go far.”
  I blush. “Thank you,” I mutter, because I don’t know
  what else to say.
  “Do you live far?”
  “The Pike Market district.”
  “Not far from me.” Smiling, he moves even closer and
  leans against the bar, effectively trapping me. “Do you
  have any plans this weekend?”
  “Well . . . um—”
  I feel him before I see him. It’s as if my whole body is
  highly attuned to his presence. It relaxes and ignites at the
  same time—a weird, internal duality—and I sense that
  strange pulsing electricity.
  Christian drapes his arm around my shoulder in a
  seemingly casual display of affection—but I know
  differently. He is staking a claim, and on this occasion, it’s
  very welcome. Softly he kisses my hair.
  “Hello, baby,” he murmurs.
  I can’t help but feel relieved, safe, and excited with his
  arm around me. He draws me to his side, and I glance up
  at him while he stares at Jack, his expression impassive.
  Turning his attention to me, he gives me a brief crooked
  smile followed by a swift kiss. He’s wearing his navy
  pinstriped jacket over jeans and an open white shirt. He
  looks edible.
  Jack shuffles back uncomfortably.
  “Jack, this is Christian,” I mumble apologetically. Why
  am I apologizing? “Christian, Jack.”
  “I’m the boyfriend,” Christian says with a small, cool
  smile that doesn’t reach his eyes as he shakes Jack’s hand.
  I glance up at Jack who is mentally assessing the fine
  specimen of manhood in front of him.
  “I’m the boss,” Jack replies arrogantly. “Ana did
  mention an ex-boyfriend.”
  Oh, shit. You don’t want to play this game with
  “Well, no longer ex,” Christian replies calmly. “Come
  on, baby, time to go.”
  “Please, stay and join us for a drink,” Jack says
  I don’t think that’s a good idea. Why is this so
  uncomfortable? I glance at Claire, who is, of course
  staring, open-mouthed and with frankly carnal appreciation
  at Christian. When will I stop caring about the effect he
  has on other women?
  “We have plans,” Christian replies with his enigmatic
  We do? And a frisson of anticipation runs through my
  “Another time, perhaps,” he adds. “Come,” he says to
  me as he takes my hand.
  “See you Monday.” I smile at Jack, Claire, and the
  guys from finance, trying hard to ignore Jack’s less-thanpleased
  expression, and follow Christian out of the door.
  Taylor is at the wheel of the Audi waiting at the curb.
  “Why did that feel like a pissing contest?” I ask
  Christian as he opens the car door for me.
  “Because it was,” he murmurs and gives me his
  enigmatic smile then shuts my door.
  “Hello, Taylor,” I say and our eyes meet in the review
  “Miss Steele,” Taylor acknowledges with a genial
  Christian slides in beside me, clasps my hand, and
  gently kisses my knuckles. “Hi,” he says softly.
  My cheeks turn pink, knowing that Taylor can hear us,
  grateful that he can’t see the scorching, panty-combusting
  look that Christian is giving me. It takes all my self-restraint
  not to leap on him right here, in the back seat of the car.
  Oh, the back seat of the car . . . hmm. My inner
  goddess strokes her chin gently in quiet contemplation.
  “Hi,” I breathe, my mouth dry.
  “What would you like to do this evening?”
  “I thought you said we had plans.”
  “Oh, I know what I’d like to do, Anastasia. I’m asking
  you what you want to do.”
  I beam at him.
  “I see,” he says with a wickedly salacious grin. “So . . .
  begging it is, then. Do you want to beg at my place or
  yours?” He tilts his head to one side and smiles his oh-sosexy
  smile at me.
  “I think you’re being very presumptuous, Mr. Grey.
  But by way of a change, we could go to my apartment.” I
  bite my lip deliberately, and his expression darkens.
  “Taylor, Miss Steele’s, please.”
  “Sir,” Taylor acknowledges and he heads off into the
  “So how has your day been?” he asks.
  “Good. Yours?”
  “Good, thank you.”
  His ridiculously broad grin reflects mine, and he kisses
  my hand again.
  “You look lovely,” he says.
  “You look lovely,” he says.
  “As do you.”
  “Your boss, Jack Hyde, is he good at his job?”
  Whoa! That’s a sudden change in direction? I frown.
  “Why? This isn’t about your pissing contest?”
  Christian smirks. “That man wants into your panties,
  Anastasia,” he says dryly.
  I go crimson as my mouth drops open, and I glance
  nervously at Taylor. My subconscious inhales sharply,
  “Well, he can want all he likes . . . why are we even
  having this conversation? You know I have no interest in
  him whatsoever. He’s just my boss.”
  “That’s the point. He wants what’s mine. I need to
  know if he’s good at his job.”
  I shrug. “I think so.” Where is he going with this?
  “Well, he’d better leave you alone, or he’ll find himself
  on his ass on the sidewalk.”
  “Oh, Christian, what are you talking about? He hasn’t
  done anything wrong.” . . .Yet. He just stands too close.
  “He makes one move, you tell me. It’s called gross
  moral turpitude—or sexual harassment.”
  “It was just a drink after work.”
  “I mean it. One move and he’s out.”
  “You don’t have that kind of power.” Honestly! And
  before I roll my eyes at him, the realization hits me with the
  force of a speeding freight truck. “Do you, Christian?”
  Christian gives me his enigmatic smile.
  “You’re buying the company,” I whisper in horror.
  His smile slips in response to the panic in my voice.
  His smile slips in response to the panic in my voice.
  “Not exactly,” he says.
  “You’ve bought it. SIP. Already.”
  He blinks at me, warily. “Possibly.”
  “You have or you haven’t?”
  What the hell? “Why?” I gasp, appalled. Oh, this just
  is too much.
  “Because I can, Anastasia. I need you safe.”
  “But you said you wouldn’t interfere in my career!”
  “And I won’t.”
  I snatch my hand out of his. “Christian . . .” Words fail
  “Are you mad at me?”
  “Yes. Of course I’m mad at you.” I seethe. “I mean,
  what kind of responsible business executive makes
  decisions based on who they are currently fucking?” I
  blanch and glance nervously once more at Taylor who is
  stoically ignoring us.
  Shit. What a time to have a brain-to-mouth filter
  malfunction. Anastasia! My subconscious glares at me.
  Christian opens his mouth then closes it again and
  scowls at me. I glare at him. The atmosphere in the car
  plunges from warm with sweet reunion to frigid with
  unspoken words and potential recriminations as we glower
  at each other.
  Fortunately, our uncomfortable car journey doesn’t last
  long, and Taylor pulls up outside my apartment.
  I scramble out of the car quickly, not waiting for
  anyone to open the door.
  anyone to open the door.
  I hear Christian mutter to Taylor, “I think you’d better
  wait here.”
  I sense him standing close behind me as I struggle to
  find the front door keys in my purse.
  “Anastasia,” he says calmly as if I’m some cornered
  wild animal.
  I sigh and turn to face him. I am so mad at him, my
  anger is palpable—a dark entity threatening to choke me.
  “First, I haven’t fucked you for a while—a long while,
  it feels—and second, I wanted to get into publishing. Of
  the four companies in Seattle, SIP is the most profitable,
  but it’s on the cusp and it’s going to stagnate—it needs to
  branch out.”
  I stare frigidly at him. His eyes are so intense,
  threatening even, but sexy as hell. I could get lost in their
  steely depths.
  “So you’re my boss now,” I snap.
  “Technically, I’m your boss’s boss’s boss.”
  “And, technically, it’s gross moral turpitude—the fact
  that I am fucking my boss’s boss’s boss.”
  “At the moment, you’re arguing with him.” Christian
  “That’s because he’s such an arse,” I hiss.
  Christian steps back in stunned surprise. Oh shit. Have
  I gone too far?
  “An arse?” he murmurs as his expression changes to
  one of amusement.
  Goddamn it! I am mad at you, do not make me
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:每个俱乐部都有个烦人的家伙,“加冕俱乐部”也不例外。尽管外面正有敌机来袭击,俱乐部里的气氛却一如既往。曾经远渡重洋到过印度的波特少校扯扯手上的报纸,清清喉咙。大家都赶快躲开他的眼光,可是没有用。“《泰晤士报》上登了戈登-柯罗穗的讣闻,”他说,“当然说得很含蓄——‘十月五日死于空袭’。连地址都没写。老实说吧,那地方就在寒舍转角,坎普顿山丘上那些大宅子之一。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:赫尔克里-波洛从维拉饭店出来,迈步朝索霍区走去。他竖起大衣领护住他的脖子,他这样做,与其说是一种需要,不如说是处于谨慎,因为这时的夜晚并不太冷。“不过,在我这种年龄,一个人还是别冒什么风险的好。”波洛习惯这样说。他心情愉快,两眼睡意朦胧。维拉饭店的蜗牛实在是美味极了,真是一个好地方,这个地道的小餐馆,这次总算是找对了。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:1你无影无踪地向前奔涌,永恒的游思,哪里有你无形的冲击,哪里死水般的空间便会荡起粼粼的波光。是不是你的心儿神往着那在不可估量的寂寞里向你呼唤的爱人?你缠结的发辫散落,飘扬成暴风雨般的纷乱;你前行的路上火珠滚滚,犹如碎裂的项链落下串串火星,这是不是就因为你心情急迫,步履匆促?你疾行的步履把世界的尘土吻得甜美芬芳,把腐朽之物扫荡殆尽;你舞蹈的四肢是暴风雨的中心,把死亡的圣霖哗哗地摇落到生命之上, [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:莫泊桑是世界上数一数二的短篇小说大师,他在长篇小说创作上的成就往往因此而被湮没。其实,他在长篇小说创作上颇有建树:他继承了巴尔扎克、司汤达、福楼拜的现实主义传统,在心理描写上又开拓出新路。《漂亮朋友》就是前者的一部代表性*作品。莫泊桑从事长篇创作是在写作短篇小说之后,其时他并不满足于短篇小说所取得的成就。随着他声誉鹊起,他经常涉足上流社会,开阔了眼界,便想到从更广阔的背景上去反映社会现实。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:0
摘要:日本作家大江健三郎在北大附中讲演(全文)人民网日本版9月11日讯:应中国社会科学院邀请访中的日本诺贝尔文学奖获得者、中国社会科学院名誉研究员大江健三郎,10日上午来到北大附中作了题为“走的人多了,也便成了路”的讲演。其演讲全文如下:我是一个已经步入老境的日本小说家,我从内心里感到欣慰,能够有机会面对北大附中的同学们发表讲话。 [点击阅读]
章节:5 人气:0
摘要:“你这个白痴!”他老婆说着就把她的牌甩了下去。我急忙扭过头去,避免看见海利·德莱恩的脸;不过为什么我想避免看见那张脸,我可不能告诉你,就更不可能告诉你为什么我竟然会料想到(如果我真的料想到的话)像他这样年纪的一个显要人物会注意到我这样一个完全无足轻重的小青年遇到的事了。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:五岁那年,玛丽雅姆第一次听到“哈拉米”这个词。那天是星期四。肯定是的,因为玛丽雅姆记得那天她坐立不安、心不在焉;她只有在星期四才会这样,星期四是扎里勒到泥屋来看望她的日子。等到终于见到扎里勒的时候,玛丽雅姆将会挥舞着手臂,跑过空地上那片齐膝高的杂草;而这一刻到来之前,为了消磨时间,她爬上一张椅子,搬下她母亲的中国茶具。玛丽雅姆的母亲叫娜娜,娜娜的母亲在她两岁的时候便去世了,只给她留下这么一套茶具。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:一安田辰郎一月十三日在东京赤坂区的“小雪饭庄”宴请一位客人。客人的身份是政府某部的司长。安田辰郎经营着安田公司,买卖机械工具。这家公司这几年颇有发展。据说,生意蓬勃的原因是官家方面的订货多。所以,他时常在“小雪饭庄”招待这类身份的客人。安田时常光顾这家饭庄。在附近来说,它虽然称不上是第一流,却正因为如此,客人到了这里才不会挤得肩碰肩的,吃得心里踏实。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:“君子-周!”“啊,那木是吉米-麦克格拉吗?”佳色游览团的团员是七位面色抑郁的女士和三位汗流泱背的男士。现在,他们都相当注意地从旁观望。他们的导游凯德先生显然碰到一个老朋友了。他们都非常赞美凯德先生。他那瘦高的个儿,晒得黑黑的面孔和轻松愉快的态度,都很令人欣赏。团员当中若有争论,他总能轻轻地为他们排解,并且能够把他们哄得心平气和。现在,他遇见的这个朋友的确是一个样子很奇特的人。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:1827年10月18日,下午5点左右,一艘来自地中海东海岸的船正乘风前进,看来它是想赶在天黑前进入科龙海湾的维地罗港。这就是在古代荷马书中提到的奥地罗斯港口。它坐落在爱奥尼亚海和爱琴海三个锯齿状缺口中的一个里。这三个踞齿缺口把希腊南部踞成了一片法国梧桐叶的形状。古代的伯罗奔尼撒就是在这片叶状的土地上发展起来的。现代地理称其为摩里亚。 [点击阅读]