五十度灰英文版 - Part 1 15(2)
  ldquo;Four!” I yell as the belt bites me again, and now the tears are streaming down my face. I don’t want to cry. It angers me that I am crying. He hits me again.
  “Five.” My voice is more a choked, strangled sob, and in this moment, I think I hate him. One more, I can do one more. My backside feels as if it’s on fire.
  “Six,” I whisper as the blistering pain cuts across me again, and I hear him drop the belt behind me, and he’s pulling me into his arms, all breathless and compassionate… and I want none of him.
  “Let go… no... ” And I find myself struggling out his grasp, pushing him away. Fighting him.
  “Don’t touch me!” I hiss. I straighten and stare at him, and he’s watching me as if I might bolt, gray eyes wide, bemused. I dash the tears angrily out of my eyes with the backs of my hands, glaring at him.
  “This is what you really like? Me, like this?” I use the sleeve of the bathrobe to wipe my nose.
  He gazes at me warily.
  “Well, you are one fucked-up son of a bitch.”
  “Ana,” he pleads, shocked.
  “Don’t you dare, Ana me! You need to sort your shit out, Grey!” And with that, I turn stiffly, and I walk out of the playroom, closing the door quietly behind me.
  I clasp the door handle behind me and briefly lean back against the door. Where to go? Do I run? Do I stay? I am so mad, angry scalding tears spill down my cheeks, and I brush them furiously aside. I just want to curl up. Curl up and recuperate in some way. Heal my shattered faith. How could I have been so stupid? Of course it hurts.
  Tentatively, I rub my backside. Aah! It’s sore. Where to go? Not his room. My room, or the room that will be mine, no, is mine… was mine. This is why he wanted me to keep it. He knew I would need distance from him.
  I launch myself stiffly in that direction, conscious that Christian may follow me. It is still dark in the bedroom, dawn only a whisper in the skyline. I climb awkwardly into bed, careful not to sit on my aching and tender backside. I keep the bathrobe on, wrapping it around me, and curl up and really let go – sobbing hard into my pillow.
  What was I thinking? Why did I let him do that to me? I wanted the dark, to explore how bad it could be – but it’s too dark for me. I cannot do this. Yet, this is what he does, this is how he gets his kicks.
  What a monumental wake-up call. And to be fair to him, he warned me and warned me, time and again. He’s not normal. He has needs that I cannot fulfill. I realize that now. I don’t want him to hit me like that again, ever. I think of the couple of times he has hit me, and how easy he was on me by comparison. Is that enough for him? I sob harder into the pillow. I am going to lose him. He won’t want to be with me if I can’t give him this. Why, why, why have I fallen in love with Fifty Shades? Why? Why can’t I love José, or Paul Clayton, or someone like me?
  Oh, his distraught look as I left. I was so cruel, so shocked by the savagery… will he forgive me… will I forgive him? My thoughts are all haywire and jumbled, echoing and bouncing off the inside of my skull. My subconscious is shaking her head sadly, and my inner goddess is nowhere to be seen. Oh, this is a dark morning of the soul for me. I’m so alone. I want my Mom. I remember her parting words at the airport,
  Follow your heart, darling, and please, please – try not to over-think things. Relax and enjoy. You are so young, sweetheart, you have so much to experience, just let it happen. You deserve the best of everything.
  I did follow my heart, and I have a sore ass and an anguished, broken spirit to show for it. I have to go. That’s it… I have to leave. He’s no good for me, and I am no good for him. How can we possibly make this work? And the thought of not seeing him again practically chokes me… my Fifty Shades.
  I hear the door click open. Oh no – he’s here. He puts something down on the bedside table, and the bed shifts under his weight as he climbs in behind me.
  “Hush,” he breathes, and I want to pull away from him, move to the other side of the bed, but I’m paralyzed. I cannot move and lie stiffly, not yielding at all. “Don’t fight me, Ana, please,” he whispers. Gently, he pulls me into his arms, burying his nose in my hair, kissing my neck.

  “Don’t hate me,” he breathes softly against my skin, his voice achingly sad. My heart clenches anew and releases a fresh wave of silent sobbing. He continues to kiss me softly, tenderly, but I remain aloof and wary.
  We lie together like this, neither saying anything for ages. He just holds me, and very gradually, I relax and stop crying. Dawn comes and goes, and the soft light gets brighter as morning moves on, and still we lie quietly.
  “I bought you some Advil and some arnica cream,” he says after a long while.
  I turn very slowly in his arms so I can face him. I am resting my head on his arm. His eyes are flinty gray and guarded.
  I gaze at his beautiful face. He’s giving nothing away, but he keeps his eyes on mine, hardly blinking. Oh, he is so breathtakingly good-looking. In such a short time, he’s become so, so dear to me. Reaching up, I caress his cheek and run the tips of my fingers through his stubble. He closes his eyes and exhales slightly.
  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.
  He opens his eyes and looks at me puzzled.
  “What for?”
  “What I said.”
  “You didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know.” And his eyes soften with relief. “I am sorry I hurt you.”
  I shrug.
  “I asked for it.” And now I know. I swallow. Here goes. I need to say my piece. “I don’t think I can be everything you want me to be,” I whisper. His eyes widen slightly, and he blinks, his fearful expression returning.
  “You are everything I want you to be.”
  “I don’t understand. I’m not obedient, and you can be as sure as hell I’m not going to let you do that to me again. And that’s what you need, you said so.”
  He closes his eyes again, and I can see a myriad of emotions cross his face. When he reopens them, his expression is bleak. Oh no.
  “You’re right. I should let you go. I am no good for you.”
  My scalp prickles as every single hair follicle on my body stands to attention, and the world falls away from me, leaving a wide, yawning abyss for me to fall into. Oh no.
  “I don’t want to go,” I whisper. Fuck – this is it. Pay or play. Tears swim in my eyes once more.
  “I don’t want you to go either,” he whispers, his voice raw. He reaches up and gently strokes my cheek and wipes away a falling tear with his thumb. “I’ve come alive since I met you.” His thumb traces the contours of my lower lip.
  “Me too,” I whisper, “I’ve fallen in love with you, Christian.”
  His eyes widen again, but this time, with pure, undiluted fear.
  “No,” he breathes as if I’ve knocked the wind out of him.
  Oh no.
  “You can’t love me, Ana. No… that’s wrong.” He’s horrified.
  “Wrong? Why’s it wrong?”
  “Well, look at you. I can’t make you happy.” His voice is anguished.
  “But you do make me happy.” I frown.
  “Not at the moment, not doing what I want to do.”
  Holy fuck. This really is it. This is what it boils down to – incompatibility - and all those poor subs come to mind.
  “We’ll never get past that, will we?” I whisper, my scalp prickling in fear.
  He shakes his head bleakly. I close my eyes. I cannot bear to look at him.
  “Well… I’d better go, then,” I murmur, wincing as I sit up.
  “No, don’t go.” He sounds panicked.
  “There’s no point in me staying.” Suddenly, I feel tired, really dog-tired, and I want to go now. I climb out of bed, and Christian follows.
  “I’m going to get dressed. I’d like some privacy,” I say, my voice flat and empty as I leave him standing in the bedroom.
  Heading downstairs, I glance at the great room, thinking how only hours before I had rested my head on his shoulder as he played the piano. So much has happened since then. I have had my eyes opened and glimpsed the extent of his depravity, and I now know he’s not capable of love – of giving or receiving love. My worst fears have been realized. And strangely, it’s very liberating.

  The pain is such that I refuse to acknowledge it. I feel numb. I have somehow escaped from my body and am now a casual observer to this unfolding tragedy. I shower quickly and methodically, thinking only of each second in front of me. Now squeeze body wash bottle. Put body wash bottle back in rack. Rub cloth on face, on shoulders… on and on, all simple, mechanical actions, requiring simple mechanical thoughts.
  I finish my shower – and as I haven’t washed my hair, I can dry myself quickly. I dress in the bathroom, taking my jeans and t-shirt out of my small suitcase. My jeans chafe against my backside, but quite frankly, it’s a pain I welcome as it distracts my mind from what’s happening to my splintering, shattered heart.
  I stoop to shut my suitcase, and the bag holding Christian’s gift catches my eye, a modeling kit for a Blahnik L23 glider, something for him to build. Tears threaten. Oh no… happier times, when there was hope of more. I take it out of the case, knowing that I need
  to give it to him. Quickly, I rip a small piece of paper from my notebook, hastily scribble a note for him, and leave it on top of the box.
  I gaze at myself in the mirror. A pale and haunted ghost stares back at me. I scoop my hair into a ponytail and ignore how swollen my eyelids are from the crying. My subconscious nods with approval. Even she knows not to be snarky right now. I cannot believe that my world is crumbling around me into a sterile pile of ashes, all my hopes and dreams cruelly dashed. No, no don’t think about it. Not now, not yet. Taking a deep breath, I pick up my case, and after placing the glider kit and my note on his pillow, I head for the great room.
  Christian is on the phone. He’s dressed in black jeans and t-shirt. His feet are bare.
  “He said what!” he shouts, making me jump. “Well, he could have told us the fucking truth. What’s his number, I need to call him… Welch, this is a real fuck-up.” He glances up and doesn’t take his dark and brooding eyes off me. “Find her,” he snaps and presses the off switch.
  I walk over to the couch and collect my backpack, doing my best to ignore him. I take the Mac out of it and walk back toward the kitchen, placing it carefully on the breakfast bar, along with the BlackBerry and the car key. When I turn to face him, he’s staring at me, stupefied with horror.
  “I need the money that Taylor got for my Beetle.” My voice is clear and calm, devoid of emotion… extraordinary.
  “Ana, I don’t want those things, they’re yours,” he says in disbelief. “Please, take them.”
  “No Christian – I only accepted them under sufferance – and I don’t want them anymore.”
  “Ana, be reasonable,” he scolds me, even now.
  “I don’t want anything that will remind me of you. I just need the money that Taylor got for my car.” My voice is quite monotone.
  He gasps.
  “Are you really trying to wound me?”
  “No.” I frown staring at him. Of course not… I love you. “I’m not. I’m trying to protect myself,” I whisper. Because you don’t want me the way I want you.
  “Please, Ana, take that stuff.”
  “Christian, I don’t want to fight – I just need the money.”
  He narrows his eyes, but I’m no longer intimidated by him. Well, only a little. I gaze impassively back, not blinking or backing down.
  “Will you take a check?” he says acidly.
  “Yes. I think you’re good for it.”
  He doesn’t smile, he just turns on his heel and stalks into his study. I take a last lingering look around his apartment – at the art on the walls – all abstracts, serene, cool… cold, even. Fitting, I think absently. My eyes stray to the piano. Jeez – if I’d kept my mouth shut, we’d have made love on the piano. No, fucked, we would have fucked on the piano. Well, I would have made love. The thought lies heavy and sad in my mind. He has never made love to me, has he? It’s always been fucking to him.

  Christian returns and hands me an envelope.
  “Taylor got a good price. It’s a classic car. You can ask him. He’ll take you home.” He nods in the direction over my shoulder. I turn, and Taylor is standing in the doorway, wearing his suit, as impeccable as ever.
  “That’s fine, I can get myself home, thank you.”
  I turn to stare at Christian, and I see the barely-contained fury in his eyes.
  “Are you going to defy me at every turn?”
  “Why change a habit of a lifetime?” I give him a small, apologetic shrug.
  He closes his eyes in frustration and runs his hand through his hair.
  “Please, Ana, let Taylor take you home.”
  “I’ll get the car, Miss Steele,” Taylor announces authoritatively. Christian nods at him, and when I glance around, Taylor has gone.
  I turn back to face Christian. We are four feet apart. He steps forward, and instinctively I step back. He stops, and the anguish in his expression is palpable, his gray eyes burning.
  “I don’t want you to go,” he murmurs, his voice full of longing.
  “I can’t stay. I know what I want and you can’t give it to me, and I can’t give you what you need.”
  He takes another step forward, and I hold up my hands.
  “Don’t, please.” I recoil from him. There’s no way I can tolerate his touch now, it will slay me. “I can’t do this.”
  Grabbing my suitcase and my backpack, I head for the foyer. He follows me, keeping a careful distance. He presses the elevator button, and the doors open. I climb in.
  “Goodbye, Christian,” I murmur.
  “Ana, goodbye,” he says softly, and he looks utterly, utterly broken, a man in agonizing pain, reflecting how I feel inside. I tear my gaze away from him before I change my mind and try to comfort him.
  The elevator doors close, and it whisks me down to the bowels of the basement and to my own personal hell.
  Taylor holds the door open for me, and I climb into the back of the car. I avoid eye contact. Embarrassment and shame washes over me. I’m a complete failure. I had hoped to drag
  my Fifty Shades into the light, but it’s proved a task beyond my meager abilities. Desperately, I try to keep my emotions banked and at bay. As we head out onto 4th Avenue, I stare blankly out of the window, and the enormity of what I’ve done slowly washes over me. Shit – I’ve left him. The only man I’ve ever loved. The only man I’ve ever slept with. I gasp, and the levees burst. Tears course unbidden and unwelcome down my cheeks, and I wipe them away hurriedly with my fingers, scrambling in my bag for my sunglasses. As we pause at some traffic lights, Taylor holds out a linen handkerchief for me. He says nothing and doesn’t look in my direction, and I take it with gratitude.
  “Thank you,” I mutter, and this small discreet act of kindness is my undoing. I sit back in the luxurious leather seats and weep.
  The apartment is achingly empty and unfamiliar. I have not lived here long enough for it to feel like home. I head straight to my room, and there, hanging limply at the end of my bed, is a very sad, deflated helicopter balloon. Charlie Tango, looking and feeling exactly like me. I grab it angrily off my bedrail, snapping the tie, and hug it to me. Oh – what have I done?
  I fall onto my bed, shoes and all, and howl. The pain is indescribable… physical, mental… metaphysical… it is everywhere, seeping into the marrow of my bones. Grief. This is grief – and I’ve brought it on myself. Deep down, a nasty, unbidden thought comes from my inner goddess, her lip curled in a snarl… the physical pain from the bite of a belt is nothing, nothing compared to this devastation. I curl up, desperately clutching the flat foil balloon and Taylor’s handkerchief, and surrender myself to my grief.
  End of Part One
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:客栈的女人叮嘱江口老人说:请不要恶作剧,也不要把手指伸进昏睡的姑娘嘴里。看起来,这里称不上是一家旅馆。二楼大概只有两间客房,一间是江口和女人正在说话的八铺席宽的房间,以及贴邻的一间。狭窄的楼下,似乎没有客厅。这里没有挂出客栈的招牌。再说,这家的秘密恐怕也打不出这种招牌来吧。房子里静悄悄的。此刻,除了这个在上了锁的门前迎接江口老人之后还在说话的女人以外,别无其他人。 [点击阅读]
章节:64 人气:0
摘要:前言:物欲世界的异化困惑与追求历来体现在青年人身上.以村上春树为主要代表的一批文学新锐,从城市生活这个独特视角,探讨当代青年心灵奥秘的"都市文学",便是这种困惑与追求的产物。村上春树是"都市文学"的中流砥柱.他的《寻羊冒险记》(1982)中的人物,一律无名无姓,个个慵懒、孤独、彷徨,缺乏自己的内心世界.他们在商品的汪洋大海中,物化为喧嚣尘世的附属品, [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:剧本作者:松本清张改编:桥本忍、山田洋次翻译:叶渭渠人物表今西荣太郎新闻记者松崎吉村弘俱乐部女招待和贺英良三森警察局局长本浦秀夫三木的旧同事本浦千代吉桐原小十郎高水理惠子检验处技师田所佐知子伊势扇屋老板田所重喜伊势扇屋女佣三木谦一光座经理三木彰吉山下妙侦察处长世田谷的外科医生侦察科长世田谷的巡警西浦田警察局便衣冷饮店老板警察若叶庄女管理员岩城警察局局长警察朝日屋老板农妇酒吧女招待其他 [点击阅读]
章节:66 人气:0
摘要:《神秘岛》是凡尔纳著名三部曲(《格兰特船长的儿女》、《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》)的最后一部。在这部中,他把前两部情节的线索都连结了起来。神秘岛》中,船长是一位神秘人物,一直在暗中帮助大家。后来由于神秘岛的火山活动,岩浆堵住了岩洞口,使潜艇无法离开。船长帮助大家逃离后,自己说什么也要坚持与陪伴了自己一生的潜艇和伙伴在一起。最终当然是永远地留在海底了尼摩船长本是印度的达卡王子。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:“爸爸,我累了。”穿着红裤子,绿罩衫的小女孩烦躁地说,“我们还不能停下来吗?”“还不能,亲爱的。”说话的是一个高大、宽肩的男人。他穿着一件破旧。磨损了的灯芯绒夹克衫和一条普通的棕色斜纹裤,他拉着小女孩的手,飞快地走在纽约第三大街上。回头望去,那辆绿色轿车仍在跟着他们,紧靠人行道慢慢地向前爬行。“求求你,爸爸。求求你了。”他低头看看小女孩。她的脸色苍白,眼睛下面出现了黑晕。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:新年前夜。罗伊斯顿招待会上的大人们都聚集在大厅里。萨特思韦特先生很高兴,年轻人都去睡觉了。他不喜欢成群结队的年轻人。他认为他们乏味,不成熟,直白。随着岁月的流逝,他变得越来越喜欢微妙的东西。萨特思韦特先生六十二岁了——是个稍有点驼背的干瘪老头。一张奇怪的孩子似的脸,总是一副盯着人的样子。他对别人的生活有着过分强烈的兴趣。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:凌晨时分,帕克-派恩先生乘坐由巴塞罗那开往马霍卡岛的汽轮在帕尔马下了船。他立刻感到了失望,旅馆全满了!供他选择的最佳住处是一间衣橱似的不透风的楼房,在市中心的一家旅馆里。从房间向下看,是旅馆的内院。帕克-派恩先生并不打算住在那里。旅馆老板对他的失望显得漠然。“你想怎么着?”他耸了耸肩,说道。如今,帕尔马名声在外,游人如织。英国人,美国人,人人都在冬天来到马霍卡。整个岛屿拥挤不堪。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:布尔纳比少校穿上皮靴,扣好围颈的大衣领,在门旁的架子上拿下一盏避风灯_轻轻地打开小平房的正门,从缝隙向外探视。映入眼帘的是一派典型的英国乡村的景色,就象圣诞卡片和旧式情节剧的节目单上所描绘的一样——白雪茫茫,堆银砌玉。四天来整个英格兰一直大雪飞舞。在达尔特莫尔边缘的高地上,积雪深达数英所。全英格兰的户主都在为水管破裂而哀叹。只需个铝管工友(哪怕是个副手)也是人们求之不得的救星了。寒冬是严峻的。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:十九世纪中叶,在我们这个奇怪的世界上,有一类人开始变得愈来愈多。他们大都快上了年纪,被大家称为“科学家”,这个称呼颇力恰当,可是他们自己却非常下喜欢。他们对于这个称呼是如此之厌恶,以致在他们那份叫作《大自然)的有代表性的报纸里一直谨慎地避开它,好像所有的坏字眼都源出于它似的。 [点击阅读]
章节:40 人气:0
摘要:海尔曼·布霍尔茨——德国人,罗兹某印染厂厂长卡罗尔·博罗维耶茨基(卡尔)——布霍尔茨印染厂经理莫雷茨·韦尔特(马乌雷齐)——布霍尔茨印染厂股东,博罗维耶茨基的好友马克斯·巴乌姆——博罗维耶茨基的好友布霍尔佐娃——布霍尔茨的妻子克诺尔——布霍尔茨的女婿马切克·维索茨基——布霍尔茨印染厂医生尤利乌什·古斯塔夫·哈梅施坦(哈梅尔)——布霍尔茨的私人医生什瓦尔茨——布霍尔茨印染厂公务员列昂·科恩——布霍尔 [点击阅读]