五十度灰英文版 - Part 1__10
  I roll my eyes at his bossiness, but his last line makes me smile. I head for the bathroom, wondering if Elliot made it back last night and trying hard to rein in my nerves.
  I can drive the Audi in high-heels! At 12:55 p.m. precisely, I pull into the garage at Escala and park in bay five. How many bays does he own? The Audi SUV is there, the R8, and two smaller Audi SUVs… hmm. I check my seldom-worn mascara in the light up vanity mirror on my sunshield. Didn’t have one of these in the Beetle.
  Go girl! My inner goddess has her pom poms in hand - she’s in cheerleading mode. In the infinity mirrors of the elevator, I check out my plum dress, well – Kate’s plum dress. The last time I wore this, he wanted to peel it off me. My body clenches at the thought. Oh my, the feeling is just exquisite, and I catch my breath. I’m wearing the underwear that Taylor bought for me. I flush at the thought of his buzz-cut roaming the aisles of Agent
  Provocateur or wherever he bought it. The doors open, and I’m facing the foyer of apartment number one.
  Taylor stands at the double doors as I step out of the elevator.
  “Good afternoon, Miss Steele,” he says.
  “Oh please call me, Ana.”
  “Ana,” he smiles.
  “Mr. Grey is expecting you.”
  I bet he is.
  Christian is seated on his living room couch reading the Sunday papers. He glances up as Taylor directs me into the living area. The room is exactly as I remember it – it’s been a whole week since I’ve been here – but it feels so much longer. Christian looks cool and calm – actually, he looks heavenly. He’s in a loose white linen shirt and jeans, no shoes or socks. His hair is tousled and unkempt, and his gray eyes twinkle wickedly at me. He is jaw-droppingly handsome. He rises and strolls towards me, an amused appraising smile on his beautiful sculptured lips.
  I stand immobilized at the entrance of the room, paralyzed by his beauty and the sweet anticipation of what’s to come. The familiar charge between us is there, sparking slowly in my belly, drawing me to him.
  “Hmm… that dress,” he murmurs approvingly as he gazes down at me. “Welcome back, Miss Steele,” he whispers, and clasping my chin, he leans down and proffers a gentle light kiss on my lips. The touch of his lips to mine reverberates throughout my body. My breath hitches.
  “Hi,” I whisper as I flush.
  “You’re on time. I like punctual. Come.” He takes my hand and leads me to the couch. “I wanted to show you something,” he says as we sit. He hands me the Seattle Times. On page eight, there’s a photograph of the two of us together at the graduation ceremony. Holy crap. I’m in the paper. I check the caption.
  Christian Grey and friend at the graduation ceremony at WSU Vancouver.
  I laugh.
  “So I’m your ‘friend’ now.”
  “So it would appear. And it’s in the newspaper, so it must be true.” He smirks.
  Sitting beside me, his whole body is turned toward me, one of his legs tucked under the other. Reaching over, he tucks my hair behind my ear with his long index finger. My body comes alive at his touch, waiting and needful.
  “So, Anastasia, you have a much better idea of what I’m about since you were last here.”
  “Yes.” Where’s he going with this?
  “And yet you’ve returned.”
  I nod shyly, and his gray eyes blaze. He shakes his head slightly as if he’s struggling with the idea.
  “Have you eaten?” he asks out of the blue.
  “Are you hungry?” He’s really trying not to look annoyed.
  “Not for food,” I whisper, and his nostrils flare slightly in reaction.
  He leans forward and whispers in my ear.
  “You are as eager as ever, Miss Steele, and just to let you into a little secret, so am I. But Dr. Greene is due here shortly.” He sits up. “I wish you’d eat,” he scolds me mildly. My heated blood cools. Holy cow – the doctor. I’d forgotten.
  “What can you tell me about Dr. Greene?” I ask to distract us both.
  “She’s the best Ob/Gyn in Seattle. What more can I say?” He shrugs.
  “I thought I was seeing your doctor, and don’t tell me you’re really a woman, because I won’t believe you.”
  He gives me a don’t-be-ridiculous look.
  “I think it’s more appropriate that you see a specialist. Don’t you?” he says mildly.
  I nod. Holy Moses, if she’s the best Ob/Gyn, he’s scheduled her to see me on a Sunday – at lunchtime! I cannot begin to imagine how much that costs. Christian frowns suddenly as if recalling something unpleasant.
  “Anastasia, my mother would like you to come to dinner this evening. I believe Elliot is asking Kate too. I don’t know how you feel about that. It will be odd for me to introduce you to my family.”
  Odd? Why?
  “Are you ashamed of me?” I can’t keep the wounded hurt out of my voice.
  “Of course not.” He rolls his eyes at me.
  “Why is it odd?”
  “Because I’ve never done it before.”
  “Why are you allowed to roll your eyes, and I’m not?”
  He blinks at me.
  “I wasn’t aware that I was.”
  “Neither am I usually,” I snap at him.
  Christian glares at me, speechless. Taylor appears at the doorway.
  “Dr. Greene is here, Sir.”
  “Show her up to Miss Steele’s room.”
  Miss Steele’s room!
  “Ready for some contraception?” he asks as he stands and holds out his hand to me.
  “You’re not going to come as well are you?” I gasp, shocked.
  He laughs.
  “I’d pay very good money to watch, believe me, Anastasia, but I don’t think the good doctor would approve.”
  I take his hand, and he pulls me up into his arms and kisses me deeply. I clutch on to his arms, taken by surprise. His hand is in my hair holding my head, and he pulls me against him, his forehead against mine.
  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he whispers. “I can’t wait to get you naked.”
  Dr. Greene is tall, blond, and immaculate, dressed in a royal blue suit. I’m reminded of the women who work in Christian’s office. She’s like an identikit model – another Stepford blonde. Her long hair is swept up in an elegant chignon. She must be in her early forties.
  “Mr. Grey.” She shakes Christian’s outstretched hand.
  “Thank you for coming at such short notice,” Christian says.
  “Thank you for making it worth my while, Mr. Grey. Miss Steele.” She smiles, her eyes cool and assessing.
  We shake hands, and I know she’s one of those women who doesn’t tolerate fools gladly. Like Kate. I like her immediately. She gives Christian a pointed stare, and after an awkward beat, he takes his cue.
  “I’ll be downstairs,” he mutters, and he leaves what will be my bedroom.
  “Well Miss Steele. Mr. Grey is paying me a small fortune to attend to you. What can I do for you?”
  After a thorough examination and lengthy discussion, Dr. Greene and I decide on the mini pill. She writes me a pre-paid prescription and instructs me to pick them up tomorrow. I love her no-nonsense attitude – she has lectured me until she’s as blue as her dress about taking it at the same time every day. And I can tell she’s burning with curiosity about my so-called relationship with Mr. Grey. I don’t give her any details. Somehow I don’t think
  she’d look so calm and collected if she’d seen his Red Room of Pain. I flush as we pass its closed door and head back downstairs to the art gallery that is Christian’s living room.
  Christian is reading, seated on his couch. A breathtaking aria is playing on the music system, swirling round him, cocooning him, filling the room with a sweet, soulful song. For a moment, he looks serene. He turns and glances at us when we enter and smiles warmly at me.
  “Are you done?” he asks as if he’s genuinely interested. He points the remote at a sleek white box beneath the fireplace that houses his iPod, and the exquisite melody fades but continues in the background. Standing, he strolls towards us.
  “Yes, Mr. Grey. Look after her; she’s a beautiful, bright young woman.”
  Christian is taken aback – as am I. What an inappropriate thing for a doctor to say. Is she giving him some kind of not so subtle warning? Christian recovers himself.
  “I fully intend to,” he mutters, bemused.
  Gazing at him, I shrug, embarrassed.
  “I’ll send you my bill,” she says crisply as she shakes his hand.
  “Good day, and good luck to you, Ana.” She smiles, her eyes crinkling as she does when we shake hands.
  Taylor appears from nowhere to escort her through the double doors and out to the elevator. How does he do that? Where does he lurk?
  “How was that?” Christian asks.
  “Fine, thank you. She said that I had to abstain from all sexual activity for the next four weeks.”
  Christian’s mouth drops open in shock, and I cannot keep a straight face any longer and grin at him like an idiot.
  He narrows his eyes, and I immediately stop laughing. In fact, he looks rather forbidding. Oh shit. My subconscious quails in the corner as all the blood drains from my face, and I imagine him putting me across his knee again.
  “Gotcha!” he says and smirks. He grabs me around my waist and pulls me up against him. “You are incorrigible, Miss Steele,” he murmurs, staring down into my eyes as he weaves his fingers into my hair, holding me firmly in place. He kisses me, hard, and I cling on to his muscular arms for support.
  “As much as I’d like to take you here, now, you need to eat and so do I. I don’t want you passing out on me later,” he murmurs against my lips.
  “Is that all you want me for – my body?” I whisper.
  “That and your smart mouth,” he breathes.
  He kisses me again passionately, and then abruptly releases me, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. I am reeling. One minute we’re joking and the next… I fan my heated face. He’s just sex on legs, and now I have to recover my equilibrium and eat something. The aria is still playing in the background.
  “What’s the music?”
  “Villa Lobos, an aria from Bachianas Brasileiras. Good, isn’t it?”
  “Yes,” I murmur in total agreement.
  The breakfast bar is laid for two; Christian takes a salad bowl from the fridge.
  “Chicken caesar salad okay with you?”
  Oh thank heavens, nothing too heavy.
  “Yes, fine, thank you.”
  I watch as he moves gracefully through his kitchen. He’s so at ease with his body on one level, but then he doesn’t like to be touched… so maybe deep down he isn’t. No man is an island, I muse – except perhaps Christian Grey.
  “What are you thinking?” he asks, pulling me from my reverie. I flush.
  “I was just watching the way you move.”
  He raises an eyebrow, amused.
  “And?” he says dryly.
  I flush some more.
  “You’re very graceful.”
  “Why thank you, Miss Steele,” he murmurs. He sits down beside me, holding a bottle of wine. “Chablis?”
  “Help yourself to salad,” he says, his voice soft.
  “Tell me - what method did you opt for?”
  I am momentarily thrown by his question, when I realize he’s talking about Dr. Greene’s visit.
  “Mini pill.”
  He frowns.
  “And will you remember to take it regularly, at the right time, every day?”
  Jeez… of course I will. How does he know? I blush at the thought, probably from one or more of the fifteen.
  “I’m sure you’ll remind me,” I murmur dryly.
  He glances at me with amused condescension.
  “I’ll put an alarm on my calendar.” He smirks. “Eat.”
  The chicken caesar is delicious. To my surprise, I’m famished, and for the first time since I’ve been with him, I finish my meal before he does. The wine is crisp, clean, and fruity.
  “Eager as ever, Miss Steele?” he smiles down at my empty plate.
  I look at him from beneath my lashes.
  “Yes,” I whisper.
  His breath hitches. And as he stares down at me, I feel the atmosphere between us slowly shift, evolve… charge. His look goes from dark to smoldering, taking me with him. He stands, closing the distance between us, and tugs me off my bar stool into his arms.
  “Do you want to do this?” he breathes, looking down at me intently.
  “I haven’t signed anything.”
  “I know – but I’m breaking all the rules these days.”
  “Are you going to hit me?”
  “Yes, but it won’t be to hurt you. I don’t want to punish you right now. If you’d caught me yesterday evening, well, that would have been a different story.”
  Holy cow. He wants to hurt me… how do I deal with this? I can’t hide the horror on my face.
  “Don’t let anyone try and convince you otherwise, Anastasia. One of the reasons people like me do this is because we either like to give or receive pain. It’s very simple. You don’t, so I spent a great deal of time yesterday thinking about that.”
  He pulls me against him, and his erection presses into my belly. I should run, but I can’t. I’m drawn to him on some deep, elemental level, that I can’t begin to understand.
  “Did you reach any conclusions?” I whisper.
  “No, and right now, I just want to tie you up and fuck you senseless. Are you ready for that?”
  “Yes,” I breathe as everything in my body tightens at once… wow.
  “Good. Come.” He takes my hand and, leaving all the dirty dishes on the breakfast bar, and we head upstairs.
  My heart starts pounding. This is it. I’m really going to do this. My inner goddess is spinning like a world-class ballerina, pirouette after pirouette. He opens the door to his playroom, standing back for me to walk through, and I am once more in the Red Room of Pain.
  It’s the same, the smell of leather, citrus, polish and dark wood, all very sensual. My blood is running heated and scared through my system – adrenaline mixed with lust and longing. It’s a heady, potent cocktail. Christian’s stance has changed completely, subtly altered, harder and meaner. He gazes down at me and his eyes are heated, lustful… hypnotic.
  “When you’re in here, you are completely mine,” he breathes, each word slow and measured. “To do with as I see fit. Do you understand?”

  His gaze is so intense. I nod, my mouth dry, my heart thumping for a way out of my chest.
  “Take your shoes off,” he orders softly.
  I swallow, and rather clumsily, I take them off. He bends and picks them up and deposits them beside the door.
  “Good. Don’t hesitate when I ask you to do something. Now I’m going to peel you out of this dress. Something I’ve wanted to do for a few days if I recall. I want you to be comfortable with your body, Anastasia. You have a beautiful body, and I like to look at it. It is a joy to behold. In fact, I could gaze at you all day, and I want you unembarrassed and unashamed of your nakedness. Do you understand?”
  “Yes, what?” He leans over me, glaring.
  “Yes, Sir.”
  “Do you mean that?” he snaps.
  “Yes, Sir.”
  “Good. Lift your arms up over your head.”
  I do as instructed, and he reaches down and grabs the hem. Slowly, he pulls my dress up over my thighs, my hips, my belly, my breasts, my shoulders, and over my head. He stands back to examine me and absentmindedly folds my dress, not taking his eyes off me. He places it on the large chest beside the door. Reaching up, he pulls at my chin, his touch searing me.
  “You’re biting your lip,” he breathes. “You know what that does to me,” he adds darkly. “Turn around.”
  I turn immediately, no hesitation. He unclasps my bra and then taking both straps, he slowly pulls them down my arms, brushing my skin with his fingers and the tip of his thumbnails as he slides my bra off. His touch sends shivers down my spine, waking every nerve ending in my body. He’s standing behind me, so close that I feel the heat radiating from him, warming me, warming me all over. He pulls my hair so it’s all hanging down my back, grasps a handful at my nape, and angles my head to one side. He runs his nose down my exposed neck, inhaling all the way, then back up to my ear. The muscles in my belly clench, carnal and wanting. Jeez, he’s hardly touched me, and I want him.
  “You smell as pine as ever, Anastasia,” he whispers as he places a soft kiss beneath my ear.
  I moan.
  “Quiet,” he breathes. “Don’t make a sound.”
  Pulling my hair behind me, to my surprise, he starts braiding it in one large braid, his fingers fast and deft. He ties it with an unseen hair tie when he’s finished and gives it a quick tug so I’m forced back against him.
  “I like your hair braided in here,” he whispers.
  Hmm… why?
  He releases my hair.
  “Turn around,” he orders.
  I do as I’m bid, my breathing shallow, fear and longing mixed together. It’s an intoxicating mix.
  “When I tell you to come in here, this is how you will dress. Just in your panties. Do you understand?”
  “Yes, what?” He glowers at me.
  “Yes, Sir.”
  A trace of a smile lifts the corner of his mouth.
  “Good girl.” His eyes burn into mine. “When I tell you to come in here, I expect you to kneel over there.” He points to a spot beside the door. “Do it now.”
  I blink processing his words, turn, and rather clumsily kneel as directed.
  “You can sit back on your heels.”
  I sit back.
  “Place your hands and forearms flat on your thighs. Good. Now part your knees. Wider. Wider. Perfect. Look down at the floor.”
  He walks over to me, and I can see his feet and shins in my field of vision. Naked feet. I should be taking notes if he wants me to remember. He reaches down and grasps my braid again, then pulls my head back so I am looking up at him. It’s only just not painful.
  “Will you remember this position, Anastasia?”
  “Yes, Sir.”
  “Good. Stay here, don’t move.” He leaves the room.
  I’m on my knees, waiting. Where’s he gone? What is he going to do to me? Time shifts. I have no idea how long he leaves me like this… a few minutes, five, ten? My breathing becomes shallower, the anticipation is devouring me from the inside out.
  And suddenly he’s back – and all at once I’m calmer and more excited in the same breath. Could I be more excited? I can see his feet. He’s changed his jeans. These are older, ripped, soft, and over-washed. Holy cow. These jeans are hot. He shuts the door and hangs something on the back.
  “Good girl, Anastasia. You look lovely like that. Well done. Stand up.”
  I stand, but I keep my face down.
  “You may look at me.”
  I peek up at him, and he’s staring at me intently, assessing, but his eyes soften. He’s taken off his shirt. Oh my… I want to touch him. The top button of his jeans is undone.
  “I’m going to chain you now, Anastasia. Give me your right hand.”
  I give him my hand. He turns it palm up, and before I know it, he swats the center with a riding crop I hadn’t noticed is in his right hand. It happens so quickly that the surprise hardly registers. Even more astonishing – it doesn’t hurt. Well, not much, just a slight ringing sting.
  “How does that feel?” he asks.
  I blink at him, confused.
  “Answer me.”
  “Okay.” I frown.
  “Don’t frown.”
  I blink and try for impassive. I succeed.
  “Did that hurt?”
  “This is not going to hurt. Do you understand?”
  “Yes.” My voice is uncertain. Is it really not going to hurt?
  “I mean it,” he says.
  Jeez, my breathing is so shallow. Does he know what I’m thinking? He shows me the crop. It’s brown plaited leather. My eyes jerk up to meet his, and they’re alight with fire and a trace of amusement.
  “We aim to please, Miss Steele,” he murmurs. “Come.” He takes my elbow and moves me to beneath the grid. He reaches up and takes down some shackles with black leather cuffs.
  “This grid is designed so the shackles move across the grid.”
  I glance up. Holy shit – it’s like a subway map.
  “We’re going to start here, but I want to fuck you standing up. So we’ll end up by the wall over there.” He points with the riding crop to where the large wooden X is on the wall.
  “Put your hands above your head.”
  I oblige immediately, feeling like I’m exiting my body – a casual observer of events as they unfold around me. This is beyond fascinating, beyond erotic. It’s singularly the most exciting and scary thing I’ve ever done. I’m entrusting myself to a beautiful man who, by his own admission, is fifty shades of fucked-up. I suppress the brief thrill of fear. Kate and Elliot, they know I’m here.
  He stands very close as he fastens the cuffs. I’m staring at his chest. His proximity is heavenly. He smells of body wash and Christian, an inebriating mix, and that drags me
  back into the now. I want to run my nose and tongue through that smattering of chest hair. I could just lean forward…
  He steps back and gazes at me, his expression hooded, salacious, carnal, and I am helpless, my hands tied, but just looking at his lovely face, reading his need and longing for me, I can feel the dampness between my legs. He walks slowly round me.
  “You look mighty fine trussed up like this, Miss Steele. And your smart mouth, quiet for now. I like that.”
  Standing in front of me again, he hooks his fingers into my panties, and at a most unhurried pace, peels them down my legs, stripping me agonizingly slowly, so that he ends up kneeling in front of me. Not taking his eyes off mine, he scrunches my panties in his hand, holds them up to his nose, and inhales deeply. Holy fuck. Did he just do that? He grins wickedly at me and tucks them into the pocket of his jeans.
  Uncoiling from the floor, rising lazily, like a jungle cat, he points the end of the riding crop at my navel, leisurely circling it – tantalizing me. At the touch of the leather, I quiver and gasp. He walks round me again, trailing the crop around the middle of my body. On his second circuit, he suddenly flicks the crop, and it hits me underneath my behind… against my sex. I cry out in surprise as all my nerve endings stand to attention. I pull against the restraints. The shock runs through me, and it’s the sweetest strangest, hedonistic feeling.
  “Quiet,” he whispers as he walks around me again, the crop slightly higher around the middle of my body. This time when he flicks it against me in the same place, I’m anticipating it… oh my. My body convulses at the sweet, stinging bite.
  As he makes his way around me, he flicks again, this time hitting my nipple, and I throw my head back as my nerve endings sing. He hits the other… a brief, swift, sweet chastisement. My nipples harden and elongate from the assault, and I moan loudly, pulling on my leather cuffs.
  “Does that feel good?” he breathes.
  He hits me again across the buttocks. The crop stings this time.
  “Yes what?”
  “Yes, Sir,” I whimper.
  He comes to a stop… but I can no longer see him. My eyes are closed as I try to absorb the myriad of sensations coursing through my body. Very slowly, he rains small, biting licks of the crop down my belly, heading south. I know where this is leading, and I try and psyche myself up for it – but when he hits my clitoris, I cry out loudly.
  “Oh… please!” I groan.
  “Quiet,” he orders, and he hits me again on my behind.
  I did not expect this to be like this… I am lost. Lost in a sea of sensation. And suddenly, he’s dragging the crop against my sex, through my pubic hair, down to the entrance of my vagina.
  “See how wet you are for this, Anastasia. Open your eyes and your mouth.”
  I do as I’m told, completely seduced. He pushes the tip of the crop into my mouth, like my dream. Holy shit.
  “See how you taste. Suck. Suck hard, baby.”
  My mouth closes around the crop as my eyes lock on his. I can taste the rich leather and the saltiness of my arousal. His eyes are blazing. He’s in his element.
  He pulls the tip from my mouth, and he stands forward and grabs me and kisses me hard, his tongue invading my mouth. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me against him. His chest crushes mine, and I itch to touch, but I can’t, my hands, useless above me.
  “Oh, Anastasia, you taste mighty fine,” he breathes. “Shall I make you come?”
  “Please,” I beg.
  The crop bites my buttock. Ow!
  “Please, what?”
  “Please, Sir,” I whimper.
  He smiles at me, triumphant.
  “With this?” He holds the crop up so I can see it.
  “Yes, Sir.”
  “Are you sure?” He looks sternly at me.
  “Yes, please, Sir.”
  “Close your eyes.”
  I shut the room out, him out… the crop out. He starts small, biting licks of the crop against my belly once more. Moving down, soft small licks against my clitoris, once, twice, three times, again and again, until finally, that’s it – I can take no more – and I come, gloriously, loudly, sagging weakly. His arms curl around me as my legs turn to jelly. I dissolve in his embrace, my head against his chest, and I’m mewling and whimpering as the aftershocks of my orgasm consume me. He lifts me, and suddenly we’re moving, my arms still tethered above my head, and I can feel the cool wood of the polished cross at my back, and he’s popping the buttons on his jeans. He puts me down against the cross briefly while he slides on a condom, and then his hands wrap around my thighs as he lifts me again.
  “Lift your legs, baby, wrap them round me.”
  I feel so weak, but I do as he asks as he wraps my legs around his hips and positions himself beneath me. With one thrust, he’s inside me, and I cry out again, listening to his muffled moan at my ear. My arms are resting on his shoulders as he thrusts into me. Jeez, it’s deep this way. He thrusts again and again, his face at my neck, his harsh breathing at my throat. I feel the build up again. Jeez no… not again… I don’t think my body will withstand another earth-shattering moment. But I have no choice… and with an inevitability that’s becoming familiar, I let go and come again, and it’s sweet and agonizing and intense. I lose all sense of self. Christian follows, shouting his release through clenched teeth and holding me hard and close as he does.
  He pulls out of me swiftly and sets me down against the cross, his body supporting mine. Unbuckling the cuffs, he frees my hands, and we both sink to the floor. He pulls me into his lap, cradling me, and I lean my head against his chest. If I had the strength, I’d touch him, but I don’t. Belatedly, I realize he’s still wearing his jeans.
  “Well done, baby,” he murmurs. “Did that hurt?”
  “No,” I breathe. I can barely keep my eyes open. Why am I so tired?
  “Did you expect it to?” he whispers as he holds me close, his fingers pushing some escaped tendrils of hair off my face.
  “You see most of your fear is in your head, Anastasia,” he pauses. “Would you do it again?”
  I think for a moment as fatigue clouds my brain… Again?
  “Yes.” My voice is so soft.
  He hugs me tightly.
  “Good. So would I,” he murmurs, then leans down and softly kisses the top of my head.
  “And I haven’t finished with you yet.”
  Not finished with me yet. Holy Moses. There’s no way I can do any more. I am utterly spent and fighting an overwhelming desire to sleep. I’m leaning against his chest, my eyes are closed, and he’s wrapped around me – arms and legs – and I feel… safe, and oh so comfortable. Will he let me sleep, perchance to dream? My mouth quirks up at the silly thought, and turning my face into Christian’s chest, I inhale his unique scent and nuzzle him, but immediately he tenses… oh crap. I open my eyes and glance up at him. He’s staring down at me.
  “Don’t,” he breathes in warning.
  I flush and look back at his chest in longing. I want to run my tongue through the hair, kiss him, and for the first time, I notice he has a few random and faint small, round scars dotted around his chest. Chicken pox? Measles? I think absently.
  “Kneel by the door,” he orders as he sits back, putting his hands on his knees, effectively releasing me. No longer warm, the temperature of his voice has dropped several degrees.
  I stumble clumsily up into a standing position and scoot over to the door and kneel as instructed. I’m shaky and very, very tired, monumentally confused. Who would have thought I could have found such gratification in this room. Who could have thought it would be so exhausting? My limbs are deliciously heavy, sated. My inner goddess has a ‘do not disturb’ sign on the outside of her room.

  Christian is moving about in the periphery of my vision. My eyes start to droop.
  “Boring you, am I, Miss Steele?”
  I jump awake, and Christian is standing in front of me, his arms crossed glaring down at me. Oh shit, caught napping – this is not going to be good. His eyes soften as I gaze up at him.
  “Stand up,” he orders.
  I climb warily to my feet. He stares at me, and his mouths quirks up.
  “You’re shattered, aren’t you?”
  I nod shyly, flushing.
  “Stamina, Miss Steele.” He narrows his eyes at me. “I haven’t had my fill of you yet. Hold out your hands in front as if you’re praying.”
  I blink at him. Praying! Praying for you to go easy on me. I do as I’m told. He takes a cable tie and fastens it around my wrists, tightening the plastic. Holy hell. My eyes fly to his.
  “Look familiar,” he asks, unable to conceal his smile.
  Jeez… the plastic cable ties. Restocking at Clayton’s! It all becomes clear. I gape up at him as adrenaline spikes though my body anew. Okay – that’s got my attention – I’m awake now.
  “I have scissors here.” He holds them up for me to see. “I can cut you out of this in a moment.”
  I try to pull my wrists apart, testing my bonds, and as I do, the plastic bites into my flesh – it’s sore, but if I relax my wrists they’re fine – the tie is not cutting into my skin.
  “Come.” He takes my hands and leads me over to the four-poster bed. I notice now that it has dark red sheets on it and a shackle at each corner.
  “I want more – much, much more,” he leans down and whispers in my ear.
  And my heartbeat starts pounding again. Oh boy.
  “But I’ll make this quick. You’re tired. Hold on to the post,” he says.
  I frown. Not on the bed then? I find I can part my hands as I grasp the ornately carved wooden post.
  “Lower,” he orders. “Good. Don’t let go. If you do, I’ll spank you. Understand?”
  “Yes, Sir.”
  He stands behind me and grasps my hips, and then quickly lifts me backward so I’m bending forward, holding the post.
  “Don’t let go, Anastasia,” he warns. “I’m going to fuck you hard from behind. Hold the post to support your weight. Understand?”
  He smacks me across my behind with his hand. Ow… It stings.
  “Yes, Sir,” I mutter quickly.
  “Part your legs.” He puts his leg between mine, and holding my hips, he pushes my right leg to the side.
  “That’s better. After this, I’ll let you sleep.”
  Sleep? I’m panting. I’m not thinking of sleep now. He reaches up and gently strokes my back.
  “You have such beautiful skin, Anastasia,” he breathes as he bends down and kisses me along my spine, gentle feather-light kisses. At the same time, his hands move round to my front palming my breasts, and as he does this, he traps my nipples between his fingers and tugs them gently.
  I stifle my moan as I feel my whole body respond, coming alive once more for him.
  He gently bites and sucks me at my waist, tugging my nipples, and my hands tighten on the exquisitely carved post. His hands drop away, and I hear the now familiar tear of foil, and he kicks off his jeans.
  “You have such a captivating, sexy ass, Anastasia Steele. What I’d like to do to it.” His hands smooth and shape each of my buttocks, then his fingers glide down, and he slips two fingers inside me.
  “So wet. You never disappoint, Miss Steele,” he whispers, and I hear the wonder in his voice. “Hold tight… this is going to be quick, baby.”
  He grabs my hips and positions himself, and I brace myself for his assault. But he reaches over me and grabs my braid near the end and winds it round his wrist to my nape
  holding my head in place. Very slowly he eases into me, pulling my hair at the same time… oh the fullness. He eases out of me slowly, and his other hand grabs my hip, holding tight, and then he slams into me, jolting me forward.
  “Hold on, Anastasia!” he shouts through clenched teeth.
  I grip harder round the post and push back against him as he continues his merciless onslaught, again and again, his fingers digging into my hip. My arms are aching, my legs feel uncertain, my scalp is getting sore from his tugging my hair… and I can feel a gathering deep inside me. Oh no… and for the first time, I fear my orgasm… if I come… I’ll collapse. Christian continues to move roughly against me, in me, his breathing harsh, moaning, groaning. My body is responding… how? I feel a quickening. But suddenly, Christian stills, slamming really deep.
  “Come on, Ana, give it to me,” he groans, and my name on his lips sends me over the edge as I become all body and spiraling sensation and sweet, sweet release, and then completely and utterly mindless.
  When sense returns, I’m lying on him. He’s on the floor, and I’m lying on top of him, my back to his front, and I’m staring at the ceiling, all post-coital, glowing, shattered. Oh… the karabiners, I think absently – I’d forgotten about those. Christian nuzzles my ear.
  “Hold up your hands,” he says softly.
  My arms feel like they’re made of lead, but I hold them up. He wields the scissors and passes one blade under the plastic.
  “I declare this Ana open,” he breathes, and cuts the plastic.
  I giggle and rub my wrists as they’re freed. I feel his grin.
  “That is such a lovely sound,” he says wistfully. He sits suddenly, taking me with him so that I’m once more sitting in his lap.
  “That’s my fault,” he says and shifts me so that he can rub my shoulders and arms. Gently he massages some life back into my limbs
  I glance up at him behind me, trying to understand what he means.
  “That you don’t giggle more often.”
  “I’m not a great giggler,” I mumble sleepily.
  “Oh, but when it happens, Miss Steele, ‘tis a wonder and joy to behold.”
  “Very flowery, Mr. Grey,” I mutter, trying to keep my eyes open.
  His eyes soften, and he smiles.
  “I’d say you’re thoroughly fucked and in need of sleep.”
  “That wasn’t flowery at all,” I grumble playfully.
  He grins and gently lifts me off him and stands, gloriously naked. I wish momentarily that I were more awake to really appreciate him. Picking up his jeans, he slides them back on, commando.
  “Don’t want to frighten Taylor, or Mrs. Jones for that matter,” he mutters.
  Hmm… they must know what a kinky bastard he is. The thought preoccupies me.
  He stoops to help me to my feet and leads me to the door, on the back of which hangs a grey waffle robe. He patiently dresses me as if I’m a small child. I don’t have the strength to lift my arms. When I’m covered and respectable, he leans down and kisses me gently, his mouth quirks up in a smile.
  “Bed,” he says.
  Oh… no…
  “For sleep,” he adds reassuringly when he sees my expression.
  Suddenly, he scoops me up and carries me curled against his chest to the room along the corridor where earlier today Dr. Greene examined me. My head drops against his chest. I am exhausted. I don’t remember ever being this tired. Pulling back the duvet, he lays me down, and even more surprisingly, climbs in beside me and holds me close.
  “Sleep now, gorgeous girl,” he whispers, and he kisses my hair.
  And before I can make a facetious comment, I’m asleep.
  Soft lips brush across my temple, leaving sweet tender kisses in their wake, and part of me wants to turn and respond, but mostly I want to stay asleep. I moan and burrow into my pillow.
  “Anastasia, wake up.” Christian’s voice is soft, cajoling.
  “No,” I moan.
  “We have to leave in half an hour for dinner at my parents.” He’s amused.
  I open my eyes reluctantly. It’s dusk outside. Christian is leaning over, gazing at me intently.
  “Come on sleepy-head. Get up.” He stoops down and kisses me again.
  “I’ve bought you a drink. I’ll be downstairs. Don’t go back to sleep, or you’ll be in trouble,” he threatens, but his tone is mild. He kisses me briefly and exits, leaving me blinking sleep from my eyes in the cool, stark room.
  I’m refreshed but suddenly nervous. Holy cow, I am meeting his folks! He’s just worked me over with a riding crop and tied me up using a cable tie which I sold him, for heaven’s sake – and I’m going to meet his parents. It will be Kate’s first time meeting them too – at least she’ll be there for support. I roll my shoulders. They’re stiff. His demands for a personal trainer don’t seem so outlandish now, in fact, they’re mandatory if I am to have any hope of keeping up with him.
  I climb slowly out of bed and note that my dress is hanging outside the wardrobe and my bra is on the chair. Where are my panties? I check beneath the chair. Nothing. Then I remember – he squirreled them away in the pocket of his jeans. I flush at the memory, after he, I can’t even bring myself to think about it, he was so – barbarous. I frown. Why hasn’t he given me back my panties?
  I steal into the bathroom, bewildered by my lack of underwear. While drying myself after my enjoyable but far too brief shower, I realize he’s done this on purpose. He wants me to be embarrassed and ask for my panties back, and he’ll either say yes or no. My inner goddess grins at me. Hell… two can play that particular game. Resolving there and then not to ask him for them and not give him that satisfaction, I shall go meet his parents sans culottes. Anastasia Steele! My subconscious chides me, but I don’t want to listen to her – I almost hug myself with glee because I know this will drive him crazy.
  Back in the bedroom, I put on my bra, slip into my dress, and climb into my shoes. I remove the braid and hastily brush out my hair, I then glance down at the drink he’s left. It’s pale pink. What’s this? Cranberry and sparkling water. Hmm… it tastes delicious and quenches my thirst.
  Dashing back into the bathroom, I check myself in the mirror: eyes bright, cheeks slightly flushed, slightly smug look because of my panty plan, and I head downstairs. Fifteen minutes. Not bad, Ana.
  Christian is standing by the panoramic window, wearing the grey flannel pants that I love, the ones that hang in that unbelievably sexy way off his hips, and of course, a white linen shirt. Doesn’t he have any other colors? Frank Sinatra sings softly over the surround sound speakers.
  Christian turns and smiles as I enter. He looks at me expectantly.
  “Hi,” I say softly, and my sphinx-like smile meets his.
  “Hi,” he says. “How are you feeling?” His eyes are alight with amusement.
  “Good, thanks. You?”
  “I feel mighty fine, Miss Steele.”
  He is so waiting for me to say something.
  “Frank. I never figured you for a Sinatra fan.”
  He raises his eyebrows at me, his look speculative.
  “Eclectic taste, Miss Steele,” he murmurs, and he paces toward me like a panther until he’s standing in front of me, his gaze so intense it takes my breath away.
  Frank starts crooning… an old song, one of Ray’s favorites. ‘Witchcraft.’ Christian leisurely traces his fingertips down my cheek, and I feel it all the way down there.
  “Dance with me,” he murmurs, his voice husky.
  Taking the remote out of his pocket, he turns up the volume and holds his hand out to me, his gray gaze full of promise and longing and humor. He is totally beguiling, and I’m bewitched. I place my hand in his. He grins lazily down at me and pulls me into his embrace, his arm curling around my waist, and he starts to sway.
  I put my free hand on his shoulder and grin up at him, caught in his infectious, playful mood. And he starts to move. Boy can he dance. We cover the floor, from the window to the kitchen and back again, whirling and turning in time to the music. And he makes it so effortless for me to follow.
  We glide around the dining table, over to the piano, and backwards and forwards in front of the glass wall, Seattle twinkling outside, a dark and magical mural to our dance, and I can’t help my carefree laugh. He grins down at me as the song comes to a close.
  “There’s no nicer witch than you,” he murmurs, then kisses me sweetly. “Well, that’s bought some color to your cheeks, Miss Steele. Thank you for the dance. Shall we go and meet my parents?”
  “You’re welcome, and yes, I can’t wait to meet them,” I answer breathlessly.
  “Do you have everything you need?”
  “Oh, yes,” I respond sweetly.
  “Are you sure?”
  I nod as nonchalantly as I can manage under his intense, amused scrutiny. His face splits into a huge grin, and he shakes his head.
  “Okay. If that’s the way you want to play it, Miss Steele.”
  He grabs my hand, collects his jacket which is hanging on one of the barstools, and leads me through the foyer to the elevator. Oh, the many faces of Christian Grey. Will I ever be able to understand this mercurial man?
  I peek up at him in the elevator. He’s enjoying a private joke, a trace of a smile flirting with his beautiful mouth. I fear that it may be at my expense. What was I thinking? I’m going to see his parents, and I’m not wearing any underwear. My subconscious gives me an unhelpful I told you so expression. In the relative safety of his apartment, it seemed like a fun, teasing idea. Now, I’m almost outside with No Panties! He peers down at me, and it’s there, the charge building between us. The amused look disappears from his face and his expression clouds, his eyes dark… oh my.
  The elevator doors open on the ground floor. Christian shakes his head slightly as if to clear his thoughts and gestures for me to exit before him in a most gentlemanly manner. Who’s he kidding? He’s no gentleman. He has my panties.
  Taylor draws up in the large Audi. Christian opens the rear door for me, and I climb inside as elegantly as I can, considering my state of wanton undress. I’m grateful that Kate’s plum dress is so clingy and hangs to the top of my knees.
  We speed up the I-5, both of us quiet, no doubt inhibited by Taylor’s steady presence in the front. Christian’s mood is almost tangible and seems to shift, the humor dissipating slowly as we head north. He’s brooding, staring out of the window, and I can feel him slipping away from me. What is he thinking? I can’t ask him. What can I say in front of Taylor?

  “Where did you learn to dance?” I ask tentatively. He turns to gaze at me, his eyes unreadable beneath the intermittent light of the passing street lamps.
  “Do you really want to know?” he replies softly.
  My heart sinks, and now I don’t because I can guess.
  “Yes,” I murmur, reluctantly.
  “Mrs. Robinson was fond of dancing.”
  Oh, my worst suspicions confirmed. She has taught him well, and the thought depresses me – there’s nothing I can teach him. I have no special skills.
  “She must have been a good teacher.”
  “She was,” he says softly.
  My scalp prickles. Did she have the best of him? Before he became so closed? Or did she bring him out of himself? He has such a fun, playful side. I smile involuntarily as I recall being in his arms as he spun me around his living room, so unexpected, and he has my panties, somewhere.
  And then there’s the Red Room of Pain. I rub my wrists reflexively – thin strips of plastic will do that to a girl. She taught him all that too or ruined him, depending on one’s point of view. Or perhaps he would have found his way there anyway in spite of Mrs. R. I realize, in that moment, that I hate her. I hope that I never meet her because I will not be responsible for my actions if I do. I can’t remember ever feeling this passionately about anyone, especially someone I’ve never met. Gazing unseeing out of the window, I nurse my irrational anger and jealousy.
  My mind drifts back to the afternoon. Given what I understand of his preferences, I think he’s been easy on me. Would I do it again? I can’t even pretend to put up an argument against that. Of course I would, if he asked me – as long as he didn’t hurt me and if it’s the only way to be with him.
  That’s the bottom line. I want to be with him. My inner goddess sighs with relief. I reach the conclusion that she rarely uses her brain to think but another vital part of her anatomy, and at the moment, it’s a rather exposed part.
  “Don’t,” he murmurs.
  I frown and turn to look at him.
  “Don’t what?” I haven’t touched him.
  “Over-think things, Anastasia.” Reaching out, he grasps my hand, draws it up to his lips, and kisses my knuckles gently. “I had a wonderful afternoon. Thank you.”
  And he’s back with me again. I blink up at him and smile shyly. He’s so confusing. I ask a question that’s been bugging me.
  “Why did you use a cable tie?”
  He grins at me.
  “It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s something different for you to feel and experience. I know they’re quite brutal, and I do like that in a restraining device.” He smiles at me mildly. “Very effective at keeping you in your place.”
  I flush and glance nervously at Taylor, who remains impassive, eyes on road. What am I supposed to say to that? Christian shrugs innocently.
  “All part of my world, Anastasia.” He squeezes my hand and lets go, staring out of the window again.
  His world indeed, and I want to belong in it, but on his terms? I just don’t know. He hasn’t mentioned that damned contract. My inner musings do nothing to cheer me. I stare out of the window and the landscape has changed. We’re crossing one of the bridges, surrounded by inky darkness. The somber night reflects my introspective mood, closing in, suffocating.
  I glance briefly at Christian, and he’s staring at me.
  “Penny for your thoughts?” he asks.
  I sigh and frown.
  “That bad, huh?”
  “I wish I knew what you were thinking.”
  He smirks at me.
  “Ditto, baby,” he says softly as Taylor speeds into the night toward Bellevue.
  It is just before eight when the Audi draws into the driveway of a colonial-style mansion. It’s breathtaking, even down to the roses around the door. Picture-book perfect.
  “Are you ready for this?” Christian asks as Taylor pulls up outside the impressive front door.
  I nod, and he gives my hand another reassuring squeeze.
  “First for me too,” he whispers, then smiles wickedly. “Bet you wish you were wearing your underwear right now,” he teases.
  I flush. I’d forgotten my missing panties. Fortunately, Taylor has climbed out of the car and is opening my door so he can’t hear our exchange. I scowl at Christian who grins broadly as I turn and climb out of the car.
  Dr. Grace Trevelyan-Grey is on the doorstep waiting for us. She looks elegantly sophisticated in a pale blue silk dress; behind her stands Mr. Grey, I presume, tall, blond, and as handsome in his own way as Christian.
  “Anastasia, you’ve met my mother, Grace. This is my dad, Carrick.”
  “Mr. Grey, what a pleasure to meet you.” I smile and shake his outstretched hand.
  “The pleasure is all mine, Anastasia.”
  “Please call me, Ana.”
  His blue eyes are soft and gentle.
  “Ana, how lovely to see you again.” Grace wraps me in a warm hug. “Come in, my dear.”
  “Is she here?” I hear a screech from within the house. I glance nervously at Christian.
  “That would be Mia, my little sister,” he says almost irritably, but not quite.
  There’s an undercurrent of affection in his words, the way his voice grows softer and his eyes crinkle as he mentions her name. Christian obviously adores her. It’s a revelation. And she comes barreling down the hall, raven haired, tall, and curvaceous. She’s about my age.
  “Anastasia! I’ve heard so much about you.” She hugs me hard.
  Holy Cow. I can’t help but smile at her boundless enthusiasm.
  “Ana, please,” I murmur as she drags me into the large vestibule. It’s all dark wood floors and antique rugs with a sweeping staircase to the second floor.
  “He’s never brought a girl home before,” says Mia, dark eyes bright with excitement.
  I glimpse Christian rolling his eyes, and I raise an eyebrow at him. He narrows his eyes at me.
  “Mia, calm down,” Grace admonishes softly. “Hello, darling,” she says as she kisses Christian on both cheeks. He smiles down at her warmly, and then shakes hands with his father.
  We all turn and head into the living room. Mia has not let go of my hand. The room is spacious, tastefully furnished in creams, browns, and pale blue, comfortable, understated, and very stylish. Kate and Elliot are cuddled together on a couch, clutching champagne flutes. Kate bounces up to embrace me, and Mia finally releases my hand.
  “Hi, Ana!” She beams. “Christian.” She nods curtly to him.
  “Kate.” He is equally formal with her.
  I frown at their exchange. Elliot grasps me in an all-embracing hug. What is this, hug Ana week? This dazzling display of affection – I’m just not used to it. Christian stands at my side, wrapping his arm around me. Placing his hand on my hip, he spreads out his fingers and pulls me close. Everyone is staring at us. It’s unnerving.
  “Drinks?” Mr. Grey seems to recover himself. “Prosecco?”
  “Please,” Christian and I speak in unison.
  Oh… this is beyond weird. Mia claps her hands.
  “You’re even saying the same things. I’ll get them.” She scoots out of the room.
  I flush scarlet, and seeing Kate sitting with Elliot, it occurs to me suddenly that the only reason Christian invited me is because Kate is here. Elliot probably freely and happily asked Kate to meet his parents. Christian was trapped – knowing that I would have found out via Kate. I frown at the thought. He’s been forced into the invitation. The realization is bleak and depressing. My subconscious nods sagely, a you’ve-finally-worked-it-out-stupid look on her face.
  “Dinner’s almost ready,” Grace says as she follows Mia out of the room.
  Christian frowns as he gazes at me.
  “Sit,” he commands, pointing to the plush couch, and I do as I’m told, carefully crossing my legs. He sits down beside me but doesn’t touch me.
  “We were just talking about vacations, Ana,” Mr. Grey says kindly. “Elliot has decided to follow Kate and her family to Barbados for a week.”
  I glance at Kate, and she grins, her eyes bright and wide. She’s delighted. Katherine Kavanagh, show some dignity!
  “Are you taking a break now you’ve finished your degree?” Mr. Grey asks.
  “I’m thinking about going to Georgia for a few days,” I reply.
  Christian gapes at me, blinking a couple of times, his expression unreadable. Oh shit. I haven’t mentioned this to him.
  “Georgia?” he murmurs.
  “My mother lives there, and I haven’t seen her for a while.”
  “When were you thinking of going?” His voice is low.
  “Tomorrow, late evening.”
  Mia saunters back into the living room and hands us champagne flutes filled with pale pink Prosecco.
  “Your good health!” Mr. Grey raises his glass. An appropriate toast from a doctor’s husband, it makes me smile.
  “For how long?” Christian asks, his voice deceptively soft.
  Holy crap… he’s angry.
  “I don’t know yet. It will depend how my interviews go tomorrow.”
  His jaw clenches, and Kate gets that interfering look on her face. She smiles over-sweetly.
  “Ana deserves a break,” she says pointedly at Christian. Why is she so antagonistic towards him? What is her problem?
  “You have interviews?” Mr. Grey asks.
  “Yes, for internships at two publishers, tomorrow.”
  “I wish you the best of luck.”
  “Dinner is on the table,” Grace announces.
  We all stand. Kate and Elliot follow Mr. Grey and Mia out of the room. I go to follow, but Christian clutches my elbow, bringing me to an abrupt halt.
  “When were you going to tell me you were leaving?” he asks urgently. His tone is soft, but he’s masking his anger.
  “I’m not leaving, I’m going to see my mother, and I was only thinking about it.”
  “What about our arrangement?”
  “We don’t have an arrangement yet.”
  He narrows his eyes, and then seems to remember himself. Releasing my hand, he takes my elbow and leads me out of the room.
  “This conversation is not over,” he whispers threateningly as we enter the dining room.
  Oh, crapola. Don’t get your panties in such a twist… and give me back mine. I glare at him.
  The dining room reminds me of our private dinner at the Heathman. A crystal chandelier hangs over the dark wood table and there’s a massive, ornately carved mirror on the wall. The table is laid and covered with a crisp white linen tablecloth, a bowl of pale pink peonies as the center piece. It’s stunning.
  We take our places. Mr. Grey is at the head of the table, while I sit at his right hand, and Christian is seated beside me. Mr. Grey reaches for the opened bottle of red wine and offers some to Kate. Mia takes her seat beside Christian, and grabbing his hand, squeezes it tightly. Christian smiles warmly at her.
  “Where did you meet, Ana?” Mia asks him.
  “She interviewed me for the WSU student magazine.”
  “Which Kate edits,” I add, hoping to steer the conversation away from me.
  Mia beams at Kate, seated opposite next to Elliot, and they start talking about the student magazine.
  “Wine, Ana?” Mr. Grey asks.
  “Please.” I smile at him. Mr. Grey rises to fill the rest of the glasses.
  I peek up at Christian, and he turns to look at me, his head cocked to one side.
  “What?” he asks.
  “Please don’t be mad at me,” I whisper.
  “I’m not mad at you.”
  I stare at him. He sighs.
  “Yes, I am mad at you.” He closes his eyes briefly.
  “Palm-twitchingly mad?” I ask nervously.
  “What are you two whispering about?” Kate interjects.
  I flush, and Christian glares at her in a butt-out-of-this-Kavanagh kind of way – even Kate wilts under his stare.
  “Just about my trip to Georgia,” I say sweetly, hoping to diffuse their mutual hostility.
  Kate smiles, a wicked gleam in her eye.
  “How was José when you went to the bar with him on Friday?”
  Holy fuck, Kate. I widen my eyes at her. What is she doing? She widens her eyes back at me, and I realize she’s trying to make Christian jealous. How little she knows. I thought I’d got away with this.
  “He was fine,” I murmur.
  Christian leans over.
  “Palm-twitchingly mad,” he whispers. “Especially now.” His tone is quiet and deadly.
  Oh no. I squirm.
  Grace reappears carrying two plates, followed by a pretty young woman with blonde pigtails, dressed smartly in pale blue, carrying a tray of plates. Her eyes immediately find Christian in the room. She blushes and gazes at him from under her long mascara’d lashes. What!
  Somewhere in the house the phone starts ringing.
  “Excuse me,” Mr. Grey rises again and exits.
  “Thank you, Gretchen,” Grace says gently, frowning as Mr. Grey exits. “Just leave the tray on the console.” Gretchen nods, and with another furtive glance at Christian, she leaves.
  So the Greys have staff, and the staff are eyeing up my would-be Dominant. Can this evening get any worse? I scowl at my hands in my lap.
  Mr. Grey returns.
  “Call for you, darling. It’s the hospital,” he says to Grace.
  “Please start, everyone.” Grace smiles as she hands me a plate and leaves.
  It smells delicious – chorizo and scallops with roasted red peppers and shallots, sprinkled with flat leafed parsley. And in spite of the fact that my stomach is churning from Christian’s veiled threats, the surreptitious glances from pretty little Miss Pigtails, and the debacle of my missing underwear, I am starving. I flush as I realize it’s the physical effort of this afternoon that’s given me such an appetite.
  Moments later Grace returns, her brow furrowed. Mr. Grey cocks his head to one side… like Christian.
  “Everything okay?”
  “Another measles case,” Grace sighs.
  “Oh no.”
  “Yes, a child. The fourth case this month. If only people would get their kids vaccinated.” She shakes her head sadly, and then smiles. “I’m so glad our children never went through that. They never caught anything worse than chicken pox, thank goodness. Poor Elliot,” she says as she sits down, smiling indulgently at her son. Elliot frowns mid chew and squirms uncomfortably. “Christian and Mia were lucky. They got it so mildly, only a spot to share between them.”
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:一我的过去,一片朦胧……那天晚上,在一家咖啡馆的露天座位上,我只不过是一个模糊的影子而已。当时,我正在等着雨停,——那场雨很大它从我同于特分手的那个时候起,就倾泻下来了。几个小时前,我和于特在事务所①里见了最后一次面,那时,他虽象以往一样在笨重的写字台后面坐着,不过穿着大衣。因此,一眼就可以看出,他将要离去了。我坐在他的对面,坐在通常给顾客预备的皮扶手椅里。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:一九一五年五月七日下午两点,卢西塔尼亚号客轮接连被两枚鱼雷击中,正迅速下沉。船员以最快的速度放下救生艇。妇女和儿童排队等着上救生艇。有的妇女绝望地紧紧抱住丈夫,有的孩子拼命地抓住他们的父亲,另外一些妇女把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。一位女孩独自站在一旁,她很年轻,还不到十八岁。看上去她并不害怕,她看着前方,眼神既严肃又坚定。“请原谅。”旁边一位男人的声音吓了她一跳并使她转过身来。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一个不错的死法,死在别人——我钟爱的人的家里。甚至可以说轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。我知道如果我没有来福克斯的话,此刻也就不必面对死亡。但是,尽管我害怕,也不会后悔当初的决定。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:谨以此书献给我的丈夫,潘乔感谢你的耐心、关爱、友谊和幽默感以及心甘情愿在外就餐也感谢我的孩子们,加布、塞斯及艾利感谢你们使我体验了那种人们甘愿随时为之付出生命的爱火与冰①有人说世界将终结于火,有人说是冰。从我尝过的欲望之果我赞同倾向于火之说。但若它非得两度沉沦,我想我对仇恨了解也够多可以说要是去毁灭,冰也不错,应该也行。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:每天的这个时候,我总是祈祷自己可以入睡。高中——或者称为炼狱更为恰当!如果有什么方式能够弥补我的罪过,那恐怕就是我读高中的记录了。这种厌烦感不是我曾经体会过的,每一天看上去都要比前一天更加极度无聊。也许这就是我睡眠的方式——如果说,睡眠的含义就是在变幻的时期内处于呆滞状态的话。我凝视着食堂角落水泥墙上的裂纹,想象着它们所呈现的花纹其实并不存在。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:冬日漫步(1)[美国]亨利·大卫·梭罗亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817—1862),博物学家、散文家、超验现实主义作家。生于美国康科德,毕业于剑桥大学。他是一名虔诚的超验主义信徒,并用毕生的实践来体验这一思想,曾隐居家乡的瓦尔登湖长达两年之久,过着与世隔绝的生活。其代表作《瓦尔登悍又名《乎散记》,是他隐居生活的真实记录。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:最先登上月球的人--一、结识卡沃尔先生一、结识卡沃尔先生最近,我在商业投机上遭到了丢人的失败,我把它归咎于我的运气,而不是我的能力。但一个债权人拼命逼我还债,最后,我认为除了写剧本出售外,没别的出路了。于是我来到利姆,租了间小平房,置备了几件家具,便开始舞文弄墨。毫无疑问,如果谁需要清静,那么利姆正是这样一个地方。这地方在海边,附近还有一大片沼泽。从我工作时挨着的窗户望去,可以看见一片山峰。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:浅见光彦十二月中旬打电话约野泽光子出来,照例把见面地点定在平冢亭。平冢亭位于浅见和野泽两家之间,是平冢神社的茶馆。据说神社供举的神是源义家,至于为什么叫平冢神社,个中缘由浅见也不清楚。浅见的母亲雪江寡妇很喜欢吃平冢亭的饭团,所以母亲觉得不舒服的时候,浅见必定会买一些饭团作为礼物带同家。浅见和光子在平冢亭会面,并非出于什么特别的考虑,而且饭团店门前的氛围也不适合表白爱意。对此,光子也心领神会。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:十九世纪二十年代初,美国才开始摆脱对英国文学的依附,真正诞生了美国的民族文学。而书写这个文学《独立宣言》的代表人物,是欧文和库柏,他们同为美国民族文学的先驱者和奠基人,欧文被称为“美国文学之父”,而库柏则是“美国小说的鼻祖”。库柏的长篇小说《间谍》(一八二一),是美国文学史上第一部蜚声世界文坛的小说。他的代表作边疆五部曲《皮裹腿故事集》,影响更为广远;而《最后的莫希干人》则为其中最出色的一部。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我从笔记本的记载里发现,那是一八九二年三月底之前的一个寒风凛冽的日子。我们正坐着吃午饭,福尔摩斯接到了一份电报,并随手给了回电。他一语未发,但是看来心中有事,因为他随后站在炉火前面,脸上现出沉思的神色,抽着烟斗,不时瞧着那份电报。突然他转过身来对着我,眼里显出诡秘的神色。“华生,我想,我们必须把你看作是一位文学家,"他说。“怪诞这个词你怎么解释的?”“奇怪——异常,"我回答。 [点击阅读]