汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 23
  AT last the sleepy atmosphere was stirred -- and vigorously: the murder trial came on in the court. It became the absorbing topic of village talk immediately. Tom could not get away from it. Every reference to the murder sent a shudder to his heart, for his troubled conscience and fears almost persuaded him that these remarks were put forth in his hearing as "feelers"; he did not see how he could be suspected of knowing anything about the murder, but still he could not be comfortable in the midst of this gossip. It kept him in a cold shiver all the time. He took Huck to a lonely place to have a talk with him. It would be some relief to unseal his tongue for a little while; to divide his burden of distress with another sufferer. Moreover, he wanted to assure himself that Huck had remained discreet."Huck, have you ever told anybody about -- that?""'Bout what?""You know what.""Oh -- 'course I haven't.""Never a word?""Never a solitary word, so help me. What makes you ask?""Well, I was afeard.""Why, Tom Sawyer, we wouldn't be alive two days if that got found out. You know that."Tom felt more comfortable. After a pause:"Huck, they couldn't anybody get you to tell, could they?""Get me to tell? Why, if I wanted that half-breed devil to drownd me they could get me to tell. They ain't no different way.""Well, that's all right, then. I reckon we're safe as long as we keep mum. But let's swear again, anyway. It's more surer.""I'm agreed."So they swore again with dread solemnities."What is the talk around, Huck? I've heard a power of it.""Talk? Well, it's just Muff potter, Muff potter, Muff potter all the time. It keeps me in a sweat, constant, so's I want to hide som'ers.""That's just the same way they go on round me. I reckon he's a goner. Don't you feel sorry for him, sometimes?""Most always -- most always. He ain't no account; but then he hain't ever done anything to hurt anybody. Just fishes a little, to get money to get drunk on -- and loafs around considerable; but lord, we all do that -- leastways most of us -- preachers and such like. But he's kind of good -- he give me half a fish, once, when there warn't enough for two; and lots of times he's kind of stood by me when I was out of luck.""Well, he's mended kites for me, Huck, and knitted hooks on to my line. I wish we could get him out of there.""My! we couldn't get him out, Tom. And besides, 'twouldn't do any good; they'd ketch him again.""Yes -- so they would. But I hate to hear 'em abuse him so like the dickens when he never done -- that.""I do too, Tom. Lord, I hear 'em say he's the bloodiest looking villain in this country, and they wonder he wasn't ever hung before.""Yes, they talk like that, all the time. I've heard 'em say that if he was to get free they'd lynch him.""And they'd do it, too."The boys had a long talk, but it brought them little comfort. As the twilight drew on, they found themselves hanging about the neighborhood of the little isolated jail, perhaps with an undefined hope that something would happen that might clear away their difficulties. But nothing happened; there seemed to be no angels or fairies interested in this luckless captive.The boys did as they had often done before -- went to the cell grating and gave potter some tobacco and matches. He was on the ground floor and there were no guards.His gratitude for their gifts had always smote their consciences before -- it cut deeper than ever, this time. They felt cowardly and treacherous to the last degree when potter said:"You've been mighty good to me, boys -- better'n anybody else in this town. And I don't forget it, I don't. Often I says to myself, says I, 'I used to mend all the boys' kites and things, and show 'em where the good fishin' places was, and befriend 'em what I could, and now they've all forgot old Muff when he's in trouble; but Tom don't, and Huck don't -- they don't forget him, says I, 'and I don't forget them.' Well, boys, I done an awful thing -- drunk and crazy at the time -- that's the only way I account for it –and now I got to swing for it, and it's right. Right, and best, too, I reckon -- hope so, anyway. Well, we won't talk about that. I don't want to make you feel bad; you've befriended me. But what I want to say, is, don't you ever get drunk -- then you won't ever get here. Stand a litter furder west -- so -- that's it; it's a prime comfort to see faces that's friendly when a body's in such a muck of trouble, and there don't none come here but yourn. Good friendly faces -- good friendly faces. Git up on one another's backs and let me touch 'em. That's it. Shake hands -- yourn'll come through the bars, but mine's too big. Little hands, and weak -- but they've helped Muff potter a power, and they'd help him more if they could."Tom went home miserable, and his dreams that night were full of horrors. The next day and the day after, he hung about the court-room, drawn by an almost irresistible impulse to go in, but forcing himself to stay out. Huck was having the same experience. They studiously avoided each other. Each wandered away, from time to time, but the same dismal fascination always brought them back presently. Tom kept his ears open when idlers sauntered out of the courtroom, but invariably heard distressing news -- the toils were closing more and more relentlessly around poor potter. At the end of the second day the village talk was to the effect that Injun Joe's evidence stood firm and unshaken, and that there was not the slightest question as to what the jury's verdict would be.Tom was out late, that night, and came to bed through the window. He was in a tremendous state of excitement. It was hours before he got to sleep. All the village flocked to the court-house the next morning, for this was to be the great day. Both sexes were about equally represented in the packed audience. After a long wait the jury filed in and took their places; shortly afterward, potter, pale and haggard, timid and hopeless, was brought in, with chains upon him, and seated where all the curious eyes could stare at him; no less conspicuous was Injun Joe, stolid as ever. There was another pause, and then the judge arrived and the sheriff proclaimed the opening of the court. The usual whisperings among the lawyers and gathering together of papers followed. These details and accompanying delays worked up an atmosphere of preparation that was as impressive as it was fascinating.Now a witness was called who testified that he found Muff potter washing in the brook, at an early hour of the morning that the murder was discovered, and that he immediately sneaked away. After some further questioning, counsel for the prosecution said:"Take the witness."The prisoner raised his eyes for a moment, but dropped them again when his own counsel said:"I have no questions to ask him."The next witness proved the finding of the knife near the corpse. Counsel for the prosecution said:"Take the witness.""I have no questions to ask him," potter's lawyer replied.A third witness swore he had often seen the knife in potter's possession."Take the witness."Counsel for potter declined to question him. The faces of the audience began to betray annoyance. Did this attorney mean to throw away his client's life without an effort?Several witnesses deposed concerning potter's guilty behavior when brought to the scene of the murder. They were allowed to leave the stand without being cross-questioned.Every detail of the damaging circumstances that occurred in the graveyard upon that morning which all present remembered so well was brought out by credible witnesses, but none of them were crossexamined by potter's lawyer. The perplexity and dissatisfaction of the house expressed itself in murmurs and provoked a reproof from the bench. Counsel for the prosecution now said:"By the oaths of citizens whose simple word is above suspicion, we have fastened this awful crime, beyond all possibility of question, upon the unhappy prisoner at the bar. We rest our case here."A groan escaped from poor potter, and he put his face in his hands and rocked his body softly to and fro, while a painful silence reigned in the court-room. Many men were moved, and many women's compassion testified itself in tears. Counsel for the defence rose and said:"Your honor, in our remarks at the opening of this trial, we foreshadowed our purpose to prove that our client did this fearful deed while under the influence of a blind and irresponsible delirium produced by drink. We have changed our mind. We shall not offer that plea." [Then to the clerk:] "Call Thomas Sawyer!"A puzzled amazement awoke in every face in the house, not even excepting potter's. Every eye fastened itself with wondering interest upon Tom as he rose and took his place upon the stand. The boy looked wild enough, for he was badly scared. The oath was administered."Thomas Sawyer, where were you on the seventeenth of June, about the hour of midnight?"Tom glanced at Injun Joe's iron face and his tongue failed him. The audience listened breathless, but the words refused to come. After a few moments, however, the boy got a little of his strength back, and managed to put enough of it into his voice to make part of the house hear:"In the graveyard!""A little bit louder, please. Don't be afraid. You were --""In the graveyard."A contemptuous smile flitted across Injun Joe's face."Were you anywhere near Horse Williams' grave?""Yes, sir.""Speak up -- just a trifle louder. How near were you?""Near as I am to you.""Were you hidden, or not?""I was hid.""Where?""Behind the elms that's on the edge of the grave."Injun Joe gave a barely perceptible start."Any one with you?""Yes, sir. I went there with --""Wait -- wait a moment. Never mind mentioning your companion's name. We will produce him at the proper time. Did you carry anything there with you."Tom hesitated and looked confused."Speak out, my boy -- don't be diffident. The truth is always respectable. What did you take there?""Only a -- a -- dead cat."There was a ripple of mirth, which the court checked."We will produce the skeleton of that cat. Now, my boy, tell us everything that occurred -- tell it in your own way -- don't skip anything, and don't be afraid."Tom began -- hesitatingly at first, but as he warmed to his subject his words flowed more and more easily; in a little while every sound ceased but his own voice; every eye fixed itself upon him; with parted lips and bated breath the audience hung upon his words, taking no note of time, rapt in the ghastly fascinations of the tale. The strain upon pent emotion reached its climax when the boy said:"-- and as the doctor fetched the board around and Muff potter fell, Injun Joe jumped with the knife and --"Crash! Quick as lightning the half-breed sprang for a window, tore his way through all opposers, and was gone!
章节:36 人气:0
摘要:每个俱乐部都有个烦人的家伙,“加冕俱乐部”也不例外。尽管外面正有敌机来袭击,俱乐部里的气氛却一如既往。曾经远渡重洋到过印度的波特少校扯扯手上的报纸,清清喉咙。大家都赶快躲开他的眼光,可是没有用。“《泰晤士报》上登了戈登-柯罗穗的讣闻,”他说,“当然说得很含蓄——‘十月五日死于空袭’。连地址都没写。老实说吧,那地方就在寒舍转角,坎普顿山丘上那些大宅子之一。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:赫尔克里-波洛从维拉饭店出来,迈步朝索霍区走去。他竖起大衣领护住他的脖子,他这样做,与其说是一种需要,不如说是处于谨慎,因为这时的夜晚并不太冷。“不过,在我这种年龄,一个人还是别冒什么风险的好。”波洛习惯这样说。他心情愉快,两眼睡意朦胧。维拉饭店的蜗牛实在是美味极了,真是一个好地方,这个地道的小餐馆,这次总算是找对了。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:1你无影无踪地向前奔涌,永恒的游思,哪里有你无形的冲击,哪里死水般的空间便会荡起粼粼的波光。是不是你的心儿神往着那在不可估量的寂寞里向你呼唤的爱人?你缠结的发辫散落,飘扬成暴风雨般的纷乱;你前行的路上火珠滚滚,犹如碎裂的项链落下串串火星,这是不是就因为你心情急迫,步履匆促?你疾行的步履把世界的尘土吻得甜美芬芳,把腐朽之物扫荡殆尽;你舞蹈的四肢是暴风雨的中心,把死亡的圣霖哗哗地摇落到生命之上, [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:莫泊桑是世界上数一数二的短篇小说大师,他在长篇小说创作上的成就往往因此而被湮没。其实,他在长篇小说创作上颇有建树:他继承了巴尔扎克、司汤达、福楼拜的现实主义传统,在心理描写上又开拓出新路。《漂亮朋友》就是前者的一部代表性*作品。莫泊桑从事长篇创作是在写作短篇小说之后,其时他并不满足于短篇小说所取得的成就。随着他声誉鹊起,他经常涉足上流社会,开阔了眼界,便想到从更广阔的背景上去反映社会现实。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:0
摘要:日本作家大江健三郎在北大附中讲演(全文)人民网日本版9月11日讯:应中国社会科学院邀请访中的日本诺贝尔文学奖获得者、中国社会科学院名誉研究员大江健三郎,10日上午来到北大附中作了题为“走的人多了,也便成了路”的讲演。其演讲全文如下:我是一个已经步入老境的日本小说家,我从内心里感到欣慰,能够有机会面对北大附中的同学们发表讲话。 [点击阅读]
章节:5 人气:0
摘要:“你这个白痴!”他老婆说着就把她的牌甩了下去。我急忙扭过头去,避免看见海利·德莱恩的脸;不过为什么我想避免看见那张脸,我可不能告诉你,就更不可能告诉你为什么我竟然会料想到(如果我真的料想到的话)像他这样年纪的一个显要人物会注意到我这样一个完全无足轻重的小青年遇到的事了。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:五岁那年,玛丽雅姆第一次听到“哈拉米”这个词。那天是星期四。肯定是的,因为玛丽雅姆记得那天她坐立不安、心不在焉;她只有在星期四才会这样,星期四是扎里勒到泥屋来看望她的日子。等到终于见到扎里勒的时候,玛丽雅姆将会挥舞着手臂,跑过空地上那片齐膝高的杂草;而这一刻到来之前,为了消磨时间,她爬上一张椅子,搬下她母亲的中国茶具。玛丽雅姆的母亲叫娜娜,娜娜的母亲在她两岁的时候便去世了,只给她留下这么一套茶具。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:一安田辰郎一月十三日在东京赤坂区的“小雪饭庄”宴请一位客人。客人的身份是政府某部的司长。安田辰郎经营着安田公司,买卖机械工具。这家公司这几年颇有发展。据说,生意蓬勃的原因是官家方面的订货多。所以,他时常在“小雪饭庄”招待这类身份的客人。安田时常光顾这家饭庄。在附近来说,它虽然称不上是第一流,却正因为如此,客人到了这里才不会挤得肩碰肩的,吃得心里踏实。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:“君子-周!”“啊,那木是吉米-麦克格拉吗?”佳色游览团的团员是七位面色抑郁的女士和三位汗流泱背的男士。现在,他们都相当注意地从旁观望。他们的导游凯德先生显然碰到一个老朋友了。他们都非常赞美凯德先生。他那瘦高的个儿,晒得黑黑的面孔和轻松愉快的态度,都很令人欣赏。团员当中若有争论,他总能轻轻地为他们排解,并且能够把他们哄得心平气和。现在,他遇见的这个朋友的确是一个样子很奇特的人。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:1827年10月18日,下午5点左右,一艘来自地中海东海岸的船正乘风前进,看来它是想赶在天黑前进入科龙海湾的维地罗港。这就是在古代荷马书中提到的奥地罗斯港口。它坐落在爱奥尼亚海和爱琴海三个锯齿状缺口中的一个里。这三个踞齿缺口把希腊南部踞成了一片法国梧桐叶的形状。古代的伯罗奔尼撒就是在这片叶状的土地上发展起来的。现代地理称其为摩里亚。 [点击阅读]