汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 11
  CLOSE upon the hour of noon the whole village was suddenly electrified with the ghastly news. No need of the as yet undreamed-of telegraph; the tale flew from man to man, from group to group, from house to house, with little less than telegraphic speed. Of course the schoolmaster gave holiday for that afternoon; the town would have thought strangely of him if he had not.A gory knife had been found close to the murdered man, and it had been recognized by somebody as belonging to Muff potter -- so the story ran. And it was said that a belated citizen had come upon potter washing himself in the "branch" about one or two o'clock in the morning, and that potter had at once sneaked off -- suspicious circumstances, especially the washing which was not a habit with potter. It was also said that the town had been ransacked for this "murderer" (the public are not slow in the matter of sifting evidence and arriving at a verdict), but that he could not be found. Horsemen had departed down all the roads in every direction, and the Sheriff "was confident" that he would be captured before night.All the town was drifting toward the graveyard. Tom's heartbreak vanished and he joined the procession, not because he would not a thousand times rather go anywhere else, but because an awful, unaccountable fascination drew him on. Arrived at the dreadful place, he wormed his small body through the crowd and saw the dismal spectacle. It seemed to him an age since he was there before. Somebody pinched his arm. He turned, and his eyes met Huckleberry's. Then both looked elsewhere at once, and wondered if anybody had noticed anything in their mutual glance. But everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them."poor fellow!" "poor young fellow!" "This ought to be a lesson to grave robbers!" "Muff potter'll hang for this if they catch him!" This was the drift of remark; and the minister said, "It was a judgment; His hand is here."Now Tom shivered from head to heel; for his eye fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe. At this moment the crowd began to sway and struggle, and voices shouted, "It's him! it's him! he's coming himself!""Who? Who?" from twenty voices."Muff potter!""Hallo, he's stopped! -- Look out, he's turning! Don't let him get away!"people in the branches of the trees over Tom's head said he wasn't trying to get away -- he only looked doubtful and perplexed."Infernal impudence!" said a bystander; "wanted to come and take a quiet look at his work, I reckon -- didn't expect any company."The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading potter by the arm. The poor fellow's face was haggard, and his eyes showed the fear that was upon him. When he stood before the murdered man, he shook as with a palsy, and he put his face in his hands and burst into tears."I didn't do it, friends," he sobbed; "'pon my word and honor I never done it.""Who's accused you?" shouted a voice.This shot seemed to carry home. potter lifted his face and looked around him with a pathetic hopelessness in his eyes. He saw Injun Joe, and exclaimed:"Oh, Injun Joe, you promised me you'd never --""Is that your knife?" and it was thrust before him by the Sheriff.potter would have fallen if they had not caught him and eased him to the ground. Then he said:"Something told me 't if I didn't come back and get --" He shuddered; then waved his nerveless hand with a vanquished gesture and said, "Tell 'em, Joe, tell 'em -- it ain't any use any more."Then Huckleberry and Tom stood dumb and staring, and heard the stony-hearted liar reel off his serene statement, they expecting every moment that the clear sky would deliver God's lightnings upon his head, and wondering to see how long the stroke was delayed. And when he had finished and still stood alive and whole, their wavering impulse to break their oath and save the poor betrayed prisoner's life faded and vanished away, for plainly this miscreant had sold himself to Satan and it would be fatal to meddle with the property of such a power as that."Why didn't you leave? What did you want to come here for?" somebody said."I couldn't help it -- I couldn't help it," potter moaned. "I wanted to run away, but I couldn't seem to come anywhere but here." And he fell to sobbing again.Injun Joe repeated his statement, just as calmly, a few minutes afterward on the inquest, under oath; and the boys, seeing that the lightnings were still withheld, were confirmed in their belief that Joe had sold himself to the devil. He was now become, to them, the most balefully interesting object they had ever looked upon, and they could not take their fascinated eyes from his face.They inwardly resolved to watch him nights, when opportunity should offer, in the hope of getting a glimpse of his dread master.Injun Joe helped to raise the body of the murdered man and put it in a wagon for removal; and it was whispered through the shuddering crowd that the wound bled a little! The boys thought that this happy circumstance would turn suspicion in the right direction; but they were disappointed, for more than one villager remarked:"It was within three feet of Muff potter when it done it."Tom's fearful secret and gnawing conscience disturbed his sleep for as much as a week after this; and at breakfast one morning Sid said:"Tom, you pitch around and talk in your sleep so much that you keep me awake half the time."Tom blanched and dropped his eyes."It's a bad sign," said Aunt polly, gravely. "What you got on your mind, Tom?""Nothing. Nothing 't I know of." But the boy's hand shook so that he spilled his coffee."And you do talk such stuff," Sid said. "Last night you said, 'It's blood, it's blood, that's what it is!' You said that over and over. And you said, 'Don't torment me so -- I'll tell!' Tell what? What is it you'll tell?"Everything was swimming before Tom. There is no telling what might have happened, now, but luckily the concern passed out of Aunt polly's face and she came to Tom's relief without knowing it. She said:"Sho! It's that dreadful murder. I dream about it most every night myself. Sometimes I dream it's me that done it."Mary said she had been affected much the same way. Sid seemed satisfied. Tom got out of the presence as quick as he plausibly could, and after that he complained of toothache for a week, and tied up his jaws every night. He never knew that Sid lay nightly watching, and frequently slipped the bandage free and then leaned on his elbow listening a good while at a time, and afterward slipped the bandage back to its place again. Tom's distress of mind wore off gradually and the toothache grew irksome and was discarded. If Sid really managed to make anything out of Tom's disjointed mutterings, he kept it to himself.It seemed to Tom that his schoolmates never would get done holding inquests on dead cats, and thus keeping his trouble present to his mind. Sid noticed that Tom never was coroner at one of these inquiries, though it had been his habit to take the lead in all new enterprises; he noticed, too, that Tom never acted as a witness -- and that was strange; and Sid did not overlook the fact that Tom even showed a marked aversion to these inquests, and always avoided them when he could. Sid marvelled, but said nothing. However, even inquests went out of vogue at last, and ceased to torture Tom's conscience.Every day or two, during this time of sorrow, Tom watched his opportunity and went to the little grated jail-window and smuggled such small comforts through to the "murderer" as he could get hold of. The jail was a trifling little brick den that stood in a marsh at the edge of the village, and no guards were afforded for it; indeed, it was seldom occupied. These offerings greatly helped to ease Tom's conscience.The villagers had a strong desire to tar-and-feather Injun Joe and ride him on a rail, for body-snatching, but so formidable was his character that nobody could be found who was willing to take the lead in the matter, so it was dropped. He had been careful to begin both of his inquest-statements with the fight, without confessing the grave-robbery that preceded it; therefore it was deemed wisest not to try the case in the courts at present.
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:圣诞!这是两个多么可亲、多么令人神往的字眼!我是说,无论是过去还是现在,无论在哪个民族或哪个时代的语汇里,再也没有第二个如此深奥如此神圣的字眼,圣诞是年年都会到来的普普通通的节庆日子,是全家快乐的团聚、小孩充满喜悦的日子。有的人从内心深处发出真诚的呼唤:“过去和现在的耶稣基督,你永远在我们心中!”有的人情不自禁地亮起歌喉或至少让他的孩子们唱起欢乐颂:世界走向毁灭时,基督诞生到世界。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:一个金发男孩从最后几英尺的岩壁上滑溜下来,开始小心翼翼地找条道儿奔向环礁湖。尽管他已脱掉校服式的毛线衫,这会儿提在手里任其飘摇,灰色的衬衫却仍然粘在身上,头发也湿漉漉地贴在前额。在他周围,一条狭长的断层岩直插林莽深处,一切都沐浴在阳光之中。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:一八七八年我在伦敦大学获得医学博士学位以后,就到内特黎去进修军医的必修课程。我在那里读完了我的课程以后,立刻就被派往诺桑伯兰第五明火枪团充当军医助理。这个团当时驻扎在印度。在我还没有赶到部队以前,第二次阿富汗战役就爆发了。我在孟买上岸的时候,听说我所属的那个部队已经穿过山隘,向前挺进,深入敌境了。虽然如此,我还是跟着一群和我一样掉队的军官赶上前去,平安地到达了坎达哈。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:田龟规则1古义人躺在书房的简易床上,戴着耳机专注地听着录音机。“好了,我该到那边去了。”接着“咚”地响了一声,隔了一会儿,吾良又接着说:“不过我和你之间的通信并不会中断,因为我特意准备了田龟程序。现在你那边的时间已经很晚了,你休息吧。”古义人听不明白吾良什么意思,只感觉一阵撕心裂肺的痛楚。默然良久,他才把田龟放回书架,打算睡觉。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:0
摘要:使整个巴黎为之疯狂的俄籍舞者纳蒂娜,正一再的向台下不断喝彩赞好的观众鞠躬谢幕。她那细窄的双眼,此时显得更加的细眯,猩红的唇线微微上翘。当布幔缓缓下落,逐渐遮盖住五彩缤纷的舞台装饰时,热情的法国观众仍不停地击掌赞赏。舞者终于在蓝色和橘色的布幔旋涡中离开了舞台。一位蓄须的绅士热情地拥抱着她,那是剧院的经理。“了不起,真了不起!”他叫喊着。“今晚的表演,你已超越了自己。”他一本正经地亲吻她的双颊。 [点击阅读]
章节:81 人气:0
摘要:我馆历来重视移译世界各国学术名著。从五十年代起,更致力于翻译出版马克思主义诞生以前的古典学术著作,同时适当介绍当代具有定评的各派代表作品。幸赖著译界鼎力襄助,三十年来印行不下三百余种。我们确信只有用人类创造的全部知识财富来丰富自己的头脑,才能够建成现代化的社会主义社会。这些书籍所蕴藏的思想财富和学术价值,为学人所熟知,毋需赘述。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:西线无战事[德国]雷马克著王国伟译作者埃里奇·马里亚·雷马克(ErichMaraRemarque,1898-1970),出生于德国威斯特伐利亚的奥斯纳布吕克。祖先是法国人,一七八九年法兰西大革命时迁移到了莱茵兰,家境清贫。他一家人都是虔诚的天主教徒。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:迈克尔-科莱昂站在巴勒莫长长的木制船坞上,望着那艘驶往美国的巨型客轮启航,他原准备搭乘那船的,只是他又接到了父亲的新指令。他挥手向小渔船上的人们告别,是他们带他来到船坞,而且在过去的岁月里一直护卫着他。小渔船在客轮身后泛起的白浪中颠簸,像一只紧紧追随母亲的勇敢的小鸭。船上的人也在向他挥手道别;他将再也见不到他们了。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:一某一天黄昏七点过后,在新宿西口车站纷乱的人群中,田关宏看见了一个老人。这个老人从数米远的地方朝田关宏这边走过来。田关瞥了一眼,谈不上对他怀有特别的兴趣,只是觉得老人的神采炯然。老人的额头宽大,胡子灰白发际上有一圈银丝。脸颊上的皱纹似乎是智慧的象征。老人看上去有七十岁了。这个老人真有贵族气派——这一感觉涌上了田关的心头。由于受到老人目光的吸引,田关又看了老人一眼。 [点击阅读]
章节:75 人气:0
摘要:你知道吗,大夫,你并不是我回来以后看过的第一个心理医生。我刚回来的时候,我的家庭医生就给我推荐了一位。那人可不怎么样,他假装不知道我是谁,这也太假了——你要不知道我是谁,除非你又聋又瞎。每次我走在路上,转个身,似乎都会有拿着照相机的白痴从路边的灌木丛中跳出来。但在这一切倒霉事情发生之前呢?很多人从来都没有听说过温哥华岛,更不用说克莱顿瀑布区了。 [点击阅读]