  That night, la Esmeralda had fallen asleep in her cell, full of oblivion, of hope, and of sweet thoughts.She had already been asleep for some time, dreaming as always, of phoebus, when it seemed to her that she heard a noise near her.She slept lightly and uneasily, the sleep of a bird; a mere nothing waked her.She opened her eyes.The night was very dark. Nevertheless, she saw a figure gazing at her through the window; a lamp lighted up this apparition.The moment that the figure saw that la Esmeralda had perceived it, it blew out the lamp.But the young girl had had time to catch a glimpse of it; her eyes closed again with terror."Oh!" she said in a faint voice, "the priest!"All her past unhappiness came back to her like a flash of lightning.She fell back on her bed, chilled.A moment later she felt a touch along her body which made her shudder so that she straightened herself up in a sitting posture, wide awake and furious.The priest had just slipped in beside her.He encircled her with both arms.She tried to scream and could not."Begone, monster! begone assassin!" she said, in a voice which was low and trembling with wrath and terror."Mercy!mercy!" murmured the priest, pressing his lips to her shoulder.She seized his bald head by its remnant of hair and tried to thrust aside his kisses as though they had been bites."Mercy!" repeated the unfortunate man."If you but knew what my love for you is!'Tis fire, melted lead, a thousand daggers in my heart."She stopped his two arms with superhuman force."Let me go," she said, "or I will spit in your face!"He released her."Vilify me, strike me, be malicious!Do what you will!But have mercy! love me!"Then she struck him with the fury of a child.She made her beautiful hands stiff to bruise his face."Begone, demon!""Love me! love mepity!" cried the poor priest returning her blows with caresses.All at once she felt him stronger than herself."There must be an end to this!" he said, gnashing his teeth.She was conquered, palpitating in his arms, and in his power.She felt a wanton hand straying over her.She made a last effort, and began to cry: "Help!Help!A vampire! a vampire!"Nothing came.Djali alone was awake and bleating with anguish."Hush!" said the panting priest.All at once, as she struggled and crawled on the floor, the gypsy's hand came in contact with something cold and metal- lic-it was Quasimodo's whistle.She seized it with a convulsive hope, raised it to her lips and blew with all the strength that she had left.The whistle gave a clear, piercing sound."What is that?" said the priest.Almost at the same instant he felt himself raised by a vigorous arm.The cell was dark; he could not distinguish clearly who it was that held him thus; but he heard teeth chattering with rage, and there was just sufficient light scattered among the gloom to allow him to see above his head the blade of a large knife.The priest fancied that he perceived the form of Quasimodo. He assumed that it could be no one but he.He remembered to have stumbled, as he entered, over a bundle which was stretched across the door on the outside.But, as the newcomer did not utter a word, he knew not what to think.He flung himself on the arm which held the knife, crying: "Quasimodo!"He forgot, at that moment of distress, that Quasimodo was deaf.In a twinkling, the priest was overthrown and a leaden knee rested on his breast.From the angular imprint of that knee he recognized Quasimodo; but what was to be done? how could he make the other recognize him? the darkness rendered the deaf man blind.He was lost.The young girl, pitiless as an enraged tigress, did not intervene to save him.The knife was approaching his head; the moment was critical.All at once, his adversary seemed stricken with hesitation."No blood on her!" he said in a dull voice.It was, in fact, Quasimodo's voice.Then the priest felt a large hand dragging him feet first out of the cell; it was there that he was to die.Fortunately for him, the moon had risen a few moments before.When they had passed through the door of the cell, its pale rays fell upon the priest's countenance.Quasimodo looked him full in the face, a trembling seized him, and he released the priest and shrank back.The gypsy, who had advanced to the threshold of her cell, beheld with surprise their roles abruptly changed.It was now the priest who menaced, Quasimodo who was the suppliant.The priest, who was overwhelming the deaf man with gestures of wrath and reproach, made the latter a violent sign to retire.The deaf man dropped his head, then he came and knelt at the gypsy's door,--"Monseigneur," he said, in a grave and resigned voice, "you shall do all that you please afterwards, but kill me first."So saying, he presented his knife to the priest.The priest, beside himself, was about to seize it.But the young girl was quicker than be; she wrenched the knife from Quasimodo's hands and burst into a frantic laugh,--"Approach," she said to the priest.She held the blade high.The priest remained undecided.She would certainly have struck him.Then she added with a pitiless expression, well aware that she was about to pierce the priest's heart with thousands of red-hot irons,--"Ah!I know that phoebus is not dead!The priest overturned Quasimodo on the floor with a kick, and, quivering with rage, darted back under the vault of the staircase.When he was gone, Quasimodo picked up the whistle which had just saved the gypsy."It was getting rusty," he said, as he handed it back to her; then he left her alone.The young girl, deeply agitated by this violent scene, fell back exhausted on her bed, and began to sob and weep.Her horizon was becoming gloomy once more.The priest had groped his way back to his cell.It was settled.Dom Claude was jealous of Quasimodo!He repeated with a thoughtful air his fatal words: "No one shall have her."
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:圣犹大教堂是夜城唯一的教堂,我只有在生意需要的时候才会去。这间教堂距离到处都有敬神场所的上帝之街很远,独自耸立在一个极为安静的角落里,远离夜城一切华丽亮眼的霓虹。这是间不打广告的教堂,一间毫不在意路过的人们愿不愿意进入的教堂。它只是默默地待在原地,以防任何不时之需。圣犹大教堂以迷途圣人之名而建,是一幢非常非常古老的建筑,甚至可能比基督教本身还要古老。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:夜城里任何形式的能量都有,不过想要在这里成为电力供货商的话,不但需要稳定的能量,还得要不受外界干扰才行。不管怎样,夜城中形形色色的霓虹灯光总是得要有电才能运作。身为一座大城市中的小城市,夜城拥有许多能量来源,包皮括某些不合法甚至不自然的能量,比方说活人血祭、囚禁神祇、折磨理智,甚至是吸收了能量力场的小型黑洞。还有一些十分浩瀚恐怖、诡异奇特的能量来源,以人类心智无法承受的方式运作。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:夜城老是给人一种时间不够的感觉。你可以在这里买到所有东西,但就是买不到时间。由于我有许多事情要办,又有许多敌人在身后追赶,所以只好急急忙忙地穿梭在夜城的街道之间。我很惊讶地发现来来往往的人潮都跟我保持一种比平常还要遥远的距离,看来若非我母亲的身分已经流传开来,就是大家都听说了当权者公开悬赏我的项上人头。为了避免卷入无妄之灾,于是众人纷纷及早走避。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:伦敦中心附近藏有一个可怕的秘密,有如毒蛇缠绕在其中:夜城。一个黑暗堕落的地方,一个大城市中的小城市,一个太阳从未照耀也永远不会照耀的所在。你可以在夜城中找到诸神、怪物,以及来自地底深处的灵体,如果他们没有先找上门来的话。欢愉与恐惧永远都在打折,不但价格低廉,也不会在橱柜中陈列太久。我是个在夜城出生的人,而打从三十几年前出生的那天开始,就不断有人想要置我于死地。我名叫约翰·泰勒,职业是私家侦探。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:夜城,黑暗而又神秘的领域,位于伦敦市内。不论是诸神与怪物,还是人类与生灵,都会为了许多私密的理由来到这个病态的魔法境地,追求其他地方无法提供的梦想与梦魇。这里的一切都有标价,商品不会太过陈旧。想要召唤恶魔或是跟天使做爱?出卖自己的灵魂,或是别人的灵魂?想将世界变得更加美好,或是纯粹只是变得大不相同?夜城随时敞开双臂,面带微笑地等着满足你的需求。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:观览车,意指“摩天轮”。兴建期间,附近高级公寓发生惊人命案这群斜坡上的住户,都衷心期待摩天轮落成后,明天会更加闪耀……01晚上七点四十分——事情为什么会演变成这样呢?远藤真弓眼前的少女名叫彩花,这名字是她取的。少女一面高声嘶喊,一面挥手把书桌上的东西不分青红皂白全扫落到地上。不对,手机、大头贴小册之类她喜欢的东西部避开了。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:——代序姜秋霞安妮·赖斯是美国当代著名的小说家之一,她1941年出生在美国新奥尔良,1961年与诗人斯坦·赖斯结为伉俪,1964年获旧金山州立大学学士学位,1971年获加州大学硕士学位。她在成名之前做过多种工作:女招待、厨师、引座员等等,经历十分丰富,为她的写作奠定了充实的基础。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:暮春的莫斯科。这一天,太阳已经平西,却还热得出奇。此时,牧首①湖畔出现了两个男人。身材矮小的那个穿一身浅灰色夏季西装,膘肥体壮,光着秃头,手里郑重其事地托着顶相当昂贵的礼帽,脸刮得精光,鼻梁上架着一副大得出奇的角质黑框眼镜。另一个很年轻,宽肩膀,棕黄头发乱蓬蓬的,脑后歪戴一顶方格鸭舌帽,上身着方格布料翻领牛仔衫,下身是条皱巴巴的自西眼裤,脚上穿一双黑色平底鞋。 [点击阅读]
章节:100 人气:0
摘要:阴云密布,狂风怒号,滔天的大浪冲击着海岸。海草、杂鱼、各种水生物被涌上海滩,在狂风中飘滚、颤动。一道嶙峋的峭壁在海边耸起,俯视着无边无际的滔滔大洋。一条破木船搁浅在岸边,孤零零地忍受着风浪的抽打。船上写着几行日文。孤船的旁边,一条被海浪选到沙滩上的小鲨鱼,发出刺耳的哀叫。在任暴的风浪里,野生的海带漂忽不走,有些在海浪里起伏深沉,有些被刮到海滩上,任凭酷热的蒸腾。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:珍-玻波小姐坐在窗前瞧着前面,好久以来她已不再欣赏这片原是茂密的花园。但是什么也没去做。雷库克的藉口总头头是道,不是天气太干燥,就是太潮湿,或是泥土泡了水。雷库克自己栽花种菜的原则很简单,泡几杯浓浓的甜茶做为提神用,秋天来时扫落叶,夏天时种植他喜爱的鼠尾草和紫苑花。凭良心说,他喜爱他的主人,也迁就他们的喜好,对于蔬菜他知道得很清楚,什么是上好的香薄荷或是甘蓝菜绝不会弄错。 [点击阅读]