  On the following morning, she perceived on awaking, that she had been asleep.This singular thing astonished her. She had been so long unaccustomed to sleep!A joyous ray of the rising sun entered through her window and touched her face.At the same time with the sun, she beheld at that window an object which frightened her, the unfortunate face of Quasimodo.She involuntarily closed her eyes again, but in vain; she fancied that she still saw through the rosy lids that gnome's mask, one-eyed and gap-toothed.Then, while she still kept her eyes closed, she heard a rough voice saying, very gently,--"Be not afraid.I am your friend.I came to watch you sleep.It does not hurt you if I come to see you sleep, does it?What difference does it make to you if I am here when your eyes are closed!Now I am going.Stay, I have placed myself behind the wall.You can open your eyes again."There was something more plaintive than these words, and that was the accent in which they were uttered.The gypsy, much touched, opened her eyes.He was, in fact, no longer at the window.She approached the opening, and beheld the poor hunchback crouching in an angle of the wall, in a sad and resigned attitude.She made an effort to surmount the repugnance with which he inspired her."Come," she said to him gently.From the movement of the gypsy's lips, Quasimodo thought that she was driving him away; then he rose and retired limping, slowly, with drooping head, without even daring to raise to the young girl his gaze full of despair. "Do come," she cried, but he continued to retreat.Then she darted from her cell, ran to him, and grasped his arm. On feeling her touch him, Quasimodo trembled in every limb. He raised his suppliant eye, and seeing that she was leading him back to her quarters, his whole face beamed with joy and tenderness.She tried to make him enter the cell; but he persisted in remaining on the threshold."No, no," said he; "the owl enters not the nest of the lark."Then she crouched down gracefully on her couch, with her goat asleep at her feet.Both remained motionless for several moments, considering in silence, she so much grace, he so much ugliness.Every moment she discovered some fresh deformity in Quasimodo.Her glance travelled from his knock knees to his humped back, from his humped back to his only eye.She could not comprehend the existence of a being so awkwardly fashioned.Yet there was so much sadness and so much gentleness spread over all this, that she began to become reconciled to it.He was the first to break the silence."So you were telling me to return?"She made an affirmative sign of the head, and said, "Yes."He understood the motion of the head."Alas!" he said, as though hesitating whether to finish, "I am--I am deaf.""poor man!" exclaimed the Bohemian, with an expression of kindly pity.He began to smile sadly."You think that that was all that I lacked, do you not? Yes, I am deaf, that is the way I am made.'Tis horrible, is it not?You are so beautiful!"There lay in the accents of the wretched man so profound a consciousness of his misery, that she had not the strength to say a word.Besides, he would not have heard her.He went on,--"Never have I seen my ugliness as at the present moment. When I compare myself to you, I feel a very great pity for myself, poor unhappy monster that I am!Tell me, I must look to you like a beast.You, you are a ray of sunshine, a drop of dew, the song of a bird!I am something frightful, neither man nor animal, I know not what, harder, more trampled under foot, and more unshapely than a pebble stone!"Then he began to laugh, and that laugh was the most heartbreaking thing in the world.He continued,--"Yes, I am deaf; but you shall talk to me by gestures, by signs.I have a master who talks with me in that way. And then, I shall very soon know your wish from the movement of your lips, from your look.""Well!" she interposed with a smile, "tell me why you saved me."He watched her attentively while she was speaking."I understand," he replied."You ask me why I saved you.You have forgotten a wretch who tried to abduct you one night, a wretch to whom you rendered succor on the following day on their infamous pillory.A drop of water and a little pity,--that is more than I can repay with my life. You have forgotten that wretch; but he remembers it."She listened to him with profound tenderness.A tear swam in the eye of the bellringer, but did not fall.He seemed to make it a sort of point of honor to retain it."Listen," he resumed, when he was no longer afraid that the tear would escape; "our towers here are very high, a man who should fall from them would be dead before touching the pavement; when it shall please you to have me fall, you will not have to utter even a word, a glance will suffice."Then he rose.Unhappy as was the Bohemian, this eccentric being still aroused some compassion in her.She made him a sign to remain."No, no," said he; "I must not remain too long.I am not at my ease.It is out of pity that you do not turn away your eyes.I shall go to some place where I can see you without your seeing me: it will be better so."He drew from his pocket a little metal whistle."Here," said he, "when you have need of me, when you wish me to come, when you will not feel too ranch horror at the sight of me, use this whistle.I can hear this sound."He laid the whistle on the floor and fled.
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:某日傍晚,有一家将,在罗生门下避雨。宽广的门下,除他以外,没有别人,只在朱漆斑驳的大圆柱上,蹲着一只蟋蟀。罗生门正当朱雀大路,本该有不少戴女笠和乌软帽的男女行人,到这儿来避雨,可是现在却只有他一个。这是为什么呢,因为这数年来,接连遭了地震、台风、大火、饥懂等几次灾难,京城已格外荒凉了。照那时留下来的记载,还有把佛像、供具打碎,将带有朱漆和飞金的木头堆在路边当柴卖的。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:一过晚上八点,商业街上营业时间最长的中华荞麦店也打烊了,小城顿时漆黑一片,复归寂静。夏季里,商家的经营对象是从东京、大阪等地回来省亲的人们,因此,常常会有许多店铺营业到很晚。可是,自秋风初起,东北小城的夜幕就开始早早降临了。晚上十点,城边的卡拉OK快餐店也关了门。几个手握麦克风、狂唱到最后的男女客人走出来,各个怕冷似地缩着身子,一面商量着接下来去何处,一面钻进停在路边的汽车。 [点击阅读]
章节:62 人气:0
摘要:译序《苦行记》是美国著名现实主义作家、幽默大师马克·吐温的一部半自传体著作,作者以夸张的手法记录了他1861—一1865年间在美国西部地区的冒险生活。书中的情节大多是作者自己当年的所见所闻和亲身经历,我们可以在他的自传里发现那一系列真实的素材,也可以在他的其他作品中看到这些情节的艺术再现及作者审美趣旨的发展。《苦行记》也是十九世纪淘金热时期美国西部奇迹般繁荣的写照。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:内容简介1996年囊获9项奥斯卡大奖的电影《英国病人》,早已蜚声影坛,成为世界经典名片,而它正是改编于加拿大作家迈克尔·翁达尔的同名小说...一部《英国病人》让他一举摘得了英国小说的最高奖项———布克奖(1992)。翁达杰的作品,国内鲜有译介(当年无论是电影《英国病人》还是图书《英国病人》,都没能引发一场翁达杰热)。这不能不说是一种遗憾。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:“那苹果树、那歌声和那金子。”墨雷译《攸里披底斯的〈希波勒特斯〉》在他们的银婚日,艾舍斯特和妻子坐着汽车,行驶在荒原的外边,要到托尔基去过夜,圆满地结束这个节日,因为那里是他们初次相遇的地方。这是斯苔拉·艾舍斯特的主意,在她的性格里是有点儿多情色彩的。 [点击阅读]
章节:34 人气:0
摘要:玛格丽特原来是个贫苦的乡下姑娘,来到巴黎后,开始了卖笑生涯。由于生得花容月貌,巴黎的贵族公子争相追逐,成了红极一时的“社交明星”。她随身的装扮总是少不了一束茶花,人称“茶花女”。茶花女得了肺病,在接受矿泉治疗时,疗养院里有位贵族小姐,身材、长相和玛格丽特差不多,只是肺病已到了第三期,不久便死了。 [点击阅读]
章节:364 人气:0
摘要:作者:瓦尔特·惠特曼来吧,我的灵魂说,让我们为我的肉体写下这样的诗,(因为我们是一体,)以便我,要是死后无形地回来,或者离此很远很远,在别的天地里,在那里向某些同伙们再继续歌唱时,(合着大地的土壤,树木,天风,和激荡的海水,)我可以永远欣慰地唱下去,永远永远地承认这些是我的诗因为我首先在此时此地,代表肉体和灵魂,给它们签下我的名字。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:本书内容是一个我们称之为“荒原粮”的人留下的自述。他之所以有此雅号是因为他多次自称“荒原狼”。他的文稿是否需要加序,我们可以姑且不论;不过,我觉得需要在荒原狼的自述前稍加几笔,记下我对他的回忆。他的事儿我知道得很少;他过去的经历和出身我一概不知。可是,他的性格给我留下了强烈的印象,不管怎么说,我对他十分同情。荒原狼年近五十。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:由于形势所迫,我同温内图分手了,他得去追捕杀人犯桑特。那时我并没料到,我得过几个月才能再见到我这位红种人朋友和结拜兄弟。因为事件以后的进展同我当时想象的完全不一样。我们——塞姆-霍金斯、迪克-斯通、威尔-帕克和我,一路真正的急行军后骑马到了南阿姆斯河流入雷德河的入口处,温内图曾把这条河称为纳基托什的鲍克索河。我们希望在这里碰上温内阁的一个阿帕奇人。遗憾的是这个愿望没有实现。 [点击阅读]
章节:39 人气:0
摘要:一部优秀的通俗小说不仅应明白晓畅,紧密联系社会现实和群众生活,而且应该成为社会文化的窗口,使读者可以从中管窥一个社会的政治、经济、历史、法律等方方面面的情况。美国小说家内尔森-德米勒于一九九七年写出的《荒岛夺命案》正是这样一部不可多得的佳作。作者以其超凡的叙事才能,将金钱、法律、谋杀、爱情、正义与邪恶的斗争等融为一炉,演释出一部情节曲折、扣人心弦而又发人深思的侦探小说。 [点击阅读]