  The scholar raised his eyes boldly."Monsieur my brother, doth it please you that I shall explain in good French vernacular that Greek word which is written yonder on the wall?""What word?""'~ANArKH~."A slight flush spread over the cheeks of the priest with their high bones, like the puff of smoke which announces on the outside the secret commotions of a volcano.The student hardly noticed it."Well, Jehan," stammered the elder brother with an effort, "What is the meaning of yonder word?""FATE."Dom Claude turned pale again, and the scholar pursued carelessly."And that word below it, graved by the same hand, '~Ayáyvela~, signifies 'impurity.'You see that people do know their Greek."And the archdeacon remained silent.This Greek lesson had rendered him thoughtful.Master Jehan, who possessed all the artful ways of a spoiled child, judged that the moment was a favorable one in which to risk his request.Accordingly, he assumed an extremely soft tone and began,--"My good brother, do you hate me to such a degree as to look savagely upon me because of a few mischievous cuffs and blows distributed in a fair war to a pack of lads and brats, ~quibusdam marmosetis~?You see, good Brother Claude, that people know their Latin."But all this caressing hypocrisy did not have its usual effect on the severe elder brother.Cerberus did not bite at the honey cake.The archdeacon's brow did not lose a single wrinkle."What are you driving at?" he said dryly."Well, in point of fact, this!" replied Jehan bravely, "I stand in need of money."At this audacious declaration, the archdeacon's visage assumed a thoroughly pedagogical and paternal expression."You know, Monsieur Jehan, that our fief of Tirecbappe, putting the direct taxes and the rents of the nine and twenty houses in a block, yields only nine and thirty livres, eleven sous, six deniers, parisian.It is one half more than in the time of the brothers paclet, but it is not much.""I need money," said Jehan stoically."You know that the official has decided that our twenty-one houses should he moved full into the fief of the Bishopric, and that we could redeem this homage only by paying the reverend bishop two marks of silver gilt of the price of six livres parisis.Now, these two marks I have not yet been able to get together.You know it.""I know that I stand in need of money," repeated Jehan for the third time."And what are you going to do with it?"This question caused a flash of hope to gleam before Jehan's eyes.He resumed his dainty, caressing air."Stay, dear Brother Claude, I should not come to you, with any evil motive.There is no intention of cutting a dash in the taverns with your unzains, and of strutting about the streets of paris in a caparison of gold brocade, with a lackey, ~cum meo laquasio~.No, brother, 'tis for a good work.""What good work?" demanded Claude, somewhat surprised."Two of my friends wish to purchase an outfit for the infant of a poor Haudriette widow.It is a charity.It will cost three forms, and I should like to contribute to it.""What are names of your two friends?""pierre l'Assommeur and Baptiste Croque-Oison*."*peter the Slaughterer; and Baptist Crack-Gosling."Hum," said the archdeacon; "those are names as fit for a good work as a catapult for the chief altar."It is certain that Jehan had made a very bad choice of names for his two friends.He realized it too late."And then," pursued the sagacious Claude, "what sort of an infant's outfit is it that is to cost three forms, and that for the child of a Haudriette?Since when have the Haudriette widows taken to having babes in swaddling-clothes?"Jehan broke the ice once more."Eh, well! yes!I need money in order to go and see Isabeau la Thierrye to-night; in the Val-d' Amour!""Impure wretch!" exclaimed the priest."~Avayveia~!" said Jehan.This quotation, which the scholar borrowed with malice, perchance, from the wall of the cell, produced a singular effect on the archdeacon.He bit his lips and his wrath was drowned in a crimson flush."Begone," he said to Jehan."I am expecting some one."The scholar made one more effort."Brother Claude, give me at least one little parisis to buy something to eat.""How far have you gone in the Decretals of Gratian?" demanded Dom Claude."I have lost my copy books."Where are you in your Latin humanities?""My copy of Horace has been stolen.""Where are you in Aristotle?""I' faith! brother what father of the church is it, who says that the errors of heretics have always had for their lurking place the thickets of Aristotle's metaphysics?A plague on Aristotle!I care not to tear my religion on his metaphysics.""Young man," resumed the archdeacon, "at the king's last entry, there was a young gentleman, named philippe de Comines, who wore embroidered on the housings of his horse this device, upon which I counsel you to meditate: ~Qui non laborat, non manducet~."The scholar remained silent for a moment, with his finger in his ear, his eyes on the ground, and a discomfited mien.All at once he turned round to Claude with the agile quickness of a wagtail."So, my good brother, you refuse me a sou parisis, wherewith to buy a crust at a baker's shop?""~Qui non laborat, non manducet~."At this response of the inflexible archdeacon, Jehan hid his head in his hands, like a woman sobbing, and exclaimed with an expression of despair: "~Orororororoi~.""What is the meaning of this, sir?" demanded Claude, surprised at this freak."What indeed!" said the scholar; and he lifted to Claude his impudent eyes into which he had just thrust his fists in order to communicate to them the redness of tears; "'tis Greek! 'tis an anapaest of AEschylus which expresses grief perfectly."And here he burst into a laugh so droll and violent that it made the archdeacon smile.It was Claude's fault, in fact: why had he so spoiled that child?"Oh! good Brother Claude," resumed Jehan, emboldened by this smile, "look at my worn out boots.Is there a cothurnus in the world more tragic than these boots, whose soles are hanging out their tongues?"The archdeacon promptly returned to his original severity."I will send you some new boots, but no money.""Only a poor little parisis, brother," continued the suppliant Jehan."I will learn Gratian by heart, I will believe firmly in God, I will be a regular pythagoras of science and virtue.But one little parisis, in mercy!Would you have famine bite me with its jaws which are gaping in front of me, blacker, deeper, and more noisome than a Tartarus or the nose of a monk?"Dom Claude shook his wrinkled head: "~Qui non laborat~--"Jehan did not allow him to finish."Well," he exclaimed, "to the devil then!Long live joy!I will live in the tavern, I will fight, I will break pots and I will go and see the wenches."And thereupon, he hurled his cap at the wall, and snapped his fingers like castanets.The archdeacon surveyed him with a gloomy air."Jehan, you have no soul.""In that case, according to Epicurius, I lack a something made of another something which has no name.""Jehan, you must think seriously of amending your ways.""Oh, come now," cried the student, gazing in turn at his brother and the alembics on the furnace, "everything is preposterous here, both ideas and bottles!""Jehan, you are on a very slippery downward road.Do you know whither you are going?""To the wine-shop," said Jehan."The wine-shop leads to the pillory.""'Tis as good a lantern as any other, and perchance with that one, Diogenes would have found his man.""The pillory leads to the gallows.""The gallows is a balance which has a man at one end and the whole earth at the other.'Tis fine to be the man.""The gallows leads to hell.""'Tis a big fire."."Jehan, Jehan, the end will be bad.""The beginning will have been good."At that moment, the sound of a footstep was heard on the staircase."Silence!" said the archdeacon, laying his finger on his mouth, "here is Master Jacques.Listen, Jehan," he added, in a low voice; "have a care never to speak of what you shall have seen or heard here.Hide yourself quickly under the furnace, and do not breathe."The scholar concealed himself; just then a happy idea occurred to him."By the way, Brother Claude, a form for not breathing.""Silence!I promise.""You must give it to me.""Take it, then!" said the archdeacon angrily, flinging his purse at him.Jehan darted under the furnace again, and the door opened.
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:死者引导我们我在黎明前的黑暗中醒来,寻求着一种热切的“期待”的感觉,摸索着噩梦残破的意识。一如咽下一口要以烧着你五脏六腑的威士忌,这种“期待”的感觉热辣辣的。我心中忐忑,摸索着,企望它能切实重返体内。然而这种摸索却永远都是徒劳枉然。手指已没了气力,我只好将它们并拢起来。分明觉出自己全身的骨肉都已分离。迎着光亮,我的意识畏葸不前,这种感觉也正转化成一种钝痛。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:一艾瑞丝-玛尔正在想着她的姐姐罗斯玛丽。在过去将近一年里,她极尽可能地试着把罗斯玛丽自脑海中抹去。她不想去记起。那太痛苦——太恐怖了!那氰化钾中毒发蓝的脸孔,那痉挛紧缩的手指……那与前一天欢乐可爱的罗斯玛丽形成的强烈对比……呵,也许并不真的是欢乐。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:0
摘要:作者简介JamesHerriot吉米•哈利(1916—1995)(原名JamesAlfredWight)苏格兰人。一个多才多艺的兽医,也是个善于说故事的高手,被英国媒体誉为“其写作天赋足以让很多职业作家羞愧”。平实而不失风趣的文风和朴素的博爱主义打动了千千万万英美读者,并启发了后世的兽医文学。 [点击阅读]
章节:77 人气:0
摘要:内容简介小说主要描述了法国红衣大主教黎塞留,从1624年出任首相到1628年攻打并占领胡格诺言教派的主要根据地拉罗谢尔城期间所发生的事。黎塞留为了要帮助国王路易十三,千方百计要抓住王后与英国首相白金汉公爵暧昧关系的把柄。而作品主人公达达尼昂出于正义,与他的好友三个火枪手为解救王后冲破大主教所设下的重重罗网,最终保全了王后的名誉。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:萨特思韦特先生坐在鸦巢屋的露台上,看着屋主查尔斯-卡特赖特爵士从海边爬上小路。鸦巢屋是一座漂亮的现代平房,木质结构不到一半,没有三角墙,没有三流建筑师爱不释手的多佘累赘的设计。这是一幢简洁而坚固的白色建筑物。它看起来比实际的体积小得多.真是不可貌相。这房子的名声要归功于它的位置-居高临下,俯瞰整个鲁茅斯海港。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:在喧闹的大街拐弯之后,刹那间四周变得寂静无声,黑暗中一排路灯伫立在街头。放眼望去,只有一盏红绿灯在寒空中绽放着鲜红色的光芒。速见修平往前欠身,嘱咐计程车司机行驶至红绿灯时左转。这一带是世田谷的新兴社区,近年来开始兴建,大量的超级市场和公寓,修平目前住的房子也是三年前才盖好的。住宅用地有高度的限制,修平住的公寓只有三层楼,他本身住在二楼。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:1“不存在十全十美的文章,如同不存在彻头彻尾的绝望。”这是大学时代偶然结识的一位作家对我说的活。但对其含义的真正理解——至少能用以自慰——则是在很久很久以后。的确,所谓十全十美的文章是不存在的。尽管如此,每当我提笔写东西的时候,还是经常陷入绝望的情绪之中。因为我所能够写的范围实在过于狭小。譬如,我或许可以就大象本身写一点什么,但对象的驯化却不知何从写起。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:在19世纪末,没有人相信我们这个世界正在被一种比人类更先进,并且同样也不免会死亡的智慧生命聚精会神地注视着,又有谁会相信,当人类正在为自己的事情忙忙碌碌的时候,他们被专心致志地研究着,像人们用显微镜研究一滴水里蠕动繁殖的生物一般仔细。自高自大的人类来往于世界各地,忙着干自己的事,自以为控制了物质世界的一切。显微镜下的纤毛虫恐怕也不乏这样的幻觉。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:第一章一位重要的旅客叙利亚。一个冬天的早晨,五点钟。阿勒颇城的月台旁,停着一列火车,这列车在铁路指南上,堂而皇之地称为陶鲁斯快车。它由一节炊事车、一节义餐车、一节卧铺车厢和两节普通客车组成。在卧铺车厢门口的踏脚板旁,站着一个年轻的法国陆军中尉,他身着耀眼的军装,正和一个小个子谈话。这小个子连头带耳都用围巾里着,除了一个鼻尖通红的鼻子和两个往上翘的胡子尖外,什么也看不见。 [点击阅读]
章节:13 人气:0
摘要:1我是一个已经步入老境的日本小说家,我从内心里感到欣慰,能够有机会面对北大附中的同学们发表讲话。现在,我在北京对年轻的中国人——也就是你们——发表讲话,可在内心里,却好像同时面对东京那些年轻的日本人发表讲话。今天这个讲话的稿子,预计在日本也将很快出版。像这样用同样的话语对中国和日本的年轻人进行呼吁,并请中国的年轻人和日本的年轻人倾听我的讲话,是我多年以来的夙愿。 [点击阅读]