  Gringoire, thoroughly stunned by his fall, remained on the pavement in front of the Holy Virgin at the street corner. Little by little, he regained his senses; at first, for several minutes, he was floating in a sort of half-somnolent revery, which was not without its charm, in which aeriel figures of the gypsy and her goat were coupled with Quasimodo's heavy fist.This state lasted but a short time.A decidedly vivid sensation of cold in the part of his body which was in contact with the pavement, suddenly aroused him and caused his spirit to return to the surface."Whence comes this chill?" he said abruptly, to himself. He then perceived that he was lying half in the middle of the gutter."That devil of a hunchbacked cyclops!" he muttered between his teeth; and he tried to rise.But he was too much dazed and bruised; he was forced to remain where he was. Moreover, his hand was tolerably free; he stopped up his nose and resigned himself."The mud of paris," he said to himself--for decidedly he thought that he was sure that the gutter would prove his refuge for the night; and what can one do in a refuge, except dream?--"the mud of paris is particularly stinking; it must contain a great deal of volatile and nitric salts.That, moreover, is the opinion of Master Nicholas Flamel, and of the alchemists--"The word "alchemists" suddenly suggested to his mind the idea of Archdeacon Claude Frollo.He recalled the violent scene which he had just witnessed in part; that the gypsy was struggling with two men, that Quasimodo had a companion; and the morose and haughty face of the archdeacon passed confusedly through his memory."That would be strange!" he said to himself.And on that fact and that basis he began to construct a fantastic edifice of hypothesis, that card-castle of philosophers; then, suddenly returning once more to reality, "Come!I'm freezing!" he ejaculated.The place was, in fact, becoming less and less tenable. Each molecule of the gutter bore away a molecule of heat radiating from Gringoire's loins, and the equilibrium between the temperature of his body and the temperature of the brook, began to be established in rough fashion.Quite a different annoyance suddenly assailed him.A group of children, those little bare-footed savages who have always roamed the pavements of paris under the eternal name of ~gamins~, and who, when we were also children ourselves, threw stones at all of us in the afternoon, when we came out of school, because our trousers were not torn--a swarm of these young scamps rushed towards the square where Gringoire lay, with shouts and laughter which seemed to pay but little heed to the sleep of the neighbors.They were dragging after them some sort of hideous sack; and the noise of their wooden shoes alone would have roused the dead.Gringoire who was not quite dead yet, half raised himself."Ohé, Hennequin Dandéche!Ohè, Jehan pincebourde!" they shouted in deafening tones, "old Eustache Moubon, the merchant at the corner, has just died.We've got his straw pallet, we're going to have a bonfire out of it.It's the turn of the Flemish to-day!"And behold, they flung the pallet directly upon Gringoire, beside whom they had arrived, without espying him.At the same time, one of them took a handful of straw and set off to light it at the wick of the good Virgin."S'death!" growled Gringoire, "am I going to be too warm now?"It was a critical moment.He was caught between fire and water; he made a superhuman effort, the effort of a counterfeiter of money who is on the point of being boiled, and who seeks to escape.He rose to his feet, flung aside the straw pallet upon the street urchins, and fled."Holy Virgin!" shrieked the children; "'tis the merchant's ghost!"And they fled in their turn.The straw mattress remained master of the field.Belleforet, Father Le Juge, and Corrozet affirm that it was picked up on the morrow, with great pomp, by the clergy of the quarter, and borne to the treasury of the church of Saint Opportune, where the sacristan, even as late as 1789, earned a tolerably handsome revenue out of the great miracle of the Statue of the Virgin at the corner of the Rue Mauconseil, which had, by its mere presence, on the memorable night between the sixth and seventh of January, 1482, exorcised the defunct Eustache Moubon, who, in order to play a trick on the devil, had at his death maliciously concealed his soul in his straw pallet.
章节:8 人气:2
摘要:1金秋10月,天气分外晴朗。一辆公共汽车正在沿着关门公路向南行驶。秋田直治坐在车中最后一排的座位上,他知道车马上就要驶到关门隧道了,透过宽大明亮的车窗玻璃,他看到深秋时的天空湛蓝而高远,没有一丝浮云。往日,北九州市因为是一座工业城市,所以上空总是被浓烟笼罩着,空气污染的十分厉害。就连与它相邻的部分地区也被污染了,香川县的坂付市,远远望去,它上空墨色的污浊气体象一片拖着长尾的薄云。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:2
摘要:下雪了,就在藤井先生结束致词的一刻。"就此,多谢大家的到来。我肯定,阿树泉下有知,一定会很高兴。"渡边博子参加了藤井树逝世三周年的纪念仪式。藤井树的父亲正站在墓碑前讲及他儿子生前的点滴。博子?如果阿树多留一点时间便好了。三年前的事就像在眼前。当时,她跟阿树正准备结婚。就在婚期之前,阿树参加了一个攀山探险旅程。山中,一场突如其来的风暴迫使探险队改行一条少人使用的路。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:2
摘要:第一章01“今晚值班不是小桥医师吗?”做完晚上7点的测体温、查房,返回护士值班室的宇野薰一边看着墙上贴着的医师值班表一边问。“那上面写着的倒是小桥医师,可是,听说今晚换人了。”正在桌上装订住院患者病历卡片的志村伦子对阿薰的问话头也没抬地回答说。“换人了,换的是谁?”“好像是直江医师。 [点击阅读]
章节:58 人气:2
摘要:自从很久以前即1759年初《道德情操论》第一版问世以来,我想到了其中可作的一些修改,以及有关该学说的种种很好的说明。但是,我一生中的种种偶然事件必然使我全神贯注于各种工作,直到现在都妨碍我常想以小心谨慎和专心致志的态度进行的修订这一著作的工作。读者将在这一新版中,在第一卷第三篇的最末一章中,以及在第三卷第四篇的第一章中,看到我已作出的主要改动。第六卷,正如它在新版中呈现的那样,完全是新写的。 [点击阅读]
章节:4 人气:2
摘要:一迈克·恩斯林还站在旋转门里面的时候就看到了奥林——多尔芬旅馆的经理——正坐在大堂里厚厚的椅子上。迈克心里一沉。要是我让律师一块儿来就好了,他想。哎,可现在为时已晚。即使奥林已经决定设置重重障碍,想办法不让迈克进入1408房间,那也没什么大不了的,总有办法对付他的。迈克走出旋转门后,奥林伸出又短又粗的手走了过来。 [点击阅读]
1Q84 book3
章节:40 人气:2
摘要:&nbs;《1Q84Book3》内容简介“你為什麼死的?”“為了要这样再生。”“再生需要有什麼?”“人无法為自己再生。要為别人才行。”诺贝尔文学奖呼声最高的日本作家村上春树超过30年创作履歷中,自我期待最重要的一部!《1Q84Book3》突破性*完结!少年时代的爱恋,分隔二十年后再重逢&helli;天吾和青豆,两个孤独的灵魂同样的十二月,终於在这1Q84年的世界, [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:2
摘要:在王室名录上第五位叫唐·若奥的国王今天晚上要去妻子的卧室。唐娜·马丽娅·安娜·若泽珐来到这里已经两年有余,为的是给葡萄牙王室生下王子,但至今尚未怀孕。宫廷内外早已议论纷纷,说王后可能没有生育能力。但这仅限于关系亲密者之间的隐隐低语,以免隔墙有耳,遭到告发。要说过错在国王身上,那简直难以想象,这首先是因为,无生育能力不是男人们的病症,而是女人们的缺陷,所以女人被抛弃的事屡见不鲜。 [点击阅读]
章节:110 人气:2
摘要:致中国的合作者、读者和书迷们:对于今年不能亲至中国一事,我深感遗憾,因此想借这封短信向你们所有人表达我的感激之情,有了你们,才有我所谓的成功。谢谢你们为我的作品中文版所付出的时间与努力,你们的厚爱尤其让我感动。我希望能在不久的将来拜访你们美丽的国家,亲口表达我的谢意。谨致最诚挚的祝愿。 [点击阅读]
章节:44 人气:2
摘要:我的同事希腊文教师别里科夫两个月前才在我们城里去世。您一定听说过他。他也真怪,即使在最晴朗的日子,也穿上雨鞋,带着雨伞,而且一定穿着暖和的棉大衣。他总是把雨伞装在套子里,把表放在一个灰色的鹿皮套子里;就连那削铅笔的小刀也是装在一个小套子里的。他的脸也好像蒙着套子,因为他老是把它藏在竖起的衣领里。他戴黑眼镜穿羊毛衫,用棉花堵住耳朵眼。他一坐上马车,总要叫马车夫支起车篷。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:2
摘要:当山冈圭介来到琴川河的上游地区,已是时近中午。山冈行走在岩石地带时,极为小心谨慎。如果从同上次一样的道路上通过,则很容易留下足印。山冈圭介连那足印也极力避免留下。他每一步都尽量地避开土质松软的地方,以及草地,把步子尽可能踩在土质坚硬的路面上以及岩石上,以免留下走过的痕迹。他的整个行动都小心翼翼。他深知,稍有不慎,就会导致严重的后果。山冈进入到岩石地带的中心部位。 [点击阅读]