傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 61
  HAppY for all her maternal feelings was the day on which Mrs. Bennet got rid of her two most deserving daughters. With what delighted pride she afterwards visited Mrs. Bingley, and talked of Mrs. Darcy, may be guessed. I wish I could say, for the sake of her family, that the accomplishment of her earnest desire in the establishment of so many of her children produced so happy an effect as to make her a sensible, amiable, well-informed woman for the rest of her life; though perhaps it was lucky for her husband, who might not have relished domestic felicity in so unusual a form, that she still was occasionally nervous and invariably silly.Mr. Bennet missed his second daughter exceedingly; his affection for her drew him oftener from home than any thing else could do. He delighted in going to pemberley, especially when he was least expected.Mr. Bingley and Jane remained at Netherfield only a twelvemonth. So near a vicinity to her mother and Meryton relations was not desirable even to his easy temper, or her affectionate heart. The darling wish of his sisters was then gratified; he bought an estate in a neighbouring county to Derbyshire, and Jane and Elizabeth, in addition to every other source of happiness, were within thirty miles of each other.Kitty, to her very material advantage, spent the chief of her time with her two elder sisters. In society so superior to what she had generally known, her improvement was great. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid. From the farther disadvantage of Lydia's society she was of course carefully kept, and though Mrs. Wickham frequently invited her to come and stay with her, with the promise of balls and young men, her father would never consent to her going.Mary was the only daughter who remained at home; and she was necessarily drawn from the pursuit of accomplishments by Mrs. Bennet's being quite unable to sit alone. Mary was obliged to mix more with the world, but she could still moralize over every morning visit; and as she was no longer mortified by comparisons between her sisters' beauty and her own, it was suspected by her father that she submitted to the change without much reluctance.As for Wickham and Lydia, their characters suffered no revolution from the marriage of her sisters. He bore with philosophy the conviction that Elizabeth must now become acquainted with whatever of his ingratitude and falsehood had before been unknown to her; and in spite of every thing, was not wholly without hope that Darcy might yet be prevailed on to make his fortune. The congratulatory letter which Elizabeth received from Lydia on her marriage, explained to her that, by his wife at least, if not by himself, such a hope was cherished. The letter was to this effect:"MY DEAR LlZZY,I wish you joy. If you love Mr. Darcy half as well as I do my dear Wickham, you must be very happy. It is a great comfort to have you so rich, and when you have nothing else to do, I hope you will think of us. I am sure Wickham would like a place at court very much, and I do not think we shall have quite money enough to live upon without some help. Any place would do, of about three or four hundred a year; but however, do not speak to Mr. Darcy about it, if you had rather not.Your's, ."As it happened that Elizabeth had much rather not, she endeavoured in her answer to put an end to every intreaty and expectation of the kind. Such relief, however, as it was in her power to afford, by the practice of what might be called economy in her own private expences, she frequently sent them. It had always been evident to her that such an income as theirs, under the direction of two persons so extravagant in their wants, and heedless of the future, must be very insufficient to their support; and whenever they changed their quarters, either Jane or herself were sure of being applied to for some little assistance towards discharging their bills. Their manner of living, even when the restoration of peace dismissed them to a home, was unsettled in the extreme. They were always moving from place to place in quest of a cheap situation, and always spending more than they ought. His affection for her soon sunk into indifference; her's lasted a little longer; and in spite of her youth and her manners, she retained all the claims to reputation which her marriage had given her.Though Darcy could never receive him at pemberley, yet, for Elizabeth's sake, he assisted him farther in his profession. Lydia was occasionally a visitor there, when her husband was gone to enjoy himself in London or Bath; and with the Bingleys they both of them frequently staid so long, that even Bingley's good humour was overcome, and he proceeded so far as to talk of giving them a hint to be gone.Miss Bingley was very deeply mortified by Darcy's marriage; but as she thought it advisable to retain the right of visiting at pemberley, she dropt all her resentment; was fonder than ever of Georgiana, almost as attentive to Darcy as heretofore, and paid off every arrear of civility to Elizabeth.pemberley was now Georgiana's home; and the attachment of the sisters was exactly what Darcy had hoped to see. They were able to love each other even as well as they intended. Georgiana had the highest opinion in the world of Elizabeth; though at first she often listened with an astonishment bordering on alarm at her lively, sportive, manner of talking to her brother. He, who had always inspired in herself a respect which almost overcame her affection, she now saw the object of open pleasantry. Her mind received knowledge which had never before fallen in her way. By Elizabeth's instructions, she began to comprehend that a woman may take liberties with her husband which a brother will not always allow in a sister more than ten years younger than himself.Lady Catherine was extremely indignant on the marriage of her nephew; and as she gave way to all the genuine frankness of her character in her reply to the letter which announced its arrangement, she sent him language so very abusive, especially of Elizabeth, that for some time all intercourse was at an end. But at length, by Elizabeth's persuasion, he was prevailed on to overlook the offence, and seek a reconciliation; and, after a little farther resistance on the part of his aunt, her resentment gave way, either to her affection for him, or her curiosity to see how his wife conducted herself; and she condescended to wait on them at pemberley, in spite of that pollution which its woods had received, not merely from the presence of such a mistress, but the visits of her uncle and aunt from the city.With the Gardiners, they were always on the most intimate terms. Darcy, as well as Elizabeth, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them.
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:一我的过去,一片朦胧……那天晚上,在一家咖啡馆的露天座位上,我只不过是一个模糊的影子而已。当时,我正在等着雨停,——那场雨很大它从我同于特分手的那个时候起,就倾泻下来了。几个小时前,我和于特在事务所①里见了最后一次面,那时,他虽象以往一样在笨重的写字台后面坐着,不过穿着大衣。因此,一眼就可以看出,他将要离去了。我坐在他的对面,坐在通常给顾客预备的皮扶手椅里。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:一九一五年五月七日下午两点,卢西塔尼亚号客轮接连被两枚鱼雷击中,正迅速下沉。船员以最快的速度放下救生艇。妇女和儿童排队等着上救生艇。有的妇女绝望地紧紧抱住丈夫,有的孩子拼命地抓住他们的父亲,另外一些妇女把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。一位女孩独自站在一旁,她很年轻,还不到十八岁。看上去她并不害怕,她看着前方,眼神既严肃又坚定。“请原谅。”旁边一位男人的声音吓了她一跳并使她转过身来。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:序幕我从未多想我将如何死去,虽然在过去的几个月我有足够的理由去思考这个问题,但是即使我有想过,也从未想到死亡将如此地降临。我屏息静气地望着房间的另一头,远远地凝视着猎人那深邃的眼眸,而他则以愉快的目光回应我。这无疑是一个不错的死法,死在别人——我钟爱的人的家里。甚至可以说轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。我知道如果我没有来福克斯的话,此刻也就不必面对死亡。但是,尽管我害怕,也不会后悔当初的决定。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:0
摘要:谨以此书献给我的丈夫,潘乔感谢你的耐心、关爱、友谊和幽默感以及心甘情愿在外就餐也感谢我的孩子们,加布、塞斯及艾利感谢你们使我体验了那种人们甘愿随时为之付出生命的爱火与冰①有人说世界将终结于火,有人说是冰。从我尝过的欲望之果我赞同倾向于火之说。但若它非得两度沉沦,我想我对仇恨了解也够多可以说要是去毁灭,冰也不错,应该也行。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:每天的这个时候,我总是祈祷自己可以入睡。高中——或者称为炼狱更为恰当!如果有什么方式能够弥补我的罪过,那恐怕就是我读高中的记录了。这种厌烦感不是我曾经体会过的,每一天看上去都要比前一天更加极度无聊。也许这就是我睡眠的方式——如果说,睡眠的含义就是在变幻的时期内处于呆滞状态的话。我凝视着食堂角落水泥墙上的裂纹,想象着它们所呈现的花纹其实并不存在。 [点击阅读]
章节:93 人气:0
摘要:冬日漫步(1)[美国]亨利·大卫·梭罗亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817—1862),博物学家、散文家、超验现实主义作家。生于美国康科德,毕业于剑桥大学。他是一名虔诚的超验主义信徒,并用毕生的实践来体验这一思想,曾隐居家乡的瓦尔登湖长达两年之久,过着与世隔绝的生活。其代表作《瓦尔登悍又名《乎散记》,是他隐居生活的真实记录。 [点击阅读]
章节:7 人气:0
摘要:最先登上月球的人--一、结识卡沃尔先生一、结识卡沃尔先生最近,我在商业投机上遭到了丢人的失败,我把它归咎于我的运气,而不是我的能力。但一个债权人拼命逼我还债,最后,我认为除了写剧本出售外,没别的出路了。于是我来到利姆,租了间小平房,置备了几件家具,便开始舞文弄墨。毫无疑问,如果谁需要清静,那么利姆正是这样一个地方。这地方在海边,附近还有一大片沼泽。从我工作时挨着的窗户望去,可以看见一片山峰。 [点击阅读]
章节:7 人气:0
摘要:浅见光彦十二月中旬打电话约野泽光子出来,照例把见面地点定在平冢亭。平冢亭位于浅见和野泽两家之间,是平冢神社的茶馆。据说神社供举的神是源义家,至于为什么叫平冢神社,个中缘由浅见也不清楚。浅见的母亲雪江寡妇很喜欢吃平冢亭的饭团,所以母亲觉得不舒服的时候,浅见必定会买一些饭团作为礼物带同家。浅见和光子在平冢亭会面,并非出于什么特别的考虑,而且饭团店门前的氛围也不适合表白爱意。对此,光子也心领神会。 [点击阅读]
章节:34 人气:0
摘要:十九世纪二十年代初,美国才开始摆脱对英国文学的依附,真正诞生了美国的民族文学。而书写这个文学《独立宣言》的代表人物,是欧文和库柏,他们同为美国民族文学的先驱者和奠基人,欧文被称为“美国文学之父”,而库柏则是“美国小说的鼻祖”。库柏的长篇小说《间谍》(一八二一),是美国文学史上第一部蜚声世界文坛的小说。他的代表作边疆五部曲《皮裹腿故事集》,影响更为广远;而《最后的莫希干人》则为其中最出色的一部。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:我从笔记本的记载里发现,那是一八九二年三月底之前的一个寒风凛冽的日子。我们正坐着吃午饭,福尔摩斯接到了一份电报,并随手给了回电。他一语未发,但是看来心中有事,因为他随后站在炉火前面,脸上现出沉思的神色,抽着烟斗,不时瞧着那份电报。突然他转过身来对着我,眼里显出诡秘的神色。“华生,我想,我们必须把你看作是一位文学家,"他说。“怪诞这个词你怎么解释的?”“奇怪——异常,"我回答。 [点击阅读]