傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 5
  WITHIN a short walk of Longbourn lived a family with whom the Bennets were particularly intimate. Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the King during his mayoralty. The distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly. It had given him a disgust to his business and to his residence in a small market town; and quitting them both, he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from Meryton, denominated from that period Lucas Lodge, where he could think with pleasure of his own importance, and, unshackled by business, occupy himself solely in being civil to all the world. For though elated by his rank, it did not render him supercilious; on the contrary, he was all attention to every body. By nature inoffensive, friendly and obliging, his presentation at St. James's had made him courteous.Lady Lucas was a very good kind of woman, not too clever to be a valuable neighbour to Mrs. Bennet. -- They had several children. The eldest of them, a sensible, intelligent young woman, about twenty-seven, was Elizabeth's intimate friend.That the Miss Lucases and the Miss Bennets should meet to talk over a ball was absolutely necessary; and the morning after the assembly brought the former to Longbourn to hear and to communicate."You began the evening well, Charlotte," said Mrs. Bennet with civil self-command to Miss Lucas. "You were Mr. Bingley's first choice.""Yes; -- but he seemed to like his second better.""Oh! -- you mean Jane, I suppose -- because he danced with her twice. To be sure that did seem as if he admired her -- indeed I rather believe he did -- I heard something about it -- but I hardly know what -- something about Mr. Robinson.""perhaps you mean what I overheard between him and Mr. Robinson; did not I mention it to you? Mr. Robinson's asking him how he liked our Meryton assemblies, and whether he did not think there were a great many pretty women in the room, and which he thought the prettiest? and his answering immediately to the last question -- "Oh! the eldest Miss Bennet beyond a doubt, there cannot be two opinions on that point."""Upon my word! -- Well, that was very decided indeed -- that does seem as if -- but, however, it may all come to nothing, you know.""My overhearings were more to the purpose than yours, Eliza," said Charlotte. "Mr. Darcy is not so well worth listening to as his friend, is he? -- poor Eliza! -- to be only just tolerable.""I beg you would not put it into Lizzy's head to be vexed by his ill-treatment; for he is such a disagreeable man that it would be quite a misfortune to be liked by him. Mrs. Long told me last night that he sat close to her for half an hour without once opening his lips.""Are you quite sure, Ma'am? -- is not there a little mistake?" said Jane. -- "I certainly saw Mr. Darcy speaking to her.""Aye -- because she asked him at last how he liked Netherfield, and he could not help answering her; -- but she said he seemed very angry at being spoke to.""Miss Bingley told me," said Jane, "that he never speaks much unless among his intimate acquaintance. With them he is remarkably agreeable.""I do not believe a word of it, my dear. If he had been so very agreeable, he would have talked to Mrs. Long. But I can guess how it was; every body says that he is ate up with pride, and I dare say he had heard somehow that Mrs. Long does not keep a carriage, and had come to the ball in a hack chaise.""I do not mind his not talking to Mrs. Long," said Miss Lucas, "but I wish he had danced with Eliza.""Another time, Lizzy," said her mother, "I would not dance with him, if I were you.""I believe, Ma'am, I may safely promise you never to dance with him.""His pride," said Miss Lucas, "does not offend me so much as pride often does, because there is an excuse for it. One cannot wonder that so very fine a young man, with family, fortune, every thing in his favour, should think highly of himself. If I may so express it, he has a right to be proud.""That is very true," replied Elizabeth, "and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.""pride," observed Mary, who piqued herself upon the solidity of her reflections, "is a very common failing I believe. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonimously. A person may be proud without being vain. pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.""If I were as rich as Mr. Darcy," cried a young Lucas who came with his sisters, "I should not care how proud I was. I would keep a pack of foxhounds, and drink a bottle of wine every day.""Then you would drink a great deal more than you ought," said Mrs. Bennet; "and if I were to see you at it, I should take away your bottle directly."The boy protested that she should not; she continued to declare that she would, and the argument ended only with the visit.
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摘要:1去年春天,三泽顺子刚从东京的一所女子大学毕业,就立刻进了R报社工作了。当时,在入社考试时,有关人员问她希望到哪个部去,她回答说,想到社会部。有关人员看了她的履历表说:“你的英语不错嘛!”是的,三泽顺子毕业的那所女子大学,英语教学是相当有名气的。然而,后来顺子没有能到社会部去,却被分配在R报社的资料调查部。和顺子同时考入报社的女性还有事业部的一个,校阅部的一个。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:卡勒德·胡赛尼(KhaledHosseini),1965年生于喀布尔,后随父亲逃往美国。胡赛尼毕业于加州大学圣地亚哥医学系,现居加州执业。《追风筝的人》是他的第一本小说,因书中角色*刻画生动,故事情节震撼感人,出版后大获好评,获得各项新人奖,并跃居全美各大畅销排行榜,目前已由梦工厂改拍成电影。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:好像睡着了,尽管只是短暂的时间,感到“咯噔”一下小小的震动,醒了过来,西村裕一条件反射般站了起来,急忙朝车门方向走去。“咯噔”一声响过以后,不到二十秒钟将抵达Y车站。但站起身来,立即发觉窗外的景色与往常不同。只见一片广阔的河滩,电车临近铁桥,从脚下传来“轰隆、轰隆”重重的金属声。西村苦笑了一下,心想习惯这东西实在太可怕了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1十岁的香樱里还不懂得“烦躁”这个词,所以,她不知道该用什么词来形容那种萦绕心头的感觉,只能认为“烦死了”。是从什么时候开始的?她自己也记不清楚了。虽然并非一天二十四小时都如此,但是,每天早晨起床时、吃饭时、上学时,那种“萦绕心头”的感觉总是挥之不去。每当这时候,母亲对待香樱里的惟一方法,就是说她,“什么呀,睡迷糊了吗?”香樱里自己也想:是呀,是睡迷糊了吧。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:吴笛译1如果你吩咐,我就把我的果实采满一筐又一筐,送到你的庭院,尽管有的已经掉落,有的还未成熟。因为这个季节身背丰盈果实的重负,浓荫下不时传来牧童哀怨的笛声。如果你吩咐,我就去河上扬帆启程。三月风躁动不安,把倦怠的波浪搅得满腹怨言。果园已结出全部果实,在这令人疲乏的黄昏时分,从你岸边的屋里传来你在夕阳中的呼唤。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:它目睹了人与人、狗与狗、强者与弱者之间冷酷无情和生死争斗,于是为了生存,它学会了只求活命、不顾道义的处世原则,变得凶悍、机智而狡诈。最后,在森林中狼群的呼唤下,巴克狼性*复萌,逃入丛林,重归荒野。在小说中,杰克·伦敦运用拟人手法,把狗眼中的世界及人类的本质刻画地淋漓尽致,反映了资本主义社会冷酷的现实和“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的客观现实。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一、夜访侦探夜晚,拉乌尔看完了戏,回到自己家里。在前厅的穿衣镜前面,他站了一会儿,自我欣赏了一番:优美的身躯,宽阔的肩膀,高挺的胸脯,健壮的肌肉,配上一套高级衣料制做的西服,真是一表人材。前厅不大,陈设挺考究。可以清楚地看出,这是单身汉居住的公寓套间,家具精美,起居恬适。住在这里,准是一个重视生活享受、又很富裕的人。每天晚上,拉乌尔都喜欢坐在工作间宽大的坐椅里,抽上一支香烟,闭目养神。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:乔治。邓达斯仁立在伦敦街头沉思。在他的周围,卖苦力的与赚大钱的像是席卷而来的潮水一样汹涌流动。此刻,乔治衣冠楚楚,裤线笔直,根本没有注意到他们。他正忙着考虑下一步的行动。刚刚发生了一件事情!用社会下层的说法,乔治与他富有的舅舅(即利德贝特。吉林公司的艾尔弗雷德。利德贝特)“吵了一架”。准确他说,这嘲争吵”完全是利德贝特先生单方面的。那些言辞就像是愤怒的溪流从他的嘴里源源不断奔涌而来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:供词:本人系疗养与护理院的居住者①。我的护理员在观察我,他几乎每时每刻都监视着我;因为门上有个窥视孔,我的护理员的眼睛是那种棕色的,它不可能看透蓝眼睛的我——①本书主人公,自述者奥斯卡-马策拉特,因被指控为一件人命案的嫌疑犯而被“强制送入”疗养与护理院(疯人院的委婉称谓)进行观察。本书的脚注皆为译注。因此,我的护理员根本不可能是我的敌人。我已经喜欢上他了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:书评无法抗拒——《波士顿环球报》科幻小说,却又滑稽风趣到极点……古怪、疯狂,彻底跳出此前所有科幻小说的固有套路。——《华盛顿邮报》主角阿瑟·邓特与库尔特·冯尼格笔下的人物颇为神似,全书充满对人类社会现实的嘲讽和批判。——《芝加哥论坛报》一句话,这是有史以来最滑稽、最古怪的科幻小说,封面和封底之间,奇思妙想随处可见。 [点击阅读]