安妮日记英文版 - FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1944
  FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1944Dearest Kitty,I've never forgotten my dream of Peter Schiff (see the beginning of January). Even now I can still feel his cheek against mine, and that wonderful glow that made up for all the rest. Once in a while I'd had the same feeling with this Peter, but never so intensely. . . until last night. We were sitting on the divan, as usual, in each other's arms. Suddenly the everyday Anne slipped away and the second Anne took her place. The second Anne, who's never overconfident or amusing, but wants only to love and be gentle.I sat pressed against him and felt a wave of emotion come over me. Tears rushed to my eyes; those from the left fell on his overalls, while those from the right trickled down my nose and into the air and landed beside the first. Did he notice? He made no movement to show that he had. Did he feel the same way I did? He hardly said a word. Did he realize he had two Annes at his side? My questions went unanswered.At eight-thirty I stood up and went to the window, where we always say good-bye. I was still trembling, I was still Anne number two. He came over to me, and I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on his left cheek. I was about to kiss the other cheek when my mouth met his, and we pressed our lips together. In a daze, we embraced, over and over again, never to stop, oh!Peter needs tenderness. For the first time in his life he's discovered a girl; for the first time he's seen that even the biggest pests also have an inner self and a heart, and are transformed as soon as they're alone with you. For the first time in his life he's given himself and his friendship to another person. He's never had a friend before, boy or girl. Now we've found each other. I, for that matter, didn't know him either, had never had someone I could confide in, and it's led to this . . .The same question keeps nagging me: "Is it right?" Is it right for me to yield so soon, for me to be so passionate, to be filled with as much passion and desire as Peter? Can I, a girl, allow myself to go that far?There's only one possible answer: "I'm longing so much. . . and have for such a long time. I'm so lonely and now I've found comfort!"In the mornings we act normally, in the afternoons too, except now and then. But in the evenings the suppressed longing of the entire day, the happiness and the bliss of all the times before come rushing to the surface, and all we can think about is each other. Every night, after our last kiss, I feel like running away and never looking him in the eyes again. Away, far away into the darkness and alone!And what awaits me at the bottom of those fourteen stairs? Bright lights, questions and laughter. I have to act normally and hope they don't notice anything.My heart is still too tender to be able to recover so quickly from a shock like the one I had last night. The gentle Anne makes infrequent appearances, and she's not about to let herself be shoved out the door so soon after she's arrived. Peter's reached a part of me that no one has ever reached before, except in my dream! He's taken hold of me and turned me inside out. Doesn't everyone need a little quiet time to put themselves to rights again? Oh, Peter, what have you done to me? What do you want from me?Where will this lead? Oh, now I understand Bep. Now, now that I'm going through it myself, I understand her doubts; if I were older and he wanted to marry me, what would my answer be? Anne, be honest! You wouldn't be able to marry him. But it's so hard to let go. Peter still has too little character, too little willpower, too little courage and strength. He's still a child, emotionally no older than I am; all he wants is happiness and peace of mind. Am I really only fourteen? Am I really just a silly schoolgirl? Am I really so inexperienced in everything? I have more experience than most; I've experienced something almost no one my age ever has.I'm afraid of myself, afraid my longing is making me yield too soon. How can it ever go right with other boys later on? Oh, it's so hard, the eternal struggle between heart and mind. There's a time and a place for both, but how can I be sure that I've chosen the right time?Yours, Anne M. Frank
章节:21 人气:2
摘要:赫邱里-波罗用欣赏的眼光有趣地打量着刚被引进办公室的这位小姐。她写给他的信,并没有什么特别的地方,只要求见他一面,没提任何别的事。信很简短,语气也很认真,唯有坚毅有力的字迹,可以看出这位卡拉-李马倩是个年轻活泼的女性。现在,他终于见到她本人了──高挑,苗条,二十出头。她是那种任何人都会忍不住多看一眼的女人,身上穿的衣服很昂贵,裁剪也很合宜。她的眉生得相当方正,鼻梁挺直而有个性,下巴坚毅果决。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:歇洛克·福尔摩斯从壁炉台的角上拿下一瓶药水,再从一只整洁的山羊皮皮匣里取出皮下注射器来。他用白而有劲的长手指装好了精细的针头,卷起了他左臂的衬衫袖口。他沉思地对自己的肌肉发达、留有很多针孔痕迹的胳臂注视了一会儿,终于把针尖刺入肉中,推动小小的针心,然后躺在绒面的安乐椅里,满足地喘了一大口气。他这样的动作每天三次,几个月来我已经看惯了,但是心中总是不以为然。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1东京中野区哲学堂附近。七月二十八日,晚上九点一过,街上已没有行人了。仁科草介知道,自己身后有两个人越走越近,他们用醉醺醺的、含混不清的奇怪腔调喋喋不休地交谈着。“我醉了?总不犯法吧。呃……是吗?”其中一人声音含糊地说着,不知是对同伴,还是对仁科。仁科不由得苦笑了,看来这是个喝醉了酒脾气就不大好的家伙。两人步伐杂乱地从仁科身边擦过,霎时,仁科感到左肋下一阵剧痛,两支手同时被人按住。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:夜城里什么东西都有,从神圣的遗产到污秽的法器一应俱全。不过除非具有钢铁般的意志,不然我绝不推荐任何人参加夜城里举行的拍卖会。虽然大部分的人根本不敢在拍卖会中跟我抢标,不过我已经很久没有出席任何拍卖会了,因为每次我都会在标到真正想要的东西之前先标下一堆垃圾。有一次我意外标到了一张召唤妖精用的“普卡”,结果就出现了一只只有我才看得到的花花公子玩伴女郎,足足跟了我好几个月。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在夜城,黑夜永无止尽。这里是隐身于伦敦的黑暗魔法之心,美梦以各种型态现世,诱惑与救赎永远都在特卖。你可以在夜城中找到任何事物,只要对方没有抢先找上门来。火热的霓虹,深邃的黑暗,信用卡难以支付的罪恶,狂放的夜店,疯狂的音乐。换上你的舞鞋,舞动到血流如注为止。夜晚持续不断,欢乐永不止歇。随时都会有人手中握着印有你的名字的子弹。我名叫约翰·泰勒,是一名迷失灵魂、在诅咒之地寻求救赎的私家侦探。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:世界上存在着一座梦想前去等待死亡的城镇。一个恶梦得以结束,希望终得安歇的所在。所有故事找到结局,所有冒险迎向终点,所有迷失的灵魂都能迈入最后归宿的地方。从古至今,世界上一直存在着许多这样的地方,散落在世界各地的黑暗角落。然而随着时间的推移、科学的发展、魔法的消逝,大部分的奇景都已不复见,而这类隐藏的角落也随之凋零。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:铁凝喜爱一个作家的作品,是不能不读他的自传的。每当我读过那些大家的自传后,就如同跟随着他们的人生重新跋涉了一遍,接着很可能再去重读他们的小说或诗。于是一种崭新的享受开始了,在这崭新阅读的途中,总会有新的美景突现,遥远而又亲近,陌生而又熟稔——是因为你了解并理解着他们作品之外的奇异人生所致吧。读许金龙先生最新译作《大江健三郎口述自传》,即是这样的心情。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:奥利弗夫人照着镜子。她自信地瞄了一眼壁炉架上的时钟,她知道它已经慢了二十分钟。然后她继续摆弄着自己的头发。奥利弗夫人坦率地承认,令她烦恼的是经常要改变发型。她差不多已把每种样式都试过了。她先梳了一个庄重的,把头发从四面向上卷得又松又高;接着又梳了一种迎风式的,把发绺往后梳,修饰得看上去很有学者风度,至少她希望如此。她已经试了绷紧的整齐的卷发,也试过一种很有艺术味道的凌乱的发型。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:前言1945年我曾经讯问过许多德国将领,他们一致的意见都是认为曼施坦因元帅已经被证明为他们陆军中能力最强的指挥官,他们都希望他能出任陆军总司令。非常明显,他对于作战的可能性具有一种超人的敏感,对于作战的指导也同样精通,此外比起任何其他非装甲兵种出身的指挥官,他对于机械化部队的潜力,又都有较大的了解。总括言之,他具有军事天才。在战争的最初阶段中,他以一个参谋军官的身份,在幕后发挥出来一种伟大的影响。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“这个座位有人吗?”我向独自坐在酒吧休息室里的那位年轻而有魅力的女士问道。她正在看报,抬头看了我一眼,但没有回答。我在她对面坐了下来,把我的啤酒放在两人之间的桌子上。她又看起报来,并慢慢喝着波旁威士忌①和可口可乐混合的饮料。我又问她:“你经常来这儿吗?”①这是原产于美国肯塔基州波旁的一种主要用玉米酿制的威士忌酒。“走开。”“你的暗号是什么?”“别捣乱。”“我好像在什么地方见过你。”“没有。 [点击阅读]