安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, JULY 26, 1943
  MONDAY, JULY 26, 1943Dear Kitty,Yesterday was a very tumultuous day, and we're still all wound up. Actually, you may wonder if there's ever a day that passes without some kind of excitement.The first warning siren went off in the morning while we were at breakfast, but we paid no attention, because it only meant that the planes were crossing the coast. I had a terrible headache, so I lay down for an hour after breakfast and then went to the office at around two.At two-thirty Margot had finished her office work and was just gathering her things together when the sirens began wailing again. So she and I trooped back upstairs. None too soon, it seems, for less than five minutes later the guns were booming so loudly that we went and stood in the hall. The house shook and the bombs kept falling. I was clutching my "escape bag," more because I wanted to have something to hold on to than because I wanted to run away. I know we can't leave here, but if we had to, being seen on the streets would be just as dangerous as getting caught in an air raid. After half an hour the drone of engines faded and the house began to hum with activity again. Peter emerged from his lookout post in the front attic, Dussel remained in the front office, Mrs. van D. felt safest in the private office, Mr. van Daan had been watching from the loft, and those of us on the landing spread out to watch the columns of smoke rising from the harbor. Before long the smell of fire was everywhere, and outside it looked as if the city were enveloped in a thick fog.A big fire like that is not a pleasant sight, but fortunately for us it was all over, and we went baCk to our various chores. Just as we were starting dinner: another air-raid alarm. The food was good, but I lost my appetite the moment I heard the siren. Nothing happened, however, and forty-five minutes later the all clear was sounded. After the dishes had been washed: another air-raid warning, gunfire and swarms of planes. "Oh, gosh, twice in one day," we thought, "that's twice in one day," we thought, "that's twice too many." Little good that did us, because once agai the bombs rained down, this time on the others of the city. According to British reports, Schiphol Airport was bombed. The planes dived and climbed, the air was abuzz with the drone of engines. It was very scary, and the whole time I kept thinking, "Here it comes, this is it."I can assure you that when I went to bed at nine, my legs were still shaking. At the stroke of midnight I woke up again: more planes! Dussel was undressing, but I took no notice and leapt up, wide awake, at the sound of the first shot. I stayed in Father's bed until one, in my own bed until one-thirty, and was back in Father's bed at two. But the planes kept on coming. At last they stopped firing and I was able to go back "home" again. I finally fell asleep at half past two.Seven o'clock. I awoke with a start and sat up in bed. Mr. van Daan was with Father. My first thought was: burglars. "Everything," I heard Mr. van Daan say, and I thought everything had been stolen. But no, this time it was wonderful news, the best we've had in months, maybe even since the war began. Mussolini has resigned and the King of Italy has taken over the government.We jumped for joy. After the awful events of yesterday, finally something good happens and brings us. . . hope! Hope for an end to the war, hope for peace.Mr. Kugler dropped by and told us that the Fokker aircraft factory had been hit hard. Meanwhile, there was another air-raid alarm this morning, with planes flying over, and another warning siren. I've had it up to here with alarms. I've hardly slept, and the last thing I want to do is work. But now the suspense about Italy and the hope that the war will be over by the end of the year are keeping us awake. .Yours, Anne
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摘要:《名人传》包括《贝多芬传》、《米开朗基罗传》和《托尔斯泰传》三部传记。又称三大英雄传。《贝多芬传》:贝多芬出生于贫寒的家庭,父亲是歌剧演员,性格粗鲁,爱酗酒,母亲是个女仆。贝多芬本人相貌丑陋,童年和少年时代生活困苦,还经常受到父亲的打骂。贝多芬十一岁加入戏院乐队,十三岁当大风琴手。十七岁丧母,他独自一人承担着两个兄弟的教育的责任。1792年11月贝多芬离开了故乡波恩,前往音乐之都维也纳。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:柳鸣九文学的作用在于向别人展示作家自己所看待的世界。这部小说的一个人物曾经这样认为:“为什么不动笔创作一部时间与地点明确、而且具有一定意义的小说呢?叙述一个当今的故事,读者可以从中看到自己的忧虑,发现自己的问题,既不去揭示什么,也不去鼓动什么,仅仅作为一个见证。”这个人物这样思忖着。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:东欧,一四六二年自从她的王子骑马出征后,伊丽莎白王妃每晚都被血腥恐怖的恶梦折磨。每一夜,王妃会尽可能保持清醒;然而等她再也撑不住而合眼睡去后,她很快便会发现自己徘徊在死尸遍野、处处断肢残臂的梦魇中。她又尽力不去看那些伤兵的脸——然而,又一次,她被迫看到其中一人。永远是他那张伤痕累累的囚犯的脸,然后伊丽莎白便在尖叫声中醒来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我所有的东西都带在身边。换句话说:属于我的一切都与我如影随行。当时我把所有的家当都带上了。说是我的,其实它们原先并不属于我。它们要么是改装过的,要么是别人的。猪皮行李箱是以前装留声机用的。薄大衣是父亲的。领口镶着丝绒滚边的洋气大衣是祖父的。灯笼裤是埃德温叔叔的。皮绑腿是邻居卡尔普先生的。绿羊毛手套是费妮姑姑的。只有酒红色的真丝围巾和小收纳包皮是我自己的,是前一年圣诞节收到的礼物。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:夏洛蒂和传记作者告诉我们,爱米丽生性*独立、豁达、纯真、刚毅、热情而又内向。她颇有男儿气概,酷爱自己生长其间的荒原,平素在离群索居中,除去手足情谊,最喜与大自然为友,从她的诗和一生行为,都可见她天人合一宇宙观与人生观的表现,有人因此而将她视为神秘主义者。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在月台上,麦克吉利克蒂太太跟着那个替她担箱子的脚夫气喘吁吁地走着。她这人又矮又胖;那个脚夫很高,从容不迫,大踏步,只顾往前走。不但如此,麦克吉利克蒂太太还有大包小包的东西,非常累赘。那是一整天采购的圣诞礼物。因此,他们两个人的竟走速度是非常悬殊的。那个脚夫在月台尽头转弯的时候,麦克吉利克蒂太太仍在月台上一直往前赶呢。当时第一号月台上的人不挤,本来没什么不对。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:埃米莉-阿伦德尔——小绿房子的女主人。威廉明娜-劳森(明尼)——阿伦德尔小姐的随身女侍。贝拉-比格斯——阿伦德尔小姐的外甥女,塔尼奥斯夫人。雅各布-塔尼奥斯医生——贝拉的丈夫。特里萨-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的侄女。查尔斯-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的侄子。约翰-莱弗顿-阿伦德尔——阿伦德尔小姐的父亲(已去世)。卡罗琳-皮博迪——阿伦德尔小姐的女友。雷克斯-唐纳森医生——特里萨的未婚夫。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:初、高中的同班同学——现在长门市市政府下属的社会教育科工作的古川麻里那儿得知了这一消息。麻里在电话里说:“哎,我是昨天在赤崎神社的南条舞蹈节上突然遇到她的,她好像在白谷宾馆上班呢。”关于南条舞蹈的来历,有这么一段典故,据说战国时期,吉川元春将军在伯老的羽衣石城攻打南条元续时,吉川让手下的土兵数十人装扮成跳舞的混进城,顺利击败了南条军。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:○威廉·赫兹里特随着年岁的增多,我们越来越深切地感到时间的宝贵。确实,世上任何别的东西,都没有时间重要。对待时间,我们也变得吝啬起来。我们企图阻挡时间老人的最后的蹒跚脚步,让他在墓穴的边缘多停留片刻。不息的生命长河怎么竟会干涸?我们百思不得其解。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:威廉·福克纳(WilliamFaulkner,1897-1962)是美国现代最重要的小说家之一。他出生在南方一个没落的庄园主家庭。第一次世界大战时,他参加过加拿大皇家空军。复员后,上了一年大学,以后做过各种工作,同时业余从事写作。他最早的两本小说是当时流行的文学潮流影响下的作品,本身没有太多的特点。 [点击阅读]