安妮日记英文版 - SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1942
  SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1942Dearest Kitty,Our entire class is quaking in its boots. The reason, of course, is the upcoming meeting in which the teachers decide who'll be promoted to the next grade and who'll be kept back. Half the class is making bets. G.Z. and I laugh ourselves sick at the two boys behind us, C.N. and Jacques Kocernoot, who have staked their entire vacation savings on their bet. From morning to night, it's "You're going to pass, No, I'm not," "Yes, you are," "No, I'm not." Even G.'s pleading glances and my angry outbursts can't calm them down. If you ask me, there are so many dummies that about a quarter of the class should be kept back, but teachers are the most unpredictable creatures on earth. Maybe this time they'll be unpredictable in the right direction for a change. I'm not so worried about my girlfriends and myself.We'll make it. The only subject I'm not sure about is math. Anyway, all we can do is wait. Until then, we keep telling each other not to lose heart.I get along pretty well with all my teachers. There are nine of them, seven men and two women. Mr. Keesing, the old fogey who teaches math, was mad at me for the longest time because I talked so much. After several warnings, he assigned me extra homework. An essay on the subject "A Chatterbox." A chatterbox, what can you write about that? I'd wbrry about that later, I decided. I jotted down the assignment in my notebook, tucked it in my bag and tried to keep quiet.That evening, after I'd finished the rest of my homework, the note about the essay caught my eye. I began thinking about the subject while chewing the tip of my fountain pen. Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking. I thought and thought, and suddenly I had an idea. I wrote the three pages Mr. Keesing had assigned me and was satisfied. I argued that talking is a female trait and that I would do my best to keep it under control, but that I would never be able to break myself of the habit, since my mother talked as much as I did, if not more, and that there's not much you can do about inherited traits.Mr. Keesing had a good laugh at my arguments, but when I proceeded to talk my way through the next class, he assigned me a second essay. This time it was supposed to be on "An Incorrigible Chatterbox." I handed it in, and Mr. Keesing had nothing to complain about for two whole classes. However, during the third class he'd finally had enough. "Anne Frank, as punishment for talking in class, write an essay entitled 'Quack, Quack, Quack,' said Mistress Chatterback.'"The class roared. I had to laugh too, though I'd ) nearly exhausted my ingenuity on the topic of chatterboxes. It was time to come up with something else, j something original. My friend Sanne, who's good at poetry, offered to help me write the essay from beginning to end in verse. I jumped for joy. Keesing was trying to play a joke on me with this ridiculous subject, but I'd make sure the joke was on him. I finished my poem, and it was beautiful! It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Luckily, Keesing took the joke the right way. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments, and to several other classes as well. Since then I've been allowed to talk and haven't been assigned any extra homework. On the contrary, Keesing's always i making jokes these days.Yours, Anne
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摘要:星期三下午的郊游从报纸上偶然得知她的死讯的一个朋友打电话把这个消息告诉了我。他在听筒旁缓缓读了一家晨报的这则报道。报道文字很一般,大约是刚出大学校门的记者写的见习性文字。某月某日某街角某司机压死了某人。该司机因业务过失致死之嫌正接受审查。听起来竟如杂志扉页登载的一首短诗。“葬礼在哪里举行?”我问。“这——不知道。”他说,“问题首先是:那孩子有家什么的吗?”她当然也有家。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:基思-兰德里在前线服役二十五年之后踏上了归途,他驾驶着他的萨伯900型轿车①,从宾夕法尼亚大街转入宪法大街一直往西,沿着草地广场②朝弗吉尼亚方向行驶,开过了波托马克河上的罗斯福大桥。他从汽车的后视镜中瞥见了林肯纪念堂,向它挥了挥手,然后顺着66号国道继续往西开,离开了首都华盛顿。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:向北,再向北,直到永远——译者序“我希望从现在起一直向北走,直到生命的结束。”“一个人在路上也可能遇到比死亡更可怕的事情。”修理工说。“是的,我知道,”斯图亚特回答。——《小老鼠斯图亚特》不管朝什么方向走行路,只要是你自己想要的方向,就该一直走下去,直到生命的结束。斯图亚特是这样想的,怀特是这样想的。我也是。不过,行路可能是枯燥的,艰难的,甚至是危险的。但行路也是有趣的,有意义的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:为了适应我的哲学讲演的听众对一种教本的需要起见,我愿意让这个对于哲学全部轮廓的提纲,比我原来所预计的更早一些出版问世。本书因限于纲要的性质,不仅未能依照理念的内容予以详尽发挥,而且又特别紧缩了关于理念的系统推演的发挥。而系统的推演必定包皮含有我们在别的科学里所了解的证明,而且这种证明是一个够得上称为科学的哲学所必不可缺少的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《卢贡——马卡尔家族》应当是由20部小说组成。1896年此套系列小说的总体计划业已确定,我极其严格地遵守了这一计划。到了该写《小酒店》的时候,我亦如写作其他几部小说一样①完成了创作;按既定的方案,我丝毫也未停顿。这件事也赋予我力量,因为我正向确定的目标迈进。①《小酒店》是《卢贡——马卡尔家族》系列小说的第七部。前六部小说在此之前均已如期发表。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:——和希梅内斯的《小银和我》严文井许多年以前,在西班牙某一个小乡村里,有一头小毛驴,名叫小银。它像个小男孩,天真、好奇而又调皮。它喜欢美,甚至还会唱几支简短的咏叹调。它有自己的语言,足以充分表达它的喜悦、欢乐、沮丧或者失望。有一天,它悄悄咽了气。世界上从此缺少了它的声音,好像它从来就没有出生过一样。这件事说起来真有些叫人忧伤,因此西班牙诗人希梅内斯为它写了一百多首诗。每首都在哭泣,每首又都在微笑。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:这是在盛大的入学典礼结束后不久的某一天。学生们从四面八方的走廊上涌向钟声响彻的校园里。奔跑着嬉戏作乐的声音;在樱花树下的长凳上阅读某本小书的人;玩着捉迷藏游戏的快活人群;漫无目的地并肩散步的人们。新入校的一年级学生们热热闹闹地从下面的运动场走了上来。看样子是刚上完了体操课,她们全都脱掉了外衣,小脸蛋儿红通通的。高年级学生们俨然一副遴选美丽花朵的眼神,埋伏在树木的浓荫下,或是走廊的转弯处。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章(1)“林内特·里奇维!”“就是她!”伯纳比先生说。这位先生是“三王冠”旅馆的老板。他用手肘推推他的同伴。这两个人乡巴佬似的睁大眼睛盯着,嘴巴微微张开。一辆深红色的劳斯莱斯停在邮局门口。一个女孩跳下汽车,她没戴帽子,穿一件看起来很普通(只是看起来)的上衣。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01“林娜·黎吉薇”“这就是她!”三冠地主波纳比先生说道。他以肘轻轻触了同伴一下。两人同时睁大圆眼,微张嘴唇,看着眼前的景象。一辆巨型的猩红色罗斯·罗伊司恰恰停在当地邮局的正门口。车里跳出一位少女,她没有戴帽,身着一件式样简单大方的罩袍;发色金黄,个性坦率而专断;是美而敦—下渥德地区罕见的俏丽女郎。迈着快捷而令人生畏的步伐,她走进邮局。“这就是她!”波纳比先生又说了一遍。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:歇洛克·福尔摩斯先生坐在桌旁早餐,他除了时常彻夜不眠之外,早晨总是起得很晚的。我站在壁炉前的小地毯上,拿起了昨晚那位客人遗忘的手杖。这是一根很精致而又沉重的手杖,顶端有个疙疸;这种木料产于槟榔屿,名叫槟榔子木。紧挨顶端的下面是一圈很宽的银箍,宽度约有一英寸。上刻“送给皇家外科医学院学士杰姆士·摩梯末,C.C.H.的朋友们赠”,还刻有“一八八四年”。 [点击阅读]