双城记英文版 - Part 2 Chapter XXVI. A PLEA
  When the newly-married pair came home, the first person who appeared, to offer his congratulations, was Sydney Carton. They had not been at home many hours, when he presented himself. He was not improved in habits, or in looks, or in manner; but there was a certain rugged air of fidelity about him, which was new to the observation of Charles Darnay.He watched his opportunity of taking Darnay aside into a window, and of speaking to him when no one overheard.“Mr. Darnay,” said Carton, “I wish we might be friends.”“We are already friends, I hope.”“You are good enough to say so, as a fashion of speech; but, I don’t mean any fashion of speech. Indeed, when I say I wish we might be friends, I scarcely mean quite that, either.”Charles Darnay—as was natural—asked him, in all good humour and good-fellowship, what he did mean?“Upon my life,” said Carton, smiling, “I find that easier to comprehend in my own mind, than to convey to yours. However, let me try. You remember a certain famous occasion when I was more drunk than—than usual?”“I remember a certain famous occasion when you forced me to confess that you had been drinking.”“I remember it too. The curse of those occasions is heavy upon me, for I always remember them. I hope it may be taken into account one day, when all days are at an end for me! Don’t be alarmed; I am not going to preach.”“I am not at all alarmed. Earnestness in you, is anything but alarming to me.”“Ah!” said Carton, with a careless wave of his hand, as if he waved that away. “On the drunken occasion in question (one of a large number, as you know), I was insufferable about liking you, and not liking you. I wish you would forget it.”“I forgot it long ago.”“Fashion of speech again! But, Mr. Darnay, oblivion is not so easy to me, as you represent it to be to you. I have by no means forgotten it, and a light answer does not help me to forget it.”“If it was a light answer,” returned Darnay, “I beg your forgiveness for it. I had no other object than to turn a slight thing, which, to my surprise, seems to trouble you too much, aside. I declare to you, on the faith of a gentleman, that I have long dismissed it from my mind. Good Heaven, what was there to dismiss! Have I had nothing more important to remember, in the great service you rendered me that day?”“As to the great service,” said Carton, “I am bound to avow to you, when you speak of it in that way, that it was mere professional claptrap. I don’t know that I cared what became of you, when I rendered it.—Mind! I say when I rendered it; I am speaking of the past.”“You make light of the obligation,” returned Darnay, “but I will not quarrel with your light answer.”“Genuine truth, Mr. Darnay, trust me! I have gone aside from my purpose; I was speaking about our being friends. Now, you know me; you know I am incapable of all the higher and better flights of men. If you doubt it, ask Stryver, and he’ll tell you so.”“I prefer to form my own opinion, without the aid of his.”“Well! At any rate you know me as a dissolute dog, who has never done any good, and never will.”“I don’t know that you ‘never will.’”“But I do, and you must take my word for it. Well! If you could endure to have such a worthless fellow, and a fellow of such indifferent reputation, coming and going at odd times, I should ask that I might be permitted to come and go as a privileged person here; that I might be regarded as a useless (and I would add, if it were not for the resemblance I detected between you and me), an unornamental, piece of furniture, tolerated for its old service, and taken no notice of. I doubt if I should abuse the permission. It is a hundred to one if I should avail myself of it four times in a year. It would satisfy me, I daresay, to know that I had it.”“Will you try?”“That is another way of saying that I am placed on the footing I have indicated. I thank you, Darnay. I may use that freedom with your name?”“I think so, Carton, by this time.”They shook hands upon it, and Sydney turned away. Within a minute afterwards, he was, to all outward appearance, as unsubstantial as ever.When he was gone, and in the course of an evening passed with Miss Pross, the Doctor, and Mr. Lorry, Charles Darnay made some mention of this conversation in general terms, and spoke of Sydney Carton as a problem of carelessness and recklessness. He spoke of him, in short, not bitterly or meaning to bear hard upon him, but as anybody might who saw him as he showed himself.He had no idea that this could dwell in the thoughts of his fair young wife; but, when he afterwards joined her in their own rooms, he found her waiting for him with the old pretty lifting of the forehead strongly marked.“We are thoughtful tonight!” said Darnay, drawing his arm about her.“Yes, dearest Charles,” with her hands on his breast, and the inquiring and attentive expression fixed upon him; “we are rather thoughtful tonight, for we have something on our mind tonight.”“What is it, my Lucie?”“Will you promise not to press one question on me, if I beg you not to ask it?”“Will I promise? What will I not promise to my Love?”What, indeed, with his hand putting aside the golden hair from the cheek, and his other hand against the heart that beat for him!“I think, Charles, poor Mr. Carton deserves more consideration and respect than you expressed for him tonight.”“Indeed, my own? Why so?”“That is what you are not to ask me! But I think—I know—he does.”“If you know it, it is enough. What would you have me do, my Life?”“I would ask you, dearest, to be very generous with him always, and very lenient on his faults when he is not by. I would ask you to believe that he has a heart he very, very seldom reveals, and that there are deep wounds in it. My dear, I have seen it bleeding.”“It is a painful reflection to me,” said Charles Darnay, quite astounded, “that I should have done him any wrong. I never thought this of him.”“My husband, it is so. I fear he is not to be reclaimed; there is scarcely a hope that anything in his character or fortunes is reparable now. But, I am sure that he is capable of good things, gentle things, even magnanimous things.”She looked so beautiful in the purity of her faith in this lost man, that her husband could have looked at her as she was for hours.“And, O my dearest Love!” she urged, clinging nearer to him, laying her head upon his breast, and raising her eyes to his, “remember how strong we are in our happiness, and how weak he is in his misery!”The supplication touched him home. “I will always remember it, dear Heart. I will remember it as long as I live.”He bent over the golden head, and put the rosy lips to his, and folded her in his arms. If one forlorn wanderer then pacing the dark streets, could have heard her innocent disclosure, and could have seen the drops of pity kissed away by her husband from the soft blue eyes so loving of that husband, he might have cried to the night—and the words would not have parted from his lips for the first time—“God bless her for her sweet compassion!”
章节:12 人气:2
摘要:十位年轻的女人,为活跃无聊的产房生活,十天内讲述了!”00个亲身经历的故事:初恋、引诱、遗弃、强||奸、复仇、婚外情的荒唐、性*生活的尴尬……在妙趣横生兼带苦涩酸楚的故事背后,则是前苏联社会的fu败、男人灵魂的丑陋、妇女处境的悲惨,以及她们对美好幸福生活的热烈渴望和执着追求……这便是《女人十日谈》向读者展示的画面及其底蕴。 [点击阅读]
章节:25 人气:2
摘要:中华读书报记者施诺一位当年出版斯蒂芬·金小说的编辑曾预言:“过不了多久,斯蒂芬·金在中国就会像在美国一样普及。”中国出版商认为这位给美国出版商带来巨额利润的畅销书作者也会给中国出版社带来利润,全国有5家出版社先后推出斯蒂芬·金,盗版书商也蜂拥而至,制作粗糙的盗版书在市场迅速露面。然而,令出版商失望的是,斯蒂芬·金并没有给中国出版商带来惊喜。它的销售业绩并不理想,没有出现预想中热卖的高xdx潮。 [点击阅读]
章节:81 人气:2
摘要:天灰灰的,冷得怕人,狗闻不到气味。黑色的大母狗嗅嗅熊的踪迹,缩了回去,夹着尾巴躲进狗群里。这群狗凄惨地蜷缩在河岸边,任凭寒风抽打。风钻过层层羊毛和皮衣,齐特也觉得冷,该死的寒气对人对狗都一样,可他却不得不待在原地。想到这里,他的嘴扭成一团,满脸疖子因恼怒而发红。我本该安安全全留在长城,照料那群臭乌鸦,为伊蒙老师傅生火才对。 [点击阅读]
章节:15 人气:2
摘要:从前,但不是很久以前,有一个恶魔来到了缅因州的小镇罗克堡。他在1970年杀死了一个名叫爱尔玛·弗莱彻特的女服务员;在1971年,一个名叫波琳·图塔克尔的女人和一个叫切瑞尔·穆迪的初中生;1974年,一个叫卡洛尔·杜巴戈的可爱的小女孩;1975年,一个名叫艾塔·林戈得的教师;最后,在同一年的早冬,一个叫玛丽·凯特·汉德拉森的小学生。 [点击阅读]
章节:75 人气:2
摘要:大卫·科波菲尔尚未来到人间,父亲就已去世,他在母亲及女仆辟果提的照管下长大。不久,母亲改嫁,后父摩德斯通凶狠贪婪,他把大卫看作累赘,婚前就把大卫送到辟果提的哥哥家里。辟果提是个正直善良的渔民,住在雅茅斯海边一座用破船改成的小屋里,与收养的一对孤儿(他妹妹的女儿爱弥丽和他弟弟的儿子海穆)相依为命,大卫和他们一起过着清苦和睦的生活。 [点击阅读]
章节:70 人气:2
摘要:简·奥斯汀(JaneAusten,1775年12月16日-1817年7月18日)是英国著名女性*小说家,她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性*的婚姻和生活,以女性*特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地。奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:2
摘要:亨利·米勒(HenryMiller,1891年12月26日-1980年6月7日)男,美国“垮掉派”作家,是20世纪美国乃至世界最重要的作家之一,同时也是最富有个性*又极具争议的文学大师和业余画家,其阅历相当丰富,从事过多种职业,并潜心研究过禅宗、犹太教苦修派、星相学、浮世绘等稀奇古怪的学问,被公推为美国文坛“前无古人, [点击阅读]
章节:116 人气:2
摘要:《古兰经》概述《古兰经》是伊斯兰教经典,伊斯兰教徒认为它是安拉对先知穆罕默德所启示的真实语言,在穆罕默德死后汇集为书。《古兰经》的阿拉伯文在纯洁和优美上都无与伦比,在风格上是达到纯全的地步。为了在斋月诵读,《古兰经》分为30卷,一月中每天读1卷。但是《古兰经》主要划分单位却是长短不等的114章。《法蒂哈》即开端一章是简短的祈祷词,其他各章大致按长短次序排列;第二章最长;最后两三章最短。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:大仲马(1802-1870),法国十九世纪积极浪漫主义作家,杰出的通俗小说家。其祖父是侯爵德·拉·巴那特里,与黑奴结合生下其父,名亚历山大,受洗时用母姓仲马。大仲马三岁时父亲病故,二十岁只身闯荡巴黎,曾当过公爵的书记员、国民自卫军指挥官。拿破仑三世发动政变,他因为拥护共和而流亡。大仲马终生信守共和政见,一贯反对君主专政,憎恨复辟王朝,不满七月王朝,反对第二帝国。 [点击阅读]
章节:30 人气:2
摘要:雅·哈谢克(1883~1923),捷克作家,有“捷克散文之父”之称。哈谢克是一个唐·吉诃德式的人物,单枪匹马向资产阶级社会挑战,同时,他又酗酒及至不能自拔。他一生写了上千篇短篇小说和小品,还写过剧本,大多是讽刺小说。哈谢克生于布拉格一穷苦教员家庭,13岁时父亲病故,上中学时因参加反对奥匈帝国的示威游行,多次遭拘留和逮捕。 [点击阅读]