  It is by mistake that this edition was announced as augmented by many new chapters.The word should have been unpublished.In fact, if by new, newly made is to be understood, the chapters added to this edition are not new. They were written at the same time as the rest of the work; they date from the same epoch, and sprang from the same thought, they have always formed a part of the manuscript of "Notre-Dame-de-paris." Moreover, the author cannot comprehend how fresh developments could be added to a work of this character after its completion.This is not to be done at will.According to his idea, a romance is born in a manner that is, in some sort, necessary, with all its chapters; a drama is born with all its scenes.Think not that there is anything arbitrary in the numbers of parts of which that whole, that mysterious microcosm which you call a drama or a romance, is composed.Grafting and soldering take badly on works of this nature, which should gush forth in a single stream and so remain.The thing once done, do not change your mind, do not touch it up.The book once published, the sex of the work, whether virile or not, has been recognized and proclaimed; when the child has once uttered his first cry he is born, there he is, he is made so, neither father nor mother can do anything, he belongs to the air and to the sun, let him live or die, such as he is.Has your book been a failure? So much the worse.Add no chapters to an unsuccessful book.Is it incomplete?You should have completed it when you conceived it.Is your tree crooked?You cannot straighten it up.Is your romance consumptive?Is your romance not capable of living?You cannot supply it with the breath which it lacks.Has your drama been born lame? Take my advice, and do not provide it with a wooden leg.Hence the author attaches particular importance to the public knowing for a certainty that the chapters here added have not been made expressly for this reprint.They were not published in the preceding editions of the book for a very simple reason.At the time when "Notre-Dame-de-paris" was printed the first time, the manuscript of these three chapters had been mislaid.It was necessary to rewrite them or to dispense with them.The author considered that the only two of these chapters which were in the least important, owing to their extent, were chapters on art and history which in no way interfered with the groundwork of the drama and the romance, that the public would not notice their loss, and that he, the author, would alone be in possession of the secret.He decided to omit them, and then, if the whole truth must be confessed, his indolence shrunk from the task of rewriting the three lost chapters.He would have found it a shorter matter to make a new romance.Now the chapters have been found, and he avails himself of the first opportunity to restore them to their place.This now, is his entire work, such as he dreamed it, such as he made it, good or bad, durable or fragile, but such as he wishes it.These recovered chapters will possess no doubt, but little value in the eyes of persons, otherwise very judicious, who have sought in "Notre-Dame-de-paris" only the drama, the romance.But there are perchance, other readers, who have not found it useless to study the aesthetic and philosophic thought concealed in this book, and who have taken pleasure, while reading "Notre-Dame-de-paris," in unravelling beneath the romance something else than the romance, and in following (may we be pardoned these rather ambitious expressions), the system of the historian and the aim of the artist through the creation of the poet.For such people especially, the chapters added to this edition will complete "Notre-Dame-de-paris," if we admit that "Notre-Dame-de-paris" was worth the trouble of completing.In one of these chapters on the present decadence of architecture, and on the death (in his mind almost inevitable) of that king of arts, the author expresses and develops an opinion unfortunately well rooted in him, and well thought out.But he feels it necessary to say here that he earnestly desires that the future may, some day, put him in the wrong.He knows that art in all its forms has everything to hope from the new generations whose genius, still in the germ, can be heard gushing forth in our studios.The grain is in the furrow, the harvest will certainly be fine.He merely fears, and the reason may be seen in the second volume of this edition, that the sap may have been withdrawn from that ancient soil of architecture which has been for so many centuries the best field for art.Nevertheless, there are to-day in the artistic youth so much life, power, and, so to speak, predestination, that in our schools of architecture in particular, at the present time, the professors, who are detestable, produce, not only unconsciously but even in spite of themselves, excellent pupils; quite the reverse of that potter mentioned by Horace, who dreamed amphorae and produced pots.~Currit rota, urcens exit~.But, in any case, whatever may be the future of architecture, in whatever manner our young architects may one day solve the question of their art, let us, while waiting for new monument, preserve the ancient monuments.Let us, if possible, inspire the nation with a love for national architecture.That, the author declares, is one of the principal aims of this book; it is one of the principal aims of his life."Notre-Dame-de-paris" has, perhaps opened some true perspectives on the art of the Middle Ages, on that marvellous art which up to the present time has been unknown to some, and, what is worse, misknown by others.But the author is far from regarding as accomplished, the task which he has voluntarily imposed on himself.He has already pleaded on more than one occasion, the cause of our ancient architecture, he has already loudly denounced many profanations, many demolitions, many impieties.He will not grow weary.He has promised himself to recur frequently to this subject.He will return to it.He will be as indefatigable in defending our historical edifices as our iconoclasts of the schools and academies are eager in attacking them; for it is a grievous thing to see into what hands the architecture of the Middle Ages has fallen, and in what a manner the botchers of plaster of the present day treat the ruin of this grand art, it is even a shame for us intelligent men who see them at work and content ourselves with hooting them.And we are not speaking here merely of what goes on in the provinces, but of what is done in paris at our very doors, beneath our windows, in the great city, in the lettered city, in the city of the press, of word, of thought.We cannot resist the impulse to point out, in concluding this note, some of the acts of vandalism which are every day planned, debated, begun, continued, and successfully completed under the eyes of the artistic public of paris, face to face with criticism, which is disconcerted by so much audacity.An archbishop's palace has just been demolished, an edifice in poor taste, no great harm is done; but in a block with the archiepiscopal palace a bishop's palace has been demolished, a rare fragment of the fourteenth century, which the demolishing architect could not distinguish from the rest. He has torn up the wheat with the tares; 'tis all the same. They are talking of razing the admirable chapel of Vincennes, in order to make, with its stones, some fortification, which Daumesnil did not need, however.While the palais Bourbon, that wretched edifice, is being repaired at great expense, gusts of wind and equinoctial storms are allowed to destroy the magnificent painted windows of the Sainte-Chapelle.For the last few days there has been a scaffolding on the tower of Saint Jacques de la Boucherie; and one of these mornings the pick will be laid to it.A mason has been found to build a little white house between the venerable towers of the palais de-Justice.Another has been found willing to prune away Saint-Germain-des-pres, the feudal abbey with three bell towers.Another will be found, no doubt, capable of pulling down Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois.All these masons claim to be architects, are paid by the prefecture or from the petty budget, and wear green coats.All the harm which false taste can inflict on good taste, they accomplish.While we write, deplorable spectacle! one of them holds possession of the Tuileries, one of them is giving philibert Delorme a scar across the middle of his face; and it is not, assuredly, one of the least of the scandals of our time to see with what effrontery the heavy architecture of this gentleman is being flattened over one of the most delicate fa?ades of the Renaissance!pARIS, October 20, 1832.
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:夏目漱石,日本近代作家,生于江户的牛迂马场下横町(今东京都新宿区喜久井町)一个小吏家庭,是家中末子。夏目漱石在日本近代文学史上享有很高的地位,被称为“国民大作家”。代表作有《过了春分时节》《行人》《心》三部曲。 [点击阅读]
章节:58 人气:0
摘要:如今我已是一个死人,成了一具躺在井底的死尸。尽管我已经死了很久,心脏也早已停止了跳动,但除了那个卑鄙的凶手之外没人知道我发生了什么事。而他,那个混蛋,则听了听我是否还有呼吸,摸了摸我的脉搏以确信他是否已把我干掉,之后又朝我的肚子踹了一脚,把我扛到井边,搬起我的身子扔了下去。往下落时,我先前被他用石头砸烂了的脑袋摔裂开来;我的脸、我的额头和脸颊全都挤烂没了;我全身的骨头都散架了,满嘴都是鲜血。 [点击阅读]
章节:81 人气:0
摘要:序幕那是萨瓦纳的一个凉爽春夜,我的母亲走在石子路上,木屐像马蹄似的敲得鹅卵石哒哒响。她穿过一片盛开的杜鹃,再穿过铁兰掩映下的小橡树丛,来到一片绿色空地,边上有一个咖啡馆。我父亲在铁桌旁的一张凳子上坐着,桌上摊了两个棋盘,父亲出了一个车,仰头瞥见了我母亲,手不小心碰到了一个兵,棋子倒在桌面,滑下来,滚到一旁的走道上去了。母亲弯下身子,捡起棋子交还给他。 [点击阅读]
章节:361 人气:0
摘要:“啊,公爵,热那亚和卢加现在是波拿巴家族的领地,不过,我得事先对您说,如果您不对我说我们这里处于战争状态,如果您还敢袒护这个基督的敌人(我确乎相信,他是一个基督的敌人)的种种卑劣行径和他一手造成的灾祸,那么我就不再管您了。您就不再是我的朋友,您就不再是,如您所说的,我的忠实的奴隶。啊,您好,您好。我看我正在吓唬您了,请坐,讲给我听。 [点击阅读]
章节:10 人气:0
摘要:没有想到拉动门栓时竟然发出惊人的响声,令男子吓了一大跳,好在风声掩去了这一声响,没有惊动房间里的人。从太阳落山的时候起就起风了。风儿摇动着树林里粗壮的树枝。整座山峦开始呼啸,呼啸声掠过屋子的屋顶。已经到了11月的月底,天空却刮起了在这季节里不可能出现的南风。据村子里的老人说,现在这个时候刮这样的风,不是一个好兆头。但愿这不是出事的征兆。对男子来说,就是靠着这风声,才使他在拉动门栓时没有被人发现。 [点击阅读]
章节:35 人气:0
摘要:“脉冲”事件发生于十月一日下午东部标准时间三点零三分。这个名称显然不当,但在事情发生后的十小时内,大多数能够指出这个错误的科学家们要么死亡要么疯癫。无论如何,名称其实并不重要,重要的是影响。那天下午三点,一位籍籍无名的年轻人正意气风发地在波士顿的波伊斯顿大街上往东走。他名叫克雷顿·里德尔,脸上一副心满意足的样子,步伐也特别矫健。他左手提着一个艺术家的画夹,关上再拉上拉链就成了一个旅行箱。 [点击阅读]
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:贝瑞福夫妇对坐在早餐桌前,他们和普通的夫妇没什么不同,这时候,全英格兰至少有好几百对像他们这样上了年纪的夫妻正在吃早餐,这一天,也是个很普通的日子——一星期七天之中,至少有五个这样的日子。天空阴沉沉的,看起来像是会下雨,不过谁也没把握。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:胡绳60年前,侵华日军制造的南京大屠杀惨案,是日本法西斯在中国所犯严重罪行之一,是中国现代史上极其惨痛的一页。虽然日本当时当权者和以后当权者中的许多人竭力否认有这样的惨案,企图隐瞒事实真相,但事实就是事实,不断有身经这个惨案的人(包括当时的日本军人)提供了揭露惨案真相的材料。最近,江苏人民出版社和江苏教育出版社共同翻译出版了《拉贝日记》。 [点击阅读]
章节:20 人气:0
摘要:编者语我们为什么选择村上春树?不是因为他连获日本文艺界的奖项:也不是因为他的作品高居日本畅销书榜首:更不是因为他的作品掀起年轻一代的抢购热潮,突破四百万部的销量!那么,为什么?答案是:他和他的作品带给我们思想的特异空间,而轻描淡写的日常生活片断唤起的生活气氛令我们有所共鸣。更重要的是他以六十年代的背景道出九十年代,甚至世世代代的年轻心声。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:前言阿瑟·米勒,美国剧作家,1915年出生在纽约一个犹太人中产阶级家庭,父亲是一个时装商人,他在哈莱姆上小学,布鲁克林上中学,中学毕业以后工作了两年,后来进入密执根大学,大学期间开始戏剧创作,写了4部剧本,并两次获奖。他第一部在百老汇上演的剧作是《鸿运高照的人》(1944),成名作是1947年创作的《全是我的儿子》,作品获当年度的纽约剧评界奖。 [点击阅读]