  We have just said that Quasimodo disappeared from Notre- Dame on the day of the gypsy's and of the archdeacon's death. He was not seen again, in fact; no one knew what had become of him.During the night which followed the execution of la Esmeralda, the night men had detached her body from the gibbet, and had carried it, according to custom, to the cellar of Montfau?on.Montfau?on was, as Sauval says, "the most ancient and the most superb gibbet in the kingdom."Between the faubourgs of the Temple and Saint Martin, about a hundred and sixty toises from the walls of paris, a few bow shots from La Courtille, there was to be seen on the crest of a gentle, almost imperceptible eminence, but sufficiently elevated to be seen for several leagues round about, an edifice of strange form, bearing considerable resemblance to a Celtic cromlech, and where also human sacrifices were offered.Let the reader picture to himself, crowning a limestone hillock, an oblong mass of masonry fifteen feet in height, thirty wide, forty long, with a gate, an external railing and a platform; on this platform sixteen enormous pillars of rough hewn stone, thirty feet in height, arranged in a colonnade round three of the four sides of the mass which support them, bound together at their summits by heavy beams, whence hung chains at intervals; on all these chains, skeletons; in the vicinity, on the plain, a stone cross and two gibbets of secondary importance, which seemed to have sprung up as shoots around the central gallows; above all this, in the sky, a perpetual flock of crows; that was Montfau?on.At the end of the fifteenth century, the formidable gibbet which dated from 1328, was already very much dilapidated; the beams were wormeaten, the chains rusted, the pillars green with mould; the layers of hewn stone were all cracked at their joints, and grass was growing on that platform which no feet touched.The monument made a horrible profile against the sky; especially at night when there was a little moonlight on those white skulls, or when the breeze of evening brushed the chains and the skeletons, and swayed all these in the darkness.The presence of this gibbet sufficed to render gloomy all the surrounding places.The mass of masonry which served as foundation to the odious edifice was hollow.A huge cellar had been constructed there, closed by an old iron grating, which was out of order, into which were cast not only the human remains, which were taken from the chains of Montfau?on, but also the bodies of all the unfortunates executed on the other permanent gibbets of paris.To that deep charnel-house, where so many human remains and so many crimes have rotted in company, many great ones of this world, many innocent people, have contributed their bones, from Enguerrand de Marigni, the first victim, and a just man, to Admiral de Coligni, who was its last, and who was also a just man.As for the mysterious disappearance of Quasimodo, this is all that we have been able to discover.About eighteen months or two years after the events which terminate this story, when search was made in that cavern for the body of Olivier le Daim, who had been hanged two days previously, and to whom Charles VIII. had granted the favor of being buried in Saint Laurent, in better company, they found among all those hideous carcasses two skeletons, one of which held the other in its embrace.One of these skeletons, which was that of a woman, still had a few strips of a garment which had once been white, and around her neck was to be seen a string of adrézarach beads with a little silk bag ornamented with green glass, which was open and empty. These objects were of so little value that the executioner had probably not cared for them.The other, which held this one in a close embrace, was the skeleton of a man.It was noticed that his spinal column was crooked, his head seated on his shoulder blades, and that one leg was shorter than the other. Moreover, there was no fracture of the vertebrae at the nape of the neck, and it was evident that he had not been hanged. Hence, the man to whom it had belonged had come thither and had died there.When they tried to detach the skeleton which he held in his embrace, he fell to dust.
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:泰蕾丝修女地中海一岛屿上,有一座西班牙城市。城中有一所“赤脚穿云鞋”的加尔默罗会修道院。泰蕾丝女圣徒,这位名见经传的女子,一手进行了宗教改革,创立了一个新教派。这修道院中一切规章,从宗教改革时期严格保持至今,一成不变。这件事本身可能已使人感到非同寻常,但却是千真万确的。经过法国大革命和拿破仑战争时期的荡涤,伊比里亚半岛和欧洲大陆的修道院几乎全部被毁或遭到激烈冲击。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:“萨莉!”哼了一声。“醒醒,萨莉!”“别……闹!”她含糊地应道,这次加大了嗓门。他更用力地推。“醒醒,快醒醒!”查理?是查理的声音,是在叫她。有多久了呢?她慢慢清醒过来。第一眼瞥到的是床头柜上的闹钟。两点一刻。这会儿查理不可能在家,他应该在值班的。等看清了他的面孔,萨莉心中生出一种不祥的预感:出事了。丈夫脸色惨白,鼓着眼睛,一手拿着汽车钥匙,一手还在用力地推她,似乎根本没有发现她已经睁开了眼睛。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:如果旅行开始就不顺,恐怕到末了都会磕磕碰碰的了。至少下面的这四位演奏家理直气壮地支持这种说法。现在他们的乐器就横七竖八地躺在地上呢。原来,他们在附近的一个火车小站不得已乘坐的那辆马车刚才突然翻到路旁的斜坡上了。“没人受伤吧?………”第一位飞快地爬起来,问。“我只是擦破了点儿皮!”第二位擦着被玻璃碎片划得一道道的面颊说。“我也是受了点擦伤!”第三位应道,他的腿肚流了几滴血。总之,问题不大。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:英格兰!这么多年之后,终于又回到英格兰了!他会喜欢这儿吗?路克-菲仕威廉由踏板跨上码头的那一刻,这么自问着。在海关等候入境的时候,“这个问题躲在他脑子后面,可是当他终于坐上列车时,又忽然跑了出来。他现在已经光荣地领了退休金退休,又有一点自己的积蓄,可以说是个既有钱又有闲的绅士,风风光光地回到英格兰老家。他以后打算做什么呢?路克-菲仕威廉把眼光从列车窗外的风景转回手上刚买的几份报纸上。 [点击阅读]
章节:31 人气:0
摘要:HarperLee-ToKillAMockingbird杀死一只知更鸟哈珀·李著PARTONEChapter1我哥哥杰姆快满十三岁的时侯,肘关节被扭断过。后来伤好了,他也不再担心今后玩不了橄榄球了,就不大为自己的伤感到不自然了。他的左臂比右臂稍短,站立或行走时,左手的手背与身体成直角,大拇指和大腿平行。这些,他一点儿也不在乎,只要能传球,能踢球就行了。 [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:与动物不同,人在自己体内培植了繁多的彼此对立的欲望和冲动。借助这个综合体,人成了地球的主人。 [点击阅读]
章节:39 人气:0
摘要:十月的微风在屋子的周围吹拂着,杰西听到后门不时地嘭嘭作响。秋天里门框总会膨胀,必须猛地一拉才能关上。这次,他们把这给忘了。她想,在他们沉醉于爱河之前,得让杰罗德回去关上门,不然的话,嘭嘭的撞门声会让她发疯的。接着她又想,考虑到眼下的情景,那会多么荒唐,会整个儿破坏情绪的。什么情绪呢?这可是个好问题。 [点击阅读]
章节:26 人气:0
摘要:1这是芳草地学校夏季学期开学的那一天。午后的斜阳照在大楼前面一条宽阔的石子路上。校门敞开,欢迎着家长和学生。门里站着范西塔特小姐,头发一丝不乱,衣裙剪裁合身,无可挑剔,其气派和乔治王朝时期的大门十分相称。一些不了解情况的家长把她当成了赫赫有名的布尔斯特罗德小姐本人,而不知道布尔斯特罗德小姐照例是退隐在她的那间圣洁的书房里,只有少数受到特别优待的人才会被邀请进去。 [点击阅读]
章节:57 人气:0
摘要:1864年7月26日,东北风呼呼地叫,一艘典雅而华丽的游船使足了马力,在北爱尔兰与苏格兰之间的北海峡海面上航行。英国国旗在船尾桅杆的斜竿上飘动,大桅顶上垂挂着一面小蓝旗,旗上有金线绣成的“E.G.”两个字母(是船主姓名(Edward&Glenarvan(爱德华·哥利纳帆)这两个字的第一个字母),字的上面还有个公爵冕冠标记。这艘游船叫邓肯号,它属爱德华·哥利纳帆爵士所有。 [点击阅读]
章节:72 人气:0
摘要:我尝试在本书中描述“梦的解析”;相信在这么做的时候,我并没有超越神经病理学的范围。因为心理学上的探讨显示梦是许多病态心理现象的第一种;它如歇斯底里性恐惧、强迫性思想、妄想亦是属于此现象,并且因为实际的理由,很为医生们所看重。由后遗症看来,梦并没有实际上的重要性;不过由它成为一种范例的理论价值来看,其重要性却相对地增加不少。 [点击阅读]