  Every city during the Middle Ages, and every city in France down to the time of Louis XII. had its places of asylum. These sanctuaries, in the midst of the deluge of penal and barbarous jurisdictions which inundated the city, were a species of islands which rose above the level of human justice. Every criminal who landed there was safe.There were in every suburb almost as many places of asylum as gallows. It was the abuse of impunity by the side of the abuse of punishment; two bad things which strove to correct each other.The palaces of the king, the hotels of the princes, and especially churches, possessed the right of asylum.Sometimes a whole city which stood in need of being repeopled was temporarily created a place of refuge.Louis XI. made all paris a refuge in 1467.His foot once within the asylum, the criminal was sacred; but he must beware of leaving it; one step outside the sanctuary, and he fell back into the flood.The wheel, the gibbet, the strappado, kept good guard around the place of refuge, and lay in watch incessantly for their prey, like sharks around a vessel.Hence, condemned men were to be seen whose hair had grown white in a cloister, on the steps of a palace, in the enclosure of an abbey, beneath the porch of a church; in this manner the asylum was a prison as much as any other.It sometimes happened that a solemn decree of parliament violated the asylum and restored the condemned man to the executioner; but this was of rare occurrence.parliaments were afraid of the bishops, and when there was friction between these two robes, the gown had but a poor chance against the cassock.Sometimes, however, as in the affair of the assassins of petit-Jean, the headsman of paris, and in that of Emery Rousseau, the murderer of Jean Valleret, justice overleaped the church and passed on to the execution of its sentences; but unless by virtue of a decree of parliament, woe to him who violated a place of asylum with armed force! The reader knows the manner of death of Robert de Clermont, Marshal of France, and of Jean de Chalons, Marshal of Champagne; and yet the question was only of a certain perrin Marc, the clerk of a money-changer, a miserable assassin; but the two marshals had broken the doors of St. Méry. Therein lay the enormity.Such respect was cherished for places of refuge that, according to tradition, animals even felt it at times.Aymoire relates that a stag, being chased by Dagobert, having taken refuge near the tomb of Saint-Denis, the pack of hounds stopped short and barked.Churches generally had a small apartment prepared for the reception of supplicants.In 1407, Nicolas Flamel caused to be built on the vaults of Saint-Jacques de la Boucherie, a chamber which cost him four livres six sous, sixteen farthings, parisis.At Notre-Dame it was a tiny cell situated on the roof of the side aisle, beneath the flying buttresses, precisely at the spot where the wife of the present janitor of the towers has made for herself a garden, which is to the hanging gardens of Babylon what a lettuce is to a palm-tree, what a porter's wife is to a Semiramis.It was here that Quasimodo had deposited la Esmeralda, after his wild and triumphant course.As long as that course lasted, the young girl had been unable to recover her senses, half unconscious, half awake, no longer feeling anything, except that she was mounting through the air, floating in it, flying in it, that something was raising her above the earth. From time to time she heard the loud laughter, the noisy voice of Quasimodo in her ear; she half opened her eyes; then below her she confusedly beheld paris checkered with its thousand roofs of slate and tiles, like a red and blue mosaic, above her head the frightful and joyous face of Quasimodo. Then her eyelids drooped again; she thought that all was over, that they had executed her during her swoon, and that the misshapen spirit which had presided over her destiny, had laid hold of her and was bearing her away.She dared not look at him, and she surrendered herself to her fate. But when the bellringer, dishevelled and panting, had deposited her in the cell of refuge, when she felt his huge hands gently detaching the cord which bruised her arms, she felt that sort of shock which awakens with a start the passengers of a vessel which runs aground in the middle of a dark night.Her thoughts awoke also, and returned to her one by one.She saw that she was in Notre-Dame; she remembered having been torn from the hands of the executioner; that phoebus was alive, that phoebus loved her no longer; and as these two ideas, one of which shed so much bitterness over the other, presented themselves simultaneously to the poor condemned girl; she turned to Quasimodo, who was standing in front of her, and who terrified her; she said to him,--"Why have you saved me?"He gazed at her with anxiety, as though seeking to divine what she was saying to him.She repeated her question. Then he gave her a profoundly sorrowful glance and fled. She was astonished.A few moments later he returned, bearing a package which he cast at her feet.It was clothing which some charitable women had left on the threshold of the church for her.Then she dropped her eyes upon herself and saw that she was almost naked, and blushed.Life had returned.Quasimodo appeared to experience something of this modesty. He covered his eyes with his large hand and retired once more, but slowly.She made haste to dress herself.The robe was a white one with a white veil,--the garb of a novice of the H?tel-Dien.She had barely finished when she beheld Quasimodo returning. He carried a basket under one arm and a mattress under the other.In the basket there was a bottle, bread, and some provisions.He set the basket on the floor and said, "Eat!" He spread the mattress on the flagging and said, "Sleep."It was his own repast, it was his own bed, which the bellringer had gone in search of.The gypsy raised her eyes to thank him, but she could not articulate a word.She dropped her head with a quiver of terror.Then he said to her. -"I frighten you.I am very ugly, am I not?Do not look at me; only listen to me.During the day you will remain here; at night you can walk all over the church.But do not leave the church either by day or by night.You would be lost.They would kill you, and I should die."She was touched and raised her head to answer him.He had disappeared.She found herself alone once more, meditating upon the singular words of this almost monstrous being, and struck by the sound of his voice, which was so hoarse yet so gentle.Then she examined her cell.It was a chamber about six feet square, with a small window and a door on the slightly sloping plane of the roof formed of flat stones.Many gutters with the figures of animals seemed to be bending down around her, and stretching their necks in order to stare at her through the window.Over the edge of her roof she perceived the tops of thousands of chimneys which caused the smoke of all the fires in paris to rise beneath her eyes.A sad sight for the poor gypsy, a foundling, condemned to death, an unhappy creature, without country, without family, without a hearthstone.At the moment when the thought of her isolation thus appeared to her more poignant than ever, she felt a bearded and hairy head glide between her hands, upon her knees.She started (everything alarmed her now) and looked.It was the poor goat, the agile Djali, which had made its escape after her, at the moment when Quasimodo had put to flight Charmolue's brigade, and which had been lavishing caresses on her feet for nearly an hour past, without being able to win a glance.The gypsy covered him with kisses."Oh!Djali!" she said, "how I have forgotten thee!And so thou still thinkest of me!Oh! thou art not an ingrate!"At the same time, as though an invisible hand had lifted the weight which had repressed her tears in her heart for so long, she began to weep, and, in proportion as her tears flowed, she felt all that was most acrid and bitter in her grief depart with them.Evening came, she thought the night so beautiful that she made the circuit of the elevated gallery which surrounds the church.It afforded her some relief, so calm did the earth appear when viewed from that height.
章节:81 人气:0
摘要:生平简介1900年11月8日,玛格丽特-米切尔出生于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个律师家庭。她的父亲曾经是亚特兰大市的历史学会主席。在南北战争期间,亚特兰大曾于1864年落入北方军将领舒尔曼之手。后来,这便成了亚特兰大居民热衷的话题。自孩提时起,玛格丽特就时时听到她父亲与朋友们,甚至居民之间谈论南北战争。当26岁的玛格丽特决定创作一部有关南北战争的小说时,亚特兰大自然就成了小说的背景。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:泰戈尔1夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。straybirdsofsummercometomywindowtosingandflyaway.andyellowleavesofautumn,whichhavenosongs,flutterandfalltherewithasign.2世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:我睡醒的时候,床的另外半边冷冰冰的。我伸出手想试探一下波丽姆留在被子里的余温,结果只摸到了粗糙的帆布被单,她准是又做了噩梦,爬到妈妈被窝里去了。嗯,准没错。今天是收获节。我用胳膊支起身子,屋子里挺亮,正好看得见他们。小妹妹波丽姆侧身躺着,偎在妈妈怀里,她们的脸紧挨在一块儿。睡着的时候,妈妈看上去要年轻些,脸上尽管还是一样疲倦,可已经不那么憔悴了。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:壶中茶水的热气早已散发到冰冷的空气中,可我双手仍紧紧地握着茶壶。我的肌肉因为冷而绷得紧紧的。此时如果有一群野狗来袭击,我肯定来不及爬到树上,就会遭到野狗的撕咬。我应该站起来,活动一下僵硬的四肢,可我却坐着,像顽石一样一动不动。此时天已经蒙蒙亮了,周围的树丛已隐隐显露出轮廓。我不能和太阳搏斗,只能看着它一点点地把我拖入白昼,而即将到来的这一天是几个月来我一直所惧怕的。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:我低头俯视着自己的鞋子,一层细密的灰尘正缓缓地落在磨旧的皮革上。此时,我正站在原来放着我和妹妹波丽姆的床铺的地方,旁边不远是放饭桌的地方。烟囱已经塌了,烧得焦黑的碎砖头堆成了一堆,靠这个我还勉强能认得出原来房间的位置,不然的话,在这茫茫灰海中,我靠什么来辨认方向?十二区的一切几乎已荡然无存。一个月以前,凯匹特的火焰炸弹摧毁了“夹缝地带”贫苦矿工的房子、镇子里的商店,甚至司法大楼。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:我正站在波洛房间的窗户旁悠闲地望着下面的大街。“奇怪呀!”我突然脱口而出。“怎么啦,我的朋友?”波洛端坐在他舒适的摇椅里,语调平静地问。“波洛,请推求如下事实!——位年轻女人衣着华贵——头戴时髦的帽子,身穿富丽的裘皮大衣。她正慢慢地走过来。边走边看两旁的房子。二个男子和一个中年女人正盯捎尾随着她,而她一无所知。突然又来了一个男孩在她身后指指点点,打着手势。 [点击阅读]
章节:46 人气:0
摘要:那人用弹簧锁钥匙开门走了进去,后面跟着一个年轻人。年轻人笨拙地脱下了便帽。他穿一身粗布衣服,带着海洋的咸味。来到这宽阔的大汀他显然感到拘束,连帽子也不知道怎么处置。正想塞进外衣口袋,那人却接了过去。接得自然,一声不响,那笨拙的青年心里不禁感激,“他明白我,”他心想,“他会帮我到底的。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:0
摘要:马普尔小姐的故事——我亲爱的,我想我没告诉过你们——你,雷蒙德,还有你,琼——有关几年前发生的一桩奇特的小案子。不管怎样,我不想让人们觉得我很自负——当然了,我也知道和你们年轻人比起来我根本算不上聪明——雷蒙德会写那些关于令人讨厌的男男女女们的非常现代的书——琼会画那些出众的图画,上面全是一些四四方方的人,身上有的地方非常奇怪地凸了出来——你们都很聪明,我亲爱的, [点击阅读]
章节:19 人气:0
摘要:《骗局》简介:陨石、冰架、空军一号、三角洲部队、性丑闻、政治黑幕……美国悬疑惊悚小说大师丹·布朗凭借高超地想象将这些元素有机的糅合在《骗局》中。整个故事围绕着一起科学大骗局展开,讲述了48小时内美国政界发生的一系列重大事件。小说以一桩神秘的谋杀案开篇:在人迹罕见的北极圈,加拿大地质学家查尔斯·布罗菲和他的几只北极狗被两个彪形大汉劫持到一架军用直升机上。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:我知道有这么一则已为人所共知的铁事,它的大意是:一位年轻作家决心要把他的故事的开头写得独具一格、有声有色,想借此引起那些读腻了声色犬马之类文章的编辑们的注意,便写下了如下的句子:“‘该死!’公爵夫人说道。”真怪,我这故事的开头倒也是同一个形式.只不过说这句话的女士不是一位公爵夫人罢了。那是六月初的一天,我在巴黎刚办完了一些事务,正乘着早车回伦敦去。 [点击阅读]