傲慢与偏见英文版 - Chapter 37
  THE two gentlemen left Rosings the next morning; and Mr. Collins having been in waiting near the lodges, to make them his parting obeisance, was able to bring home the pleasing intelligence of their appearing in very good health, and in as tolerable spirits as could be expected, after the melancholy scene so lately gone through at Rosings. To Rosings he then hastened to console Lady Catherine and her daughter; and on his return brought back, with great satisfaction, a message from her ladyship, importing that she felt herself so dull as to make her very desirous of having them all to dine with her.Elizabeth could not see Lady Catherine without recollecting that, had she chosen it, she might by this time have been presented to her as her future niece; nor could she think, without a smile, of what her ladyship's indignation would have been. "What would she have said? -- how would she have behaved?" were questions with which she amused herself.Their first subject was the diminution of the Rosings party. -- "I assure you, I feel it exceedingly," said Lady Catherine; "I believe nobody feels the loss of friends so much as I do. But I am particularly attached to these young men; and know them to be so much attached to me! -- They were excessively sorry to go! But so they always are. The dear colonel rallied his spirits tolerably till just at last; but Darcy seemed to feel it most acutely, more I think than last year. His attachment to Rosings, certainly increases."Mr. Collins had a compliment, and an allusion to throw in here, which were kindly smiled on by the mother and daughter.Lady Catherine observed, after dinner, that Miss Bennet seemed out of spirits; and immediately accounting for it herself, by supposing that she did not like to go home again so soon, she added,"But if that is the case, you must write to your mother to beg that you may stay a little longer. Mrs. Collins will be very glad of your company, I am sure.""I am much obliged to your ladyship for your kind invitation," replied Elizabeth, "but it is not in my power to accept it. -- I must be in town next Saturday.""Why, at that rate, you will have been here only six weeks. I expected you to stay two months. I told Mrs. Collins so before you came. There can be no occasion for your going so soon. Mrs. Bennet could certainly spare you for another fortnight.""But my father cannot. -- He wrote last week to hurry my return.""Oh! your father of course may spare you, if your mother can. -- Daughters are never of so much consequence to a father. And if you will stay another month complete, it will be in my power to take one of you as far as London, for I am going there early in June, for a week; and as Dawson does not object to the Barouche box, there will be very good room for one of you -- and indeed, if the weather should happen to be cool, I should not object to taking you both, as you are neither of you large.""You are all kindness, Madam; but I believe we must abide by our original plan."Lady Catherine seemed resigned."Mrs. Collins, you must send a servant with them. You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of two young women travelling post by themselves. It is highly improper. You must contrive to send somebody. I have the greatest dislike in the world to that sort of thing. -- Young women should always be properly guarded and attended, according to their situation in life. When my niece Georgiana went to Ramsgate last summer, I made a point of her having two men servants go with her. -- Miss Darcy, the daughter of Mr. Darcy of pemberley, and Lady Anne, could not have appeared with propriety in a different manner. -- I am excessively attentive to all those things. You must send John with the young ladies, Mrs. Collins. I am glad it occurred to me to mention it; for it would really be discreditable to you to let them go alone.""My uncle is to send a servant for us.""Oh! -- Your uncle! -- He keeps a man-servant, does he? -- I am very glad you have somebody who thinks of those things. Where shall you change horses? -- Oh! Bromley, of course. -- If you mention my name at the Bell, you will be attended to."Lady Catherine had many other questions to ask respecting their journey, and as she did not answer them all herself, attention was necessary, which Elizabeth believed to be lucky for her, or, with a mind so occupied, she might have forgotten where she was. Reflection must be reserved for solitary hours; whenever she was alone, she gave way to it as the greatest relief; and not a day went by without a solitary walk, in which she might indulge in all the delight of unpleasant recollections.Mr. Darcy's letter, she was in a fair way of soon knowing by heart. She studied every sentence: and her feelings towards its writer were at times widely different. When she remembered the style of his address, she was still full of indignation; but when she considered how unjustly she had condemned and upbraided him, her anger was turned against herself; and his disappointed feelings became the object of compassion. His attachment excited gratitude, his general character respect; but she could not approve him; nor could she for a moment repent her refusal, or feel the slightest inclination ever to see him again. In her own past behaviour, there was a constant source of vexation and regret; and in the unhappy defects of her family a subject of yet heavier chagrin. They were hopeless of remedy. Her father, contented with laughing at them, would never exert himself to restrain the wild giddiness of his youngest daughters; and her mother, with manners so far from right herself, was entirely insensible of the evil. Elizabeth had frequently united with Jane in an endeavour to check the imprudence of Catherine and Lydia; but while they were supported by their mother's indulgence, what chance could there be of improvement? Catherine, weak-spirited, irritable, and completely under Lydia's guidance, had been always affronted by their advice; and Lydia, self-willed and careless, would scarcely give them a hearing. They were ignorant, idle, and vain. While there was an officer in Meryton, they would flirt with him; and while Meryton was within a walk of Longbourn, they would be going there for ever.Anxiety on Jane's behalf was another prevailing concern, and Mr. Darcy's explanation, by restoring Bingley to all her former good opinion, heightened the sense of what Jane had lost. His affection was proved to have been sincere, and his conduct cleared of all blame, unless any could attach to the implicitness of his confidence in his friend. How grievous then was the thought that, of a situation so desirable in every respect, so replete with advantage, so promising for happiness, Jane had been deprived, by the folly and indecorum of her own family!When to these recollections was added the developement of Wickham's character, it may be easily believed that the happy spirits which had seldom been depressed before, were now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful.Their engagements at Rosings were as frequent during the last week of her stay as they had been at first. The very last evening was spent there; and her Ladyship again enquired minutely into the particulars of their journey, gave them directions as to the best method of packing, and was so urgent on the necessity of placing gowns in the only right way, that Maria thought herself obliged, on her return, to undo all the work of the morning, and pack her trunk afresh.When they parted, Lady Catherine, with great condescension, wished them a good journey, and invited them to come to Hunsford again next year; and Miss De Bourgh exerted herself so far as to curtsey and hold out her hand to both.
章节:50 人气:0
摘要:听完首席秘书官田上的报告,大月蹙起眉头。此刻他在官邸内的办公室,正忙着写完讲稿,内容和非洲政策有关。下周,他将在阿迪斯阿贝巴①公开发表演说。坐在黑檀木桌前的大月,猛然将椅子反转过来。魁梧的田上站在他面前,有点驼背。“堀越到底有甚么事?是核能发电又出了甚么问题吗?”堀越忠夫是科学技术政策大臣。大月想起前几天,他出席了国际核能机构的总会。“不,好像不是那种问题。与他一同前来的,是JAXA的人。 [点击阅读]
章节:35 人气:0
摘要:博比·琼斯把球放在球座上,击球前球杆简单地轻摆一下,然后慢慢收回球杆,接着以闪电般的速度向下一击。在五号铁头球棒的随便一击下,球会呼啸腾起,越过障碍,又直又准地落到球场的第十四穴处吗?不,远非如此,结果太糟了,球掠过地面,稳稳地陷入了障碍坑洼。没有热心的观众发出沮丧的哼哼声,惟一的目击者也显得一点不吃惊。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:我觉得,英国南部没有哪个滨海小镇有圣卢那么令人流连忘返,因此,人们称它为“水城皇后”真是再恰当也没有了。到了这里,游客便会自然而然地想起维埃拉(译注:法国东南部及意大利西北部的海滨地区,濒临地中海,以风光旖旎著称)。在我的印象里,康沃尔郡的海岸正像法国南方的海滨一样迷人。我把这个想法告诉了我的朋友赫尔克里-波洛。他听了以后说:“昨天餐车里的那份菜单上就是这么说的,我的朋友,所以这并非你的创见。 [点击阅读]
章节:65 人气:0
摘要:米里哀先生是法国南部的地区狄涅的主教。他是个七十五岁的老人,原出身于贵族,法国大革命后破落了。他学问渊博,生活俭朴,好善乐施。他把每年从zheng府那里领得的一万五千法郎薪俸,都捐献给当地的慈善事业。被人们称为卞福汝(意为“欢迎”)主教。米里哀先生认为自己活在世上“不是为了自己的生命,而是来保护世人心灵的”。 [点击阅读]
章节:12 人气:0
摘要:帕金顿先生与太太吵了几句,气呼呼地戴上帽子,把门一摔,离家去赶八点四十五分的火车,到市里去上班。帕金顿太太依旧坐在早餐桌前。她的脸涨得通红,紧咬着嘴唇,要不是最后愤怒代替了委屈,她早就哭出来了。“我不会再忍下去了,”帕金顿太太说,“我不会再忍下去了!”她继续想了一会儿,又喃喃道:“那个放荡女人,狡猾卑鄙的狐狸精!乔治怎么会这么傻呢!”愤怒逐渐平息了,悲伤和委屈的感觉又涌上心头。 [点击阅读]
章节:139 人气:0
摘要:“喂,你去见男朋友,我干嘛要跟着啊?”“嘻嘻,我和宗浩说好了,要带你去见他的啊^o^”晕~-_-^,这么闷热的天,本来就够闹心的了,还要去给朋友当电灯泡,可怜芳龄十八的我啊,这些年都干嘛了?我好想有个男人啊,做梦都想…“朴宗浩有什么呀?他是公高的吧?公高那帮小子太危险了,你离他们远点儿。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:母亲送给古义人一块地皮。在古义人的记忆里,幼少年时期,那里曾耸立着参天的辽杨。最初提起这个话头,是母亲年愈九旬、头脑还清晰的那阵子。在那之前,古义人几年回去一次,母亲九十岁以后,便大致每年都要回到四国那个森林中的山谷。准确的时期已经记不清了,就季节而言,应该是五月中旬的事。“年岁大了,身上也就有老人的气味了。”母亲从大开着的门窗向对岸望去。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:具结释放的汤姆·约德和因对圣灵产生怀疑而不再做牧师的凯绥结伴,回到了被垄断资本与严重干旱吞食了的家乡。他们和约德一家挤进一辆破卡车,各自抱着美好的幻想向“黄金西部”进发。一路上,他们受尽折磨与欺凌,有的死去,有的中途离散。 [点击阅读]
章节:17 人气:0
摘要:(一)回顾我的文学生涯,从早期的写作起,我就把小说的舞台放在了位于日本列岛之一的四国岛中央、紧邻四国山脉分水岭北侧深邃的森林山谷里的那个小村落。我从生养我的村庄开始写起,最初,只能说是年轻作家头脑中的预感机能在起作用,我完全没有预料到这将会成为自己小说中一个大系列的一部分。这就是那篇题为《饲育》的短篇小说。 [点击阅读]
章节:59 人气:0
摘要:朱厄尔和我从地里走出来,在小路上走成单行。虽然我在他前面十五英尺,但是不管谁从棉花房里看我们,都可以看到朱厄尔那顶破旧的草帽比我那顶足足高出一个脑袋。小路笔直,像根铅垂线,被人的脚踩得光溜溜的,让七月的太阳一烤,硬得像砖。小路夹在一行行碧绿的中耕过的棉花当中,一直通到棉花地当中的棉花房,在那儿拐弯,以四个柔和的直角绕棉花房一周,又继续穿过棉花地,那也是脚踩出来的,很直,但是一点点看不清了。 [点击阅读]