安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944
  TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944My dearest Kitty,As much as I'd like to write more on politics, I have lots of other news to report today. First, Mother has virtually forbidden me to go up to Peter's, since, according to her, Mrs. van Daan is jealous. Second, Peter's invited Margot to join us upstairs. Whether he really means it or is just saying it out of politeness, I don't know. Third, I asked Father if he thought I should take any notice of Mrs. van Daan's jealousy and he said I didn't have to.What should I do now? Mother's angry, doesn't want me going upstairs, wants me to go back to doing my homework in the room I share willi Dussel. She may be jealous herself. Father doesn't begrudge us those few hours and thinks it's nice we get along so well. Margot likes Peter too, but feels that three people can't talk about the same things as two.Furthermore, Mother thinks Peter's in love with me. To tell you the truth, I wish he were. Then we'd be even, and it'd be a lot easier to get to know each other. She also claims he's always looking at me. Well, I suppose we do give each other the occasional wink. But I can't help it if he keeps admiring my dimples, can I?I'm in a very difficult position. Mother's against me and I'm against her. Father turns a blind eye to the silent struggle between Mother and me. Mother is sad, because she still loves me, but I'm not at all unhappy, because she no longer means anything to me.As for Peter. . . I don't want to give him up. He's so sweet and I admire him so much. He and I could have a really beautiful relationship, so why are the old folks poking their noses into our business again? Fortu- nately, I'm used to hiding my feelings, so I manage not to show how crazy I am about him. Is he ever going to say anything? Am I ever going to feel his cheek against mine, the way I felt Petel's cheek in my dream? Oh, Peter and Petel, you're one and the same! They don't understand us; they'd never understand that we're content just to sit beside each other and not say a word. They have no idea of what draws us together! Oh, when will we overcome all these difficulties? And yet it's good that we have to surmount them, since it makes the end that much more beautiful. When he lays his head on his arms and closes his eyes, he's still a child; when he plays with Mouschi or talks about her, he's loving; when he carries the potatoes or other heavy loads, he's strong; when he goes to watch the gunfire or walks through the dark house to look for burglars, he's brave; and when he's so awkward and clumsy, he's hopelessly endearing. It's much nicer when he explains something to me than when I have to teach him. I wish he were superior to me in nearly every way!What do we care about our two mothers? Oh, if only he'd say something.Father always says I'm conceited, but I'm not, I'm merely vain! I haven't had many people tell me I was pretty, except for a boy at school who said I looked so cute when I smiled. Yesterday Peter paid me a true com- pliment, and just for fun I'll give you a rough idea of our conversation.Peter often says, "Smile!" I thought it was strange, so yesterday I asked him, "Why do you always want me to smile?""Because you get dimples in your cheeks. How do you do that?""I was born with them. There's also one in my chin. It's the only mark of beauty I possess.""No, no, that's not true!""Yes it is. I know I'm not beautiful. I never have been and I never will be!""I don't agree. I think you're pretty.""I am not.""I say you are, and you'll have to take my word for it." So of course I then said the same about him.Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的最后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。天空里突然升起了一个男孩子的尖锐的歌声。他穿过看不见的黑暗,留下他的歌声的辙痕跨过黄昏的静谧。他的乡村的家坐落在荒凉的边上,在甘蔗田的后面,躲藏在香蕉树,瘦长的槟榔树,椰子树和深绿色的贾克果树的阴影里。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:J报社大阪支社的总编富永拜访浅见家,那是l1月1日的事。那天是星期天,可对于浅见光彦来说,不管是周末还是假日都与他无关。浅见昨晚深夜才从四国松山旅行回来,一回来就埋头工作到凌晨。因为约定后天之前要完成的稿件,比预定的晚了许多,虽然老记挂着这件事,可人终究敌不过睡魔。一直坚持到凌晨4点20分,本想打算稍事休息,没想到脑袋一落枕头,就沉沉睡过去了。“少爷!少爷!快起来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:varcpro_id='u179742';varcpro_id='u179742';沃格雷夫法官先生新近离任退休,现在正在头等车厢的吸烟室里,倚角而坐,一边喷着雪茄烟,一边兴致勃勃地读着《泰晤士报》上的政治新闻。沃格雷夫放下报纸,眺望窗外。列车奔驰在西南沿海的萨默塞特原野上。他看了看表,还有两小时路程。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章莉迪亚死了,可他们还不知道。1977年5月3日早晨6点30分的时候,没有人知道莉迪亚已经死了,他们只清楚一个无伤大雅的事实:莉迪亚来不及吃早餐了。这个时候,与平常一样,母亲在莉迪亚的粥碗旁边放了一支削好的铅笔,还有莉迪亚的物理作业,作业中六个有问题的地方已经用对勾标了出来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:薄暮时分,他来到渡口。他大可早就来到这里。事实上是,他尽可能拖延。先是跟他的一些朋友在“红码头”午宴;轻率、散漫的对谈,有关彼此都认识的一些朋友的闲话——这一切只意味着他内心里对他不得不去做的事退缩不前。他的朋友邀他留下来喝午茶,而他接受了。然而最后他知道他不能再拖延下去了的时刻终于还是来到了。他雇来的车子在等着。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1读者可曾想象过接到这样来信时的辛酸味?信上说,你的某一尽管时有龃龉,但长期来常挂心间交谊甚笃的好友,不意在某个远如火星上的共和国的哪个陌生处所,原因不明,轻生自尽了。在弱小的兽类世界,想来也有像遇到较强兽类,将其坚实头颅,如同软蜜饯似地一下咬碎一类的残酷体验,但在人类世界,以我目前的想法,即此便是辛酸不过的体验了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:松本清张是日本当代着名的小说家,一九〇九年生于福冈县小仓市。高小毕业后,曾在电机厂、石版印刷厂做过工,生活艰苦。自一九三八年起,先后在朝日新闻社九州岛分社、西部总社、东京总社任职,同时练习写作。一九五〇年发表第一篇作品《西乡钞票》,借明治初期西乡隆盛领导的西乡军滥发军票造成的混乱状况来影射战后初期日本通货膨胀、钞票贬值的时局。一九五二年,以《〈小仓日记〉传》获芥川奖,从此登上文坛。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:精彩对白Gen.YevgrafZhivago:Tonya,canyouplaythebalalaika?日瓦戈将军:冬妮娅,你会弹三弦琴吗?Engineer:Cansheplay?She'sanartist!工程师:她会弹吗?她是个艺术家!Komarovski:Igivehertoyou,YuriAndreavich.Weddingpresent.科马罗夫斯基:我把她给你,尤里,结婚礼物。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《时间旅行者的妻子》作者简介奥德丽·尼芬格(AudreyNiffenegger),视觉艺术家,也是芝加哥哥伦比亚学院书籍与纸艺中心的教授,她负责教导写作、凸版印刷以及精美版书籍的制作。曾在芝加哥印花社画廊展出个人艺术作品。《时间旅行者的妻子》是她的第一本小说。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:时间旅行者正在给我们讲解一个非常深奥的问题。他灰色的眼睛闪动着,显得神采奕奕,平日里他的面孔总是苍白得没有一点血色,但是此刻却由于激动和兴奋泛出红光。壁炉里火光熊熊,白炽灯散发出的柔和的光辉,捕捉着我们玻璃杯中滚动的气泡。我们坐的椅子,是他设计的专利产品,与其说是我们坐在椅子上面,还不如说是椅子在拥抱和爱抚我们。 [点击阅读]