安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1942
  MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1942Dearest Kitty,Today I'll tell you the general news here in the Annex. A lamp has been mounted above my divan bed so that in the future, when I hear the guns going off, I'll be able to pull a cord and switch on the light. I can't use it at the moment because we're keeping our window open a little, day and night.The male members of the van Daan contingent have built a very handy wood-stained food safe, with real screens. Up to now this glorious cupboard has been located in Peter's room, but in the interests of fresh air it's been moved to the attic. Where it once stood, there's now a shelf. I advised Peter to put his table underneath the shelf, add a nice rug and hang his own cupboard where the table now stands. That might make his little cubbyhole more comfy, though I certainly wouldn't like to sleep there.Mrs. van Daan is unbearable. I'm continually being scolded for my incessant chatter when I'm upstairs. I simply let the words bounce right off me! Madame now has a new trick up her sleeve: trying to get out of washing the pots and pans. If there's a bit of food left at the bottom of the pan, she leaves it to spoil instead of transferring it to a glass dish. Then in the afternoon when Margot is stuck with cleaning all the pots and pans, Madame exclaims, "Oh, poor Margot, you have so much work to do!"Every other week Mr. Kleiman brings me a couple of books written for girls my age. I'm enthusiastic about the loop ter Heul series. I've enjoyed all of Cissy van Marxveldt's books very much. I've read The Zaniest Summer four times, and the ludicrous situations still make me laugh.Father and I are currently working on our family tree, and he tells me something about each person as we go along. I've begun my schoolwork. I'm working hard at French, cramming five irregular verbs into my head every day. But I've forgotten much too much of what I learned in school.Peter has taken up his English with great reluctance. A few schoolbooks have just arrived, and I brought a large supply of notebooks, pencils, erasers and labels from home. Pim (that's our pet name for Father) wants me to help him with his Dutch lessons. I'm perfectly willing to tutor him in exchange for his assistance with French and other subjects. But he makes the most unbelievable mistakes!I sometimes listen to the Dutch broadcasts from London. Prince Bernhard recently announced that Princess juliana is expecting a baby in January, which I think is wonderful. No one here understands why I take such an interest in the Royal Family.A few nights ago I was the topic of discussion, and we all decided I was an ignoramus. As a result, I threw myself into my schoolwork the next day, since I have little desire to still be a freshman when I'm fourteen or fifteen. The fact that I'm hardly allowed to read anything was also discussed. At the moment, Mother's reading Gentlemen, Wives and Servants, and of course I'm not allowed to read it (though Margot is!). First I have to be more intellectually developed, like my genius of a sister. Then we discussed my ignorance of philosophy, psychology and physiology (I immediately looked up these big words in the dictionary!). It's true, I don't know anything about these subjects. But maybe I'll be smarter next year!I've come to the shocking conclusion that I have only one long-sleeved dress and three cardigans to wear in the winter. Father's given me permission to knit a white wool sweater; the yarn isn't very pretty, but it'll be warm, and that's what counts. Some of our clothing was left with friends, but unfortunately we won't be able to get to it until after the war. Provided it's still there, of course.I'd just finished writing something about Mrs. van Daan when she walked into the room. Thump, I slammed the book shut."Hey, Anne, can't I even take a peek?""No, Mrs. van Daan.""Just the last page then?""No, not even the last page, Mrs. van Daan."Of course, I nearly died, since that particular page contained a rather unflattering description of her.There's something happening every day, but I'm too tired and lazy to write it all down.Yours, Anne
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摘要:《荒漠甘泉》1月1日“你们要过去得为业的那地,乃是有山,有谷,雨水滋润之地。是耶和华你神所眷顾的,从岁首到年终,耶和华你神的眼目时常看顾那地。”(申十一章十一至十二节)亲爱的读者,今天我们站在一个新的境界上,前途茫然。摆在我们面前的是一个新年,等待我们经过。谁也不能预知在将来的路程中有什么遭遇,什么变迁,什么需要。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1846年①,当我在诺昂写《莫普拉》这部小说时,我记得,我刚刚为夫妇分居进行了辩护。在此之前,我曾同婚姻的弊端作过斗争,由于没有充分阐述自己的观点,也许让人以为我低估了婚姻的本质;然而在我看来,婚姻的道德原则恰恰是美好不过的——①原文如此,应为1836年。事实上,《莫普拉》这部小说由乔治-桑于1835年夏至1837年春写成,1837年4月至6月发表在《两世界杂志》上,同年出版单行本。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一我有十五年不到韦尔洛臬去了。今年秋末,为了到我的老友塞华尔的围场里打猎,我才重新去了一遭。那时候,他已经派人在韦尔洛臬重新盖好了他那座被普鲁士人破坏的古堡。我非常心爱那个地方,世上真有许多美妙的角落,教人看见就得到一种悦目的快感,使我们不由得想亲身领略一下它的美。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1887年2月1日,“虚荣女士”号与一艘弃船相撞而失踪,出事地点大约在南纬1度,西经107度。1888年1月5日,即出事后的第十一个月零四天,我的叔叔爱德华·普伦狄克被一艘小船救起。方位在南纬5度3分,西经1ol度。小船的名字字迹模糊,但据推测应当是失踪的“吐根”号上的。我叔叔是个普通绅士,在卡亚俄码头登上“虚荣女士”号开始海上旅行。出事后人们以为他淹死了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我敢于大胆地相信,正确地观察人们的性格是一种罕见的才能(或习惯)。根据我的经验,我甚至发现,即使是正确地观察人们的面孔也决不是人们普遍都具有的才能(或习惯)。人们在判断中,两个极为寻常发生的错误就是把羞怯与自大混同——这确实是个很寻常的错误——,以及不了解固执的性格是在与它自身永远不断的斗争中存在的;这两种错误我想都是由于缺乏前一种才能(或习惯)所产生的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:老蓝斯坎伯拖着蹒跚的脚步,一个房间接一个房间地,逐一拉起房里的百叶窗。他那粘湿的双眼,不时地望向窗外,挤出了满脸的皱纹。他们就快要从火葬场回来了。他老迈的脚步加快了些。窗子这么多。“思德比府邸”是一幢维多利亚女王时代的哥德式大建筑。每个房间的窗帘都是豪华锦缎或天鹅绒,有些墙面上仍旧系挂着丝绸,尽管这些都已年久褪色。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:赫尔克里。波洛在他面前将信整齐地放成一摞。他拿起最上面的一封,琢磨了一会儿上面的地址,然后用放在早餐桌上的专用裁纸刀将信封背面纵向裁开,将里面的东西拿出来。在里面还有一个信封,用紫色的蜡仔细地封好,上面有“亲启保密”的字样。赫尔充里。波洛那鸡蛋形的脸上的眉毛向上扬了扬。他喃喃道;“耐心点,这就来了!”又一次用上了那把裁纸刀。这一次信封里出来了一封信-字迹颤巍巍的,又长又尖。好些字重重地画上了线。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:将近子夜时分,一个人穿过协和广场(巴黎最大的广场,位于塞纳河右岸,城西北部。译注)。他虽然穿着贵重的皮毛大衣,还是不难使人看出他体弱多病,穷困潦倒。这个人长着一副老鼠的面孔。谁也不会认为这样一个身体虚弱的人在生活中会起什么作用。但正是他在世界的一个角落里发挥着他的作用。此时此刻,有一使命催他回家。但在回家之前,他还要做一件交易。而那一使命和这一交易是互不相干的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:男子已经意识朦胧。女子只能模模糊糊地感觉到周围的景物,或许刚才猛地受到了撞击,才失去了知觉。这一撞非同小可,驾驶座上已空无一人,车子正缓缓地向路边滑动,挡风玻璃的前端已接近没有护栏的路边。女子双眼模糊,她在潜意识里想到,男子曾经告诉过她这一带的悬崖有两百米深。如果车子照此滑落下去——而此时那位男子却困在副驾驶席上神志不清。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有些陈腐的词语只属于某些类型的小说。比如情节剧里的“秃头坏男爵”,侦探故事里的“藏书室里的尸体”。多年来我一直试图为人们熟知的主题作一些适当的改变。我为自己订立了条件:书里描写的藏书室必须属于非常正统、传统的那一类,而尸体则必须让人觉得悱恻不定、触目惊心。遵循这些原则,几年来出现在笔记本上的只有短短几行文字。 [点击阅读]