安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1942
  WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1942Dearest Kitty,It seems like years since Sunday morning. So much has happened it's as if the whole world had suddenly turned upside down. But as you can see, Kitty, I'm still alive, and that's the main thing, Father says. I'm alive all right, but don't ask where or how. You probably don't understand a word I'm saying today, so I'll begin by telling you what happened Sunday afternoon.At three o'clock (Hello had left but was supposed to come back later), the doorbell rang. I didn't hear it, since I was out on the balcony, lazily reading in the sun. A little while later Margot appeared in the kitchen doorway looking very agitated. "Father has received a call-up notice from the SS," she whispered. "Mother has gone to see Mr. van Daan" (Mr. van Daan is Father's business partner and a good friend.)I was stunned. A call-up: everyone knows what that means. Visions of concentration camps and lonely cells raced through my head. How could we let Father go to such a fate? "Of course he's not going," declared Margot as we waited for Mother in the living room. "Mother's gone to Mr. van Daan to ask whether we can move to our hiding place tomorrow. The van Daans are going with us. There will be seven of us altogether." Silence. We couldn't speak. The thought of Father off visiting someone in the Jewish Hospital and completely unaware of what was happening, the long wait for Mother, the heat, the suspense -- all this reduced us to silence.Suddenly the doorbell rang again. "That's Hello," I said."Don't open the door!" exclaimed Margot to stop me. But it wasn't necessary, since we heard Mother and Mr. van Daan downstairs talking to Hello, and then the two of them came inside and shut the door behind them. Every time the bell rang, either Margot or I had to tiptoe downstairs to see if it was Father, and we didn't let anyone else in. Margot and I were sent from the room, as Mr. van Daan wanted to talk to Mother alone.When she and I were sitting in our bedroom, Margot told me that the call-up was not for Father, but for her. At this second shock, I began to cry. Margot is sixteen -- apparently they want to send girls her age away on their own. But thank goodness she won't be going; Mother had said so herself, which must be what Father had meant when he talked to me about our going into hiding. Hiding. . . where would we hide? In the city? In the country? In a house? In a shack? When, where, how. . . ? These were questions I wasn't allowed to ask, but they still kept running through my mind.Margot and I started packing our most important belongings into a schoolbag. The first thing I stuck in was this diary, and then curlers, handkerchiefs, schoolbooks, a comb and some old letters. Preoccupied by the thought of going into hiding, I stuck the craziest things in the bag, but I'm not sorry. Memories mean more to me than dresses.Father finally came hQme around five o'clock, and we called Mr. Kleiman to ask if he could come by that evening. Mr. van Daan left and went to get Miep. Miep arrived and promised to return later that night, taking with her a bag full of shoes, dresses, jackets, underwear and stockings. After that it was quiet in our apartment; none of us felt like eating. It was still hot, and everything was very strange.We had rented our big upstairs room to a Mr. Goldschmidt, a divorced man in his thirties, who apparently had nothing to do that evening, since despite all our polite hints he hung around until ten o'clock.Miep and Jan Gies came at eleven. Miep, who's worked for Father's company since 1933, has become a close friend, and so has her husband Jan. Once again, shoes, stockings, books and underwear disappeared into Miep's bag and Jan's deep pockets. At eleven-thirty they too disappeared.I was exhausted, and even though I knew it'd be my last night in my own bed, I fell asleep right away and didn't wake up until Mother called me at five-thirty the next morning. Fortunately, it wasn't as hot as Sunday; a warm rain fell throughout the day.The four of us were wrapped in so many layers of clothes it looked as if we were going off to spend the night in a refrigerator, and all that just so we could take more clothes with us. No Jew in our situation would dare leave the house with a suitcase full of clothes. I was wearing two undershirts, three pairs of underpants, a dress, and over that a skirt, a jacket, a raincoat, two pairs of stockings, heavy shoes, a cap, a scarf and lots more. I was suffocating even before we left the house, but no one bothered to ask me how I felt.Margot stuffed her schoolbag with schoolbooks, went to get her bicycle and, with Miep leading the way, rode off into the great unknown. At any rate, that's how I thought of it, since I still didn't know where our hiding place was.At seven-thirty we too closed the door behind us; Moortje, my cat, was the only living creature I said good-bye to. According to a note we left for Mr. Goldschmidt, she was to be taken to the neighbors, who would give her a good home.The stripped beds, the breakfast things on the table, the pound of meat for the cat in the kitchen -- all of these created the impression that we'd left in a hurry. But we weren't interested in impressions. We just wanted to get out of there, to get away and reach our destination in safety. Nothing else mattered.More tomorrow.Yours, Anne
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摘要:6.11若发生如下三种情况之一,即认为偶发空缺出现:(1)地方议员未在规定时间内声明接受职位;(2)议会收到其辞职报告;(3)其死亡当天……——查尔斯·阿诺德-贝克《地方议会管理条例》,第七版星期天巴里·菲尔布拉泽不想出门吃晚饭。整个周末他都头痛欲裂,当地报纸约稿的截稿期马上就要到了,得拼命写完。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有些人只拥吻影子,于是只拥有幸福的幻影。——莎士比亚爱情里最需要的,是想象力。每个人必须用尽全力和全部的想象力来形塑对方,并丝毫不向现实低头。那么,当双方的幻想相遇……就再也没有比这更美的景象了。——罗曼·加里(RomainGary)我害怕黑夜,害怕夜影中不请自来的形影,它们在帏幔的褶皱里、在卧室的壁纸上舞动,再随时间消散。但只要我一回忆童年,它们便会再度现身,可怕又充满威胁性。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:简·奥斯汀(JaneAusten,1775年12月16日-1817年7月18日)是英国著名小说家,生于英国汉普郡,父亲是当地教区牧师。她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭的女性的婚姻和生活,以细致入微的观察和活泼风趣的文字著称。有6个兄弟和一个姐姐,家境尚可。她的父亲乔治·奥斯汀(GeorgeAusten,1731年—1805年)是一名牧师,母亲名卡桑德拉(1739年—1827年)。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:戴维。赫伯特。劳伦斯是二十世纪杰出的英国小说家,被称为“英国文学史上最伟大的人物之一”。劳伦斯于1885年9月11日诞生在诺丁汉郡伊斯特伍德矿区一个矿工家庭。做矿工的父亲因贫困而粗暴、酗酒,与当过教师的母亲感情日渐冷淡。母亲对儿子的畸型的爱,使劳伦斯长期依赖母亲而难以形成独立的人格和健全的性爱能力。直到1910年11月,母亲病逝后,劳伦斯才挣扎着走出畸形母爱的怪圈。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“她过去很坏……一向如此,他们常常在第五大道旅馆见面。”我母亲这么说,好像那一越轨的情景增加了她所提起的那对男女的罪过。她斜挎着眼镜,看着手里的编织活,声音厚重得嘶嘶作响,好像要烤焦她毫不倦怠的手指间编织的雪白童毯一样。(我母亲是一个典型的乐善好施的人,然而说出的话却尖酸刻薄,一点也不慈善。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:自从那次涉谷四叶大厦现场演唱会结束之后,已经过了三个月。在这几个月中,事件的余波依旧冲击着莉莉周。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:[印]戈斯这一时期②,诗人一开始便尝试一种新的样式——散文诗。虽然泰戈尔的大部分翻译作品都采用了散文诗这种形式,然而这些作品的孟加拉文原著,显然都是些出色的韵文。那么,诗人到底为什么动手写起了散文诗呢?人们自然会以为,采用散文诗写作与“散文”③《吉檀迦利》的成功(指英译本)有关,诗人自己也赞同这种观点(《再次集》导言)。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一歇洛克-福尔摩斯始终称呼她为那位女人。我很少听见他提到她时用过别的称呼。在他的心目中,她才貌超群,其他女人无不黯然失色。这倒并不是说他对艾琳-艾德勒有什么近乎爱情的感情。因为对于他那强调理性、严谨刻板和令人钦佩、冷静沉着的头脑来说,一切情感,特别是爱情这种情感,都是格格不入的。我认为,他简直是世界上一架用于推理和观察的最完美无瑕的机器。但是作为情人,他却会把自己置于错误的地位。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章1赫尔曼·布罗德翻了个身,睁开一只眼睛。他睡得稀里糊涂,拿不准自己是在美国,在齐甫凯夫还是在德国难民营里。他甚至想象自己正躲在利普斯克的草料棚里。有时,这几处地方在他心里混在一起。他知道自己是在布鲁克林,可是他能听到纳粹分子的哈喝声。他们用刺刀乱捅,想把他吓出来,他拚命往草料棚深处钻。刺刀尖都碰到了他的脑袋。需要有个果断的动作才能完全清醒过来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“既然野人①已经死了,”眼看周围的树林逐渐黯淡,盖瑞不禁催促,“咱们回头吧。”“死人吓着你了吗?”威玛·罗伊斯爵士带着轻浅的笑意问。盖瑞并未中激将之计,年过五十的他也算得上是个老人,这辈子看过太多贵族子弟来来去去。“死了就是死了,”他说,“咱们何必追寻死人。”“你能确定他们真死了?”罗伊斯轻声问,“证据何在?”“威尔看到了,”盖瑞道,“我相信他说的话。 [点击阅读]