汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 35
  THE reader may rest satisfied that Tom's and Huck's windfall made a mighty stir in the poor little village of St. petersburg. So vast a sum, all in actual cash, seemed next to incredible. It was talked about, gloated over, glorified, until the reason of many of the citizens tottered under the strain of the unhealthy excitement. Every "haunted" house in St. petersburg and the neighboring villages was dissected, plank by plank, and its foundations dug up and ransacked for hidden treasure -- and not by boys, but men –pretty grave, unromantic men, too, some of them. Wherever Tom and Huck appeared they were courted, admired, stared at. The boys were not able to remember that their remarks had possessed weight before; but now their sayings were treasured and repeated; everything they did seemed somehow to be regarded as remarkable; they had evidently lost the power of doing and saying commonplace things; moreover, their past history was raked up and discovered to bear marks of conspicuous originality. The village paper published biographical sketches of the boys.The Widow Douglas put Huck's money out at six per cent., and Judge Thatcher did the same with Tom's at Aunt polly's request. Each lad had an income, now, that was simply prodigious -- a dollar for every week-day in the year and half of the Sundays. It was just what the minister got -- no, it was what he was promised -- he generally couldn't collect it. A dollar and a quarter a week would board, lodge, and school a boy in those old simple days -- and clothe him and wash him, too, for that matter.Judge Thatcher had conceived a great opinion of Tom. He said that no commonplace boy would ever have got his daughter out of the cave. When Becky told her father, in strict confidence, how Tom had taken her whipping at school, the Judge was visibly moved; and when she pleaded grace for the mighty lie which Tom had told in order to shift that whipping from her shoulders to his own, the Judge said with a fine outburst that it was a noble, a generous, a magnanimous lie -- a lie that was worthy to hold up its head and march down through history breast to breast with George Washington's lauded Truth about the hatchet! Becky thought her father had never looked so tall and so superb as when he walked the floor and stamped his foot and said that. She went straight off and told Tom about it.Judge Thatcher hoped to see Tom a great lawyer or a great soldier some day. He said he meant to look to it that Tom should be admitted to the National Military Academy and afterward trained in the best law school in the country, in order that he might be ready for either career or both.Huck Finn's wealth and the fact that he was now under the Widow Douglas' protection introduced him into society -- no, dragged him into it, hurled him into it -- and his sufferings were almost more than he could bear. The widow's servants kept him clean and neat, combed and brushed, and they bedded him nightly in unsympathetic sheets that had not one little spot or stain which he could press to his heart and know for a friend. He had to eat with a knife and fork; he had to use napkin, cup, and plate; he had to learn his book, he had to go to church; he had to talk so properly that speech was become insipid in his mouth; whithersoever he turned, the bars and shackles of civilization shut him in and bound him hand and foot.He bravely bore his miseries three weeks, and then one day turned up missing. For forty-eight hours the widow hunted for him everywhere in great distress. The public were profoundly concerned; they searched high and low, they dragged the river for his body. Early the third morning Tom Sawyer wisely went poking among some old empty hogsheads down behind the abandoned slaughter-house, and in one of them he found the refugee. Huck had slept there; he had just breakfasted upon some stolen odds and ends of food, and was lying off, now, in comfort, with his pipe. He was unkempt, uncombed, and clad in the same old ruin of rags that had made him picturesque in the days when he was free and happy. Tom routed him out, told him the trouble he had been causing, and urged him to go home. Huck's face lost its tranquil content, and took a melancholy cast. He said:"Don't talk about it, Tom. I've tried it, and it don't work; it don't work, Tom. It ain't for me; I ain't used to it. The widder's good to me, and friendly; but I can't stand them ways. She makes me get up just at the same time every morning; she makes me wash, they comb me all to thunder; she won't let me sleep in the woodshed; I got to wear them blamed clothes that just smothers me, Tom; they don't seem to any air git through 'em, somehow; and they're so rotten nice that I can't set down, nor lay down, nor roll around anywher's; I hain't slid on a cellar-door for -- well, it 'pears to be years; I got to go to church and sweat and sweat -- I hate them ornery sermons! I can't ketch a fly in there, I can't chaw. I got to wear shoes all Sunday. The widder eats by a bell; she goes to bed by a bell; she gits up by a bell -- everything's so awful reg'lar a body can't stand it.""Well, everybody does that way, Huck.""Tom, it don't make no difference. I ain't everybody, and I can't stand it. It's awful to be tied up so. And grub comes too easy –I don't take no interest in vittles, that way. I got to ask to go a-fishing; I got to ask to go in a-swimming -- dern'd if I hain't got to ask to do everything. Well, I'd got to talk so nice it wasn't no comfort -- I'd got to go up in the attic and rip out awhile, every day, to git a taste in my mouth, or I'd a died, Tom. The widder wouldn't let me smoke; she wouldn't let me yell, she wouldn't let me gape, nor stretch, nor scratch, before folks --" [Then with a spasm of special irritation and injury] -- "And dad fetch it, she prayed all the time! I never see such a woman! I HAD to shove, Tom -- I just had to. And besides, that school's going to open, and I'd a had to go to it -- well, I wouldn't stand THAT, Tom. Looky-here, Tom, being rich ain't what it's cracked up to be. It's just worry and worry, and sweat and sweat, and a-wishing you was dead all the time. Now these clothes suits me, and this bar'l suits me, and I ain't ever going to shake 'em any more. Tom, I wouldn't ever got into all this trouble if it hadn't 'a' ben for that money; now you just take my sheer of it along with your'n, and gimme a ten-center sometimes -- not many times, becuz I don't give a dern for a thing 'thout it's tollable hard to git -- and you go and beg off for me with the widder.""Oh, Huck, you know I can't do that. 'Tain't fair; and besides if you'll try this thing just a while longer you'll come to like it.""Like it! Yes -- the way I'd like a hot stove if I was to set on it long enough. No, Tom, I won't be rich, and I won't live in them cussed smothery houses. I like the woods, and the river, and hogsheads, and I'll stick to 'em, too. Blame it all! just as we'd got guns, and a cave, and all just fixed to rob, here this dern foolishness has got to come up and spile it all!"Tom saw his opportunity --"Lookyhere, Huck, being rich ain't going to keep me back from turning robber.""No! Oh, good-licks; are you in real dead-wood earnest, Tom?""Just as dead earnest as I'm sitting here. But Huck, we can't let you into the gang if you ain't respectable, you know."Huck's joy was quenched."Can't let me in, Tom? Didn't you let me go for a pirate?""Yes, but that's different. A robber is more high-toned than what a pirate is -- as a general thing. In most countries they're awful high up in the nobility -- dukes and such.""Now, Tom, hain't you always ben friendly to me? You wouldn't shet me out, would you, Tom? You wouldn't do that, now, would you, Tom?""Huck, I wouldn't want to, and I don't want to -- but what would people say? Why, they'd say, 'Mph! Tom Sawyer's Gang! pretty low characters in it!' They'd mean you, Huck. You wouldn't like that, and I wouldn't."Huck was silent for some time, engaged in a mental struggle. Finally he said:"Well, I'll go back to the widder for a month and tackle it and see if I can come to stand it, if you'll let me b'long to the gang, Tom.""All right, Huck, it's a whiz! Come along, old chap, and I'll ask the widow to let up on you a little, Huck.""Will you, Tom -- now will you? That's good. If she'll let up on some of the roughest things, I'll smoke private and cuss private, and crowd through or bust. When you going to start the gang and turn robbers?""Oh, right off. We'll get the boys together and have the initiation to-night, maybe.""Have the which?""Have the initiation.""What's that?""It's to swear to stand by one another, and never tell the gang's secrets, even if you're chopped all to flinders, and kill anybody and all his family that hurts one of the gang.""That's gay -- that's mighty gay, Tom, I tell you.""Well, I bet it is. And all that swearing's got to be done at midnight, in the lonesomest, awfulest place you can find -- a ha'nted house is the best, but they're all ripped up now.""Well, midnight's good, anyway, Tom.""Yes, so it is. And you've got to swear on a coffin, and sign it with blood.""Now, that's something like! Why, it's a million times bullier than pirating. I'll stick to the widder till I rot, Tom; and if I git to be a reg'lar ripper of a robber, and everybody talking 'bout it, I reckon she'll be proud she snaked me in out of the wet."CONCLUSIONSO endeth this chronicle. It being strictly a history of a boy, it must stop here; the story could not go much further without becoming the history of a man. When one writes a novel about grown people, he knows exactly where to stop -- that is, with a marriage; but when he writes of juveniles, he must stop where he best can.Most of the characters that perform in this book still live, and are prosperous and happy. Some day it may seem worth while to take up the story of the younger ones again and see what sort of men and women they turned out to be; therefore it will be wisest not to reveal any of that part of their lives at present.
章节:45 人气:2
摘要:亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉在纽约第三刑事法庭坐着等待开庭,等待对曾经严重地伤害了他的女儿并企图侮辱他的女儿的罪犯实行法律制裁。法官面容阴森可怕,卷起黑法衣的袖子,像是要对在法官席前面站着的两个年轻人加以严惩似的。他的表情在威严傲睨中显出了冷酷,但是,在这一切表面现象的下面,亚美利哥·勃纳瑟拉却感觉到法庭是在故弄玄虚,然而他还不理解这究竟是怎么回事。“你们的行为同那些最堕落腐化的分子相似,”法官厉声地说。 [点击阅读]
章节:74 人气:2
摘要:“彩麻,你能去安阳真的好棒,既可以见到芷希和戴寒,又可以和妈妈生活在一起,真的是好羡慕你啊!”“勾构,我以后会经常回来的,你也可以到安阳来看我呀。记得常给我写信,还有打电话。”“喂,各位!车子马上就要出发了。”长途客运站的管理员冲我们叫道。“你快去吧,否则可要被车子落下了。”“嗯,我要走了,勾构。我一到妈妈家就会给你打电话的。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:2
摘要:第一章处女航一父母及幼小的弟弟、妹妹,四个人正围着一个在梳妆的少女淌眼泪。这是一套两间的公寓住房。父母住一间,三个孩子住一间。当然不可能让每个人都有一张桌子。孩子们每天在这狭小的房间里埋头苦读。大女儿夕雨子,已经十三岁了。但她却无法继续学习下去。她得了白血病。开始时觉得浑身无力,低烧不退。父母整天忙于自身的工作,无暇顾及自己孩子。父亲大月雄三,是个出租汽车司机。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:2
摘要:1961年7月2日,蜚声世界文坛的海明威用自己的猎枪结束了自己的生命。整个世界都为此震惊,人们纷纷叹息这位巨人的悲剧。美国人民更是悲悼这位美国重要作家的陨落。欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威(1899—1961年),美国小说家。1899年7月21日,海明威出生在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥郊外橡树园镇一个医生的家庭。 [点击阅读]
章节:37 人气:2
摘要:肖申克的救赎献给拉斯和弗洛伦斯·多尔我猜美国每个州立监狱和联邦监狱里,都有像我这样的一号人物,不论什么东西,我都能为你弄到手。无论是高级香烟或大麻(如果你偏好此道的话),或弄瓶白兰地来庆祝儿子或女儿高中毕业,总之差不多任何东西……我的意思是说,只要在合理范围内,我是有求必应;可是很多情况不一定都合情合理的。我刚满二十岁就来到肖申克监狱。 [点击阅读]
章节:32 人气:2
摘要:刚刚度过了数月新婚生活的红正在收拾饭桌。昨晚丈夫领回来一位同僚,两人喝酒喝到深夜,留下了遍桌杯盘,一片狼藉。蓦地,红抬起头,四个男人蹑手蹑脚地偷偷闯进屋来!红骤然激起杀意,抓起桌上的牙签怒视着来人。她一眼就看出这四个来路不明的家伙不是打家劫舍找错了门,也不是找自己的丈夫寻衅闹事,而是专门冲着她本人来的!未等红顾及责问他们,这四个家伙早已蜂拥扑来。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:2
摘要:外面一片漆黑,我恍恍忽忽地不知自己昏迷了多长时间。慢慢地我听到一阵微弱而富有节奏的声音,这是只有轮子才能发出的嘎吱嘎吱声。丧失意识的人在黑暗中是听不到这么细微的声响的。因此我判断自己已经恢复了知觉,而且我从头到脚都能感受到外界的存在。我还闻到了一种气味——不是橡胶就是塑料薄膜。 [点击阅读]
章节:34 人气:2
摘要:茨威格(1881-1942),奥地利著名作家、文艺评论家。1881年生于维也纳一一个陌生女人的来信剧照(20张)个富裕的犹太工厂主家庭。青年时代在维也纳和柏林攻读哲学和文学。1904年后任《新自由报》编辑。后去西欧、北非、印度、美洲等地游历。在法国结识维尔哈伦、罗曼·罗兰、罗丹等人,受到他们的影响。第一次世界大战爆发以后,发表反战剧本《耶雷米亚》。 [点击阅读]
章节:34 人气:2
摘要:第一章早起那平易近人的年轻人,杰米·狄西加,每次两级阶梯地跑下“烟囱屋”的宽大楼梯,他下楼的速度如此急速,因而撞上了正端着二壶热咖啡穿过大厅的堂堂主仆崔威尔。由于崔威尔的镇定和敏捷,幸而没有造成任何灾难。 [点击阅读]
章节:39 人气:2
摘要:神谷芳雄还只是一个刚从大学毕业的公司职员。他逍遥自在,只是在父亲担任董事的商事公司的调查科里当个科员,也没有什么固定的工作,所以难怪他忘了不了刚学会的酒的味道和替他端上这酒的美人的勉力,不由得频繁出入那家离京桥不远、坐落在一条小巷里的名叫阿佛洛狄忒的咖啡店。 [点击阅读]