汤姆·索亚历险记 - Chapter 22
  TOM joined the new order of Cadets of Temperance, being attracted by the showy character of their "regalia." He promised to abstain from smoking, chewing, and profanity as long as he remained a member. Now he found out a new thing -- namely, that to promise not to do a thing is the surest way in the world to make a body want to go and do that very thing. Tom soon found himself tormented with a desire to drink and swear; the desire grew to be so intense that nothing but the hope of a chance to display himself in his red sash kept him from withdrawing from the order. Fourth of July was coming; but he soon gave that up -- gave it up before he had worn his shackles over forty-eight hours -- and fixed his hopes upon old Judge Frazer, justice of the peace, who was apparently on his deathbed and would have a big public funeral, since he was so high an official. During three days Tom was deeply concerned about the Judge's condition and hungry for news of it. Sometimes his hopes ran high -- so high that he would venture to get out his regalia and practise before the lookingglass. But the Judge had a most discouraging way of fluctuating. At last he was pronounced upon the mend -- and then convalescent. Tom was disgusted; and felt a sense of injury, too. He handed in his resignation at once -- and that night the Judge suffered a relapse and died. Tom resolved that he would never trust a man like that again.The funeral was a fine thing. The Cadets paraded in a style calculated to kill the late member with envy. Tom was a free boy again, however -- there was something in that. He could drink and swear, now -- but found to his surprise that he did not want to. The simple fact that he could, took the desire away, and the charm of it.Tom presently wondered to find that his coveted vacation was beginning to hang a little heavily on his hands.He attempted a diary -- but nothing happened during three days, and so he abandoned it.The first of all the negro minstrel shows came to town, and made a sensation. Tom and Joe Harper got up a band of performers and were happy for two days.Even the Glorious Fourth was in some sense a failure, for it rained hard, there was no procession in consequence, and the greatest man in the world (as Tom supposed), Mr. Benton, an actual United States Senator, proved an overwhelming disappointment –for he was not twenty-five feet high, nor even anywhere in the neighborhood of it.A circus came. The boys played circus for three days afterward in tents made of rag carpeting -- admission, three pins for boys, two for girls -- and then circusing was abandoned.A phrenologist and a mesmerizer came -- and went again and left the village duller and drearier than ever.There were some boys-and-girls' parties, but they were so few and so delightful that they only made the aching voids between ache the harder.Becky Thatcher was gone to her Constantinople home to stay with her parents during vacation -- so there was no bright side to life anywhere.The dreadful secret of the murder was a chronic misery. It was a very cancer for permanency and pain.Then came the measles.During two long weeks Tom lay a prisoner, dead to the world and its happenings. He was very ill, he was interested in nothing. When he got upon his feet at last and moved feebly down-town, a melancholy change had come over everything and every creature. There had been a "revival," and everybody had "got religion," not only the adults, but even the boys and girls. Tom went about, hoping against hope for the sight of one blessed sinful face, but disappointment crossed him everywhere. He found Joe Harper studying a Testament, and turned sadly away from the depressing spectacle. He sought Ben Rogers, and found him visiting the poor with a basket of tracts. He hunted up Jim Hollis, who called his attention to the precious blessing of his late measles as a warning. Every boy he encountered added another ton to his depression; and when, in desperation, he flew for refuge at last to the bosom of Huckleberry Finn and was received with a Scriptural quotation, his heart broke and he crept home and to bed realizing that he alone of all the town was lost, forever and forever.And that night there came on a terrific storm, with driving rain, awful claps of thunder and blinding sheets of lightning. He covered his head with the bedclothes and waited in a horror of suspense for his doom; for he had not the shadow of a doubt that all this hubbub was about him. He believed he had taxed the forbearance of the powers above to the extremity of endurance and that this was the result. It might have seemed to him a waste of pomp and ammunition to kill a bug with a battery of artillery, but there seemed nothing incongruous about the getting up such an expensive thunderstorm as this to knock the turf from under an insect like himself.By and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object. The boy's first impulse was to be grateful, and reform. His second was to wait -- for there might not be any more storms.The next day the doctors were back; Tom had relapsed. The three weeks he spent on his back this time seemed an entire age. When he got abroad at last he was hardly grateful that he had been spared, remembering how lonely was his estate, how companionless and forlorn he was. He drifted listlessly down the street and found Jim Hollis acting as judge in a juvenile court that was trying a cat for murder, in the presence of her victim, a bird. He found Joe Harper and Huck Finn up an alley eating a stolen melon. poor lads! they -- like Tom -- had suffered a relapse.
章节:2 人气:0
摘要:店内的摆设几乎没有变化。除了满眼遍布的令人一看便联想到店名“圣母玛利亚号”的轮船模型、老旧航海图和小小的地球仪勉强算得上个性外,它与学生街上数不清的各色咖啡馆并没有太多分别。虽然没有特别吸引我的地方,不过想要喝杯咖啡的时候,学生时代的我总是来到这家店。在我和小金井小姐面前摆上两杯水,为我们点菜的店老板也没有变化。他穿着白色衬衫和灰色西装裤,显然这样的装扮与咖啡店店主的身份不甚相称。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一部分序章片麟(19世纪香港)英国生物学家达尔文(1809~1882),是伟大的《物种起源》一书的作者,是提出进化论的旷世奇才。乘坐菲茨·路易船长率领的海军勘探船小猎犬号作环球航行时,他才三十一岁。正是这次航行,使达尔文萌发了进化论的构想。然而,《物种起源》并非进化论的开端。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《南回归线》作为亨利·米勒自传式罗曼史的重要作品,主要叙述和描写了亨利·米勒早年在纽约的生活经历,以及与此有关的种种感想、联想、遐想和幻想。亨利·米勒在书中描写的一次次性*冲动构成了一部性*狂想曲,而他的性*狂想曲又是他批判西方文化、重建自我的非道德化倾向的一部分。 [点击阅读]
章节:94 人气:0
摘要:献给安娜-格里戈里耶芙娜-陀思妥耶夫斯卡娅卡拉马佐夫兄弟我实实在在的告诉你们:一粒麦子不落在地里死了,仍旧是一粒;若是死了,就结出许多子粒来。(《约翰福音》第十二章第二十四节)第一部第一卷一个家庭的历史第一节费多尔-巴夫洛维奇-卡拉马佐夫阿历克赛-费多罗维奇-卡拉马佐夫是我县地主费多尔-巴夫洛维奇-卡拉马佐夫的第三个儿子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:亲爱的读者,你知道,“青角”这个词是什么意思吗?无论用在谁身上,这个词都损人、气人到极点,它指的是触角。“青”就是青,“角”就是触角。因此“青角”是个刚到这个国家(指美国),缺乏经验,尚显稚嫩的人,如果他不想惹人嫌,就得小心翼翼地探出他的触角。我当初也是这么一个“青角”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:内容提要1757年12月的一个月夜,寓居巴黎的年轻医生梅尼特(Dr.Manette)散步时,突然被厄弗里蒙地侯爵(MarquisSt.Evremonde)兄弟强迫出诊。在侯爵府第中,他目睹一个发狂的绝色*农妇和一个身受剑伤的少年饮恨而死的惨状,并获悉侯爵兄弟为了片刻婬*乐杀害他们全家的内情。他拒绝侯爵兄弟的重金贿赂,写信向朝廷告发。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“在专政时代,在处于敌人四面八方包皮围的情况下,我们有时表现出了不应有的温和、不应有的心软”克雷连科:在审理“工业党”案件时的发言第一章逮捕这个神秘的群岛人们是怎样进去的呢?到那里,时时刻刻有飞机飞去,船舶开去,火车隆隆驶去——可是它们上面却没有标明目的地的字样。售票员也好,苏联旅行社和国际旅行社的经理人员也好,如果你向他们询问到那里去的票子,他们会感到惊异。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:地球夕阳西坠,黄昏的祭坛下,地球,接受我双手合十最后的顶礼!女中俊杰,你历来受到英雄的尊崇。你温柔而刚烈,秉性中揉合着男性、女性的迥异气质;以不堪忍受的冲突摇撼人们的生活。你右手擎着斟满琼浆的金钟,左手将其击碎。你的游乐场响彻尖刻的讥嘲。你剥夺英雄们享受高尚生活的权力。你赋于“至善”以无上价值,你不怜悯可怜虫。你在繁茂的枝叶间隐藏了无休无止的拼搏,果实里准备胜利花环。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:我出生在罗马一个显贵门第。我三岁时,父亲不幸去世、母亲尚年轻,立意改嫁,托一个无子女叔父照管我的学习。他高兴地、甚至是迫不及待地收留了我,因为他想利用他的监护人身份,决定把他收养的孤儿,培育成一个忠于神甫的信徒。对于狄法洛将军的历史,知道的人太多了,这里就用不着我赘述。将军死后,神甫们看到法国军队威胁着这个宗教之国,便开始放出风,说有人看到基督和圣母木头塑像睁开了眼睛。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:冰心译1你已经使我永生,这样做是你的欢乐。这脆薄的杯儿,你不断地把它倒空,又不断地以新生命来充满。这小小的苇笛,你携带着它逾山越谷,从笛管里吹出永新的音乐。在你双手的不朽的按抚下,我的小小的心,消融在无边快乐之中,发出不可言说的词调。你的无穷的赐予只倾入我小小的手里。时代过去了,你还在倾注,而我的手里还有余量待充满。 [点击阅读]