  "I had learned who you were; an Egyptian, Bohemian, gypsy, zingara.How could I doubt the magic?Listen.I hoped that a trial would free me from the charm.A witch enchanted Bruno d'Ast; he had her burned, and was cured.I knew it.I wanted to try the remedy.First I tried to have you forbidden the square in front of Notre-Dame, hoping to forget you if you returned no more.You paid no heed to it. You returned.Then the idea of abducting you occurred to me.One night I made the attempt.There were two of us. We already had you in our power, when that miserable officer came up.He delivered you.Thus did he begin your unhappiness, mine, and his own.Finally, no longer knowing what to do, and what was to become of me, I denounced you to the official."I thought that I should be cured like Bruno d'Ast.I also had a confused idea that a trial would deliver you into my hands; that, as a prisoner I should hold you, I should have you; that there you could not escape from me; that you had already possessed me a sufficiently long time to give me the right to possess you in my turn.When one does wrong, one must do it thoroughly.'Tis madness to halt midway in the monstrous!The extreme of crime has its deliriums of joy. A priest and a witch can mingle in delight upon the truss of straw in a dungeon!"Accordingly, I denounced you.It was then that I terrified you when we met.The plot which I was weaving against you, the storm which I was heaping up above your head, burst from me in threats and lightning glances.Still, I hesitated. My project had its terrible sides which made me shrink back."perhaps I might have renounced it; perhaps my hideous thought would have withered in my brain, without bearing fruit.I thought that it would always depend upon me to follow up or discontinue this prosecution.But every evil thought is inexorable, and insists on becoming a deed; but where I believed myself to be all powerful, fate was more powerful than I.Alas! 'tis fate which has seized you and delivered you to the terrible wheels of the machine which I had constructed doubly.Listen.I am nearing the end."One day,--again the sun was shining brilliantly--I behold man pass me uttering your name and laughing, who carries sensuality in his eyes.Damnation!I followed him; you know the rest."He ceased.The young girl could find but one word:"Oh, my phoebus!""Not that name!" said the priest, grasping her arm violently."Utter not that name!Oh! miserable wretches that we are, 'tis that name which has ruined us! or, rather we have ruined each other by the inexplicable play of fate! you are suffering, are you not? you are cold; the night makes you blind, the dungeon envelops you; but perhaps you still have some light in the bottom of your soul, were it only your childish love for that empty man who played with your heart, while I bear the dungeon within me; within me there is winter, ice, despair; I have night in my soul."Do you know what I have suffered?I was present at your trial.I was seated on the official's bench.Yes, under one of the priests' cowls, there were the contortions of the damned.When you were brought in, I was there; when you were questioned, I was there.--Den of wolves!--It was my crime, it was my gallows that I beheld being slowly reared over your head.I was there for every witness, every proof, every plea; I could count each of your steps in the painful path; I was still there when that ferocious beast--oh!I had not foreseen torture!Listen.I followed you to that chamber of anguish. I beheld you stripped and handled, half naked, by the infamous hands of the tormentor.I beheld your foot, that foot which I would have given an empire to kiss and die, that foot, beneath which to have had my head crushed I should have felt such rapture,--I beheld it encased in that horrible boot, which converts the limbs of a living being into one bloody clod.Oh, wretch!while I looked on at that, I held beneath my shroud a dagger, with which I lacerated my breast.When you uttered that cry, I plunged it into my flesh; at a second cry, it would have entered my heart.Look!I believe that it still bleeds."He opened his cassock.His breast was in fact, mangled as by the claw of a tiger, and on his side he had a large and badly healed wound.The prisoner recoiled with horror."Oh!" said the priest, "young girl, have pity upon me! You think yourself unhappy; alas! alas! you know not what unhappiness is.Oh! to love a woman! to be a priest! to be hated! to love with all the fury of one's soul; to feel that one would give for the least of her smiles, one's blood, one's vitals, one's fame, one's salvation, one's immortality and eternity, this life and the other; to regret that one is not a king, emperor, archangel, God, in order that one might place a greater slave beneath her feet; to clasp her night and day in one's dreams and one's thoughts, and to behold her in love with the trappings of a soldier and to have nothing to offer her but a priest's dirty cassock, which will inspire her with fear and disgust!To be present with one's jealousy and one's rage, while she lavishes on a miserable, blustering imbecile, treasures of love and beauty!To behold that body whose form burns you, that bosom which possesses so much sweetness, that flesh palpitate and blush beneath the kisses of another! Oh heaven!to love her foot, her arm, her shoulder, to think of her blue veins, of her brown skin, until one writhes for whole nights together on the pavement of one's cell, and to behold all those caresses which one has dreamed of, end in torture!To have succeeded only in stretching her upon the leather bed!Oh! these are the veritable pincers, reddened in the fires of hell.Oh! blessed is he who is sawn between two planks, or torn in pieces by four horses!Do you know what that torture is, which is imposed upon you for long nights by your burning arteries, your bursting heart, your breaking head, your teeth-knawed hands; mad tormentors which turn you incessantly, as upon a red-hot gridiron, to a thought of love, of jealousy, and of despair!Young girl, mercy! a truce for a moment! a few ashes on these live coals!Wipe away, I beseech you, the perspiration which trickles in great drops from my brow!Child! torture me with one hand, but caress me with the other!Have pity, young girl!Have pity upon me!"The priest writhed on the wet pavement, beating his head against the corners of the stone steps.The young girl gazed at him, and listened to him.When he ceased, exhausted and panting, she repeated in a low voice,--"Oh my phoebus!"The priest dragged himself towards her on his knees."I beseech you," he cried, "if you have any heart, do not repulse me!Oh!I love you!I am a wretch!When you utter that name, unhappy girl, it is as though you crushed all the fibres of my heart between your teeth.Mercy!If you come from hell I will go thither with you.I have done everything to that end.The hell where you are, shall he paradise; the sight of you is more charming than that of God! Oh! speak! you will have none of me?I should have thought the mountains would be shaken in their foundations on the day when a woman would repulse such a love.Oh! if you only would!Oh! how happy we might be.We would flee--I would help you to flee,--we would go somewhere, we would seek that spot on earth, where the sun is brightest, the sky the bluest, where the trees are most luxuriant.We would love each other, we would pour our two souls into each other, and we would have a thirst for ourselves which we would quench in common and incessantly at that fountain of inexhaustible love."She interrupted with a terrible and thrilling laugh."Look, father, you have blood on your fingers!"The priest remained for several moments as though petrified, with his eyes fixed upon his hand."Well, yes!" he resumed at last, with strange gentleness, "insult me, scoff at me, overwhelm me with scorn! but come, come.Let us make haste.It is to be to-morrow, I tell you. The gibbet on the Grève, you know it? it stands always ready.It is horrible! to see you ride in that tumbrel!Oh mercy!Until now I have never felt the power of my love for you.--Oh!follow me.You shall take your time to love me after I have saved you.You shall hate me as long as you will.But come.To-morrow! to-morrow! the gallows! your execution!Oh! save yourself! spare me!"He seized her arm, he was beside himself, he tried to drag her away.She fixed her eye intently on him."What has become of my phoebus?""Ah!" said the priest, releasing her arm, "you are pitiless.""What has become of phoebus?" she repeated coldly."He is dead!" cried the priest."Dead!" said she, still icy and motionless "then why do you talk to me of living?"He was not listening to her."Oh! yes," said he, as though speaking to himself, "he certainly must be dead.The blade pierced deeply.I believe I touched his heart with the point.Oh! my very soul was at the end of the dagger!"The young girl flung herself upon him like a raging tigress, and pushed him upon the steps of the staircase with supernatural force."Begone, monster!Begone, assassin!Leave me to die! May the blood of both of us make an eternal stain upon your brow!Be thine, priest!Never! never!Nothing shall unite us! not hell itself!Go, accursed man! Never!"The priest had stumbled on the stairs.He silently disentangled his feet from the folds of his robe, picked up his lantern again, and slowly began the ascent of the steps which led to the door; he opened the door and passed through it.All at once, the young girl beheld his head reappear; it wore a frightful expression, and he cried, hoarse with rage and despair,--"I tell you he is dead!"She fell face downwards upon the floor, and there was no longer any sound audible in the cell than the sob of the drop of water which made the pool palpitate amid the darkness.
章节:47 人气:0
摘要:当嘉洛林.米贝登上下午开往芝加哥的火车时,她的全部行装包皮括一个小箱子,一个廉价的仿鳄鱼皮挎包皮,一小纸盒午餐和一个黄皮弹簧钱包皮,里面装着她的车票,一张写有她姐姐在凡.布仑街地址的小纸条,还有四块现钱.那是!”889年8月.她才!”8岁,聪明,胆怯,由于无知和年轻,充满着种种幻想.尽管她在离家时依依不舍,家乡可没有什么好处让她难以割舍. [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:我曾经遇见过以渡过海峡为乐的人,他们心平气和地坐在甲板的凳子上,船到港口时,他们静静地等船泊好,然后,不慌不忙地收好东西上岸。我这个人就做不到这样。从上船那一刹那开始,我就觉得时间太短,没有办法定下心来做事。我把我的手提箱移来移去。如果我下去饮食部用餐,我总是囫囵吞枣,生怕我在下面时,轮船忽地就到达了。我这种心理也许是战争时假期短暂的后遗症。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:银色马一天早晨,我们一起用早餐,福尔摩斯说道:“华生,恐怕我只好去一次了。”“去一次?!上哪儿?”“到达特穆尔,去金斯皮兰。”我听了并不惊奇。老实说,我本来感到奇怪的是,目前在英国各地到处都在谈论着一件离奇古怪的案件,可是福尔摩斯却没有过问。他整日里紧皱双眉,低头沉思,在屋内走来走去,装上一斗又一斗的烈性烟叶,吸个没完,对我提出的问题和议论,完全置之不理。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:1仆人请对您的仆人开恩吧,我的女王!女王集会已经开过,我的仆人们都走了。你为什么来得这么晚呢?仆人您同别人谈过以后,就是我的时间了。我来问有什么剩余的工作,好让您的最末一个仆人去做。女王在这么晚的时间你还想做什么呢?仆人让我做您花园里的园丁吧。女王这是什么傻想头呢?仆人我要搁下别的工作。我把我的剑矛扔在尘土里。不要差遣我去遥远的宫廷;不要命令我做新的征讨。只求您让我做花园里的园丁。 [点击阅读]
章节:7 人气:0
摘要:每一句话语都坐着别的眼睛我小时候,村里人使用的语言,词语就住在它们表述的事物表面。所有名称与事物贴切契合,事物和自己的名字如出一辙,二者像缔结了永久的契约。对多数人而言,词语和事物之间没有缝隙,无法穿越它望向虚无,正如我们无法滑出皮肤,落进空洞。日常生活的机巧都是依赖于直觉、无须语言的熟练劳动,大脑既不与它们同行,也没有另辟蹊径。脑袋的存在只是为了携带眼睛和耳朵,供人们在劳作中使用。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:(一)赫邱里·波罗皱起眉头。“李蒙小姐,"他说。“什么事,波罗先生?”“这封信有三个错误。”他的话声带着难以置信的意味。因为李蒙小姐,这个可怕、能干的女人从没犯过错误。她从不生病,从不疲倦,从不烦躁,从不草率,也就是说,就一切实际意义来说,她根本不是个女人。她是一部机器——十全十美的秘书。然而,今天上午李蒙小姐所打的一封十足简单的信竟然出了三个错误,更过分的是,她甚至没注意到那些错误。 [点击阅读]
章节:28 人气:0
摘要:《在人间》是高尔基自传体小说三部曲的第二部,写于1914年。讲述的是阿廖沙11岁时,母亲不幸去世,外祖父也破了产,他无法继续过寄人篱下的生活,便走上社会,独立谋生。他先后在鞋店、圣像作坊当过学徒,也在轮船上做过杂工,饱尝了人世间的痛苦。在轮船上当洗碗工时,阿廖沙结识了正直的厨师,并在他的帮助下开始读书,激发了对正义和真理追求的决心。 [点击阅读]
章节:6 人气:0
摘要:1第一次遇到狄恩是在我与妻子分手后不久。那时我刚刚生了一场大病,对此我不想再提及了。不过它的确与那次令人烦恼、充满灾难性的离婚有关,当时我似乎觉得一切情感都已经死了。自从狄恩·莫里亚蒂闯入我的世界,你便可以称我的生活是“在路上”。在这之前,我也曾不止一次地梦想着要去西部,但只是在虚无缥缈地计划着,从没有付诸行动。狄恩这家伙是个最理想的旅伴,他就是在路上出生的。 [点击阅读]
章节:11 人气:0
摘要:已是十多年前的事了。具体的年代已经忘记。就连是从哪里来,到何处去的旅程也已想不起来。那时我刚过二十,每天在颓废中生活,当时怀疑人生的态度与刚体会到的游戏感受莫名地交织在一起。也许正因为如此,那时的记忆也就更加模糊不清了。那是艘两三百吨,包着铁皮的小木船。我横躺在二等船舱中。这是位于船尾,依照船体呈环状的铺有榻榻米的房间。 [点击阅读]
章节:22 人气:0
摘要:坐在桌子后面的那个人把一个厚厚的玻璃压纸器向右移动了一点,他的脸与其说显得沉思或心不在焉,倒不如说是无表情的。由于一天的大部分时间都生活在人工光线下,他的面色苍白。你可以看出,这是一个习惯室内生活的人,一个经常坐办公室的人。要到他的办公室,必须经过一条长而弯弯曲曲的地下走廊。这种安排虽然颇有点不可思议,却与他的身份相适应。很难猜出他有多大年纪。他看起来既不老,也不年轻。 [点击阅读]