  There remains to-day but a very imperceptible vestige of the place de Grève, such as it existed then; it consists in the charming little turret, which occupies the angle north of the place, and which, already enshrouded in the ignoble plaster which fills with paste the delicate lines of its sculpture, would soon have disappeared, perhaps submerged by that flood of new houses which so rapidly devours all the ancient fa?ades of paris.The persons who, like ourselves, never cross the place de Grève without casting a glance of pity and sympathy on that poor turret strangled between two hovels of the time of Louis XV., can easily reconstruct in their minds the aggregate of edifices to which it belonged, and find again entire in it the ancient Gothic place of the fifteenth century.It was then, as it is to-day, an irregular trapezoid, bordered on one side by the quay, and on the other three by a series of lofty, narrow, and gloomy houses.By day, one could admire the variety of its edifices, all sculptured in stone or wood, and already presenting complete specimens of the different domestic architectures of the Middle Ages, running back from the fifteenth to the eleventh century, from the casement which had begun to dethrone the arch, to the Roman semicircle, which had been supplanted by the ogive, and which still occupies, below it, the first story of that ancient house de la Tour Roland, at the corner of the place upon the Seine, on the side of the street with the Tannerie.At night, one could distinguish nothing of all that mass of buildings, except the black indentation of the roofs, unrolling their chain of acute angles round the place; for one of the radical differences between the cities of that time, and the cities of the present day, lay in the fa?ades which looked upon the places and streets, and which were then gables.For the last two centuries the houses have been turned round.In the centre of the eastern side of the place, rose a heavy and hybrid construction, formed of three buildings placed in juxtaposition.It was called by three names which explain its history, its destination, and its architecture: "The House of the Dauphin," because Charles V., when Dauphin, had inhabited it; "The Marchandise," because it had served as town hall; and "The pillared House" (~domus ad piloria~), because of a series of large pillars which sustained the three stories.The city found there all that is required for a city like paris; a chapel in which to pray to God; a ~plaidoyer~, or pleading room, in which to hold hearings, and to repel, at need, the King's people; and under the roof, an ~arsenac~ full of artillery.For the bourgeois of paris were aware that it is not sufficient to pray in every conjuncture, and to plead for the franchises of the city, and they had always in reserve, in the garret of the town hall, a few good rusty arquebuses.The Grève had then that sinister aspect which it preserves to-day from the execrable ideas which it awakens, and from the sombre town hall of Dominique Bocador, which has replaced the pillared House.It must be admitted that a permanent gibbet and a pillory, "a justice and a ladder," as they were called in that day, erected side by side in the centre of the pavement, contributed not a little to cause eyes to be turned away from that fatal place, where so many beings full of life and health have agonized; where, fifty years later, that fever of Saint Vallier was destined to have its birth, that terror of the scaffold, the most monstrous of all maladies because it comes not from God, but from man.It is a consoling idea (let us remark in passing), to think that the death penalty, which three hundred years ago still encumbered with its iron wheels, its stone gibbets, and all its paraphernalia of torture, permanent and riveted to the pavement, the Grève, the Halles, the place Dauphine, the Cross du Trahoir, the Marché aux pourceaux, that hideous Montfau?on, the barrier des Sergents, the place aux Chats, the porte Saint-Denis, Champeaux, the porte Baudets, the porte Saint Jacques, without reckoning the innumerable ladders of the provosts, the bishop of the chapters, of the abbots, of the priors, who had the decree of life and death,--without reckoning the judicial drownings in the river Seine; it is consoling to-day, after having lost successively all the pieces of its armor, its luxury of torment, its penalty of imagination and fancy, its torture for which it reconstructed every five years a leather bed at the Grand Chatelet, that ancient suzerain of feudal society almost expunged from our laws and our cities, hunted from code to code, chased from place to place, has no longer, in our immense paris, any more than a dishonored corner of the Grève,--than a miserable guillotine, furtive, uneasy, shameful, which seems always afraid of being caught in the act, so quickly does it disappear after having dealt its blow.
章节:32 人气:0
摘要:《荷马史诗》是希腊最早的一部史诗,包括《伊里亚特》和《奥德赛》两部分,相传是由盲诗人荷马所作,实际上它产生于民间口头文学。伊里亚特(ΙΛΙΑΣ,Ilias,Iliad,又译《伊利昂记》,今译《伊利亚特》。)是古希腊盲诗人荷马(Homer,800BC-600BC)的叙事诗史诗。是重要的古希腊文学作品,也是整个西方的经典之一。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:道路变得曲曲折折的,眼看着就要到天城山的山顶了,正在这么想的时候,阵雨已经把从密的杉树林笼罩成白花花的一片,以惊人的速度从山脚下向我追来.那年我二十岁,头戴高等学校的学生帽,身穿藏青色碎白花纹的上衣,围着裙子,肩上挂着书包.我独自旅行到伊豆来,已经是第四天了.在修善寺温泉住了一夜,在汤岛温泉住了两夜,然后穿着高齿的木屐登上了天城山. [点击阅读]
章节:4 人气:0
摘要:作者:伊迪丝·华顿脱剑鸣译在我还是个小女孩,又回到纽约时,这座古老的都市对我最重要的莫过于我父亲的书屋。这时候。我才第一次能够如饥似渴地读起书来。一旦走出家门,走上那些简陋单调的街道,看不到一处像样的建筑或一座雄伟的教堂或华丽的宫殿,甚至看不到任何足以让人联想到历史的东西,这样的纽约能给一位熟视了无数美丽绝伦的建筑、无数地位显赫的古迹的孩子提供些什么景观呢?在我孩提时代的记忆当中, [点击阅读]
章节:124 人气:0
摘要:杰弗里。谢弗上校很喜欢他在萨尔瓦多的新生活。有人说这个巴西第三大城市非常迷人。这确实是个充满了欢乐的地方。他在瓜拉球巴海滩正对面租了一套豪华的六居室别墅。在这里,他每天喝着甘蔗甜酒和冰镇啤酒,间或去俱乐部打打网球。到了晚上,谢弗上校——这个绰号“鼬鼠”的变态杀手——就又操起了他的老本行,在这座老城阴暗狭窄、弯弯曲曲的街道上开始了狩猎。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:在西郊地区中心,有一些小巷子,除了经验丰富的出租车司机以外,几乎没什么人知道。出租车司机们能胸有成竹地在里面游弋自如,然后得意洋洋地到达帕克巷、伯克利广场或南奥德利大巷。如果你从帕克大街拐上一条不知名的路,左右再拐几次弯,你就会发现自己到了一条安静的街道上,伯特伦旅馆就在你的右手边。伯特伦旅馆已经有很长的历史了。战争期间,它左右两边的房屋全都毁于一旦,但它却毫无损伤。 [点击阅读]
章节:16 人气:0
摘要:站台上,火车喷着蒸气,亲人们追着它跑过来。每一步,他们都高高扬起胳膊,挥舞。一个年轻的男人站在车窗后。窗玻璃的下沿到他的腋下。他在胸前持着一束白色碎花,神情呆滞。一个年轻女人把一个脸色苍白的孩子从火车站拽出去。女人是个驼背。火车开进战争。我啪的一声关掉电视。父亲躺在房间正中的棺材里。房间四壁挂满照片,看不到墙。一张照片中,父亲扶着一把椅子,他只有椅子的一半高。他穿着长袍,弯腿站着,腿上满是肉褶子。 [点击阅读]
章节:27 人气:0
摘要:结局(1)这个故事讲的是一个名字叫爱迪的人,故事从结尾处爱迪死在阳光下开始。从结尾开始讲一个故事,似乎颇为奇怪。但是,所有的结尾亦是开端。我们只是当时不知道而已。爱迪生命中的最后一个小时,像大部分其它时间一样,是在“红宝石码头”——壮观的灰色大海边上的一个游乐场里度过的。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:这种感情以烦恼而又甘甜的滋味在我心头索绕不去,对于它,我犹豫不决,不知冠之以忧愁这个庄重而优美的名字是否合适。这是一种如此全面,如此利己的感觉,以至我几乎为它感到羞耻,而忧愁在我看来总显得可敬。我不熟悉这种感觉,不过我还熟悉烦恼,遗憾,还稍稍地感受过内疚。今日,有什么东西像一层轻柔的、使人难受的丝绸在我身上围拢,把我与别人隔开。那年夏天,我对岁。我非常快乐。“别人”指的是我父亲和他的情妇艾尔莎。 [点击阅读]
章节:9 人气:0
摘要:在最初的不规则零散曲线中,几乎看不到基本数学结构的提示。||迈克尔·克莱顿几乎是乐园迈克。鲍曼一面开着那辆越野车穿过位于哥斯大黎加西海岸的卡沃布兰科生态保护区,一面兴高采烈地吹着口哨。这足七月一个阳光明媚的早晨,眼前路上的景色壮丽:路的一边是悬崖峭壁,从这儿可俯瞰热带丛林以及碧波万顷的太平洋。据旅游指南介绍,卡沃布兰科是一块朱经破坏的荒原,几乎是一个乐园。 [点击阅读]
章节:5 人气:0
摘要:一R侯爵夫人可不是才智横溢的,尽管文学作品里,凡是上年级的妇女无不被写成谈吐妙趣横生。她对样样事都无知透顶,涉足上流社会对她也于事无补。据说饱经世故的妇女所特有的吐属有致、洞察入微和分寸得当,她也一概没有。恰好相反,她冒冒失失,唐突莽撞,直肠直肚,有时甚至厚皮涎脸。对于一个享乐时代的侯爵夫人,我能有的种种设想,她都统统给破坏了。 [点击阅读]