安妮日记英文版 - AFTERWORD
  AFTERWORDOn the morning of August 4, 1944, sometime between ten and ten-thirty, a car pulled up at 263 Prinsengracht. Several figures emerged: an SS sergeant, Karl Josef Silberbauer, in full uniform, and at least three Dutch members of the Security Police, armed but in civilian clothes. Someone must have tipped them off.They arrested the eight people hiding in the Annex, as well as two of their helpers, Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman -- though not Miep Gies and Elisabeth (Bep)Voskuijl-and took all the valuables and cash they could find in the Annex.After the arrest, Kugler and Kleiman were taken to a prison in Amsterdam. On September 11, 1944, they were transferred, without benefit of a trial, to a camp in Amersfoort (Holland). Kleiman, because of his poor health, was released on September 18, 1944. He remained in Amsterdam until his death in 1959.Kugler managed to escape his imprisonment on March 28, 1945, when he and his fellow prisoners were being sent to Germany as forced laborers. He immigrated to Canada in 1955 and died in Toronto in 1989.Elisabeth (Bep) Voskuijl Wijk died in Amsterdam in 1983.Miep Santrouschitz Gies is still living in Amsterdam; her husband Jan died in 1993.Upon their arrest, the eight residents of the Annex were first brought to a prison in Amsterdam and then transferred to Westerbork, the transit camp for Jews in the north of Holland. They were deported on September 3, 1944, in the last transport to leave Westerbork, and arrived three days later in Auschwitz (Poland).Hermann van Pels (van Daan) was, according to the testimony of Otto Frank, gassed to death in Auschwitz in October or November 1944, shortly before the gas chambers were dismantled.Auguste van Pels (Petronella van Daan) was transported from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, from there to Buchenwald, then to Theresienstadt on April 9, 1945, and apparently to another concentration camp after that. It is certain that she did not survive, though the date of her death is unknown.Peter van Pels (van Daan) was forced to take part in the January 16, 1945 "death march" from Auschwitz to Mauthausen (Austria), where he died on May 5, 1945, three days before the camp was liberated.Fritz Pfeffer (Albert Dussel) died on December 20, 1944, in the Neuengamme concentration camp, where he had been transferred from either Buchenwald or Sachsenhausen.Edith Frank died in Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 6, 1945, from hunger and exhaustion.Margot and Anne Frank were transported from Auschwitz at the end of October and brought to Bergen Belsen, a concentration camp near Hannover (Germany). The typhus epidemic that broke out in the winter of 1944-1945, as a result of the horrendous hygenic conditions, killed thousands of prisoners, including Margot and, a few days later, Anne. She must have died in late February or early March. The bodies of both girls were probably dumped in Bergen-Belsen's mass graves. The camp was liberated by British troops on April 12, 1945.Otto Frank was the only one of the eight to survive the concentration camps. After Auschwitz was liberated by Russian troops, he was repatriated to Amsterdam by way of Odessa and Marseille. He arrived in Amsterdam on June 3, 1945, and stayed there until 1953, when he moved to Basel (Switzerland), where his sister and her family, and later his brother, lived. He married Elfriede Markovits Geiringer, originally from Vienna, who had survived Auschwitz and lost a husband and son in Mauthausen. Until his death on August 19, 1980, Otto Frank continued to live in Birsfelden, outside Basel, where he devoted himself to sharing the message of his daughter's diary with people all over the world.# # #Doubleday - New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland (c) 1991 by The Anne Frank-Fonds, Basel, Switzerland (www.annefrank.com) English translation (c) 1995 by Doubleday, a division of Bantam Doubleday Publishing Group, Inc. Printed in the United States of America, March 1995 ISBN 0-385-47378-8
章节:4 人气:2
摘要:一迈克·恩斯林还站在旋转门里面的时候就看到了奥林——多尔芬旅馆的经理——正坐在大堂里厚厚的椅子上。迈克心里一沉。要是我让律师一块儿来就好了,他想。哎,可现在为时已晚。即使奥林已经决定设置重重障碍,想办法不让迈克进入1408房间,那也没什么大不了的,总有办法对付他的。迈克走出旋转门后,奥林伸出又短又粗的手走了过来。 [点击阅读]
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章节:8 人气:2
摘要:1金秋10月,天气分外晴朗。一辆公共汽车正在沿着关门公路向南行驶。秋田直治坐在车中最后一排的座位上,他知道车马上就要驶到关门隧道了,透过宽大明亮的车窗玻璃,他看到深秋时的天空湛蓝而高远,没有一丝浮云。往日,北九州市因为是一座工业城市,所以上空总是被浓烟笼罩着,空气污染的十分厉害。就连与它相邻的部分地区也被污染了,香川县的坂付市,远远望去,它上空墨色的污浊气体象一片拖着长尾的薄云。 [点击阅读]
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章节:28 人气:2
摘要:第一章01“今晚值班不是小桥医师吗?”做完晚上7点的测体温、查房,返回护士值班室的宇野薰一边看着墙上贴着的医师值班表一边问。“那上面写着的倒是小桥医师,可是,听说今晚换人了。”正在桌上装订住院患者病历卡片的志村伦子对阿薰的问话头也没抬地回答说。“换人了,换的是谁?”“好像是直江医师。 [点击阅读]
章节:8 人气:2
摘要:由霸空港起飞的定期航班,于午后四时抵达东京羽田机场,羽田机场一片嘈杂,寺田绫子找到了机场大厅的公用电话亭。绫子身上带着拍摄完毕的胶卷,这种胶卷为深海摄影专用的胶卷,目前,只能在东洋冲印所冲印,绫子要找的冲洗师正巧不在,她只得提上行李朝单轨电车站走去。赶回调布市的私宅已是夜间了,这是一栋小巧别致的商品住宅。绫子走进房间后,立即打开所有的窗户,房间已紧闭了十来天,里面残留着夏天的湿气。 [点击阅读]