安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1944
  TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1944Dearest Kitty,"A bundle of contradictions" was the end of my previous letter and is the beginning of this one. Can you please tell me exactly what "a bundle of contradictions" is? What does "contradiction" mean? Like so many words, it can be interpreted in two ways: a contradiction imposed from without and one imposed from within. The former means not accepting other people's opinions, always knowing best, having the last word; in short, all those unpleasant traits for which I'm known. The latter, for which I'm not known, is my own secret.As I've told you many times, I'm split in two. One side contains my exuberant cheerfulness, my flippancy, my joy in life and, above all, my abthty to appreciate the lighter side of things. By that I mean not finding anything wrong with flirtations, a kiss, an embrace, an off-color joke. This side of me is usually lying in wait to ambush the other one, which is much purer, deeper and finer. No one knows Anne's better side, and that's why most people can't stand me. Oh, I can be an amusing clown for an afternoon, but after that everyone's had enough of me to last a month. Actually, I'm what a romantic movie is to a profound thinker -- a mere diversion, a comic interlude, something that is soon forgotten: not bad, but not particularly good either. I hate haVing to tell you this, but why shouldn't I admit it when I know it's true? My lighter, more superficial side will always steal a march on the deeper side and therefore always win. You can't imagine how often I've tried to p:ush away this Anne, which is only half of what is known as Anne-to beat her down, hide her. But it doesn't work, and I know why.I'm afraid that people who know me as I usually am will discover I have another side, a better and finer side. I'm afraid they'll mock me, think I'm ridiculous and sentimental and not take me seriously. I'm used to not being taken seriously, but only the "lighthearted" Anne is used to it and can put up with it; the "deeper" Anne is too weak. If I force the good Anne into the spotlight for even fifteen minutes, she shuts up like a clam the moment she's called upon to speak, and lets Anne number one do the talking. Before I realize it, she's disappeared.So the nice Anne is never seen in company. She's never made a single appearance, though she almost always takes the stage when I'm alone. I know exactly how I'd like to be, how I am . . . on the inside. But unfortunately I'm only like that with myself. And perhaps that's why-no, I'm sure that's the reason why -- I think of myself as happy on the inside and other people think I'm happy on the outside. I'm guided by the pure Anne within, but on the outside I'm nothing but a frolicsome little goat tugging at its tether.As I've told you, what I say is not what I feel, which is why I have a reputation for being boy-crazy as well as a flirt, a smart aleck and a reader of romances. The happy-go-lucky Anne laughs, gives a flippant reply, shrugs her shoulders and pretends she doesn't give a darn. The quiet Anne reacts in just the opposite way. If I'm being completely honest, I'll have to admit that it does matter to me, that I'm trying very hard to change myself, but that I I'm always up against a more powerful enemy.A voice within me is sobbing, "You see, that's what's become of you. You're surrounded by negative opinions, dismayed looks and mocking faces, people, who dislike you, and all because you don't listen to the ; advice of your own better half." Believe me, I'd like ;' to listen, but it doesn't work, because if I'm quiet and serious, everyone thinks I'm putting on a new act and I have to save myself with a joke, and then I'm not even talking about my own family, who assume I must be sick, stuff me with aspirins and sedatives, feel my neck and forehead to see if I have a temperature, ask about my bowel movements and berate me for being in a bad mood, until I just can't keep it up anymore, because jj when everybody starts hovering over me, I get cross, then sad, and finally end up turning my heart inside g out, the bad part on the outside and the good part on the inside, and keep trying to find a way to become what I'd like to be and what I could be if . . . if only there were no other people in the world.Yours, Anne M. Frank-----------------------ANNE'S DIARY ENDS HERE.-----------------------
章节:5 人气:0
摘要:爱德华:爱德华和汤姆这两个少年,是这篇故事的主角。他们两个人,由于偶然的巧合,不仅是同年同月同日生,而且两个人的面貌也很相似,但两个人的命运却有天壤之别。爱德华是英国的王子,汤姆则是个小乞丐。有一天,爱德华王子在宫苑里散步,看到一个卫兵正在怒责一个衣衫褴褛的少年,由于同情心,他就带这少年进入王宫,想不到却因此发生一连串意想不到的事情,差一点几就丧失了英国王位的继承权。 [点击阅读]
章节:5 人气:0
摘要:本剧作者亨利克·易卜生(1928-1906),是挪威人民引以自豪的戏剧大师、欧洲近代戏剧新纪元的开创者,他在戏剧史上享有同莎士比亚和莫里哀一样不朽的声誉。从二十年代起,我国读者就熟知这个伟大的名字;当时在我国的反封建斗争和争取妇女解放的斗争中,他的一些名著曾经起过不少的促进作用。易卜生出生于挪威海滨一个小城斯基恩。 [点击阅读]
章节:33 人气:0
摘要:范-密泰恩和他的仆人布吕诺在散步、观望和聊天,对正在发生的事情一无所知。君士坦丁堡的托普哈内广场一向因人群的来往和喧哗而热闹啡凡,但在8月16日那一天的晚上6点钟,却静悄悄地毫无生气,几乎是一片荒凉。从通向博斯普鲁斯海峡的港口高处看下去,仍能发现它迷人的景色,但里面却没有什么人。勉强有一些外国人匆匆而过,走上狭窄、肮脏、泥泞、有黄狗挡道的通向佩拉郊区的小街。 [点击阅读]
章节:23 人气:0
摘要:引言——试释玻璃球游戏及其历史一般而言,对于浅薄者来说,对不存在的事物也许较之于具体事物容易叙述,因为他可以不负责任地付诸语言,然而,对于虔诚而严谨的历史学家来说,情况恰恰相反。但是,向人们叙述某些既无法证实其存在,又无法推测其未来的事物,尽管难如登天,但却更为必要。虔诚而严谨的人们在一定程度上把它们作为业已存在的事物予以探讨,这恰恰使他们向着存在的和有可能新诞生的事物走近了一步。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:柏拉图(公元前427年-347年)是古希腊的大哲学家,苏格拉底(公元前469年-399年)①的学生,亚里士多德(公元前384年-322年)的老师。他一生大部分时间居住在古希腊民族文化中心的雅典。他热爱祖国,热爱哲学。他的最高理想,哲学家应为政治家,政治家应为哲学家。哲学家不是躲在象牙塔里的书呆,应该学以致用,求诸实践。有哲学头脑的人,要有政权,有政权的人,要有哲学头脑。 [点击阅读]
章节:59 人气:0
摘要:【作者简介】简·奥斯汀(1775~1817)英国女小说家。生于乡村小镇斯蒂文顿,父亲是当地教区牧师。奥斯丁没有上过正规学校,在父母指导下阅读了大量文学作品。她20岁左右开始写作,共发表了6部长篇小说。1811年出版的《理智和情感》是她的处女作,随后又接连发表了《傲慢与偏见》(1813)、《曼斯菲尔德花园》(1814)和《爱玛》(1815)。 [点击阅读]
章节:38 人气:0
摘要:猛兽们从深邃的山谷走来看着熟睡中的少女——威廉?布莱克紧挨着雪线有一个杜鹃花遮蔽的山谷,山谷里哗啦啦地流淌着一条乳白色的雪水融化而成的小溪,鸽子和红雀在巨大的松树间飞翔,在岩石和其下簇拥着的又直又硬的树叶间半遮半掩着一个洞。 [点击阅读]
章节:24 人气:0
摘要:这本书的思想是崇尚简朴生活,热爱大自然的风光,内容丰厚,意义深远,语言生动,意境深邃,就像是个智慧的老人,闪现哲理灵光,又有高山流水那样的境界。书中记录了作者隐居瓦尔登湖畔,与大自然水-乳-交融、在田园生活中感知自然重塑自我的奇异历程。读本书,能引领人进入一个澄明、恬美、素雅的世界。亨利·戴维·梭罗(1817-1862),美国超验主义作家。 [点击阅读]
章节:18 人气:0
摘要:——读米兰·昆德拉《生活在别处》吕新雨生存于人类的文化传统之中,我们对于"诗"、"抒情"、"美"这样的字眼,总是保持着崇高的故意。人类不仅具有抒情的能力,而且具有这种需要,基于生存的需要。这样抒情诗就不仅仅是一个美学问题,而且是一个具有存在论性质的问题,抒情态度成为人类的一种生存范畴。 [点击阅读]
章节:14 人气:0
摘要:纪德是个不可替代的榜样在二十世纪法国作家中,若论哪一位最活跃,最独特,最重要,最喜欢颠覆,最爱惹是生非,最复杂,最多变,从而也最难捉摸,那么几乎可以肯定,非安德烈·纪德莫属。纪德的一生及其作品所构成的世界,就是一座现代的迷宫。这座迷宫迷惑了多少评论家,甚至迷惑诺贝尔文学奖评委们长达三十余年。这里顺便翻一翻诺贝尔文学奖这本老账,只为从一个侧面说明纪德为人和为文的复杂性,在他的迷宫里迷途不足为奇。 [点击阅读]