安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1944
  THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1944Dearest Kitty,My blood runs cold when Peter talks about becoming a criminal or a speculator; of course, he's joking, but I still have the feeling he's afraid of his own weakness.Margot and Peter are always saying to me, "If I had your spunk and your strength, if I had your drive and unflagging energy, could. . .Is it really such an admirable trait not to let myself be influenced by others? Am I right in following my own conscience?To be honest, I can't imagine how anyone could say "I'm weak" and then stay that way. If you know that about yourself, why not fight it, why not develop your character? Their answer has always been: "Because it's much easier not to!" This reply leaves me feeling rather discouraged. Easy? Does that mean a life of deceit and laziness is easy too? Oh no, that can't be true. It can't be true that people are so readily tempted by ease. . . and money. I've given a lot of thought to what my answer should be, to how I should get Peter to believe in himself and, most of all, to change himself for the better. I don't know whether I'm on the right track.I've often imagined how nice it would be if someone were to confide everything to me. But now that it's reached that point, I realize how difficult it is to put yourself in someope else's shoes and find the right answer. Especially since "easy" and "money" are new and com- pletely alien concepts to me.Peter's beginning to lean on me and I don't want that, not under any circumstances. It's hard enough standing on your own two feet, but when you also have to remain true to your character and soul, it's harder still.I've been drifting around at sea, have spent days searching for an effective antidote to that terrible word "easy." How can I make it clear to him that, while it may seem easy and wonderful, it will drag him down to the depths, to a place where he'll no longer find friends, support or beauty, so far down that he may never rise to the surface again?We're all alive, but we don't know why or what for; we're all searching for happiness; we're all leading lives that are different and yet the same. We three have been raised in good famthes, we have the opportunity to get an education and make something of ourselves. We have many reasons to hope for great happiness, but. . . we have to earn it. And that's something you can't achieve by taking the easy way out. Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction.I can't understand people who don't like to work, but that isn't Peter's problem either. He just doesn't have a goal, plus he thinks he's too stupid and inferior to ever achieve anything. Poor boy, he's never known how it feels to make someone else happy, and I'm afraid I can't teach him. He isn't religious, scoffs at Jesus Christ and takes the Lord's name in vain, and though I'm not Orthodox either, it hurts me every time to see him so lonely, so scornful, so wretched.People who are religious should be glad, since not everyone is blessed with the ability to believe in a higher order. You don't even have to live in fear of eternal punishment; the concepts of purgatory, heaven and hell are difficult for many people to accept, yet religion itself, any religion, keeps a person on the right path. Not the fear of God, but upholding your own sense of honor and obeying your own conscience. How noble and good everyone could be if, at the end of each day, they were to review their own behavior and weigh up the rights and wrongs. They would automatically try to do better at the start of each new day and, after a while, would certainly accomplish a great deal. Everyone is welcome to this prescription; it costs nothing and is definitely useful. Those who don't know will have to find out by experience that "a quiet conscience gives you strength!"Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:自从很久以前即1759年初《道德情操论》第一版问世以来,我想到了其中可作的一些修改,以及有关该学说的种种很好的说明。但是,我一生中的种种偶然事件必然使我全神贯注于各种工作,直到现在都妨碍我常想以小心谨慎和专心致志的态度进行的修订这一著作的工作。读者将在这一新版中,在第一卷第三篇的最末一章中,以及在第三卷第四篇的第一章中,看到我已作出的主要改动。第六卷,正如它在新版中呈现的那样,完全是新写的。 [点击阅读]
1Q84 book3
章节:40 人气:2
摘要:&nbs;《1Q84Book3》内容简介“你為什麼死的?”“為了要这样再生。”“再生需要有什麼?”“人无法為自己再生。要為别人才行。”诺贝尔文学奖呼声最高的日本作家村上春树超过30年创作履歷中,自我期待最重要的一部!《1Q84Book3》突破性*完结!少年时代的爱恋,分隔二十年后再重逢&helli;天吾和青豆,两个孤独的灵魂同样的十二月,终於在这1Q84年的世界, [点击阅读]
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摘要:在王室名录上第五位叫唐·若奥的国王今天晚上要去妻子的卧室。唐娜·马丽娅·安娜·若泽珐来到这里已经两年有余,为的是给葡萄牙王室生下王子,但至今尚未怀孕。宫廷内外早已议论纷纷,说王后可能没有生育能力。但这仅限于关系亲密者之间的隐隐低语,以免隔墙有耳,遭到告发。要说过错在国王身上,那简直难以想象,这首先是因为,无生育能力不是男人们的病症,而是女人们的缺陷,所以女人被抛弃的事屡见不鲜。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:致中国的合作者、读者和书迷们:对于今年不能亲至中国一事,我深感遗憾,因此想借这封短信向你们所有人表达我的感激之情,有了你们,才有我所谓的成功。谢谢你们为我的作品中文版所付出的时间与努力,你们的厚爱尤其让我感动。我希望能在不久的将来拜访你们美丽的国家,亲口表达我的谢意。谨致最诚挚的祝愿。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我的同事希腊文教师别里科夫两个月前才在我们城里去世。您一定听说过他。他也真怪,即使在最晴朗的日子,也穿上雨鞋,带着雨伞,而且一定穿着暖和的棉大衣。他总是把雨伞装在套子里,把表放在一个灰色的鹿皮套子里;就连那削铅笔的小刀也是装在一个小套子里的。他的脸也好像蒙着套子,因为他老是把它藏在竖起的衣领里。他戴黑眼镜穿羊毛衫,用棉花堵住耳朵眼。他一坐上马车,总要叫马车夫支起车篷。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:当山冈圭介来到琴川河的上游地区,已是时近中午。山冈行走在岩石地带时,极为小心谨慎。如果从同上次一样的道路上通过,则很容易留下足印。山冈圭介连那足印也极力避免留下。他每一步都尽量地避开土质松软的地方,以及草地,把步子尽可能踩在土质坚硬的路面上以及岩石上,以免留下走过的痕迹。他的整个行动都小心翼翼。他深知,稍有不慎,就会导致严重的后果。山冈进入到岩石地带的中心部位。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:星际议会成立之后1830年,也就是新元1830年,一艘自动巡航飞船通过安赛波①发回一份报告:该飞船所探测的星球非常适宜于人类居住。人类定居的行星中,拜阿是距离它最近的一个有人口压力的行星。于是星际议会作出决议,批准拜阿向新发现的行星移民。如此一来,拜阿人就成为见证这个新世界的第一批人类成员,他们是巴西后裔,说葡萄矛浯,信奉天主教。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01你不应读此。如果你读这本书,只是想知道和弥赛亚[1](我们的弥赛亚)做爱是什么感觉,那你就不该继续读下去,因为你只是个窥婬狂而已。如果你读这本书,只因你是诗人那部《诗篇》的忠实爱好者,对海伯利安朝圣者的余生之事十分着迷且好奇,那你将会大失所望。我不知道他们大多数人发生了什么事。他们生活并死去,那是在我出生前三个世纪的事情了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:2004年3月尼采美学文选//尼采美学文选初版译序:尼采美学概要初版译序:尼采美学概要尼采(1844-1900)是德国著名哲学家、诗人。他在美学上的成就主要不在学理的探讨,而在以美学解决人生的根本问题,提倡一种审美的人生态度。他的美学是一种广义美学,实际上是一种人生哲学。他自己曾谈到,传统的美学只是接受者的美学,而他要建立给予者即艺术家的美学。 [点击阅读]
情人 杜拉斯
章节:17 人气:2
摘要:一个与昆德拉、村上春树和张爱玲并列的小资读者、时尚标志的女作家,一个富有传奇人生经历、惊世骇俗叛逆性格、五色斑斓爱情的艺术家,一个堪称当代法国文化骄傲的作家,一个引导世界文学时尚的作家……《情人》系杜拉斯代表作之一,自传性质的小说,获一九八四年法国龚古尔文学奖。全书以法国殖民者在越南的生活为背景,描写贫穷的法国女孩与富有的中国少爷之间深沉而无望的爱情。 [点击阅读]