安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944
  THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944Dearest Kitty,A new sketch to make you laugh:Peter's hair had to be cut, and as usual his mother was to be the hairdresser. At seven twenty-five Peter vanished into his room, and reappeared at the stroke of seven-thirty, stripped down to his blue swimming trunks and a pair of tennis shoes."Are you coming?" he asked his mother."Yes, I'll be up in a minute, but I can't find the scissors!"Peter helped her look, rummaging around in her cosmetics drawer. "Don't make such a mess, Peter," she grumbled.I didn't catch Peter's reply, but it must have been insolent, because she cuffed him on the arm. He cuffed her back, she punched him with all her might, and Peter pulled his arm away with a look of mock horror on his face. "Come on, old girl!"Mrs. van D. stayed put. Peter grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her all around the room. She laughed, cried, scolded and kicked, but nothing helped. Peter led his prisoner as far as the attic stairs, where he was obliged to let go of her. Mrs. van D. came back to the room and collapsed into a chair with a loud sigh."Die Enifu"hruna der Mutter,". I joked. [* The Abduction of Mother, a possible reference to Mozart's opera The Abduction from the Seraglio.]"Yes, but he hurt me."I went to have a look and cooled her hot, red wrists with water. Peter, still by the stairs and growing impa- tient again, strode into the room with his belt in his hand, like a lion tamer. Mrs. van D. didn't move, but stayed by her writing desk, looking for a handkerchief. "You've got to apologize first.""All right, I hereby offer my apologies, but only because if I don't, we'll be here till midnight."Mrs. van D. had to laugh in spite of herself. She got up and went toward the door, where she felt obliged to give us an explanation. (By us I mean Father, Mother and me; we were busy doing the dishes.) "He wasn't like this at home," she said. "I'd have belted him so hard he'd have gone flying down the stairs [!]. He's never been so insolent. This isn't the first time he's deserved a good hiding. That's what you get with a modern upbringing, modern children. I'd never have grabbed my mother like that. Did you treat your mother that way, Mr. Frank?" She was very upset, pacing back and forth, saying whatever came into her head, and she still hadn't gone upstairs. Finally, at long last, she made her exit.Less than five minutes later she stormed back down the stairs, with her cheeks all puffed out, and flung her apron on a chair. When I asked if she was through, she replied that she was going downstairs. She tore down the stairs like a tornado, probably straight into the arms of her Putti.She didn't come up again until eight, this time with her husband. Peter was dragged from the attic, given a merciless scolding and showered with abuse: ill-mannered brat, no-good bum, bad example, Anne this, Margot that, I couldn't hear the rest.Everything seems to have calmed down again today!Yours, Anne M. FrankP.S. Tuesday and Wednesday evening our beloved Queen addressed the country. She's taking a vacation so she'll be in good health for her return to the Netherlands.She used words like "soon, when I'm back in Holland," "a swift liberation," "heroism" and "heavy burdens."This was followed by a speech by Prime Minister Gerbrandy. He has such a squeaky little child's voice that Mother instinctively said, "Oooh." A clergyman, who must have borrowed his voice from Mr. Edel, concluded by asking God to take care of the Jews, all those in concentration camps and prisons and everyone working in Germany.
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摘要:布尔纳比少校穿上皮靴,扣好围颈的大衣领,在门旁的架子上拿下一盏避风灯,轻轻地打开小平房的正门,从缝隙向外探视。映入眼帘的是一派典型的英国乡村的景色,就象圣诞卡片和旧式情节剧的节目单上所描绘的一样——白雪茫茫,堆银砌玉。四天来整个英格兰一直大雪飞舞。在达尔特莫尔边缘的高地上,积雪深达数英所。全英格兰的户主都在为水管破裂而哀叹。只需个铝管工友(哪怕是个副手)也是人们求之不得的救星了。寒冬是严峻的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:曾经轰动一时,在公众中引起强烈兴趣的“斯泰尔斯庄园案”,现在已经有点冷落下来了。然而,由于随之产生的种种流言蜚语广为流传,我的朋友波洛和那一家的人。都要求我把整个故事写出来。我们相信,这将有效地驳倒那些迄今为止仍在流传的耸人听闻的谣言。因此,我决定把我和这一事件有关的一些情况简略地记下来。我是作为伤病员从前线给遣送回家的;在一所令人相当沮丧的疗养院里挨过了几个月之后,总算给了我一个月的病假。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:去国外旅行时,因为工作上的关系,我经常要在国外生活一段时间。每次做这种旅行时,我都像一棵无根之草,在陌生的国度里设法处理可能出现的困难。为此我都要做一点准备,至少可以保持心理平衡。实际上,我不过是在旅行时带上出发前一直在读的一系列丛书,不久我将独自一人生活在异国他乡,可是一读到在东京时读的这些书,胆战心惊、急躁、沉靡的我就会得到鼓舞。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:侯维瑞赫-乔-威尔斯与另两位作家约翰-高尔斯华绥和阿诺德-贝内持并称为本世纪初英国小说中的现实主义三杰。19世纪中叶,英国的批判现实主义小说在狄更斯和萨克雷等大师手中达到了灿烂辉煌的高峰。19世纪末、20纪初英国进入帝国主义阶段以后,现实主义小说依然发挥着它的批判作用,从道德、文化、经济、政治等各个方面暴露与抨击资本主义社会的罪恶。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01鲛岛脱下牛仔裤与POLO衫,正要迭好,忽然听见一阵惨叫。鲛岛停顿了一会儿,随后关上储物柜,上了锁。钥匙吊在手环上,而手环则用尼龙搭扣绑在手腕上。他用浴巾裹住下身,走出更衣室。这时又听见了一声惨叫。更衣室外是一条走廊。走到尽头,就是桑拿房了。桑拿房前,还有休息室与小睡室。惨叫,就是从小睡室里传来的。小睡室大概二十畳①大,里头只有一个灯泡亮着,特别昏暗。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我担心福尔摩斯先生也会变得象那些时髦的男高音歌手一样,在人老艺衰之后,还要频频地向宽厚的观众举行告别演出。是该收场了,不管是真人还是虚构的,福尔摩斯不可不退场。有人认为最好是能够有那么一个专门为虚构的人物而设的奇异的阴间——一个奇妙的、不可能存在的地方,在那里,菲尔丁的花花公子仍然可以向理查逊的美貌女郎求爱,司各特的英雄们仍然可以耀武扬威,狄更斯的欢乐的伦敦佬仍然在插科打诨, [点击阅读]
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摘要:我独自在横跨过田地的路上走着,夕阳像一个守财奴似的,正藏起它的最后的金子。白昼更加深沉地投入黑暗之中,那已经收割了的孤寂的田地,默默地躺在那里。天空里突然升起了一个男孩子的尖锐的歌声。他穿过看不见的黑暗,留下他的歌声的辙痕跨过黄昏的静谧。他的乡村的家坐落在荒凉的边上,在甘蔗田的后面,躲藏在香蕉树,瘦长的槟榔树,椰子树和深绿色的贾克果树的阴影里。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:J报社大阪支社的总编富永拜访浅见家,那是l1月1日的事。那天是星期天,可对于浅见光彦来说,不管是周末还是假日都与他无关。浅见昨晚深夜才从四国松山旅行回来,一回来就埋头工作到凌晨。因为约定后天之前要完成的稿件,比预定的晚了许多,虽然老记挂着这件事,可人终究敌不过睡魔。一直坚持到凌晨4点20分,本想打算稍事休息,没想到脑袋一落枕头,就沉沉睡过去了。“少爷!少爷!快起来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:varcpro_id='u179742';varcpro_id='u179742';沃格雷夫法官先生新近离任退休,现在正在头等车厢的吸烟室里,倚角而坐,一边喷着雪茄烟,一边兴致勃勃地读着《泰晤士报》上的政治新闻。沃格雷夫放下报纸,眺望窗外。列车奔驰在西南沿海的萨默塞特原野上。他看了看表,还有两小时路程。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章莉迪亚死了,可他们还不知道。1977年5月3日早晨6点30分的时候,没有人知道莉迪亚已经死了,他们只清楚一个无伤大雅的事实:莉迪亚来不及吃早餐了。这个时候,与平常一样,母亲在莉迪亚的粥碗旁边放了一支削好的铅笔,还有莉迪亚的物理作业,作业中六个有问题的地方已经用对勾标了出来。 [点击阅读]