安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1944
  WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1944Dearest Kitty,Mr. Bolkestein, the Cabinet Minister, speaking on the Dutch broadcast from London, said that after the war a collection would be made of diaries and letters dealing with the war. Of course, everyone pounced on my diary. Just imagine how interesting it would be if I were to publish a novel about the Secret Annex. The title alone would make people think it was a detective story.Seriously, though, ten years after the war people would find it very amusing to read how we lived, what we ate and what we talked about as Jews in hiding. Although I tell you a great deal about our lives, you still know very little about us. How frightened the women are during air raids; last Sunday, for instance, when 350 British planes dropped 550 tons of bombs on IJmuiden, so that the houses trembled like blades of grass in the wind. Or how many epidemics are raging here.You know nothing of these matters, and it would take me all day to describe everything down to the last detail. People have to stand in line to buy vegetables and all kinds of goods; doctors can't visit their patients, since their cars and bikes are stolen the moment they turn their backs; burglaries and thefts are so common that you ask yourself what's suddenly gotten into the Dutch to make them so light-fingered. Little children, eight- and eleven- year-olds, smash the windows of people's homes and steal whatever they can lay their hands on. People don't dare leave the house for even five minutes, since they're liable to come back and find all their belongings gone. Every day the newspapers are filled with reward notices for the return of stolen typewriters, Persian rugs, electric clocks, fabrics, etc. The electric clocks on street corners are dismantled, public phones are stripped down to the last wire.Morale among the Dutch can't be good. Everyone's hungry; except for the ersatz coffee, a week's food ration doesn't last two days. The invasion's long in coming, the men are being shipped off to Germany, the children are sick or undernourished, everyone's wearing worn-out clothes and run-down shoes. A new sole costs 7.50 guil- ders on the black market. Besides, few shoemakers will do repairs, or if they do, you have to wait four months for your shoes, which might very well have disappeared in the meantime.One good thing has come out of this: as the food gets worse and the decrees more severe, the acts of sabo- tage against the authorities are increasing. The ration board, the police, the officials-they're all either helping their fellow citizens or denouncing them and sending them off to prison. Fortunately, only a small percentage of Dutch people are on the wrong side.Yours, Anne
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摘要:谁都不怀疑哈梅西是准能够通过法科考试的。执掌各大学的学术女神,一向都不断从她金色的莲座上,对他撒下无数的花瓣,赐给他各种奖章,并使他屡次获得奖学金。大家以为,考试完毕后,哈梅西一定要马上回家了,但他却似乎并不十分急于收拾他的行囊。他父亲曾写信给他,吩咐他立刻回去。他回信说,等到考试的结果一公布,他马上就动身。安那达先生的儿子卓健拉是哈梅西的同学,和他住在紧隔壁。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《沉默的羔羊》还不能算是经典,可“名著”的殊荣它还是当之无愧的。一部书,印到四百万册以上,无论如何其影响力不能低估。《纽约时报》一九九二年的畅销书排行榜上,《沉默的羔羊》稳稳地坐着第一把交椅,而根据它改编的同名电影又在本年度一下获得了五项奥斯卡大奖,这一来更是推波助澜,使这部以悬念及恐怖著称的小说在全球范围内达到了家喻户晓的地步。我大约三年前在一个朋友的家中看到了《沉默的羔羊》。那是原版录像。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:埃及人把他们的首都开罗称之为“凯旋之城”和“东方的门户”。尽管前一称呼早已徒有虚名,但第二个称呼却是名副其实。开罗确是东方的大门。作为大门,它就不得不首当其冲地面临西方影响的冲击,而这个当年的“凯旋之城”已老朽不堪,没有还手之力了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:落水的孩子就像所有的小镇一样,战前位于郊外的这座小镇也曾显得十分宁静。然而,空袭焚毁了它。战争结束后不久,小站的南北出现了黑市,建起了市场,形成了一条热闹而狭窄的通道。这些市场又两三家两三家地被改建成住房的模样。不到一年的时间,这里便成了闹市。不过,这里的道路仍是像以往那样狭窄。在被称做电影院、游戏中心的两座建筑附近建起了十几家“弹子游戏厅”。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我亲爱的詹姆斯:你一直是我最忠实最宽容的读者之一,正因为这样,当我受到你一点儿批评,我就为此感到极大的不安。你抱怨说我的谋杀事件变得太文雅了,事实上是太贫血了。称渴望一件“血淋淋的暴力谋杀”,一件不容质疑的谋杀案:这就是特别为你而作的故事。我希望它能让你满意。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我正站在波洛房间的窗户旁悠闲地望着下面的大街。“奇怪呀!”我突然脱口而出。“怎么啦,我的朋友?”波洛端坐在他舒适的摇椅里,语调平静地问。“波洛,请推求如下事实!——位年轻女人衣着华贵——头戴时髦的帽子,身穿富丽的裘皮大衣。她正慢慢地走过来。边走边看两旁的房子。二个男子和一个中年女人正盯捎尾随着她,而她一无所知。突然又来了一个男孩在她身后指指点点,打着手势。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一艘船。梦幻之旅。巨大、气派、豪华。彩带飘舞、彩旗飞扬。鼓乐喧天、人声鼎沸。画面所具有的色彩只存在于我们的感觉里,而展现在我们面前的是单一的黄颜色,仿佛是过去多少岁月的老照片、经过无数春秋的陈年旧物。我们似乎可以拂去岁月的灰尘,历数春秋的时日,重新去领略那昔日的梦里情怀。《我心永恒》(《MyHeartGoOn》)—一曲女声的歌,似从九天而来,带着一种空蒙、辽阔的豪放之感,在我们耳际回响。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:作者简介稻盛和夫,1932年生于鹿儿岛,鹿儿岛大学工业部毕业。1959年创立京都陶瓷株式会社(现在的京瓷公司)。历任总经理、董事长,1997年起任名誉董事长。此外,1984年创立第二电电株式会社(现在的KDDI公司)并任董事长。2001年起任最高顾问。1984年创立“稻盛集团”,同时设立“京都奖”,每年表彰为人类社会的发展进步作出重大贡献的人士。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:序章乌黑发亮的太空飞船的了望台上,霸主领事端坐在施坦威钢琴前,弹奏着拉赫马尼诺夫的《升C小调前奏曲》,虽然钢琴已是一件古董,却保存得完好如初。此时,舱下沼泽中,巨大的绿色蜥蜴状生物蠕动着,咆哮着。北方正酝酿着一场雷暴。长满巨大裸子植物的森林在乌青的黑云下现出黑色影像,而层积云就像万米高塔直插入狂暴天穹。闪电在地平线上肆虐。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:序章乌黑发亮的太空飞船的了望台上,霸主领事端坐在施坦威钢琴前,弹奏着拉赫马尼诺夫的《升C小调前奏曲》,虽然钢琴已是一件古董,却保存得完好如初。此时,舱下沼泽中,巨大的绿色蜥蜴状生物蠕动着,咆哮着。北方正酝酿着一场雷暴。长满巨大裸子植物的森林在乌青的黑云下现出黑色影像,而层积云就像万米高塔直插入狂暴天穹。闪电在地平线上肆虐。 [点击阅读]