安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944
  TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944My dearest Kitty,As much as I'd like to write more on politics, I have lots of other news to report today. First, Mother has virtually forbidden me to go up to Peter's, since, according to her, Mrs. van Daan is jealous. Second, Peter's invited Margot to join us upstairs. Whether he really means it or is just saying it out of politeness, I don't know. Third, I asked Father if he thought I should take any notice of Mrs. van Daan's jealousy and he said I didn't have to.What should I do now? Mother's angry, doesn't want me going upstairs, wants me to go back to doing my homework in the room I share willi Dussel. She may be jealous herself. Father doesn't begrudge us those few hours and thinks it's nice we get along so well. Margot likes Peter too, but feels that three people can't talk about the same things as two.Furthermore, Mother thinks Peter's in love with me. To tell you the truth, I wish he were. Then we'd be even, and it'd be a lot easier to get to know each other. She also claims he's always looking at me. Well, I suppose we do give each other the occasional wink. But I can't help it if he keeps admiring my dimples, can I?I'm in a very difficult position. Mother's against me and I'm against her. Father turns a blind eye to the silent struggle between Mother and me. Mother is sad, because she still loves me, but I'm not at all unhappy, because she no longer means anything to me.As for Peter. . . I don't want to give him up. He's so sweet and I admire him so much. He and I could have a really beautiful relationship, so why are the old folks poking their noses into our business again? Fortu- nately, I'm used to hiding my feelings, so I manage not to show how crazy I am about him. Is he ever going to say anything? Am I ever going to feel his cheek against mine, the way I felt Petel's cheek in my dream? Oh, Peter and Petel, you're one and the same! They don't understand us; they'd never understand that we're content just to sit beside each other and not say a word. They have no idea of what draws us together! Oh, when will we overcome all these difficulties? And yet it's good that we have to surmount them, since it makes the end that much more beautiful. When he lays his head on his arms and closes his eyes, he's still a child; when he plays with Mouschi or talks about her, he's loving; when he carries the potatoes or other heavy loads, he's strong; when he goes to watch the gunfire or walks through the dark house to look for burglars, he's brave; and when he's so awkward and clumsy, he's hopelessly endearing. It's much nicer when he explains something to me than when I have to teach him. I wish he were superior to me in nearly every way!What do we care about our two mothers? Oh, if only he'd say something.Father always says I'm conceited, but I'm not, I'm merely vain! I haven't had many people tell me I was pretty, except for a boy at school who said I looked so cute when I smiled. Yesterday Peter paid me a true com- pliment, and just for fun I'll give you a rough idea of our conversation.Peter often says, "Smile!" I thought it was strange, so yesterday I asked him, "Why do you always want me to smile?""Because you get dimples in your cheeks. How do you do that?""I was born with them. There's also one in my chin. It's the only mark of beauty I possess.""No, no, that's not true!""Yes it is. I know I'm not beautiful. I never have been and I never will be!""I don't agree. I think you're pretty.""I am not.""I say you are, and you'll have to take my word for it." So of course I then said the same about him.Yours, Anne M. Frank
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摘要:前言1945年我曾经讯问过许多德国将领,他们一致的意见都是认为曼施坦因元帅已经被证明为他们陆军中能力最强的指挥官,他们都希望他能出任陆军总司令。非常明显,他对于作战的可能性具有一种超人的敏感,对于作战的指导也同样精通,此外比起任何其他非装甲兵种出身的指挥官,他对于机械化部队的潜力,又都有较大的了解。总括言之,他具有军事天才。在战争的最初阶段中,他以一个参谋军官的身份,在幕后发挥出来一种伟大的影响。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“这个座位有人吗?”我向独自坐在酒吧休息室里的那位年轻而有魅力的女士问道。她正在看报,抬头看了我一眼,但没有回答。我在她对面坐了下来,把我的啤酒放在两人之间的桌子上。她又看起报来,并慢慢喝着波旁威士忌①和可口可乐混合的饮料。我又问她:“你经常来这儿吗?”①这是原产于美国肯塔基州波旁的一种主要用玉米酿制的威士忌酒。“走开。”“你的暗号是什么?”“别捣乱。”“我好像在什么地方见过你。”“没有。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:为了适应我的哲学讲演的听众对一种教本的需要起见,我愿意让这个对于哲学全部轮廓的提纲,比我原来所预计的更早一些出版问世。本书因限于纲要的性质,不仅未能依照理念的内容予以详尽发挥,而且又特别紧缩了关于理念的系统推演的发挥。而系统的推演必定包皮含有我们在别的科学里所了解的证明,而且这种证明是一个够得上称为科学的哲学所必不可缺少的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:一九五七年夏天,八月,广岛。一个三十岁左右的法国女子在这座城市里。她是来参加拍摄一部关于和平的影片,她在影片中扮演一个角色。故事发生在这个法国女人回国的前夕。她在其中扮演角色的这部影片实际上已近完成。只剩下一组镜头要拍摄。就在她回法国的前夕,这个在影片中始终未提及名字的法国女人——这个无名妇女——将遇到一个日本人(工程师或建筑师),他们之间产生了一段过眼云烟的恋情。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:九月九日的下午,一如平常的下午,没有两样。任何人对于那天即将发生的不幸,毫无一丝预感。(除了一人例外,那就是住在威尔布朗姆胡同四十七号的巴克太太,她对于预感特别有一套,每次她心头觉得一阵怪异之后,总要将那种不安的感觉,详详细细地描述一番。但是巴克太太住在四十七号,离开十九号甚远,那儿会发生什么事,与她无干,所以她觉得似乎没有必要去做什么预感)。“加文狄希秘书打字社”社长K-玛汀戴小姐。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:───惊魂过山车───1我从来没有把这个故事告诉任何人,也从未想过要告诉别人,倒不是因为我怕别人不相信,而是感到惭愧。因为它是我的秘密,说出来就贬低了自己及故事本身,显得更渺小,更平淡,还不如野营辅导员在熄灯前给孩子们讲的鬼故事。我也害怕如果讲出来,亲耳听见,可能会连自己都开始不相信。但自从我母亲过世后,我一直无法安睡。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:他沉浸在眼前的场景中。一切都那么宁静,那么安谧,又那么……平常。这才是他一直盼望的生活,亲朋好友团聚——他深信,眼前正是那幅画面,尽管惟一能认出的面孔是疼爱自己的母亲。生活本该如此:充满温馨、亲情、欢笑、恬静。这是他魂牵梦索的生活,是他无时无刻不在祈盼的生活:体味暖人的笑容,分享惬意的交谈,轻拍亲人的肩头。但最令他神往的是母亲脸上绽出的微笑。此时此刻,他深爱着的母亲无比幸福,她已不再是奴隶。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我百分之九十九点九地确定我是在做梦。我之所以如此确信的理由是:第一,我正站在一束明亮的阳光下——那种令人目眩的,明净的太阳从未照耀在我的新家乡——华盛顿州的福克斯镇上,这里常年笼罩在如烟似雾的绵绵细雨之中;第二,我正注视着玛丽祖母,奶奶至今去世已经有六年多了,因此,这一确凿的证据足以证明我是在做梦。奶奶没有发生很大的变化;她的脸庞还是我记忆中的模样。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:童年不是从出生到某一个年龄为止;也不是某一个特定的年纪孩子长大了,抛开幼稚童年的国度里,没有人会死去EdnaSt.VincentMillay前言我拥有比一般人多得多的濒临死亡的经历;这并不是一件你真正会习惯的事。这似乎有些奇怪,我又一次不可避免地面对着死亡。好像注定逃不开这一宿命,每一次我都成功逃开了,但是它又一次次地回到我身边。然而,这一次的似乎与众不同。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我完整地得到了你我深知你已经属于我,我从未想到应该确定你赠予的价值。你也不提这样的要求。日复一日,夜复一夜,你倒空你的花篮,我瞟一眼,随手扔进库房,次日没有一点儿印象。你的赠予融和着新春枝叶的嫩绿和秋夜圆月的清辉。你以黑发的水浪淹没我的双足,你说:“我的赠予不足以纳你王国的赋税,贫女子我再无可赠的东西。”说话间,泪水模糊了你的明眸。 [点击阅读]