安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1944
  WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1944Peter and I hadn't talked to each other all day, except for a few meaningless words. It was too cold to go up to the attic, and anyway, it was Margot's birthday. At twelve-thirty he came to look at the presents and hung around chatting longer than was strictly necessary, something he'd never have done otherwise. But I got my chance in the afternoon. Since I felt like spoiling Margot on her birthday, I went to get the coffee, and after that the potatoes. When I came to Peter's room, he immediately took his papers off the stairs, and I asked if I should close the trapdoor to the attic."Sure," he said, "go ahead. When you're ready to come back down, just knock and I'll open it for you."I thanked him, went upstairs and spent at least ten minutes searching around in the barrel for the smallest potatoes. My back started aching, and the attic was cold. Naturally, I didn't bother to knock but opened the trap-door myself. But he obligingly got up and took the pan out of my hands."I did my best, but I couldn't find any smaller ones.""Did you look in the big barrel?""Yes, I've been through them all."By this time I was at the bottom of the stairs, and he examined the pan of potatoes he was still holding. "Oh, but these are fine," he said, and added, as I took the pan from him, "My compliments!"As he said this, he gave me such a warm, tender look that I started glowing inside. I could tell he wanted to please me, but since he couldn't make a long complimentary speech, he said everything with his eyes. I understood him so well and was very grateful. It still makes me happy to think back to those words and that look!When I went downstairs, Mother said she needed more potatoes, this time for dinner, so I volunteered to go back up. When I entered Peter's room, I apologized for disturbing him again. As I was going up the stairs, he stood up, went over to stand between the stairs and the wall, grabbed my arm and tried to stop me."I'll go," he said. "I have to go upstairs anyway."I replied that it wasn't really necessary, that I didn't have to get only the small ones this time. Convinced, he let go of my arm. On my way back, he opened the trapdoor and once again took the pan from me. Standing by the door, I asked, "What are you working on?""French," he replied.I asked if I could take a look at his lessons. Then I went to wash my hands and sat down across from him on the divan.After I'd explained some French to him, we began to talk. He told me that after the war he wanted to go to the Dutch East Indies and live on a rubber plantation. He talked about his life at home, the black market and how he felt like a worthless bum. I told him he had a big inferiority complex. He talked about the war, saying that Russia and England were bound to go to war against each other, and about the Jews. He said life would have been much easier if he'd been a Christian or could become one after the war. I asked if he wanted to be baptized, but that wasn't what he meant either. He said he'd never be able to feel like a Christian, but that after the war he'd make sure nobody would know he was Jewish. I felt a momentary pang. It's such a shame he still has a touch of dishonesty in him.Peter added, "The Jews have been and always will be the chosen people!"I answered, "Just this once, I hope they'll be chosen for something good!"But we went on chatting very pleasantly, about Father, about judging human character and all sorts of things, so many that I can't even remember them all.I left at a quarter past five, because Bep had arrived.That evening he said something else I thought was nice. We were talking about the picture of a movie star I'd once given him, which has been hanging in his room for at least a year and a half. He liked it so much that I offered to give him a few more."No," he replied, "I'd rather keep the one I've got. I look at it every day, and the people in it have become my friends."I now have a better understanding of why he always hugs Mouschi so tightly. He obviously needs affection too. I forgot to mention something else he was talking about. He said, "No, I'm not afraid, except when it comes to things about myself, but I'm working on that."Peter has a huge inferiority complex. For example, he always thinks he's so stupid and we're so smart. When I help him with French, he thanks me a thousand times. One of these days I'm going to say, "Oh, cut it out! You're much better at English and geography!"Anne Frank
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摘要:从收音机里缓缓流淌出的路唐纳森的演奏,作为此时在场两人心情的BGM明显有些不合适。光平盘腿坐在原地,伸手关掉了收音机。六榻榻米大小的房间立刻被沉默所支配。广美的表情比平时更严肃,她把日本茶倒进两个茶碗里,然后把较大的一个茶碗放到了光平面前。这个茶碗是附近一个寿司店开张的时,抽奖获得的奖品。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:有一种理论宣称,如果任何一个人真正发现了宇宙存在的原因、宇宙存在的目的,宇宙就会立刻消失,被某种更为怪异、更难以理解的玩意儿取代。还有另外一种理论宣称,上述事件已经发生了。迄今为止,故事的发展如下:起初,创造出了宇宙。这激怒了许多人,被普遍视为一种恶劣行径。许多种族相信宇宙是由某种神所创造的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:严格地说,这本书不是一个续集,因为这本书开始的时候也是《安德的游戏》开始的时候,结束也一样,两者从时间上非常接近,而且几乎发生在完全相同的地方。实际上,它应该说是同一个故事的另一种讲法,有很多相同的角色和设定,不过是采用另一个人的视角。很难说究竟该怎么给这本书做个论断。一本孪生小说?一本平行小说?如果我能够把那个科学术语移植到文学内,也许称为“视差”小说更贴切一点。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“我用他的眼睛来观察,用他的耳朵来聆听,我告诉你他是独特的,至少他非常接近于我们要找的人。”“这话你已经对他的哥哥说过。”“由于某些原因,他哥哥已经被测试过不符合需要,但这和他的能力无关。”“他的姐姐也是这样,我很怀疑他会不会也是这样,他的性格太过柔弱,很容易屈服于别人的意愿。”“但不会是对他的敌人。”“那么我们怎么做?将他无时不刻的置于敌人之中?”“我们没有选择。”“我想你喜欢这孩子。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01你不应读此。如果你读这本书,只是想知道和弥赛亚[1](我们的弥赛亚)做爱是什么感觉,那你就不该继续读下去,因为你只是个窥婬狂而已。如果你读这本书,只因你是诗人那部《诗篇》的忠实爱好者,对海伯利安朝圣者的余生之事十分着迷且好奇,那你将会大失所望。我不知道他们大多数人发生了什么事。他们生活并死去,那是在我出生前三个世纪的事情了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:耶稣对他的门徒说:“我们的朋友拉撒路睡了,我去叫醒他。”门徒互相看看,有些人不知道耶稣的话是带有比喻含义的,他们笑着说:“主啊,他若睡了,就必好了。”耶稣就明明白白地告诉他们说:“拉撒路死了……如今我们去他那儿吧。”——摘自《约翰福音》第01章路易斯·克利德3岁就失去了父亲,也从不知道祖父是谁,他从没料想到在自己步入中年时,却遇到了一个像父亲一样的人。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:寂静的春天前言副总统阿尔·戈尔作为一位被选出来的政府官员,给《寂静的春天》作序有一种自卑的感觉,因为它是一座丰碑,它为思想的力量比政治家的力量更强大提供了无可辩驳的证据。1962年,当《寂静的春天)第一次出版时,公众政策中还没有“环境”这一款项。在一些城市,尤其是洛杉矶,烟雾已经成为一些事件的起因,虽然表面上看起来还没有对公众的健康构成太大的威胁。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我不知道到底从哪儿开始这个故事,但是我还是选择了某个星期三在牧师寓所的午餐时分开始。席间的交谈大部分与将要叙述的故事无关,但还是包含得有一两件有启发的事件,这些事件会影响到故事的发展。我刚切完了一些煮熟的牛肉(顺带一句,牛肉非常硬),在回到我的座位上时,我说,任何人如果谋杀了普罗瑟罗上校,将会是对整个世界做了一件大好事。我讲的这番话,倒是与我的这身衣服不太相称。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:星期三下午的郊游从报纸上偶然得知她的死讯的一个朋友打电话把这个消息告诉了我。他在听筒旁缓缓读了一家晨报的这则报道。报道文字很一般,大约是刚出大学校门的记者写的见习性文字。某月某日某街角某司机压死了某人。该司机因业务过失致死之嫌正接受审查。听起来竟如杂志扉页登载的一首短诗。“葬礼在哪里举行?”我问。“这——不知道。”他说,“问题首先是:那孩子有家什么的吗?”她当然也有家。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:基思-兰德里在前线服役二十五年之后踏上了归途,他驾驶着他的萨伯900型轿车①,从宾夕法尼亚大街转入宪法大街一直往西,沿着草地广场②朝弗吉尼亚方向行驶,开过了波托马克河上的罗斯福大桥。他从汽车的后视镜中瞥见了林肯纪念堂,向它挥了挥手,然后顺着66号国道继续往西开,离开了首都华盛顿。 [点击阅读]