安妮日记英文版 - MONDAY, JULY 26, 1943
  MONDAY, JULY 26, 1943Dear Kitty,Yesterday was a very tumultuous day, and we're still all wound up. Actually, you may wonder if there's ever a day that passes without some kind of excitement.The first warning siren went off in the morning while we were at breakfast, but we paid no attention, because it only meant that the planes were crossing the coast. I had a terrible headache, so I lay down for an hour after breakfast and then went to the office at around two.At two-thirty Margot had finished her office work and was just gathering her things together when the sirens began wailing again. So she and I trooped back upstairs. None too soon, it seems, for less than five minutes later the guns were booming so loudly that we went and stood in the hall. The house shook and the bombs kept falling. I was clutching my "escape bag," more because I wanted to have something to hold on to than because I wanted to run away. I know we can't leave here, but if we had to, being seen on the streets would be just as dangerous as getting caught in an air raid. After half an hour the drone of engines faded and the house began to hum with activity again. Peter emerged from his lookout post in the front attic, Dussel remained in the front office, Mrs. van D. felt safest in the private office, Mr. van Daan had been watching from the loft, and those of us on the landing spread out to watch the columns of smoke rising from the harbor. Before long the smell of fire was everywhere, and outside it looked as if the city were enveloped in a thick fog.A big fire like that is not a pleasant sight, but fortunately for us it was all over, and we went baCk to our various chores. Just as we were starting dinner: another air-raid alarm. The food was good, but I lost my appetite the moment I heard the siren. Nothing happened, however, and forty-five minutes later the all clear was sounded. After the dishes had been washed: another air-raid warning, gunfire and swarms of planes. "Oh, gosh, twice in one day," we thought, "that's twice in one day," we thought, "that's twice too many." Little good that did us, because once agai the bombs rained down, this time on the others of the city. According to British reports, Schiphol Airport was bombed. The planes dived and climbed, the air was abuzz with the drone of engines. It was very scary, and the whole time I kept thinking, "Here it comes, this is it."I can assure you that when I went to bed at nine, my legs were still shaking. At the stroke of midnight I woke up again: more planes! Dussel was undressing, but I took no notice and leapt up, wide awake, at the sound of the first shot. I stayed in Father's bed until one, in my own bed until one-thirty, and was back in Father's bed at two. But the planes kept on coming. At last they stopped firing and I was able to go back "home" again. I finally fell asleep at half past two.Seven o'clock. I awoke with a start and sat up in bed. Mr. van Daan was with Father. My first thought was: burglars. "Everything," I heard Mr. van Daan say, and I thought everything had been stolen. But no, this time it was wonderful news, the best we've had in months, maybe even since the war began. Mussolini has resigned and the King of Italy has taken over the government.We jumped for joy. After the awful events of yesterday, finally something good happens and brings us. . . hope! Hope for an end to the war, hope for peace.Mr. Kugler dropped by and told us that the Fokker aircraft factory had been hit hard. Meanwhile, there was another air-raid alarm this morning, with planes flying over, and another warning siren. I've had it up to here with alarms. I've hardly slept, and the last thing I want to do is work. But now the suspense about Italy and the hope that the war will be over by the end of the year are keeping us awake. .Yours, Anne
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摘要:郑克鲁莫里斯·梅特林克(MauriceMaeterlinck,1862—1949),比利时象征派戏剧家。出生于公证人家庭,早年学习法律,毕业后随即到巴黎小住,结识了一些崇尚象征派诗歌的朋友,从此决定了他的文学生涯和创作倾向。他的第一部作品《温室》(1889)是象征派诗歌集。同年发表的剧本《玛莱娜公主》得到了法国评论界的重视,这个剧本第一次把象征主义手法运用到戏剧创作中。 [点击阅读]
1Q84 BOOK2
章节:34 人气:2
摘要:&nbs;《1Q84BOOK2(7月-9月)》写一对十岁时相遇后便各奔东西的三十岁男女,相互寻觅对方的故事,并将这个简单故事变成复杂的长篇。我想将这个时代所有世态立体地写出,成为我独有的“综合小说”。超越纯文学这一类型,采取多种尝试。在当今时代的空气中嵌入人类的生命。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:《人间失格》(又名《丧失为人的资格》)日本著名小说家太宰治最具影响力的小说作品,发表于1948年,是一部自传体的小说。纤细的自传体中透露出极致的颓废,毁灭式的绝笔之作。太宰治巧妙地将自己的人生与思想,隐藏于主角叶藏的人生遭遇,藉由叶藏的独白,窥探太宰治的内心世界,一个“充满了可耻的一生”。在发表这部作品的同年,太宰治就自杀身亡。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:人味在夜空中飘荡。狼灵停在一棵树下,嗅了嗅,灰棕色毛皮上洒满了斑驳阴影。松林的风为他送来人味,里面混合着更淡的狐狸、兔子、海豹、鹿,甚至狼的气味。其实这些东西的气味也是人味:旧皮的臭气,死亡和酸败的气息,且被更浓烈的烟、血和腐物的味道所覆盖。只有人类才会剥取其他动物的毛皮毛发,穿戴起来。狼灵不怕人,就和狼一样。他腹中充满饥饿与仇恨,于是他发出一声低吼,呼唤他的独眼兄弟,呼唤他的狡猾小妹。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:南非洲历险记--第一章在奥兰治河边第一章在奥兰治河边1854年2月27日,有两个人躺在奥兰治河边一棵高大的垂柳下,一边闲谈一边全神贯注地观察着河面。这条被荷兰殖民者称作格鲁特河,被土著霍顿督人称作加列普的奥兰治河,可以与非洲大陆的三大动脉:尼罗河、尼日尔河和赞比西河相提并论。像这三大河流一样,它也有自己的高水位、急流和瀑布。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:【一】乍看似乎荒诞不经.实则隐含作者对西班牙现实深刻的理解.作者采用讽刺夸张的艺术手法.把现实与幻想结合起来.表达他对时代的见解.现实主义的描写在中占主导地位.在环境描写方面.与旧骑士小说的装饰性*风景描写截然不同.作者以史诗般的宏伟规模.以农村为主要舞台.出场以平民为主.人数近700多人.在这广阔的社会背景中.绘出一幅幅各具特色*又互相联系的社会画面.作者塑造人物的方法也是虚实结合的. [点击阅读]
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摘要:清晨五点,哈佛大学的宗教艺术史教授罗伯特.兰登在睡梦中被一阵急促的电话铃声吵醒。电话里的人自称是欧洲原子核研究组织的首领,名叫马克西米利安.科勒,他是在互联网上找到兰登的电话号码的。科勒急欲向他了解一个名为“光照派”的神秘组织。他告诉兰登他们那里刚刚发生了一起谋杀案。他把死者的照片传真给兰登,照片把兰登惊得目瞪口呆。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:Frank and Mirjam Pressler Translated by Susan MassottyBOOK FLAPAnne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is among the most enduring documents of the twentieth century. [点击阅读]
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摘要:《廊桥遗梦》向我们描述了一段柏拉图式的经典爱情,再现了一段真挚的情感纠葛,是一部社会化和本地化思维很强的力作,《廊桥遗梦》之所以让人震惊,大概是它提出了爱情的本质问题之一——人们对于性爱的态度。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:2004年3月尼采美学文选//尼采美学文选初版译序:尼采美学概要初版译序:尼采美学概要尼采(1844-1900)是德国著名哲学家、诗人。他在美学上的成就主要不在学理的探讨,而在以美学解决人生的根本问题,提倡一种审美的人生态度。他的美学是一种广义美学,实际上是一种人生哲学。他自己曾谈到,传统的美学只是接受者的美学,而他要建立给予者即艺术家的美学。 [点击阅读]