安妮日记英文版 - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1942
  THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1942Dearest Kitty,Mr. van Daan used to be in the meat, sausage and spice business. He was hired for his knowledge of spices, and yet, to our great delight, it's his sausage talents that have come in handy now.We ordered a large amount of meat (under the counter, of course) that we were planning to preserve in case there were hard times ahead. Mr. van Daan decided to make bratwurst, sausages and mettwurst. I had fun watching him put the meat through the grinder: once, twice, three times. Then he added the remaining ingredi ents to the ground meat and used a long pipe to force the mixture into the casings. We ate the bratwurst with sauerkraut for lunch, but the sausages, which were going to be canned, had to dry first, so we hung them over a pole suspended from the cethng. Everyone who came into the room burst into laughter when they saw the dangling sausages.It was such a comical sight.The kitchen was a shambles. Mr. van Daan, clad in his wife's apron and looking fatter than ever, was working away at the meat. What with his bloody hands, red face and spotted apron, he looked like a real butcher. Mrs. D. was trying to do everything at once: learning Dutch out of a book, stirring the soup, watching the meat, sighing and moaning about her broken rib. That's what happens when old (!) ladies do such stupid exercises to get rid of their fat behinds! Dussel had an eye infection and was sitting next to the stove dabbing his eye with camomile tea. Pim, seated in the one ray of sunshine coming through the window, kept having to move his chair this way and that to stay out of the way. His rheumatism must have been bothering him because he was slightly hunched over and was keeping an eye on Mr. van Daan with an agonized expression on his face. He reminded me of those aged invalids you see in the poor-house. Peter was romping around the room with Mouschi, the cat, while Mother, Margot and I were peeling boiled potatoes. When you get right down to it, none of us were doing our work properly, because we were all so busy watching Mr. van Daan.Dussel has opened his dental practice. Just for fun, I'll describe the session with his very first patient.Mother was ironing, and Mrs. van D., the first victim, sat down on a chair in the middle of the room. Dussel, unpacking his case with an air of importance, asked for some eau de cologne, which could be used as a disinfectant, and vaseline, which would have to do for wax. He looked in Mrs. van D.'s mouth and found two teeth that made her wince with pain and utter incoherent cries every time he touched them. After a lengthy examination (lengthy as far as Mrs. van D. was concerned, since it actually took no longer than two minutes), Dussel began to scrape out a cavity. But Mrs. van D. had no intention of letting him. She flailed her arms and legs until Dussel finally let go of his probe and it . . . remained stuck in Mrs. van D.'s tooth. That really did it! Mrs. van D. lashed out wildly in all directions, cried (as much as you can with an instrument like that in your mouth), tried to remove it, but only managed to push it in even farther. Mr. Dussel calmly observed the scene, his hands on his hips, while the rest of the audience roared with laughter. Of course, that was very mean of us. If it'd been me, I'm sure I would have yelled even louder. After a great deal of squirming, kicking, screaming and shouting, Mrs. van D. finally managed to yank the thing out, and Mr. Dussel went on with his work as if nothing had happened. He was so quick that Mrs. van D. didn't have time to pull any more shenanigans. But then, he had more help than he's ever had before: no fewer than two assis tants; Mr. van D. and I performed our job well. The whole scene resembled one of those engravings from the Middle Ages entitled" A Quack at Work." In the meantime, however, the patient was getting restless, since she had to keep an eye on "her" soup and "her" food. One thing is certain: it'll be a while before Mrs. van D. makes another dental appointment!Yours, Anne
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摘要:那是一个烈日炎炎的六月天,中午时分,“小鲨鱼”号——最大的客货两用轮船中的一艘,正以它那强有力的桨轮拍打着江上的潮水。它清早就离开了小石城,现在即将抵达路易士堡。从外表看,这艘轮船同在德国河流中常见到的轮船很不相同。下部结构,仿佛是一艘大而低矮的艇。由于北美江河上有许多浅滩,这种结构可以避免一些事故。小艇上面,仿佛是一幢三层的楼房。甲板底下,安装着锅炉和汽轮机,堆放着煤和货物。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:我们的心仍旧战栗1987年我到德国后曾在柏林生活了三年。当时柏林还是一座有一堵“移动的”墙的城市。有些日子这堵墙就立在街的尽头,而在另一些日子它又不在那里了。我深信:那墙由生活在不毛之地的动物驮在背上游走。兔子和乌鸦,这些被射杀的动物就像枪管一样令我感到恐惧。墙消失了,被射杀的动物逃到乡下去了。可能它们逃亡时心也怦怦地跳,就像此前许多遭追杀者那样。当时正值严冬,墙的后方一片荒凉犹如不毛之地。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一场乐师家里的一房间。米勒正从圈椅里站起来,把大提琴靠在一旁。米勒太太坐在桌旁喝咖啡,还穿着睡衣。米勒(很快地踱来踱去)事情就这么定了。情况正变得严重起来。我的女儿和男爵少爷已成为众人的话柄。我的家已遭人笑骂。宰相会得到风声的——一句话,我不准那位贵公子再进咱家的门。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:p{text-indent:2em;}一“世间的事物,还有许多未被写下来的,这或出于无知,或出于健忘,要是写了下来,那确实是令人鼓舞的……”半个世纪以前,我出生于俄罗斯中部,在我父亲乡间的一个庄园里。我们没有自己的生与死的感觉。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:白开元译1梦,我心灵的流萤,梦,我心灵的水晶,在沉闷漆黑的子夜,闪射着熠熠光泽。2火花奋翼,赢得瞬间的韵律,在飞翔中熄灭,它感到喜悦。3我的深爱如阳光普照,以灿烂的自由将你拥抱。4①亲爱的,我羁留旅途,光阴枉掷,樱花已凋零,喜的是遍野的映山红显现出你慰藉的笑容。--------①这首诗是赠给徐志摩的。1924年泰戈尔访毕,诗人徐志摩是他的翻译。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:冬天的最后一场大雪,使二月初的高原变得格外寒冷。一个陌生人,冒着刺骨的寒风和漫天飞舞的雪花,从布兰勃赫斯特火车站走来。他浑身上下裹得严严实实,一顶软毡帽的帽檐几乎遮住了他整个脸,只露出光亮的鼻尖。套着厚手套的手,费力地提着一只黑色小皮箱。雪花飘落在他的胸前、肩头,黑色的小皮箱也盖上了白白的一层。这位冻得四肢僵直的旅客跌跌撞撞地走进“车马旅店”,随即把皮箱往地上一扔。“快生个火。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1六点钟过了。一小时前去专务董事办公室的会计科科长还没有回来。专务董事兼营业部主任有单独的办公室,和会计科分开。天空分外清澄。从窗外射进来的光线已很薄弱,暮色苍茫。室内灯光幽暗。十来个科员没精打采,桌上虽然摊开着贴本,却无所事事。五点钟下班时间一过,其他科只剩下两三个人影,唯有这会计科像座孤岛似地亮着灯,人人满脸倦容。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:【一】你好,川端康成自杀的原因是因为:他是个没有牵挂的人了,为了美的事业,他穷尽了一生的心血,直到七十三岁高龄,还每周三次伏案写作。但他身体不好,创作与《雪国》齐名的《古都》后,住进了医院内科,多年持续不断用安眠药,从写作《古都》之前,就到了滥用的地步。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1“非常抱歉……”赫尔克里-波洛先生答道。他还没说完就被打断了。打断得不鲁莽,很委婉且富有技巧性,确切他说是说服,而不是制造矛盾与不和的打断。“请不要马上拒绝,波洛先生。这件事事关重大,对你的合作我们将感激不尽。”“你大热情了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:孤独者1在芸芸众生的人海里,你敢否与世隔绝,独善其身?任周围的人们闹腾,你却漠不关心;冷落,估计,像一朵花在荒凉的沙漠里,不愿向着微风吐馨?2即使一个巴利阿人在印度丛林中,孤单、瘦削、受尽同胞的厌恶,他的命运之杯虽苦,犹胜似一个不懂得爱的可怜虫:背着致命的负荷,贻害无穷,那永远摆脱不了的担负。 [点击阅读]