安妮日记英文版 - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1942
  TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1942Dearest Kitty,My hand's still shaking, though it's been two hours since we had the scare. I should explain that there are five fire extinguishers in the building. The office staff stupidly forgot to warn us that the carpenter, or whatever he's called, was coming to fill the extinguishers. As a result, we didn't bother to be quiet until I heard the sound of hammering on the landing (across from the bookcase). I immediately assumed it was the carpenter and went to warn Bep, who was eating lunch, that she couldn't go back downstairs. Father and I stationed ourselves at the door so we could hear when the man had left. After working for about fifteen minutes, he laid his hammer and some other tools on our bookcase (or so we thought!) and banged on our door. We turned white with fear. Had he heard something after all and now wanted to check out this mysterious-looking bookcase? It seemed so, since he kept knocking, pulling, pushing and jerking on it.I was so scared I nearly fainted at the thought of this total stranger managing to discover our wonderful hiding place. Just when I thought my days were numbered, we heard Mr. Kleiman's voice saying, "Open up, it's me." We opened the door at once. What had happened?The hook fastening the bookcase had gotten stuck, which is why no one had been able to warn us about the carpenter. After the man had left, Mr. Kleiman came to get Bep, but couldn't open the bookcase. I can't tell you how relieved I was. In my imagination, the man I thought was trying to get inside the Secret Annex had kept growing and growing until he'd become not only a giant but also the cruelest Fascist in the world. Whew. Fortunately, everything worked out all right, at least this time.We had lots of fun on Monday. Miep and Jan spent the night with us. Margot and I slept in Father and Mother's room for the night so the Gieses could have our beds. The menu was drawn up in their honor, and the meal was delicious. The festivities were briefly interrupted when Father's lamp caused a short circuit and we were suddenly plunged into darkness. What were we to do? We did have fuses, but the fuse box was at the rear of the dark warehouse, which made this a particularly unpleasant job at night. Still, the men ventured forth, and ten minutes later we were able to put away the candles.I was up early this morning. Jan was already dressed. Since he had to leave at eight-thirty, he was upstairs eating breakfast by eight. Miep was busy getting dressed, and I found her in her undershirt when I came in. She wears the same kind of long underwear I do when she bicycles. Margot and I threw on our clothes as well and were upstairs earlier than usual. After a pleasant breakfast, Miep headed downstairs. It was pouring outside and she was glad she didn't have to bicycle to work. Daddy and I made the beds, and afterward I learned five irregular French verbs. Quite industrious, don't you think?Margot and Peter were reading in our room, with Mouschi curled up beside Margot on the divan. After my irregular French verbs, I joined them and read The Woods Are Singingfor All Eternity. It's quite a beautiful book, but very unusual. I'm almost finished.Next week it's Bep's turn to spend the night.Yours, Anne
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摘要:第一章1赫尔曼·布罗德翻了个身,睁开一只眼睛。他睡得稀里糊涂,拿不准自己是在美国,在齐甫凯夫还是在德国难民营里。他甚至想象自己正躲在利普斯克的草料棚里。有时,这几处地方在他心里混在一起。他知道自己是在布鲁克林,可是他能听到纳粹分子的哈喝声。他们用刺刀乱捅,想把他吓出来,他拚命往草料棚深处钻。刺刀尖都碰到了他的脑袋。需要有个果断的动作才能完全清醒过来。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:“既然野人①已经死了,”眼看周围的树林逐渐黯淡,盖瑞不禁催促,“咱们回头吧。”“死人吓着你了吗?”威玛·罗伊斯爵士带着轻浅的笑意问。盖瑞并未中激将之计,年过五十的他也算得上是个老人,这辈子看过太多贵族子弟来来去去。“死了就是死了,”他说,“咱们何必追寻死人。”“你能确定他们真死了?”罗伊斯轻声问,“证据何在?”“威尔看到了,”盖瑞道,“我相信他说的话。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:彗星的尾巴划过清晨,好似紫红天幕上的一道伤口,在龙石岛的危崖绝壁上空汩汩泣血。老学士独自伫立在卧房外狂风怒吼的阳台上。信鸦长途跋涉之后,正是于此停息。两尊十二尺高的石像立在两侧,一边是地狱犬,一边是长翼龙,其上洒布着乌鸦粪便。这样的石像鬼为数过千,蹲踞于瓦雷利亚古城高墙之上。当年他初抵龙石岛,曾因满城的狰狞石像而局促不安。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:Chapter1序章“龙。”莫兰德边说,边从地上抓起一只干瘪的苹果,在双手之间丢来丢去。“扔啊。”外号“斯芬克斯”的拉蕾萨催促。他从箭囊里抽出一支箭,搭上弓弦。“我想看龙。”鲁尼在他们当中年纪最小,又矮又胖,尚有两岁才成年。“哪怕一眼都好。”我想萝希搂着我睡觉,佩特心想。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:作品导读如果世界按照所有最美的特质划归五派:无私、无畏、诚实、友好和博学,在这样一个世界里,还会不会有杀戮、争端、夺权、暴乱?答案你知道。因为丑恶从未消失,它只是被深深地隐藏起来,妄图在某一天爆发出来,冲毁这世界。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:献给巴-瓦-安年科夫①……客人们早已散去。时钟敲过了十二点半。只有主人、谢尔盖-尼古拉耶维奇和弗拉基米尔-彼得罗维奇还在屋子里。主人按了一下铃,吩咐收拾晚饭的残杯冷炙。“那么这件事就决定了,”他低声说着,更深地埋入圈椅里,并把雪茄点上火抽了起来,“我们每个人都得讲讲自己初恋的故事。您先讲,谢尔盖-尼古拉耶维奇。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:马克思(开场白)1.播种欲望的人马克思彻底改变了我的世界观,平时从不跟我讲话的小帕利埃今天早上如此向我宣布。安托万帕利埃,这个古老工业家族的继承者,他的父亲是我八个雇主之一。他是资产阶级大财团打的最后的饱嗝——特别而毫无杂质——此时,他正为自己的发现而洋洋得意,条件反射似的向我阐述起他的大道理,甚至没有考虑到我是否能听得懂, [点击阅读]
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摘要:“就拿肯亚来说吧,”白尔格瑞夫少校说:“好多家伙讲个没完,却一个都没去过!我可在那度过了十四年的。也是我一生最快乐的一段日子——”老玛波小姐点了点头。这是她的一种礼貌性的和霭态度。白尔格瑞夫在一旁追问他一生中并不怎么动人的往事时,玛波小姐静静地寻找她自己的思路。这种司空见惯之事她早已熟悉了。顶多故事发生的地点不同而已。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:庄园农场的琼斯先生锁好几间鸡棚准备过夜,只是这一天他喝得烂醉,竟忘记关上那几扇小门了。他东倒西歪地走过院子,手中一盏提灯的光圈也随着摇摇晃晃。走进后门,他把靴子甩掉,又从放在洗碗间的酒桶里给自己倒了这一天的最后一杯啤酒,就爬上床去。这时琼斯太太早已在那儿打呼噜了。琼斯先生寝室里的灯光一灭,农场里个个厩棚就响起一阵骚动和嘈杂的声响。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在格蕾丝婚礼前的最后一个星期五,没人还会要求她工作。事实上,不管她想不想,都没人会让她干活。??打字机旁的玻璃纸盒里摆着一朵白色栀子礼花,这是她的老板阿特伍德先生送的礼物,连同礼花一起的还有个信封,里面卷着一张十美元的布鲁明戴尔商场①的购物礼券。自打那次在事务所圣诞派对上她热烈拥吻阿特伍德先生后,他总是待她彬彬有礼。 [点击阅读]