安妮日记英文版 - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1942
  WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1942Dearest Kitty,Mr. and Mrs. van Daan have had a terrible fight. I've never seen anything like it, since Mother and Father wouldn't dream of shouting at each other like that. The argument was based on something so trivial it didn't seem worth wasting a single word on it. Oh well, to each his own.Of course, it's very difficult for Peter, who gets caught in the middle, but no one takes Peter seriously anymore, since he's hypersensitive and lazy. Yesterday he was beside himself with worry because his tongue was blue instead of pink. This rare phenomenon disappeared as quickly as it came. Today he's walking around with a heavy scarf on because he's got a stiff neck. His Highness has been complaining of lumbago too. Aches and pains in his heart, kidneys and lungs are also par for the course. He's an absolute hypochondriac! (That's the right word, isn't it?)Mother and Mrs. van Daan aren't getting along very well. There are enough reasons for the friction. To give you one small example, Mrs. van D. has removed all but three of her sheets from our communal linen closet. She's assuming that Mother's can be used for both families. She'll be in for a nasty surprise when she discovers that Mother has followed her lead.Furthermore, Mrs. van D. is ticked off because we're using her china instead of ours. She's still trying to find out what we've done with our plates; they're a lot closer than she thinks, since they're packed in cardboard boxes in the attic, behind a load of Opekta advertising material. As long as we're in hiding, the plates will remain out of her reach. Since I'm always having accidents, it's just as well! Yesterday I broke one of Mrs. van D.'s soup bowls."Oh!" she angrily exclaimed. "Can't you be more careful? That was my last one."Please bear in mind, Kitty, that the two ladies speak abominable Dutch (I don't dare comment on the gentlemen: they'd be highly insulted). If you were to hear their bungled attempts, you'd laugh your head off. We've given up pointing out their errors, since correcting them doesn't help anyway. Whenever I quote Mother or Mrs. van Daan, I'll write proper Dutch instead of trying to duplicate their speech.Last week there was a brief interruption in our monotonous routine. This was provided by Peter -- and a book about women. I should explain that Margot and Peter are allowed to read nearly all the books Mr. Kleiman lends us. But the adults preferred to keep this special book to themselves. This immediately piqued Peter's curiosity. What forbidden fruit did it contain? He snuck off with it when his mother was downstairs talking, and took himself and his booty to the loft. For two days all was well. Mrs. van Daan knew what he was up to, but kept mum until Mr. van Daan found out about it. He threw a fit, took the book away and assumed that would be the end of the business. However, he'd neglected to take his son's curiosity into account. Peter, not in the least fazed by his father's swift action, began thinking up ways to read the rest of this vastly interesting book.In the meantime, Mrs. van D. asked Mother for her opinion. Mother didn't think this particular book was suitable for Margot, but she saw no harm in letting her read most other books.You see, Mrs. van Daan, Mother Said, there's a big difference between Margot and Peter. To begin with, Margot's a girl, and girls are always more mature than boys. Second, she's already read many serious books and doesn't go looking for those which are no longer forbidden. Third, Margot's much more sensible and intellectually advanced, as a result of her four years at an excellent school."Mrs. van Daan agreed with her, but felt it was wrong as a matter of principle to let youngsters read books written for adults.Meanwhile, Peter had thought of a suitable time when no one would be interested in either him or the book. At seven-thirty in the evening, when the entire family was listening to the radio in the private office, he took his treasure and stole off to the loft again. He should have been back by eight-thirty, but he was so engrossed in the book that he forgot the time and was just coming down the stairs when his father entered the room. The scene that followed was not surprising: after a slap, a whack and a tug-of-war, the book lay on the table and Peter was in the loft.This is how matters stood when it was time for the family to eat. Peter stayed upstairs. No one gave him a moment's thought; he'd have to go to bed without his dinner. We continued eating, chatting merrily away, when suddenly we heard a piercing whistle. We lay down our forks and stared at each other, the shock clearly visible on our pale faces.Then we heard Peter's voice through the chimney: "I won t come down!"Mr. van Daan leapt up, his napkin falling to the floor, and shouted, with the blood rushing to his face, "I've had enough!"Father, afraid of what might happen, grabbed him by the arm and the two men went to the attic. After much struggling and kicking, Peter wound up in his room with the door shut, and we went on eating.Mrs. van Daan wanted to save a piece of bread for her darling son, but Mr. van D. was adamant. "If he doesn't apologize this minute, he'll have to sleep in the loft."We protested that going without dinner was enough punishment. What if Peter were to catch cold? We wouldn't be able to call a doctor.Peter didn't apologize, and returned to the loft.Mr. van Daan decided to leave well enough alone, though he did note the next morning that Peter's bed had been slept in. At seven Peter went to the attic again, but was persuaded to come downstairs when Father spoke a few friendly words to him. After three days of sullen looks and stubborn silence, everything was back to normal.Yours, Anne
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摘要:秋天,经人做媒,板根祯子和鹈原宪一订了婚。祯子二十六岁,鹈原三十六岁。年龄倒很相配,但社会上看来,结婚似乎晚了点。“三十六岁还打光棍,不知过去有过什么事?”提亲时,祯子的母亲最为介意。也许有过什么事,三十六岁还没有碰过女人,似乎说不过去。但媒人说绝对没有。好像是在撒谎。作为一男人,也太懦弱了。工作已经多年,置身于男人世界里的份子是这样想的。事实上,和女人完全没交往的男人,会叫人瞧不起。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:第一章(一)这些地方的变化日新月异,它们已有了戴王冠的仙女。——莱昂德罗·迪亚斯这是确定无疑的:苦扁桃的气息总勾起他对情场失意的结局的回忆。胡维纳尔?乌尔比诺医生刚走进那个半明半暗的房间就悟到了这一点。他匆匆忙忙地赶到那里本是为了进行急救,但那件多年以来使他是心的事已经不可挽回了。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:01牧师的黑面纱①①新英格兰缅因州约克县有位约瑟夫·穆迪牧师,约摸八十年前去世。他与这里所讲的胡珀牧师有相同的怪癖,引人注目。不过,他的面纱含义不同。年轻时,他因失手杀死一位好友,于是从那天直到死,都戴着面纱,不让人看到他面孔。——作者注一个寓言米尔福礼拜堂的门廊上,司事正忙着扯开钟绳。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:在地底洞穴中住着一名哈比人。这可不是那种又脏又臭又湿,长满了小虫,满是腐败气味的洞穴;但是,它也并非是那种空旷多沙、了无生气、没有家具的无聊洞穴。这是个哈比人居住的洞穴,也是舒舒服服的同义词。这座洞穴有个像是舷窗般浑圆、漆成绿色的大门,在正中央有个黄色的闪亮门把。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:亚·法捷耶夫(1901年12月24日——1956年5月13日)全名亚历山德罗维奇·法捷耶夫。他是俄罗斯古典文学传亚·法捷耶夫统的继承者,是苏联社会主义现实主义文学的杰出代表之一。他的作品是在社会主义革命精神鼓舞下写成的;他笔下的主人公们是为建设新生活而斗争的英勇战士。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:那家咖啡馆有两道门,她总是从最窄的那扇门进出,那扇门人称黑暗之门。咖啡厅很小,她总是在小厅最里端的同一张桌子旁落座。初来乍到的那段时光,她从不跟任何人搭讪,日子一长,她认识了孔岱咖啡馆里的那些常客,他们中的大多数人跟我们年纪相仿,我的意思是说,我们都在十九到二十五岁之间。有时候,她会坐到他们中间去,但大部分时间里,她还是喜欢坐她自己的那个专座,也就是说坐最里端的那个位子。她来咖啡馆的时间也不固定。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:评论重读《静静的顿河》,那些久违了的又陌生又熟悉的人物,以及他们痛苦的思想和命运,又一次激起了我内心的热情。顿河这条伟大的河流所哺育的哥萨克民族通过战争,在痛苦和流血之后最终走向了社会主义。肖洛霍夫把拥护苏维埃、迈向社会主义称为伟大的人类真理,并把它作为作品的主题之一。肖洛霍夫对顿河无比热爱,书中经常出现作者对顿河发自内心的充满激*情的赞颂。顿河草原上散发出的青草和泥土的浓烈味道,让读者过目不忘。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1她惊叫了一声。“怎么啦?”他问道。房间里的百叶窗关着,光线很暗,但还是能看清她脸上恐惧的表情。“刚才有人动了一下门。”“呃,八成是女佣人,要不就是哪个童仆。”“这个时候他们决不会来。他们都知道吃完午饭我要睡觉。”“那还会是谁?”“是瓦尔特。”她嘴唇颤抖着小声说道。她用手指了指他的鞋。他便去穿鞋,但他的神经多少也有点紧张,因而显得笨手笨脚,而鞋带偏偏又是系着的。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:1矮男子闯进来了。矮男子头上蒙着面纱。“不许动!动就杀死你们!”矮男子手中握着尖头菜刀,声调带有奇怪的咬舌音。房间里有六个男人。桌子上堆放着成捆的钱。六个人正在清点。一共有一亿多日元。其中大半已经清点完毕。六个人一起站起来。房间的门本来是上了锁的,而且门前布置了警备员。矮男子一定是一声不响地把警备员打倒或杀死了,不然的话,是不会进房间里来的。六个人不能不对此感到恐惧。 [点击阅读]
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摘要:雪江从早上开始心情就不好。要是平常的话,肯定会训斥浅见睡懒觉的,可是今天她看见小儿子,露出一副无奈的神情,转身就回自己的房里去了。听佣人须美子说,雪江连早饭也没吃。“我妈她怎么了?”“牙疼。”“是嘛?……”浅见似乎有点幸灾乐祸似地反问道。“是的,听夫人说,装的假牙不好,像针扎似地痛。”“哦,是那样啊,牙不好。 [点击阅读]